- eslint-plugin-unicorn - Various awesome ESLint rules.
- Example ESLint config
- eslint-formatter-github - See ESLint errors and warnings directly in pull requests.
- pretty-imports - No more mixes of default and named imports. Automatically prettify and sort your import statements.
- eslint-gitignore - Utility for ESLint respecting
files. - eslint-plugin-echobind - Echobind's recommended eslint rules and configs.
- ESLint code
- eslint-plugin-deprecation - ESLint rule that reports usage of deprecated code.
- eslint-remote-tester - CLI tool for testing given ESlint rules against multiple repositories at once.
- eslint-plugin-etc - More general-purpose (TypeScript-related) ESLint rules.
- lint-diff - Run eslint only in the changed parts of the code.
- eslint-plugin-import - ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports.
- eslint-plugin-fp - ESLint rules for functional programming.
- eslint-plugin-immutable - ESLint plugin to disable all mutation in JavaScript.
- Code Quality Tools - Monorepo with some frequently-used configurations we use on projects.
- eslint-plugin-clean-regex - ESLint plugin for writing better regular expressions.
- eslint-plugin-xstate - ESLint plugin to check for common mistakes and enforce good practices when using XState.
- eslint-utils - Provides utility functions and classes for make ESLint custom rules.
- eslint-nibble - Ease into ESLint, by fixing one rule at a time.
- eslint-plugin-stedi-aws-rules - Best practices around using AWS SDK in JavaScript & Typescript projects.
- What if ESLint's configuration worked like elm-review? (2021) (Lobsters)
- eslint-plugin-effector - Enforcing best practices for Effector.
- eslint-define-config - Provide a defineConfig function for .eslintrc.js files.
- eslint-plugin-testing-library - ESLint plugin to follow best practices and anticipate common mistakes when writing tests with Testing Library.
- eslint-plugin-react-memo - Enforce that all function components are wrapped in React.memo, and that all props and deps are wrapped in useMemo/useCallback so they donβt break memo.
- kyleshevlin/eslint-plugin - Personal collection of ESLint rules. (Reddit)
- eslint-plugin-arca - Various ESLint rules tailored to the author's preferred style.
- eslint-find-rules - Find built-in ESLint rules you don't have in your custom config.
- Canonical ESLint Config - Most comprehensive ES code style guide.
- Airbnb's ESLint config with TypeScript support
- eslint-plugin-unused-imports - Find and remove unused es6 module imports.
- eslint-config-standard-with-typescript - Extension of eslint-config-standard, made for TypeScript.
- standard-engine - Wrap your own eslint rules in a easy-to-use command line tool and/or a JS module.
- eslint-config-hardcore - Most strict (yet practical) ESLint config. 32 plugins. 1023 rules.
- Storybook's eslint & prettier config
- TypeStrict - ESLint config focused on maximizing type safety.
- eslint-plugin-relations - Controls relationships between folders and packages in a monorepo environment.
- eslint-plugin-functional - ESLint rules to disable mutation and promote fp in JavaScript and TypeScript.
- suppress-eslint-errors - Suppress existing violations of new eslint rules and get back to building stuff.
- eslint-plugin-graphql - Check your GraphQL query strings against a schema.
- Eric Crosson ESLint config
- eslint-plugin-i18n-json - Fully extendable eslint plugin for JSON i18n translation files.
- ESLint, Prettier and Editorconfig shared by Netlify's Node.js projects
- eslint-plugin-react - React specific linting rules for ESLint.
- eslint_d - Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet.
- eslint-plugin-eslint-comments - Additional ESLint rules for ESLint directive comments.
- eslint-config-typed-fp - Opinionated ESLint config to encourage pure(ish), typeful functional programming in TypeScript.
- ESLint Interactive - CLI tool to fix huge number of ESLint errors.
- Anthony Fu's Eslint config
- eslint-plugin-d - Run ESLint on your changed lines only. Now with CI support.
- ESLint rules extracted from SonarJS
- SonarJS rules for ESLint
- ESLint-Plugin-Lodash
- eslint-config-clarity - Collection of ESLint configs to ensure code consistency and clarity.
- eslint-plugin-local-rules - Plugin for ESLint that allows you to use project-specific rules.
- eslint-rule-composer - Utility for composing ESLint rules from other ESLint rules.
- eslint-import-resolver-typescript - Adds TypeScript support to eslint-plugin-import.
- The most important ESLint rule: max-params
- Griko Nibras's ESLint config
- Codely's ESLint
- eslint-plugin-boundaries - Eslint plugin checking architecture boundaries between elements.
- eslint-plugin-promise - Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises.
- eslint-plugin-array-func - Rules for Array functions and methods.
- eslint-plugin-typescript-sort-keys - Linter plugin to require sorting interface and string enum keys.
- Shared JS Config by Guild
- Official ESLint plugin for Storybook
- FeatureSliced ESLint config
- Zod linting rules for ESLint
- ESLint Export Scope plugin - Disallows importing scoped exports outside their scope.
- Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - ESLint (2023)
- ESLint plugin for UnoCSS
- eslint-etc - Utils for ESLint TypeScript rules.