React components
I now am using Solid for all my web apps and static sites, so trying to port many useful components from here to Solid.
React Spectrum & shadcn UI have quality UI components. React TS Form or HouseForm are great for form handling.
Ladle seem like nice alternative to Storybook. How to use Props in React is a good read.
Sonner has nice component code.
- Belle - Configurable React Components with great UX.
- React Table - Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids for React. (HN)
- Blueprint - React-based UI toolkit for the web.
- Ant Design - UI Design Language.
- kit - Tools for developing, documenting, and testing React component libraries.
- React Spring - Set of simple, spring-physics based primitives (as in building blocks) that should cover most of your UI related animation needs.
- SVGR - Transform SVGs into React components.
- Shopify - Shopifyβs product component library.
- react-jsonschema-form - React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema.
- react-dropzone - Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js
- React Kawaii - Cute React UI Components.
- React Select
- Primer Components - Primer React components.
- react-movable - Drag and drop for your React lists and tables. Accessible. Tiny.
- Semantic UI React - Official Semantic-UI-React integration.
- React Sidebar - Sidebar component for React.
- The Platform - Web API's turned into React Hooks and Suspense-friendly React components.
- Reakit - Toolkit for building really interactive UIs with React.
- libreact - Collection of useful React components.
- React Circular Progressbar - Circular progress indicator.
- React Window - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
- React Flip Toolkit - Utility library for highly configurable layout transitions.
- React Calendar
- Recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
- Found - Extensible route-based routing for React applications.
- Reuse - Reuse different React components to create new ones.
- React Geosuggest - React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
- loadable-components - React code splitting made easy. Reduce your bundle size without stress.
- react-tiny-virtual-list - Tiny but mighty list virtualization library, with zero dependencies.
- React Morph - Morphing UI transitions made simple.
- React Virtuoso - Simple, easy to use React component made to render huge data lists.
- Tipple - Lightweight dependency-free library for fetching data over REST with React.
- react-component-benchmark - Component to help benchmark React components and their trees.
- react-async-component - Resolve components asynchronously, with support for code splitting and advanced server side rendering use cases.
- react-teleporter - Teleport React components in the same React tree.
- re-resizable - Resizable component for React.
- react-tiniest-router - Tiniest router for React, built with hooks.
- react-content-loader - SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook cards loading).
- react-hook-form - Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy to use validation.
- rest-hooks - Delightful data fetching for React.
- Framer Motion - Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React. (Web) (Visual debugger for Framer Motion)
- react-highlight-words - React component to highlight words within a larger body of text.
- Hooked-Form - Form library implemented with Hooks.
- stated-bean - Light but scalable state management library with react hooks, inspired by unstated-next.
- Why Did You Render - Monkey patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders.
- react-day-picker - Flexible date picker for React.
- react-a11y-dialog - React component for a11y-dialog relying on React portals to ease the use of accessible dialog windows in React applications.
- prism-react-renderer - Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism).
- Naph - React Component for rendering Node Graphs.
- React Spinners - Collection of loading spinner components for react.
- react-teleporter - Teleport React components in the same React tree.
- Stack Styled - Stacking layouts for React.
- Rethinking Navigation - Exploration of a component-first API for React Navigation for building more dynamic navigation solutions.
- craft.js - React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors.
- React Iframe - Simple solution for using iframes in React.
- clack-react - Provides two React components that enable keyboard shortcuts in React.
- React Wizard Primitive - React wizard primitive - built with hooks.
- console-feed - Captures console.log's into a React Component.
- react-json-view - React component for displaying and editing javascript arrays and JSON objects.
- react-suspense-router - React Router for React Suspense and Render-as-You-Fetch.
- react-range - Range input with a slider. Accessible. Bring your own styles and markup.
- react-markdown - Renders Markdown as pure React components.
- React Stripe.js - React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements.
- React Split Pane - React split-pane component.
- react-soft-slider - Simple, fast and impartial slider.
- restful-react - Consistent, declarative way of interacting with RESTful backends, featuring code-generation from Swagger and OpenAPI specs.
- Iconify - Modern open source SVG alternative to glyph fonts.
- Formsy - Form input builder and validator for React.
- React Frontload - Async data loading for React components, on client & server. (Docs)
- stop-runaway-react-effects - Catches situations when a react use(Layout)Effect runs repeatedly in rapid succession.
- react-zoom-pan-pinch - Super fast and light react npm package for zooming, panning and pinching html elements in easy way.
