Use Bun for running all my TS code.
Deno has interesting ideas too.
I never use Node now as Bun is faster and has nicer dev on ramp if I want to contribute.
Bun Docs are great. I love using bunx for running binaries without installing first.
Elysia is nice web framework although I prefer Hono.
Wish someone ported dax to Bun.
- HN: Bun (Tweet) (Lobsters)
- Bun's Roadmap
- Deploy Bun app with Fly.io
- bun-dependencies - Separate repository for bun's dependencies to simplify contributing to Bun.
- Bao.js - Fast, minimalist web framework for the Bun JavaScript runtime.
- Bun + Vite + TS (test)
- siopao - Minimal routing library designed to sit on top of Bun's fast HTTP server.
- Create Bun Boilerplates - Scaffolding your bun project boilerplate.
- Awesome Bun
- Awesome Bun 2
- Awesome Bun 3
- Jarred Sumner Interview (2022)
- bun-utilities - Bindings for useful functions for bun.
- Bun gets “bun:FFI” – call native libraries from JavaScript
- Bun discord bot - Official serverless discord bot for bun discord server.
- Burm - Simple, fast, reliable Object Relationship Manager for Bun.
- Bun Bakery - Web framework for Bun. It uses a file based router in style like svelte-kit. No need to define routes during runtime.
- blipgloss - Style definitions for nice terminal layouts.
- bvm - Bun Version Manager.
- bnx - zx inspired shell for Bun/Node.
- Oily - Blazingly fast Bun.js filesystem router, with an unpleasantly smooth experience.
- PatchBay - Modular, declarative web framework for Bun.
- Jarred Sumner - Bun (2022)
- Melonpan - Simple and minimalistic web-router designed to work with Bun, keeping performance in mind.
- Bun AWS Lambda
- bkg - Package Bun apps into a single executable.
- Bun Tea - Fast, Bun-powered, and Bun-only(for now) Web API framework with full Typescript support.
- Elysia - Fast and friendly Bun web framework.
- Bun v0.3.0 (2022) (HN) (Tweet)
- Bunview - Cross-platform library to build web-based GUIs for desktop applications.
- Bun HTTP Framework Benchmark - Compare throughput benchmark from various Bun HTTP framework.
- Elysia with HMR
- jlbun - Using Julia in Bun.
- KVBase - Key-value store for Bun. It internally uses bun:sqlite for the storage.
- Bun 0.5 (2023) (HN)
- Is Bun Ready Yet (Code)
- Vercel Bun - Bun runtime for Vercel Serverless Functions.
- Grapie - SSR framework for Bun.
- Eden - Fully type-safe Elysia client.
- Using LiteFS with Bun on Fly.io (2023)
- Setup Bun - Download, install, and setup Bun in GitHub Actions.
- Bun v0.5.7 (2023) (HN)
- Action Setup Bun - Setup GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Bun.