Ektogamat ThreeJS Boilerplate is nice.
Example sitesβ
- R3F Playground - Refraction
- My Room in 3D (Code) (HN)
- Solar Storm - Audio reactive scene built with React Three Fiber. (Code)
- Hello Worlds - Virtual JS worlds at planetary scales.
- Three.js Fundamentals (HN) (Code)
- WebGL & GLSL Demos - Some demos for the workshop, built with ThreeJS.
- Animation and 3D in react-three-fiber (with Paul Henschel) (2019)
- MagicShader - Tiny helper for three.js to debug and write shaders.
- camera-controls - Camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.
- 3D Underwater Maps (2020)
- react-xr - VR/AR with react-three-fiber.
- drei - Useful helpers for react-three-fiber.
- Bringing webgl to react - Paul Henschel (2020)
- map33.js - Library to build 3D maps with Three.js. (HN)
- Case study: Moving a Three.js-based WebXR app off-main-thread (2020)
- Intro To React 3D
- r3f floating diamonds
- react-three-flex - Flexbox for react-three-fiber.
- react-three-fiber Game Demo - Example implementation of a top-down 2d game made with React and react-three-fiber.
- ocean - Realistic water shader for Three.js.
- react-postprocessing - Postprocessing for react-three-fiber.
- Three.js Journey - Ultimate Three.js course.
- VueJS 3 + ViteJS + ThreeJS
- Good looking planets in ThreeJS
- Three.js Developer Tools (Code)
- React Three Fiber + Next ES6 starter
- Understand 3D in Javascript (ThreeJS) in 5 minutes (2020)
- Procedural GL JS - Open-source 3D mapping library built with Three.js. (HN) (Lobsters)
- React Three Editable - Edit your react-three-fiber scene with a visual editor without giving up control over your code.
- Taichi THREE - Node-based soft renderer based on the Taichi Programming Language to render 3D scenes into nice-looking 2D images in real-time.
- Scroll, Refraction and Shader Effects in Three.js and React
- Mannequin.js - Articulated Mannequin Figure Library. (HN)
- react-three-fiber - React Renderer for Three.js. (HN)
- Component Material - Compose modular materials in React.
- Three.js Sandbox - Set of experiments and extensions to Three.js.
- Next & React three fiber starter
- ThreeJS starter - General template for ThreeJS applications. It uses Parcel to create the bundle and Tweakpane for live updates.
- three-projected-material - Three.js Material which lets you do Texture Projection on a 3d Model.
- react-three/a11y - Accessibility tools for React Three Fiber.
- Three.bas - Three.js Buffer Animation System.
- Post Processing - Post processing library that provides the means to implement image filter effects for three.js.
- three-elements - Web Components-powered custom HTML elements for building Three.js-powered games and interactive experiences. (Intro)
- three-bmfont-text - Bitmap font rendering for ThreeJS, batching glyphs into a single BufferGeometry.
- 3D Force-Directed Graph - 3D force-directed graph component using ThreeJS/WebGL.
- three-mesh-ui - Make VR user interfaces for Three.js.
- ThreeJS Globe Visualization
- Three.js Globe Tutorial (2020)
- Github Globe - Globe from Github's homepage implemented in ThreeJS with beautiful shading.
- Raymarching shaders - Collection of raymarching experiments using react-three-fiber & family.
- Three Material Editor - GLSL editor for Threejs scene.
- Recreating Real-World Terrain with React, Three.js and WebGL Shaders (2021) (HN)
- threeify - Typescript 3D library loosely based on three.js. (Web)
- three-gltf-extensions - Three.js glTF loader and exporter have plugin system to provide extensibility mechanism to users.
- three-mesh-bvh - BVH implementation to speed up raycasting against and enable intersection tests for three.js meshes.
- three-pathfinding - Navigation mesh toolkit for ThreeJS, based on PatrolJS.
- Terrain Builder - Procedural terrain using Three.js and perlin noise, Now Accelerated by your GPU.
- threepp - C++17 port of three.js.
- Sketchbook - 3D playground built on three.js and cannon.js.
- Magical Marbles in Three.js - Adding volumetric effects to a built-in Three.js shader.
- Theatre.js - JavaScript Motion Design Library. (Code) (Tweet)
- Three.js - Template - Complex
- Three.js Modern App - Boilerplate and utils for a full screen Three.js app.
- A technical breakdown of react-three-fiber (2021) (Tweet)
- THREE-CSGMesh - Conversion of a CSG library for use with modern THREE.js.
- three-csg-ts - CSG library for use with THREE.js
- THREE.js-PathTracing-Renderer - Real-time PathTracing with global illumination and progressive rendering.
- Ombra - Collection of shader-related utilities for react-three-fiber.
- iTowns - Three.js-based framework written in JavaScript/WebGL for visualizing 3D geospatial data. (Web)
- 3DTilesViewer - 3DTiles viewer for three.js.
- three-loader-3dtiles - Three.js loader module for handling OGC 3D Tiles, created by Cesium.
- react-ogl - Declaratively create scenes with re-usable OGL components that have their own state and effects and can tap into React's infinite ecosystem.
- three-vrm - Use VRM on Three.js.
- Understanding the Three.js Transmission example (2021)
- Cobe - 5kB WebGL globe lib.
- Build fancy landing pages with React(-three-fiber) and ThreeJS (Tweet)
- Three.js Journey implemented with React-Three-Fiber
- Computer Graphics Γtudes with WebGL and Three.js (Code)
- Three Story Controls - Three.js camera toolkit for creating interactive 3d stories.
- React ThreeJS Fiber Journey (Code)
- use-p2 - React hooks for p2-es. Use this in combination with react-three-fiber.
