SvelteKit on the edge is nice starter. Use Imagetools for optimizing images for use with Svelte.
Svelte Query is great for requests. Marko is a nice alternative to Svelte that's also compiler based. I personally use SolidJS for all my web apps/sites.
CRStore & Houdini are interesting.
Example sites
- Pocketbase SvelteKit Auth
- create-o7-app - Opinionated CLI for creating type-safe Svelte apps.
- UpSnap - Simple wake on lan app written with SvelteKit, Go, PocketBase and nmap.
- Go Svelte SPA
- SvelteKit, running on the edge
- SvelteKit Commerce
- KitBase Starter Template - Starter template geared towards quickly spinning up projects using PocketBase and Stripe.
- SvelteKit used with Firebase
- SvelteKit Auth Example
- swyxkit - Opinionated blog starter for SvelteKit + Tailwind + Netlify.
- Svelte with Cloudflare Workers
- Elianiva (Code)
- SvelteKit RealWorld App
- Mac OS Monterey Web (Code)
- Webstone - Svelte/SvelteKit/GraphQL/Prisma.
- Kevin Pennekamp (Code)
- Speedskating - Olympia speedskating animation.
- Todo With Svelte - Demo example for integrating between Appwrite & Svelte.
- Beatbump - Alternative YouTube Music frontend built with Svelte/SvelteKit.
- Storyblok Sveltekit example - Using Sveltekit with Storyblok as a headless CMS. Queries are made using GraphQL and the kitQL library from jycouet.
- SvelteKit and Vendure Commerce example
- Turbocharger template with Svelte, Tailwind, and TurboSQL
- Svelte Encrypted SPA - Easily create private, encrypted single page applications with Svelte and PageCrypt.
- Svelte Travel Transitions - Native-like Page Transitions with SvelteKit, A Travel App. (Web)
- Coffee at Saigon
- Video Call App Built with 100ms and Svelte
- Svelte Starter - Starter template aims to quickly scaffold a SvelteKit project, designed around data-driven, visual stories at The Pudding.
- Tablog - Minimalistic blog theme built with SvelteKit.
- Quiz app - Using Svelte/Go.
- SvelteKit View Transitions
- Svelte & Cloudflare Workers have been an amazing match for a very long time.
- SvelteKit supports Netlify Edge Functions. Update your packages, add
edge: true
and you're good to go. - I usually create ‘components’, ‘stores’ folders under the lib folder. Then you can reference ‘$lib/components/something.svelte’ etc in your imports.
- Svelte Tutorial (Code)
- Svelte 3: Rethinking reactivity (2019)
- Rich Harris - Rethinking reactivity (2019)
- Sapper - Framework for building web applications of all sizes, with a beautiful development experience and flexible filesystem-based routing. Code.
- Awesome Svelte resources
- Svelte Language Server
- Deploy Svelte with ZEIT Now
- Sapper: Towards the ideal web app framework (2017)
- 10-tweet Svelte crash course
- react-svelte - Use Svelte components inside a React app.
- Svelte RFCs
- Svelte Code
- The Return of 'Write Less, Do More' by Rich Harris (2019)
- Let’s Learn Svelte (with Rich Harris) — Learn With Jason (2019)
- SSG - Svelte Site Generator. why try this? because sapper has a lot of setup, and isn't great at pipelining data.
- svelvet - CLI svelte compiler & watcher that works with snowpack.
- Optimistic, Offline-First Apps with Svelte and Amplify DataStore (2020)
- Svelte Preprocess - Svelte preprocessor with baked in support for common used preprocessors.
- Lobsters: Svelte is unappealing (2020)
- Smelte - UI framework with material components built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS.
- Svelte DevTools - Extension that allows inspection of Svelte component hierarchy and state in the Firefox and Chrome developer tools.
- Svelte Compiler Handbook (HN)
- Why Svelte is our choice for a large web project in 2020
- Svelte SSR example
- Tan Li Hau: The Svelte Compiler (2020)
- svelte-grid - Responsive, draggable and resizable grid layout, for Svelte.
