OSS Astro sites
- Astro Language Tools - Editor tooling required for the Astro language.
- Accessible Astro Starter
- Astro Compiler - Written in Go, distributed as WASM.
- Astro 1.0 Beta Release
- Astro Themes & Integrations (2022) (Tweet)
- Astro-Solid Hacker News
- Astro SPA - Astro JS component that turns a website into an SPA and boost performance using various techniques.
- Astro Starter Kit: Minimal
- Astro Docs (Code)
- Astro parser for ESLint
- Astro Firebase - Deploy your server-side rendered (SSR) Astro app to Firebase.
- Astro Starter Kit: Minimal
- Astro ImageTools - Image Optimization tools for the Astro JS framework.
- Astro.build Web Code
- Astro on Cloudflare Workers (2022)
- Build faster websites with Astro (2022)
- Astro Collaborative Starter
- Accessible Astro Starter - Set of Accessible, easy to use, Front-end UI Components for Astro. (Code)
- Astro RFC - Ideas, suggestions, and formal RFC proposals for the Astro project.
- astro-ixmage - Ixmage component for Astro.
- How to deploy an Astro site (2022)
- Astro components and configurations collection
- Astro + eleventy-img - Tiny script and component intended to be used with Astro for generating images with eleventy-img.
- Astro Open Graph Image - Astro integration to generate static Open Graph images, at build time.
- Astro Auto Import - Auto-import components in Astro projects.
- Astro Web Components - Use Web Components as Astro Components.
- Astro Toolbox Template - Simple template to give you the code you need to use Netlify features with Astro.
- Astro Icon - Inline and sprite-based SVGs in Astro made easy.
- Astro 1.0 (2022) (HN)
- Tree Sitter Astro
- Astro HTML Streaming
- ESLint Astro Plugin
- astro-i18next - Astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites.
- Astro Fastify - Fastify adapter for Astro.
- Astro Beep - Trigger a system notification when your Astro build is complete.
- Hyperdrive Speedometer - Benchmarking the performance of Astro sites over time. (Code)
- Astro Remark Default Frontmatter
- Lyra's Astro Plugin - Lyra integration for Astro.
- Astro + Vanilla Extract
- Astro SEO - Makes it easy to add information that is relevant for SEO to your Astro app.
- Astro Auth - Easiest Way To Do Authentication In Astro.
- Seamless Page Transitions with Astro and Web Platform APIs (with Maxi Ferreira) (2022)
- Astro x tRPC - End-to-end typesafe APIs in Astro wesbites made easy.
- Astro Portable Text - Render Portable Text with Astro.
- Persistent Island with Astro
- Simple Blog Astro Template
- astroSpeed - Performance monitor for Astro & Next.js web applications.
- Astro SPA with Solid Router (Tweet)
- Astro + MiniSearch
- Astro-Compress - AstroJS compression utilities. Compress CSS, HTML, JavaScript and more.
- Astro PWA - Zero-config PWA Integration for Astro.
- Awesome Astro
- Server-Side Rendering with Astro (2022)
- astro.new - Instantly generate a new Astro project on StackBlitz or CodeSandbox.
- Is Astro This Good? (2022)
- tw - Helpers for working with Tailwind in Astro.
- Smooth Page Transitions with Astro & the Shared Element Transition API (Tweet)
- Radix Icons for Astro
- Astro-i18n - TypeScript-first internationalization library for Astro.
- Astro, React and SolidJS Dancing Together (2022)
- Astro 2.0 (2023) (HN)
- HoustonAI - Astro Assistant. (Code)
- Astro Examples - Astro design patterns examples, client-server state management, markdown, caching.
- How to add client-side search with PageFind to your Astro blog static website (2023)
- Islands Architecture, Astro, and You | Nate Moore (2022)
- Astro + Netlify CMS
- Prettier Plugin for Astro
- Welcome, World | Astro (2023)