- Building a Vaporwave scene with Three.js (2022)
- Point Text Helper - "Point Text" Helper for ThreeJS.
- three.interaction - Three.js interaction toolkit, help you built an interaction event-system for three.js, binding interaction event like browser-dom.
- lamina - Extensible, layer based shader material for ThreeJS.
- Sketch ThreeJS - Interactive sketches made with three.js.
- three-rt-helper - WebGLRenderTarget helper for three.js: see the output in real time in a window.
- three-raymarcher - Raymarching abstraction for creating simple SDF animations with ThreeJS.
- Interactive Hover Effects with Three.js
- web-ifc-viewer - Graphics engine and toolkit for client applications.
- Panolens.js - JavaScript panorama viewer based on Three.js.
- React Three Scissor - Multiple scenes, one canvas! WebGL Scissoring implementation for React Three Fiber.
- Custom Shader Material - Extend Three.js standard materials with your own shaders.
- Three.js Immersive Controls - Immersive (VR) controls for Three.js.
- R3F-Perf - Easily monitor your ThreeJS performances.
- ThreeJS GPU path tracer - Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh.
- MeshLine - Mesh replacement for THREE.Line.
- Alien.js - MVC design pattern for building single-page applications with ES modules and three.js.
- ThreeJS-water - Evan Wallace's webgl-water demo using ThreeJS.
- Three.V8 - Embeddable 3D Rendering Engine with JS.
- Infinite World Generation - Demo of the wave form collapse (WFC) algorithm with react three fiber and web assembly (WASM).
- Personal vite starter for react-three-fiber projects
- ThreeJS Helpers
- ThreeJS Line object with variable width
- Discover three.js (Code)
- threejs-csg - Constructive Solid Geometry for three.js, ES6 + BufferGeometry.
- Ektogamat ThreeJS Boilerplate
- Reality Mixer JS - Mixed Reality Capture module for WebXR and Three.js.
- three-filmic - Film emulsion-like rendering transforms for three.js.
- LunchboxJS - Custom Vue 3 renderer for ThreeJS. (Docs)
- r3f-spline - Hook to load Spline scenes into react-three-fiber.
- vfx - Visual effects library for react-three-fiber.
- Modern ThreeJS with Vite (2022)
- react-three/rapier - Rapier physics in React.
- SSPT in ThreeJS - Uses only screen-space information through ray marching to recreate the lighting of a scene, and denoises it with the SVGF algorithm.
- Three-bvh-csg - Flexible, memory compact, fast and dynamic CSG implementation on top of three-mesh-bvh.
- Three.js Screen Space Reflections
- Curl Flow
- react-three-csg - Constructive solid geometry for React.
- The Study of Shaders with React Three Fiber (2022)
- Shader Composer - Write Three.js shaders, but with JavaScript.
- Physical Ray marching in ThreeJS
- Ghost Veil - Effect of 'ThreJS plane' overlaid on 'DOM image'. (Code)
- Vanilla ThreeJS Template
- Three.js Experiment - Vanishing Suzanne
- Three Lightmap Baker - Basic example of lightmapping in ThreeJS.
- Three landscape - React-three-fiber compatible abstractions that make it easier to render high quality landscapes scenes.
- Enable3d - Standalone 3D Framework / Physics for three.js (using ammo.js) / 3D extension for Phaser 3. (Web)
- Modern ThreeJS - Modern ThreeJS boilerplate powered by Vite & Typescript.
- Needle Engine - Web-based runtime for 3D apps. It runs on your machine for development, and can be deployed anywhere. It is flexible, extensible, and collaboration and XR come naturally.
- ThreeJS Geometry Welder - Customizable way of merging your buffer geometry.
- Awesome ThreeJS
- Shadow Mapping In Three.js (2022)
- Stable Fluids with three.js (2022)
- Geo-Three - Based geographic world map visualization library for ThreeJS.
- The magical world of Particles with React Three Fiber and Shaders (2022) (Tweet)
- Linear Vaporwave Three.js scene
- Creating mirrors in react-three-fiber & ThreeJS
- Sketchy Pencil Effect with Three.js Post-Processing (2022)
- Three Orbit Controls Gizmo - Blender like orientation gizmo for Three.js OrbitControls.
- Three Wboit - Weighted, Blended Order Independent Transparency.
- Offscreen Canvas Polyfill - Polyfill for OffscreenCanvas to move Three.js/WebGL/2D canvas to Web Worker.
- React Three Editor - Scene editor that writes changes back into your code.
- four - Minimal three.js alternative in 4KB.
- MeshLine - Mesh replacement for THREE.Line.
- A-Frame - A-Frame component for rendering 3D text using troika-three-text.
- Three Stdlib - Stand-alone library of threejs examples designed to run without transpilation in node & browser.
- React Particles WebGL - 2D/3D particle library built on React, Three and WebGL.
- Screen-space raymarched godrays for three.js using the pmndrs postprocessing library
- Magnify 3D - Real time JS optic magnifying glass library.
- ThreeGN - Procedural 3D graphics editor for the web. (Code)
- Environment Map Light Editor - Create, edit, and preview HDR environment maps in the browser.
- r3f-scroll-rig - React-three-fiber scroll-rig for syncing 3D meshes and DOM elements.
- How to create Ghibli-style trees with Three.js (2023)
- Talking avatar - ThreeJS-powered virtual human being that uses a set of neat Azure APIs to do some talking.
- Project Flowerbed - WebXR gardening experience written on top of ThreeJS.
- Three.js Realism Effects - SSGI, Motion Blur, TRAA - effects to enhance your three.js scene's realism.