Framework for building better websites using modern web standards and best practices
Exploring Solid as a faster alternative. Trying to move useful features I find from Remix into Solid Start.
Making Newsletter Signup Form is nice overview of Remix features. RemixKit is great.
OSS Remix apps
- Remix Supa Stripe Stack
- Remix Stripe Stack - Stripe focused Remix Stack that integrates User Subscriptions, Authentication and Testing. Driven by Prisma ORM. Deploys to
- Remix + Cloudflare Workers starter with Turborepo
- Remix Community Examples
- Remix on Compute@Edge
- Remix + Cloudflare Workers starter with Turborepo
- Remix + Deno + Rust -> Webassembly - The Air Metal Stack
- Remix Gospel stack with Turborepo - Remix template with Turborepo, TypeScript and pnpm.
- Remix + tRPC
- Remix + Preact
- Remix Barebones Stack
- Prismix - Minimal containerized Remix Stack with Tailwind CSSS, SQLite, and Prisma ORM.
- Remix + Cloudflare Workers + Wrangler2 + Tailwind + ESLint + Prettier + Vitest + Playwright
- Remix + Bun Testing
- Remix on Netlify Edge Functions (Another version)
- Remix + EdgeDB Stack
- Rewinds - Remix starter kit with Tailwind family of libraries. (Code)
- Remix sandbox repo for WASM and napi-rs
- Remix K-pop Stack - Remix + Supabase + Tailwind deployed on Netlify. (Tweet)
- Remix Blues Stack - Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with PostgreSQL, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- Remix Indie Stack - Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with SQLite, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- Remix Grunge Stack - Remix Stack for deploying to AWS with DynamoDB, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- Remix Supa Fly Stack - Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with Supabase, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- Remix DnB Stack - Remix Stack for deploying to Vercel with testing, linting, formatting, structure and mock for 3rd party API integration.
- Remix Speed Metal Stack - Remix Blog Stack for deploying to Fly with MDX, SQLite, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
- Remix RockSpec Stack - Fully configurable & customizable Remix PWA stack.
- Azure Remix Stack
- Remix Template - Batteries included Remix template with Tailwind, Prisma and powerful form utils.
- Remix Starter - Remix starter with intuitive defaults, like support for internationalization and localized URLs.
- Remix Jokes
- Tim's site
- HN in Remix
- Interactive app to demonstrate how routing works in Remix
- Jacob Ebey's Blog
- Simeon Griggs's Blog - Blog with content by and Front end in
- Turborepo with a Remix app and Prisma
- Remix Hacker News Demo built on Stream
- Remix AWS CDK Example
- Remix demo app with Fastly compute@edge adapter
- Remix Starter - Starter repo for Remix, TypeScript, React-Testing-Library and linting configured using Yarn.
- Remix Wordle Clone
- Remix PWA
- Remix Cloudflare Prisma Example
- Remix + Cloudflare Workers + Prisma
- Remix - Ink - Crisp, minimal, personal blog theme for Remix.
- Remix React Native Web Starter
- Remix + Stitches
- Hacker News Clone Remix/React
- Remix TS Tailwind Quick Start
- Remix + React 18 Streaming
- Remix GraphCMS Doc Starter
- Remix on the Bun runtime
- Remix on AWS API Gateway v2 & Lambda
- Figma Remix
- Webflix - Netflix lookalike built with Remix and Algolia.
- Remix + WASM
- RemixBlocks - Ready-to-use Remix + Tailwind CSS routes and components.
- Remix Deno JIT
- Remix infinite scroll example
- A Colorful Thing - Simple collaborative drawing app built with Liveblocks & Remix.
- Remix-Vite - Serve Remix apps locally using Vite.
- Remix Routes - Typesafe routing for your Remix apps.
- Remix Auth Google
- remix-redis-session - Simple library to use redis as your session backing store in your remix project.
- Remix Auth - Supabase Strategy
- OAuth2Strategy - OAuth2Strategy for Remix Auth.
- GitHubStrategy - GitHubStrategy for Remix Auth, based on the OAuth2Strategy.
- FormStrategy - Remix Auth strategy for working with forms.
- Remix Auth - Strategy Template - Template for creating a new Remix Auth strategy.
- Email Link Strategy - Remix Auth
- Remix Auth Socials - Collection of Remix Auth strategies for Oauth2 Social logins.
- remix-i18next - Easiest way to translate your Remix apps.
- remix-etag - Makes adding an ETag header to a response easy.
- Remix Domains - Keep your Business Logic appart from your actions/loaders plumbing.
- Remix Sentry - Example showing using Sentry with Remix.
- If you're using Remix you don't need react-query/Apollo/redux or even axios for making network requests. It's all handled for you + much more by the framework.
- Moving back to the server it makes GraphQL less interesting since you can get faster access to your db via Prisma and direct db connection.
- Remix is fundamentally built from nested routes.
- I like to have my loaders/actions be "thin controllers", no business logic just: 1. Validate the request (redirect if not authed, etc). 2. Parse the request (params, form data, etc.) 3. Call out to models (but contain no business logic). 4. Return response.
- Remix Auth - Simple Authentication for Remix.
- Remix Worker Template
- Remix Code
- remix-seo - Package for easily managing SEO meta and link tags in Remix.