- ReactShadow - Utilise Shadow DOM in React with all the benefits of style encapsulation.
- React GridList - Virtual-scrolling GridList component based on CSS Grids.
- React Charts - Simple, immersive and interactive charts for React.
- Spinners React - Lightweight SVG/CSS spinners for React.
- hamburger-react - Animated hamburger menu icons for React.
- react-see-through - Draw attention to the important parts of your website.
- react-error-boundary - Simple reusable React error boundary component.
- Eitherx - Super simple, reusable either-or error boundaries for React.
- Motion Layout - Beautiful immersive React hero animations.
- React Focus Lock - Browser friendly focus lock.
- Bedrock - Foundational Layout Primitives for your React App.
- React-Focus-On - Solution for WAI ARIA compatible modal dialogs or full-screen tasks.
- downshift - Primitive to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant enhanced input React components.
- Muuri-React - React implementation of the amazing Muuri layout engine.
- react-flow-diagram - Batteries included React Component for rendering, creating and editing Diagrams.
- react-diagrams - Super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react that just works.
- React Flow - Library for Rendering Interactive Graphs. (Article) (HN) (HN 2) (Web)
- React Flow Chart - Flexible, stateless, declarative flow chart library for react.
- react-polymorphic-types - Zero-runtime polymorphic component definitions for React.
- react-scroll-percentage - Monitor the scroll percentage of a component inside the viewport, using the IntersectionObserver API.
- react-magnifier - React image zoom component.
- ReactReparenting - Reparenting tools for React. (Web) (Article)
- windups - Typewriter effect library for React. (Web)
- React Shimmer - Async loading, performant Image component for React.js.
- react-textarea-autosize - Drop-in replacement for the textarea component which automatically resizes textarea as content changes.
- Caldera - Server-side execution environment for React.
- react-tooltip - React tooltip component.
- react-sortable-pane - Sortable and resizable pane component for React.
- gooey-react - Gooey effect for React, used for shape blobbing. (Web)
- konva-grid - Declarative React Canvas Grid primitive for Data table, Pivot table, Excel Worksheets.
- react-spring-lightbox - Flexible image gallery lightbox with native-feeling touch gestures and buttery smooth animations, built with react-spring.
- React-Toastify - React notification made easy.
- React Ranger - Hooks for building range and multi-range sliders in React.
- react-simple-maps - Create beautiful SVG maps in react with d3-geo and topojson using a declarative api.
- SWR + Firestore - Implement Vercel's useSWR for querying Firestore in React/React Native/Expo apps.
- react-collapse-pane - Splittable, draggable, collapsible panel layout library.
- FlexLayout - Multi-tab layout manager.
- Formik - Build forms in React, without the tears. (Formik vs Plain React for Forms β Worth it?) (Formik Devtools) (Discord)
- FullCalendar - Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar.
- React DnD - Drag and Drop for React. (The secret is itβs just one flat list with pointers and css to make it look nested) (Multi List Drag and Drop With react-beautiful-dnd, Immer, and useReducer) (Docs) (react-dnd-accessible-backend)
- react-smooth-dnd - React wrapper components for smooth-dnd.
- FullCalendar - Official React component for FullCalendar.
- React Cookies - Load and save cookies within your React application.
- react-sortablejs - React component built on top of the mature drag and drop library, Sortable.
- Reactive - Reactive approach to create React application.
- react-recaptcha - React.js reCAPTCHA for Google.
- React-Chrono - Modern Timeline component for React. (HN)
- react-force-graph - React component for 2D, 3D, VR and AR force directed graphs.
- jsxui - Primitive elements to build isomorphic user interfaces in React.
- raam - Beautifully boring cosmetic-free primitives for structure and layout. (Web)
- Notistack - Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other.
- React Hotkey Tooltip - Global Hotkey provider with built in tooltip for React.
- react-contenteditable - React component for a div with editable contents.
- use-tweaks - Tweak React components with Tweakpanes.
- repng - React component to PNG converter, built with Puppeteer.
- react-calendly - Calendly integration for React apps.
- react-s3-uploader - Provides a React component that automatically uploads to an S3 Bucket.
- beautiful-react-diagrams - Tiny collection of lightweight React components for building diagrams with ease.
- Rough Charts - Responsive, composable react charting library with a hand-drawn style.
- React iOS Corners - iOS like border-radius corners react component.
- React Insta Stories - React component for Instagram like stories.