- MDsveX - Markdown preprocessor for Svelte. (Docs) (Playground)
- Routify - Routes for Svelte, automated by your file structure. (Web)
- Svelte Language Tools - Contains a library implementing the Language Server Protocol (LSP).
- Svelte Society Day 2020: Rich Harris: Frequently Asked Questions
- Trying out Svelte: Building My First App (2020)
- This site is now written in Svelte (2020)
- Svelte Society (Code)
- Grouper component for Svelte (2020)
- Svelte Actions for Progressive Enhancement in 100 Seconds (2020)
- Svelte Recipes
- How Svelte code is different from React (2020)
- Svelte and TypeScript (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- What is Svelte
- Will it Scale? - Finding Svelte's Inflection Point
- Svelte Native - Create Mobile applications using native widgets via Svelte Svelte and NativeScript.
- Optimizing Svelte Applications (2020)
- Try Svelte (2020) (HN)
- Layer Cake - Framework for mostly-reusable graphics with svelte.
- Svelte Summit - Free whole-day online event. (Code) (Video)
- What I've Learned about Svelte, Tailwind, FastAPI over the Past 10 Days (2020)
- REPLicant - Svelte Summit 2020 talk.
- Rich Harris: Futuristic Web Development (2020)
- svelte-ssr-worker - Quick demo for rendering Svelte server-side (SSR), but within a Cloudflare Worker.
- Svelte for Sites, React for Apps (2020)
- Notes on porting GraphQL client to Svelte from React (2020)
- Svelte Actions
- Why Svelte is Like Rust (2020)
- JungleJS - Jamstack static site framework for Svelte. (Web)
- Malina.js - Builds your web-application to use it without framework on frontend side. Inspired by Svelte.
- Svelte-Awesome - Awesome SVG icon component for Svelte JS, built with Font Awesome icons.
- Svelte + TailwindCSS 2.0 + RollupJS starter
- Store-based router for Svelte
- Svelte Stories - Svelte implementation of an Instagram Stories-like component.
- svelthree - Svelte powered three.js development. (Web) (Tweet)
- What's new in Svelte (Dec 2020) (HN)
- How Does Svelte Actually Work? (2019)
- svelte-loadable - Dynamically load a svelte component.
- svite - Svelte integration for vite.
- Prettier for Svelte 3 components - Format your svelte components using prettier.
- esbuild-svelte - Plugin to compile svelte components for bundling with esbuild.
- Awesome Svelte
- Svelte DND Action - Action based drag and drop container for Svelte.
- rollup-plugin-svelte - Compile Svelte components.
- Svelte Hooks - Experiment to shim the React Hooks API in Svelte.
- sveltejs/gl - Declarative WebGL scene graphs inside Svelte.
- Why are React component libraries so complicated compared to Svelte? (2021)
- Pancake - Charts for Svelte apps. (Code)
- Svelte Routing - Declarative Svelte routing library with SSR support.
- svelte-windicss-preprocess - Svelte Preprocessor to compile tailwindcss at build time.
- sveld - Generate TypeScript definitions for your Svelte components.
- Svelte Relay - Easily use GraphQL in Svelte, powered by the production-ready Relay runtime.
- Svelte SPA Router - Router for Svelte 3 applications, specifically optimized for Single Page Applications (SPA).
- Svelte NodeGUI - Lightweight Electron alternative with native UI. (HN) (Web)
- Comparing Svelte and React (2021) (HN)
- SvelteKit - Fastest way to build Svelte apps. (Web) (HN)
- SvelteKit, TypeScript and TailwindCSS Template
- Svelte + TS + Vite Template
- Felte - Form library for Svelte. (Web)
- SvelteFire - Cybernetically enhanced Firebase apps.
- Add Tailwind CSS to Svelte CLI tool
- Svelte Adders - Collection of composable commands to add functionality to Svelte.
