Production-ready GraphQL client for React
Relay with NextJS + server components example & Relay + NextJS are interesting.
- Relay code
- Building the New Facebook with React and Relay | Frank Yan (2019) (Video 2)
- Reason Relay - Use Relay with ReasonML.
- relay-hooks - Use Relay as React hooks.
- Why does Artsy use Relay? (2019)
- Relay Compiler REPL (Code)
- Relay Workshop
- Relay compiler in Rust
- twentyfive-stars - GraphQL server written in Rust.
- reason-relay-sample - Contains a playground for testing out ReasonRelay.
- relay-graphql-js - Relay tooling based on graphql-js.
- ReactRelayNetworkModern - Relay Modern Network Layer with middlewares — cache, auth, retry, batch, logger, SSR.
- Relay Modern Boilerplate - PostGraphile + Relay Modern crash course.
- Relay Meetup - Global, online meetup on Relay, the GraphQL client.
- relay-compiler-language-typescript - Language plugin for Relay that adds TypeScript support, including emitting type definitions.
- vscode-apollo-relay - Simple configuration of vscode-apollo for Relay projects.
- Relay.swift - Relay GraphQL framework, ported to Swift and SwiftUI. (Docs)
- Relay + NextJS - Wraps page components, a GraphQL query, and some helper methods to automatically hook up data fetching using Relay.
- Awesome Relay
- fgs - Fetch GraphQL Schema from a GraphQL HTTP Endpoint from grphql-config that is Relay (rust) aware.
- Relay Library for GraphQL.js
- Relay Client Guide
- Redwood with Relay
- Relay updates in 2021
- Introducing the new Relay compiler (Tweet)
- prisma-cursor-pagination - Relay cursor pagination helpers for Prisma. (Tweet)
- Building Relay Modern
- async-graphql-relay - Relay support for async-graphql.
- Relay React Concurrency Example
- Relay and Data-Driven Dependencies
- VSCode ReScript Relay - Improve quality-of-life of using RescriptRelay with VSCode.
- Next.js + Relay + Streaming
- Create-Relay-App - Relay setup automation for CRA, Next.js and Vite.
- Simple Issue Tracker Relay Example (with Next.js 13)
- Re-introducing Relay (2021)
- Relay Digest: Managing client state (Eventual goal)
- Relay Live Resolvers Example
- Injecting a store in Relay
- Who's using Relay? (2023)