- Reapop - Simple and customizable React notifications system.
- react-responsive-modal - Simple responsive react modal.
- Graph editor - React component which enables creating flow editors with ease.
- React Lite YouTube Embed
- Lioness - React library for efficiently implementing Gettext localization.
- React Command Palette - Accessible browser compatible javascript command palette.
- React Leaflet - React components for Leaflet maps.
- React ApexCharts - React.js wrapper for ApexCharts to build interactive visualizations in react.
- dnd kit - Modern drag and drop toolkit for React. (Web)
- react-archer - Draw arrows between DOM elements in React.
- React Layout Components - Layout components for React, primarily inspired by Every Layout.
- React Popper - React wrapper around Popper tooltip library.
- react-overlays - Utilities for creating robust overlay components.
- suspendable - Utilities to create resources that can suspend in React.
- Procedural GL React - React component for the Procedural GL JS library. (HN)
- Renderlesskit React - Headless components/hooks that are accessible, composable, customizable from low level to build your own UI & Design System.
- react-virtualized-tree - Virtualized tree view component making use of react.
- Glide Data Grid - High-performance React grid component, with rich rendering and first-class TypeScript support. (Reddit)
- React Colorful - Tiny color picker component for React and Preact apps.
- Homebase React - Graph database for delightful React state management.
- react-svg - React component that injects SVG into the DOM.
- Gitalk - Modern comment component based on GitHub Issue and Preact.
- Mafs - React components for math visualization. (Docs) (Web) (HN)
- react-masonry-css - React Masonry layout component powered by CSS, dependency free.
- Bumbag - Friendly React UI Kit suitable for MVPs or large-scale applications. (Code)
- ractive-player - Library for interactive videos in React. (Web)
- Slang - Theme-able react component library for fast UI development.
- React-Menu - Accessible, responsive, and customizable React menu library.
- Leva - React-first components GUI.
- react-ast - Render abstract syntax trees using react.
- Chakra-UI AutoComplete - Accessible Autocomplete Utility for Chakra UI that composes Downshift ComboBox.
- Supabase UI - React UI library.
- Reactjs-popup - React Popup Component - Modals, Tooltips and Menus. All in one.
- use-click-outside - React hook to detect clicks outside of the components. With shadow DOM support.
- Playground - HTML, CSS and JS demonstration component that runs entirely in the browser and does not require loading any third party sites.
- JSON Schema Viewer
- Inspx - Pixel perfect layout inspection.
- Embrace - Typesafe, declarative, and composable UI engine on top of React and Focal.
- React ECS - Declarative Entity Component System for React.
- Replay - React video player facilitating adaptive stream playback with custom UI and a React-friendly API.
- candycode/elements - Basic ingredients for baking custom React components spiced with spring physics.
- Mantine - React components and hooks library with native dark theme support and focus on usability, accessibility and developer experience. (Web) (Reddit) (Reddit)
- re-position - Drag, resize, and rotate all in one flexible React component.
- masonic - High-performance masonry layouts for React.
- react-loosely-lazy - Use advanced React async components patterns today.
- Supabase Grid - React component to display your PostgreSQL table data.
- threaded-comments - Reddit styled threaded comments using Supabase and Next.js.
- Nano Stores - Tiny (198 bytes) state manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores. (Tweet)
- React Lazy Hydration - Lazy Hydration for Server Rendered React Components.
- React Super Command - Sleek command line modal for React apps.
- React Complex Tree - Unopinionated Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select and Drag-And-Drop.
- react-easy-sort - React component to sort items in lists or grids.
- ReactToPrint - Print React components in the browser.
- react-calendar - Headless Calendar UI Library based plugin system.
- React Aspen - Most advanced nested tree renderer for React apps.
- react-map-interaction - Add map like zooming and dragging to any element.
- Remount - Mount React components to the DOM using custom elements.
- React Scroll Parallax - React components to create parallax scroll effects for banners, images or any other DOM elements.
- react-xarrows - Draw arrows between components in React.
- react-code-blocks - React components for rendering code snippets with syntax highlighting.
- reaflow - React library for building workflow editors, flow charts and diagrams.
- React Financial Charts - Charts dedicated to finance.
- ReactPlayer - React component for playing a variety of URLs.
- Vechai UI - Collection of Accessible React UI Components using TailwindCSS. (Docs)
- vazco/uniforms - Set of React libraries for building forms from every schema. (Web)
- React Fullscreen Image - Accessible, fast, and snappy full screen React image viewer.