- Dynamic, smooth animations in Svelte
- Why Typescript and Svelte are a match made in heaven (2021)
- micro-graphql-svelte - Light and simple GraphQL Svelte client with extensible, composable cache invalidation.
- Notus Svelte - Free Tailwind CSS UI Kit and Admin.
- svelte-adapter - Use Svelte components with Vue and React.
- Vue RFCs
- ESLint plugin for Svelte v3 components
- Up and running with Svelte 3 (2021)
- svelte-local-storage-store - Adds pub/sub to localStorage.
- Svelte for the Experienced React Dev (2021)
- carbon-components-svelte - Svelte implementation of the Carbon Design System. (Docs)
- Sveltekit Starter - Starter project created with Sveltekit, Typescript, Tailwindcss, Postcss, SCSS, Husky, ESLint, Prettier, Storybook, and Jest.
- Svelte + Capacitor - Build hybrid mobile apps using Svelte and CapacitorJS with live reloading on Android and iOS.
- PostgreSQL, PostgREST and Svelte are a bliss to develop with
- Svelte - Web App Development Reimagined • Mark Volkmann (2021)
- macOS Web: Why I moved from React to Svelte (2021) (Tweet)
- vite-plugin-pages - File system based routing for Svelte applications using Vite.
- Writing a Svelte Store with TypeScript (2021)
- slocation - Reactive Svelte Location Store.
- Backend-Only Authentication With Sapper & Firebase Admin (2021)
- 5 Things I Like In Svelte More Than React (2021)
- Svelte and SvelteKit - Why We Love It and Why You Should Try It (2021)
- Awesome examples of SvelteKit in the wild
- URQL Svelte Template Project
- React Hooks in Svelte
- Starter for Svelte Kit and the Ory Stack
- lihautan - YouTube - Sharing tips on Svelte, React, CSS.
- Compile Svelte in your head
- Contributing to Svelte - Implement {#key}
- WebJeda - YouTube
- Would you use Sveltekit for production? (2021)
- svelte-select - Select/autocomplete component for Svelte apps. With support for grouping, filtering, async and more.
- adapter-cloudflare - Adapter for building SvelteKit applications on Cloudflare Pages with Workers integration. (Tweet)
- Svelte Summit Spring 2021
- vite-plugin-svelte - Official Svelte plugin for Vite.
- My Svelte Code Ordering Style (2021)
- Using Apollo Client in Sapper (2020)
- SvelteKit is now fully supported in WebContainers (2021)
- Svelte Cubed - Power of Three.js in Svelte. (HN) (Code) (Tweet) (Getting Started Code) (Talk) (Tweet)
- Svelte FSM - Tiny, expressive finite state machines for svelte. (Examples)
- Svelte Summit Fall 2021
- NOVAS - Build tool that lets developers easily set up Svelte applications in a Deno runtime.
- cloudflare-workers-svelte - Example repository for running a sveltejs/sveltekit website on Cloudflare Workers.
- Introduction to Svelte Actions (2021)
- How to use a Rust WebAssembly module in Svelte with Web Workers (2021)
- Svelte's lifecycle methods can be used anywhere (2021)
- svelte-forms - Svelte forms validation made easy.
- Houdini - Disappearing GraphQL client for Sapper and SvelteKit. (Web) (Reddit)
- svelte-popperjs - Popper for Svelte with actions, no wrapper components required.
- svelte-previous - Svelte stores that remember previous values.
- Build an App with SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS (2021)
- The many meanings of $ in Svelte (2021) (Reddit)
- The Future of Svelte (Interview with Rich Harris) (2021)
- Code for Svelte official sites
- Renderless Svelte Components
- svelte-headlessui - Svelte port of Headless UI components. (Reddit)
- Svemix - Full-Stack addition to SvelteKit. Write your server code inside svelte files, handle sessions, forms and SEO easily. (Docs)
- Svelte Kit Cookie Session
- Let's learn SvelteKit by building a static Markdown blog from scratch (2021)
- Geoff Rich's 2021 Svelte Posts
- SSWR - Svelte stale while revalidate (SWR) data fetching strategy.