- Introducing Remix v1 (2021)
- Remix Docs
- HN: Remix (2021)
- Where Remix shines at (2021)
- Remix Tutorial with Kent (2021) (Code)
- Remix Utils - Set of utility functions and types to use with
- Remix Tailwind Starter
- Remix Guide - Interactive list of awesome stuffs about Remix. (Code)
- remix-worker-template - All-in-one remix starter template for Cloudflare Workers.
- Remix Validated Form - Form library built for remix to make validation easy.
- Remix Starter Kit - Remix + Supabase starter for Typescript lovers.
- Remix + Render starter kit
- Remix Fastify - Fastify server request handler for Remix.
- Remix | Data Loading (Tweet)
- mixtarter-chakra - Remix starter template with chakra-ui and typescript setup.
- Remix Params Helper - Makes it simple to use Zod with standard URLSearchParams and FormData which are typically used in Remix apps.
- React Server Components and Remix (2021) (Tweet) (Reddit)
- Moulton - Remix Newsletter.
- Remix-related resources
- Remix | Technical Explanation
- Remix Component Data - Proof of concept for showing how you can expose loader functions from your components to use in your routes.
- Remix for Next.js Developers (2021)
- Dynamic CSS with Remix Resource Routes (2021)
- Remix Crash Course (2021)
- Remix on Cloudflare Pages (Code)
- Upload handler for Remix using Firebase Storage
- Remix Fundamentals
- Remix Serverless Starter
- remix-graphql - Utilities for using GraphQL with a Remix app.
- rescript-remix - Bindings and helpers for Remix.
- Remix vs Next.js (2022) (HN)
- ViteKit - Remix and Vite had a baby.
- Remix Conf
- Not Another Framework (2022) (HN)
- Metronome - Insights for Remix.
- Remix-Image - React component for responsive images in Remix.
- remix-electron - Electron integration for Remix.
- routes-gen - Framework agnostic CLI tool for routes parsing and generation of a type-safe helper for safe route usage. Remix driver included.
- Remix Crash - Get better insight on why your Remix app crashed during development.
- Remix Hexagonal Architecture - Using Remix SSR as an opportunity to explore hexagonal architecture for Web Apps.
- Remix Themes - Abstraction for themes in your Remix app.
- remix-middleware - Express-like middleware system for your remix loaders and actions.
- remix-postcss - Use your PostCSS Config in Remix.
- Remix SEO - Collection of SEO utilities like sitemap, robots.txt, etc. for a Remix.
- Remix React Full stack Tutorial | Crash Course (2022)
- Fix double data request when prefetching in Remix (2022) (Tweet)
- Share session and cookies between Next and Remix (2022)
- Remix Forms - Magically create forms + actions in Remix. (Code)
- Build a Project Management App with Remix (with Chance Strickland) (2022)
- Remix - Full Context Review (2022)
- Remix - Web Standards Are Cool Again (2022)
- Intro To Remix Series
- Remix Guide
- Remix Validity State - Enhanced HTML Inputs for Remix.
- Remix: The Yang to React's Yin (2022)
- Remix on Netlify
- Best features of Remix (2022)
- Remix | Backend For Frontend
- rmx-cli - CLI tool for Remix applications.
- Tailwind Purge-Per-Route Demo - Demo of a Remix app with TailwindCSS classes purged per route.
- Remix - YouTube
- Shipping to the Edge: Kent C Dodds (2022)
- Learn Remix by Building a Social Media Platform with TypeScript and Prisma (2022)
- Remix Conf 2022
- Adding route transition animations in Remix (2022)
- Remix Flat Routes - Remix package to define routes using the flat-routes convention.
- Bring back to building progressive apps with Remix (2022)
- When To Fetch: Remixing React Router - Ryan Florence (2022)
- Remix MDX
- Remix Directory - Find the Remix stack that works for you. Or add your own. (Code)
- Remix Routers - Collection of UI library implementations of the Remix Router.
- NextJS Data Patterns are Bad? I'm Coming Around To Remix... (2022)
- remix-typedjson - Replacement for superjson to use in your Remix app.
- Advanced Remix Workshop
- Remix Fundamentals Workshop
- Remix SSG - CLI for building static sites with Remix.
- Remix-Query - Keep your loader data in sync in your component without reloading the page.
- Fontsource with Remix
- Remix PWA - PWA integration & support for Remix.
- Remix compared to Next 13
- Roadmap • Hydrogen: Shopify’s headless commerce framework
- Remix web framework aquired by Shopify (2022) (HN)
- Remix-stubs - Example Remix unit testing stubs implementation and Storybook integration.
- Zodix - Zod utilities for Remix loaders and actions.
- Auth in Remix (2022)
- Remix Conf Europe
- How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0 (2022)
- Magically Create Forms + Actions with Remix Forms (2022)
- Remix Single: Newsletter Signup Form (2022)
- Remix Page Blocks - Open-Source Page Block Builder with Remix and Tailwind CSS. (HN) (Code)
- Remix Deferred (Tweet)
- RemixKit - Remix development, streamlined with Vite.
- Remix Supertokens - Exemplifying/testing Remix usage with SuperTokens.
- Remix Island - Utils to render remix into a dom-node instead of the whole document.