- React Sizeme - Make your React Components aware of their width and height.
- NextUI - Beautiful, fast,modern React UI Library. (Code)
- React Date Picker - Simple and reusable Datepicker component for React. (Web)
- focus-trap-react - React component that traps focus.
- react-embed - Embed 3rd party widgets.
- Choc UI - Prebuilt Chakra UI Higher Order Components. (Web)
- LottiePlayer - Lottie web player as a react component.
- React Autosuggest - WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component.
- react-chartjs-2 - React wrapper for Chart.js.
- replicache-react - Miscellaneous utilities for using Replicache with React.
- ClickableBox - React component to add
to HTML elements without sacrificing accessibility. - react-intersection-observer - React implementation of the Intersection Observer API to tell you when an element enters or leaves the viewport.
- react-ux-form - Simple, fast, and opinionated form library for React & React Native focusing on UX.
- React Overlay Trigger - Auto repositioning overlay component for react. (Article)
- Nice Modal - Small, zero dependency utility to manage modals in a natural way for React.
- React InfiniteGrid - React component that can arrange items infinitely according to the type of grids.
- React-Location - Enterprise Client-Side Routing for React. (Docs)
- tldraw/core - TLDraw core renderer and utilities.
- React Freeze - Prevent React component subtrees from rendering. (Experimenting with React Freeze)
- react-ancenstry - Get the component ancestry in React.
- typeahead - Small, fast, opinionated autocomplete input for React.
- co-media - React library for accessing browser media like camera, microphone, screen capture, etc.
- React Responsive Carousel - React.js Responsive Carousel (with Swipe).
- Theme Provider - Set of utilities that help you create your own React theming system in few easy steps.
- Splitter - React component for building split views like in VS Code.
- React-Transition-State - Perform animation and transition of React component with ease.
- Graphire - Declarative and unopinionated graph visualization library for React.
- React Flow Smart Edge - Special Edge for React Flow that never intersects with other nodes.
- rci - Better code inputs for the web.
- Formiz - React forms with ease! Composable, headless & with built-in multi steps.
- restack - SwiftUI inspired layouts for React.
- react-rewards - Microinteractions you can use to reward your users for little things and make them smile.
- Informed - Lightweight framework and utility for building powerful forms in React applications.
- react-lineto - Draw a line between two elements in React.
- Hacky - Functional component-based UI library.
- Charts.css React
- Editable React Table - React table built to resemble a database.
- React Layers Manager - Manage layers and z-index in React applications effectively.
- chakra-react-select - Chakra-ui wrapper for the popular select library react-select.
- Formily - Alibaba Group Unified Form Solution -- Support React/ReactNative/Vue2/Vue3.
- React Feather Icons
- react-i18next - Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
- yandex/ui - Yandex UI Kit build on React and bem-react.
- iframe-resizer-react - Enables the automatic resizing of the height and width of both same and cross domain iFrames to fit their contained content.
- React Table Library
- React Zorm - Type safe <form> for React using Zod.
- LYTS - Layout primitives for React. (Tweet)
- Rough Notation React
- React Lazylog - React component that loads and views remote text in the browser lazily and efficiently.
- react-spring-bottom-sheet - Built on top of react-spring and react-use-gesture.
- react-photoswipe-gallery - Configurable and flexible React component wrapper around PhotoSwipe.
- React-Resizable - Simple React component that is resizable with a handle.
- React Loading Skeleton - Make beautiful, animated loading skeletons that automatically adapt to your app.
- react-aria-components - Prototype of a higher level component-based API on top of React Aria.
- react-layout - Layout primitives for React, including Box, Cluster, Grid, Row, Column, and Layer.
- UI Kit for Cube Cloud - UI Framework for Cube Projects. Based on React Aria.
- React tags - Simple tagging component for your projects.
- rich-textarea - Small customizable textarea for React to colorize, highlight, decorate texts, offer autocomplete and much more.
- react-cursor-chat - React component helps bring Figma's Cursor Chat to your web applications.
- heart-switch - Heart-shaped toggle switch component for React.
- react-select-search - Lightweight select component for React.
- react-portabletext - Render Portable Text with React.
- Fomir - Schema-First Form Library. (Docs)
- react-tree - Hierarchical tree component for React in Typescript.
- React Awesome Shapes - Insert Awesome Shapes into Your React Site with Ease.