- Svelte MultiSelect - Keyboard-friendly, zero-dependency multi-select Svelte component.
- SWR-like data fetching in Svelte (2021)
- Svelte Query - Performant and powerful remote data synchronization for Svelte.
- My Evaluation of SvelteKit for Full-Stack Web App Development (2022) (HN)
- Svelte Animation Creator - CSS animation keyframer. (Code)
- Svelte Router - Simple and easy to use svelte router.
- Template for building basic applications with Svelte
- Svelte Vite TailwindCSS Template
- Accelerating Svelte's Development (2022)
- svelte-jester - Jest transformer for Svelte - compile your components before importing them into tests.
- О, кинчик (2022)
- TaleNote - Storybook-esque component directory, embed right into SvelteKit.
- svelte-toast - Simple elegant toast notifications.
- threlte - Three.js component library for svelte.
- svelte-wasm - Example project that how WebAssembly and Svelte could work together.
- parcel-plugin-svelte - Parcel plugin that enables svelte support.
- Implementing A Svelte Store In Rust (2022) (Code) (Reddit)
- wasm-svelte - Proof-of-concept application showing integration between rust signals and svelte stores.
- tRPC-SvelteKit - End-to-end typesafe APIs with in SvelteKit applications. (Example)
- Sitemap generator for Svelte - Small helper which scans your Svelte routes and generates static sitemap.xml.
- Metawrite - Appwrite SDK with ready to go components for Svelte / SvelteKit.
- Why I wouldn't recommend Svelte JS to a fellow CTO (2022)
- Custom Svelte Store: Higher Order Store (2022) (Reddit)
- SvelteKit and the "Client pattern" (2022)
- Building a real-time websocket app using SvelteKit (2022)
- Design Patterns for Building Reusable Svelte Components (2022)
- Svelte parser for ESLint
- Svelte Inview - Svelte action that monitors an element enters or leaves the viewport.
- Weekly Svelte - YouTube
- VKSUI - Библиотека адаптивных Svelte-компонентов.
- Snel - Cybernetical framework for svelte applications in Deno.
- Svelte Adapter Deno - Adapter for SvelteKit apps that generates a standalone Deno server.
- Creating a RSS feed with Sanity and Svelte Kit (2022)
- svelte-file-dropzone - Svelte component for file upload.
- Render your Svelte code blocks in MDSveX
- graph-paper - Svelte component library optimized for data visualizations and data apps.
- svelte-code-input - Simple text input that behaves like a code editor.
- svelte-tags-input - Fully customizable Svelte component to enter tags.
- svelte-tiny-virtual-list - Tiny but mighty list virtualization library for Svelte, with zero dependencies.
- Svelte Material UI (Code)
- SvelteUI - Component library for building fully functional & accessible web applications. (Web)
- Svelte Writable Derived - Two-way data-transforming stores for Svelte.
- Awesome SvelteKit
- Made with Svelte
- Carbon Icons Svelte - Carbon Design System SVG icons as Svelte components. (Code)
- Svelte Infinite Loading - Infinite scroll component for Svelte apps.
- SvelteKit Component Library
- Svelte i18next - Internationalization for svelte framework. Based on i18next ecosystem.
- SvelteKit SVG Plugin - Makes it possible to import SVG files as Svelte components, inline SVG code or urls.
- Rich Harris - The Road to SvelteKit 1.0 (2022)
- KitDocs - Documentation integration for SvelteKit. (Code)
- Thoughts on maturity of Svelte/SvelteKit (2022)
- Sveltin - Smartest Way to Build SvelteKit powered static websites. (Web)
- Svelte-Splitpanes - Create resizable view panels in Svelte 3, a radical new approach to building user interfaces.
- Simplify data fetching in SvelteKit with page endpoints (2022)
- How to use Serverless Cloud with SvelteKit (2022)
- Svelte Reveal - Svelte action that leverages the Intersection Observer API to trigger reveal on scroll transitions.
- Svelte-intl-precompile - i18n library for Svelte.js that analyzes your keys at build time for max performance and minimal footprint.
- Svelte Package template - Barebones project that provides the essentials for writing highly-optimized, reusable packages in Svelte.
- Svelte Markdown - Markdown parser that renders into Svelte Components.
- Bookit - UI component explorer designed specifically for Svelte Kit.
- Svelte IntelliJ IDE Plugin
- Svelte Persistent store - Svelte store that keep its value through pages and reloads.
- SvelteKitAuth - Authentication library for use with SvelteKit featuring built-in OAuth providers and zero restriction customization.
- Square Svelte Store - Builds upon Svelte's default store behavior to empower your app to reactively respond to asynchronous data.
- Svelte Error Boundary
- Svelte component to render markdown
- Svelte Portal - Svelte component for rendering outside the DOM of parent component.
- SvelteKit Embed components
- Svelte(Kit) TypeScript Showcase + general TypeScript tips
- Plenti - Static Site Generator with Go backend and Svelte frontend. (Web)
- Svelte Notifications - Svelte toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application.
- Svelte SortableJS
- Svelte Subscribe - Subscribe to non top-level stores in your Svelte template.
- Svelte WebSocket Store - Svelte store with a WebSocket backend.
- SvelteKit with Tailwind CSS (2021)
- Vite Svelte plugin to remove console logs in prod
- Svelte Range Slider (with pips) - Multi-Thumb, Accessible, Beautiful Range Slider with Pips.
- Svelcro - Svelte DevTool with a focus on rendering.
- Flowbite-Svelte - Official Flowbite component library for Svelte. All interactivities are handled by Svelte. (Web)
- Event Calendar - Full-sized drag & drop JavaScript event calendar with resource view in Svelte.
- Is Svelte good choice for large apps? (2022)
- svelvg - Convert SVG files into Svelte components with TypeScript definitions.
- Svelte Reactive Debugger - Easily monitor svelte reactive statements.
- Svelte Hub Docs Components
- Svelvet - Lightweight Svelte component library for building interactive node-based flow diagrams. (Web) (HN)
- Svelte Commerce - Advanced Frontend Platform for eCommerce based on Sveltekit.
- Svelte French Toast - Buttery smooth toast notifications for Svelte.
- Attractions - Pretty cool UI kit for Svelte. (Code)
- Svelte for Beginners Course (2021)
- svelte-gesture - Library that lets you bind richer mouse and touch events to any component or view.
- eslint-plugin-svelte - ESLint plugin for Svelte.
- svelte-fuse-rx - Fusing Svelte and RxJS with simple actions and pipeable stores.
- Svelte Bun Adapter
- svelte-preprocess-esbuild - Svelte Preprocessor to compile TypeScript via esbuild.
- Sveltekit Translate - i18n library designed to be easy to use.
- The Svelte Handbook
- Lucia SvelteKit - Simple authentication library for SvelteKit.
- Skeleton - Svelte/Kit component library designed for use with Tailwind. (Code)
- Svelte Bricks - Naive implementation in Svelte without column balancing. (Code)
- Svelte Headless Table - Unopinionated and extensible data tables for Svelte.
- svelte-keyed - Writable derived store for objects and arrays.
- Sveltekit New Design. A Breaking Change
- Rustle - Svelte compiler rewritten in Rust. (HN)
- SvelteKit: Semantic form actions, and easier progressive enhancement
- Svelte Component Test Recipes
- SvelteKit Basic Auth
- Sveltosis - Svelte parser that compiles to Mitosis JSON, allowing you to write Svelte components once and compile to every framework. (Web) (Tweet)
- SvelteKit + Postgres + JWT - Auth demo uses SvelteKit form actions and postgres to authenticate user with JWT tokens as sessionID.
- Svelte Motion - Animation library for Svelte based on framer-motion.
- SvelteKit + is-land - Partial hydration in SvelteKit.