- React Photo View - Exquisite React photo preview component.
- React H5 Audio Player - React audio player component with UI. It provides time indicator on both desktop and mobile devices.
- react-ansi-dumi - Foldable and searchable ansi log viewer for React.
- Interweave - React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text with matchers, render emoji characters, and much more.
- React Cool Img
- spacefold - Use Pub/Sub pattern inside your React applications easily.
- React Resize Detector - Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection for React.
- react-spline - Allows you to export and use Spline scenes directly in your React websites.
- React Use Intercom - React Intercom integration powered by hooks.
- React Arborist - Sortable, virtual, customizable tree component for React. (HN)
- Stream Chat React SDK - React components for Stream Chat, a service for building chat applications.
- Allotment - React split-pane component.
- react-helmet-async - Thread-safe Helmet for React 16+ and friends.
- compose-providers - Compose your React provider components to avoid boilerplates.
- GitLanding - Create a beautiful landing page for your GitHub projects.
- react-text-loop-next - Animate words in your headings.
- react-map-gl - React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS.
- Formspree React - React component library for Formspree.
- rediagram - Markup and draw your system diagrams with React.
- react-modal - Accessible modal dialog component for React.
- React Terminal - React component that renders a Terminal.
- ReactSSML - Utilize the full power of React to develop voice UIs.
- Tiny UI - Friendly UI Component Set for React.
- React Spotify Web Playback SDK - React wrapper for Spotify Web Playback SDK.
- Font Picker for React - Font selector component for Google Fonts.
- dayzed - Primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant React date-picker components.
- React Infinite Scroll - Awesome Infinite Scroll component in react.
- React Fast Marquee - Lightweight React component that utilizes the power of CSS animations to create silky smooth marquees.
- React Mentions - React component that let's you mention people in a textarea like you are used to on Facebook or Twitter.
- Selecto.js - Component that allows you to select elements in the drag area using the mouse or touch.
- React RND - Resizable and draggable component for React.
- React Motion Router - Declarative routing library for React with page transitions and animations.
- React Square Web Payments SDK - Easily create PCI-compliant inputs to accept payments online with the Square Payments API.
- React Page Visibility - Declarative, nested, stateful, isomorphic page visibility for React.
- React Idle Timer - User activity timer component. (Web)
- React Forked DND - Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React.
- React in out text area - Simple React.js component that is like Google Translate.
- Reakit - Toolkit for building accessible web apps with React. (Code)
- Reagraph - High-performance network graph visualization built in WebGL for React.
- Reactour - Set of Assistants to travel into your React Components.
- react-responsive - CSS media queries in react - for responsive design, and more.
- React Socks - React library to render components only on specific viewports.
- Planby - React based component that lets you implement your own Timeline so fast and simple. (Web)
- lil UI components (Code)
- Formation - 20+ react-based UI components. (Code)
- Frogress - Line Progress Bar UI for React. Natural color gradients & Coherent border rounding.
- react-easy-crop - React component to crop images/videos with easy interactions.
- React-CMD-K - Fast, accessible, and pretty command palette for React.
- React Lottie Player - Fully declarative React Lottie player.
- React Keyboard Navigator - Suite of React components and hook for selecting sibling components through the keyboard.
- React Local Toast - Local toast helps you to provide feedback related to particular components on page.
- React Lite YouTube Embed - Private by default, faster and cleaner YouTube embed component for React applications.
- KMenu - Animated and accessible command menu.
- Foldable - Fully automated and animated Collapse primitive.
- Tunnel-Rat - Potential cross renderer portal.
- CmdK - Fast, unstyled command menu React component. (Web)
- graphviz-react - React component for displaying Graphviz graphs.
- Bright - React Server Component for syntax highlighting. (Web)
- React Just Parallax - React library for scroll and mousemove parallax effect. Open source, production-ready.
- json-viewer - React component for JSON viewer, but not only a JSON viewer.
- Tremor - React library to build dashboards fast. (Web)
- Rive React - React runtime for Rive.
- daisyUI React - daisyUI components built with React, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
- React Modern Audio Player - Simple, accessible and flexible audio player. (HN)
- Conform - Form validation library built on top of the Constraint Validation API.
- react-responsive - Only displays some contents for particular screen sizes.
- React-Disable - React component for disabling a section of an app.
- reablocks - Low Level Component Library for React.
- Remotion Animated - Delightful way to animate objects in Remotion.
- ILLA Design - Fully responsive UI Library for React.