- Native Page Transitions in SvelteKit (2022)
- SvelteKit & WunderGraph demo
- Svelte-Store-Array - Collection of higher-order store functions for array-based stores.
- Svelte-Keyboard - Virtual keyboard component for Svelte.
- Svelte-Highlight - Syntax Highlighting for Svelte using highlight.js.
- Lucia (Reddit)
- Svelte-TailwindCSS UI - Opinionated yet customizable Svelte-TailwindCSS component library. (Code)
- svelte-navlink-action - Minimalist Svelte action to inject .active class in route-matched links.
- SvelteKit Cookie Manager - Easy-use Svelte package to help control the visitor's cookie consent.
- svelte-table - Minimal table component. Allows sorting and filtering based on column values, and row selection/expanding.
- SvelteKit-Search-Params - Fastest way to read and write from query search params.
- Svelte Meet - Video calling web app build with SvelteKit and SocketIO.
- svelte-i18n - Internationalization for Svelte.
- Svelte Headless-UI
- Svelte Simple Data tables - Datatable component for Svelte.
- CodeMirror Svelte Mode - CodeMirror 6 extension that adds support for Svelte.
- Migrating from Vue 2 to Svelte (2022) (HN)
- Bad practices commonly done in Svelte applications (2022)
- SvelteKit 1.0 (2022) (HN)
- Learn SvelteKit course
- Using SvelteKit 1.0 on Vercel (2022)
- SvelteKit is my mistress (2022)
- Atomic Svelte - Implementation of Atomic Data for Svelte.
- Svelte JSON tree - JSON tree component for Svelte.
- Svelte AIO - Automatic image optimization for SvelteKit, inspired by NextJS.
- Svelidate - Simple and lightweight form validation for Svelte with no dependencies.
- Svelte Smooth Popover - Robust, unstyled popover component for Svelte with a customizable smooth/sharp caret.
- Svelte Loading Spinners (Code)
- Everything You Need To Know About SvelteKit Routing (2022)
- Svead - Component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags.
- Dapper UI - Sleek and modern UI component library for Svelte.
- Svelte Virtual Scroll List
- List of awesome Svelte stores
- Svelte Image Gallery
- Fluent Svelte - Faithful implementation of Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Svelte.
- CRStore - Conflict-free replicated svelte store.
- Simple Svelte Autocomplete
- Svelte 4.0 feature speculation & suggestions
- Svelte app showing CRDT capabilities
- uBeac - Svelte UI Component Library.
- GrailUI - Library of accessible component primitives, actions and utilities for Svelte.
- Rich Harris Teaches ThePrimeagen SvelteKit (2023)
- Svelte Radial Menu
- Svelte Carousel
- SvelteKit Authentication and Authorization Example
- Svelte(Kit) examples
- Streaming, snapshots, and other new features since SvelteKit 1.0 (2023) (Tweet)
- Svelte Maplibre
- Svelecte - Flexible autocomplete/select component written in Svelte.
- Storybook for SvelteKit (2023)
- sveltekit-superforms - Supercharge your SvelteKit forms.
- svelte-use-persist - Svelte action that saves forms and inputs client side to local storage and restores them on page load.
- svelte-typeahead - Accessible, fuzzy search typeahead component.
- svelte-sequence - Custom stores to compose tweened motion sequences over multiple steps.
- Zero-effort type safety (2023)
- SvelteKit Document - Utility for SvelteKit that lets you change the html, head, and body tags from any page or layout with full SSR support.
- Markflow - Copy elements as Svelte components. (Reddit)
- Svelte Meta Tags - Components designed to help you manage SEO for Svelte projects.
- svelte-put - Useful svelte stuff to put in your projects.
- Svelte Legos - Collection of essential Svelte Composition Utilities.
- SvelteKit Enterprise Stack
- Thoughts on Svelte (2023) (HN)
- svelte-right-click - Custom context menu for your Svelte application.
- Svelte-Asyncable - Tiny, declarative, optimistic, async store.