- React/NextJS Audio Player
- React-Symbols - Library for React with the icons of the VSCode theme "Symbols".
- Superkey - Beautiful command palette built with Tailwind CSS and Headless UI. (Docs)
- React Wrap Balancer - Simple React Component That Makes Titles More Readable. (Web)
- React Resizable Panels - React components for resizable panel groups/layouts.
- react-ch - Event channels for React.
- TypeScript Form - Build maintainable, typesafe forms faster. (Tweet)
- EmojiMart - Customizable emoji picker HTML component for the web.
- Flat UI - React component that will render your flat dataset (an array of objects) in a table view.
- Glimpse - Fast, unstyled link preview React component.
- Virtualform - Ultra-fast, responsive and headless virtualization engine for React.
- Flexboard - React component library for re-sizable sidebars.
- React Data Grid
- json-editor - Simple beautiful API for your custom form generator powered by json-schema.
- HouseForm - Simple to use React forms, where your validation and UI code live together in harmony.
- react-hook-qrcode-svg - React hook that generates QR code and returns SVG path.
- Sonner - Opinionated toast component for React.
- suspense - APIs to simplify data loading and caching. Primarily intended for use with React Suspense.
- MorpherX - Morphing animations with ease.
- React Image Crop - Image cropping tool for React with no dependencies.
- Awesome React Components
- create-react-library - CLI for easily publishing modern React libraries with Rollup and example usage via create-react-app.
- Awesome React Render Props - Awesome list of React components with render props.
- Better Reusable React Components with the Overrides Pattern (2018)
- React Cosmos - Dev tool for creating reusable React components. (Web) (HN)
- Uibook - Lightweight tool for React components visual testing with media queries.
- Storybook - Open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, and Angular. (Code)
- StoryCruise - Render stories (from Storybook) with Snowpack.
- React Libraries in 2020
- new-component - Simple, customizable utility for adding new React components to your project.
- React View - Interactive playground, documentation and code generator for your components.
- Anatomy of a Typed React Component (2020)
- Keeping up with React Libraries (2020)
- Scroll a React component into view (2020)
- Reusable Components Styleguide - Tips and tricks for making components shareable across different projects (framework agnostic).
- reactivue - Use Vue Composition API in React components.
- Vitro - Build and showcase your react components in isolation. (Web)
- Components: react-aria (2021)
- Not All Components Are Created Equal (2021)
- How We Built React Components for Any Front End (2021)
- Designing a Dataflow Editor With TypeScript and React (2021)
- Avoid global state β Colocate with Uncontrolled Compound Components (2021)
- Are you a component control freak? (2019)
- A Smarter, Dumb Breadcrumb (2019)
- Compound Components (2019)
- react-scanner - Statically analyzes the given code (TypeScript supported) and extracts React components and props usage.
- Refine - React-based framework for building data-intensive applications in no time. (Code) (HN)
- Good React charting libraries (2021)
- Converting a React component to TypeScript (2021)
- Agrippa - React CLI for component generation.
- Awesome React Headless Components
- preactement - Create a custom element from any Preact component.
- Advice on JSX Conditionals (2022) (HN)
- React Runner - Run your React code on the go. (Web)
- react-extras - Useful components and utilities for working with React.
- react-worker-components-plugin - Plugin that renders components in web workers and not in the main thread.
- React Fast Accordion - Dynamic, fast & zero dependency accordions for React. (Reddit)
- LocatorJS - Click on any component to go to code. (Code)
- Ladle - Environment to develop, test and share your React components faster. (Web) (Intro) (Discord)
- How to use Props in React (2022)
- From Rust to TypeScript: Lifetime Analysis for React Component Architecture (2022) (Tweet)
- How to Detect Long Press Gestures in JavaScript Events in React (2022)
- Click to Component - Option+Click React components in your browser to instantly open the source in VS Code.
- React Primer Scripts - Toolchain to help build React components with Primer.
- Placeholder components
- reforest - Collect and compute React props seamlessly across the server and client.
- react-benchmark - Tool for benchmarking the render performance of React components.
- (Lazy) Components Maps (2022)
- Components to copy paste. Built with Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.
- Nice way to manage modals in React
- Kitchen - Tonight Pass' delicious React components.
- EnhanceAI for React - React wrapper for EnhanceAI, a library for enhancing web app text input with AI autocomplete.
- preact-reconciler - Custom renderers for Preact in <1KB.