Exploring Solid as a faster alternative. Trying to move useful features I find from NextJS into Solid Start.
Next-Intl is nice for internalization. Next Auth is great for auth.
Create T3 app or better Complete T3 with maybe Clerk for auth are nice starters.
T3 Stack Tutorial is nice overview of T3 stack.
Example sites
- T3 Complete
- Taxonomy - Open source application built using the new router, server components and everything new in Next.js 13.
- T3 Stack with Langchain
- Create T3 Turbo with Clerk Authentication
- Create T3 App - NextJS + tRPC + TailwindCSS + TS + Prisma + NextAuth.
- Next 13 Pocketbase Demo
- Twitter UI - Next JS, Tailwind CSS, Radix UI and Storybook.
- Next Radix Tailwind template
- Dub - Open-Source Bitly Alternative. (Code) (HN) (Tweet)
- Linktree - Linktree Clone! (Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS). (Video)
- Slug - URL shortener built with T3 Stack: Nextjs 13 + Tailwind CSS + Typescript + tRPC (9) + NextAuth.js & Prisma.
- Next.js on Compute@Edge
- NextJS, Tailwind, TRPC, Prisma, and NextAuth Starter
- TRPC + Yarn Monorepo + Prisma + Expo
- Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit
- Repliear - High-performance issue tracker in the style of Linear. Built with Replicache, Next.js, Pusher, and Postgres.
- NextJS Edge Starter - Simple example to show how to use Edge Functions in Next.js API routes.
- Next.js Prisma Boilerplate
- Next.js Commerce starter kit
- NextJS full stack starter
- Turborepo starter with pnpm (Remix/NextJS)
- Next.js + Tailwind CSS Netflix Redesign
- Skill Recordings Projects - Using Turborepo and pnpm to create a monorepo working environment for multiple applications and a shared common core library.
- Open Source Raid Guild - Built with Next.js and the "T3 Stack". (Tweet)
- Platforms Starter Kit - Template for site builders and low-code tools.
- NextJS Starter with NextAuth, Tailwind & Prisma
- React Dashboard Design - Implement of Vercel's Dashboard design in Next.js.
- zART-Stack - Zero-API, React [Native], & TypeScript.
- Collaborative drawing app built with Replicache
- Next.js with Tailwind, TypeScript and Jest setup
- NextJS + Supabase Instagram Clone
- Tottem - Library management made social. Built with NextJS/TailwindCSS/TS/Prisma.
- OctoLinker site
- Notion Blog - Next.js site using new SSG support with a Notion backed blog.
- Companies / Sites using NextJS
- NextJS official examples
- Next + TypeScript + Yarn monorepo
- Next.js SDK for signing in with Auth0
- Next.js Medium style boilerplate blog
- Next + Netlify Starter
- Next + Netlify Markdown Blog Starter
- Vault Docs (Web)
- MDNEXT - Opinionated starter for your MDX + Next.js needs.
- Egghead new NextJS front end (Why move to Next.js)
- Opinionated Next.js Starter with TypeScript, Tailwind, MDX, and decent SEO
- Blog built using TypeScript/Next.js/Tailwind CSS/MDX Remote/Next SEO
- Canvas-based arrows playground
- Next.js Advanced Starter - Use Tailwind CSS, ESLint, Prettier & absolute imports instantly.
- chakra-next - Opinionated design system for React, based on Chakra UI + Next.js.
- Next FullStack Starter - Next.js + Prisma + TailwindCSS + (Type-)GraphQL. Serves as nice starting point for SaaS products.
- Next Starter Kit - Strict Next.js starter with Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint and Prettier.
- Simple NextJS PWA boilerplate
- Hasura NextJS Boilerplate
- Next.js blog starter
- Virtual Event Starter Kit - Open source demo that Next.js developers can clone, deploy, and fully customize for events.
- Next.js Examples - Explore all of the official Next.js examples.
- Dan Abramov's Blog in Next.js (Tweet)
- next-ignite - Flexible next.js based documentation website with content authoring in MDX.
- Next.js Incremental Static Regeneration with SWR - Lightning fast static pages with ISR, instantly updated with SWR.
- Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog
- Next.js landing page template for SaaS products (Web)
- Next js Auth boilerplate
- Next.js + AWS S3 Upload - Example of a Next.js application allowing you to upload photos to an S3 bucket.
- Trello Clone - Built with Nextjs framework with Typescript and Chakra UI library with support from MongoDB.
- XState Next Boilerplate - Performant, robust starting point for any React application.
- Create Next Stack - Opinionated interactive CLI tool to easily set up the boilerplate of a new Next.js app.
- Liveblocks × Next.js - Shows how to use Liveblocks with Next.js.
- NextJS Starter Boilerplate
- Supabase NextJS Auth - Magic Link Authentication and Route Controls with Supabase and Next.js.
- next-bucket - Template to start a project easily with NextJS and Textile Buckets.
- graphlatte - Next.js template with GraphQL, Urql, Prisma, Nexus and Tailwind.
- Nextjs-auth-prisma boilerplate - Build bleeding-edge full-stack applications using Next.js, GraphQL, TypeScript and Prisma.
- Giant Sur - macOS Big Sur UI clone for the web built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. (Web)
- Ultimate SAAS template - Typescript/Next.js/NextAuth.js/Prisma/Stripe/TailwindCSS/PostgreSQL. (HN)
- TypeScript starter for Next.js
- Next PWA Template - Next.js progressive web app template.
- NextJS Monorepo - Monorepo / workspaces concepts oriented around NextJS.
- Ask Me Anything (Code)
- Typescript + NextJS + React Native + GraphQL + Prisma
- Awesome Links - Source code for the tutorial series of three parts about building a Full Stack Web application With TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Next.js, Prisma & GraphQL.
- Tailwind NextJS Starter Blog
- NextJS Postgres Template
- Next.js marketing website template for SaaS startups
- RainySystems Template Web App - Built with Next.js and Appwrite.
- NextJS Lite Example - Server side only rendering.
- next-markdown - Easily generate pages from markdown files in any Next.js project.
- THUBurrow - Forum built by Next.js and Rocket.
- Materio - Powerful & Comprehensive free Next.js React admin template based on MUI.
- Irvan Malik's NextJS Blog
- Image Gallery with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS
- Lightweight Next.js Portfolio site template
- Next.js site w/ a blank custom Nextra theme (w/Tailwind)
- Next.js Layouts Data Fetching examples
- Basejump SaaS starter for Supabase
- NextJS Shop demo
- Next 13 on Cloudflare Pages
- Next Multilingual Example
- Extrapolate - Age transformation AI app powered by Next.js, Vercel, Replicate, Upstash, and Cloudflare R2 + Workers.
NextJS plugins
- Next SEO - Plugin that makes managing your SEO easier in Next.js projects.
- Next.js + MDX Enhanced - Enables MDX pages, layouts, and front matter.
- Zero Config PWA Plugin (How to Create a PWA With Next.js in 10 Minutes)
- next-translate - Tool to translate Next.js applications.
- next-i18next - Easiest way to translate your NextJs apps. (Video)
- Netlify Next.js cache - Cache the Next.js build folder in your Netlify builds.
- next-dark-mode - Enable dark mode for Next.js.
- NextAuth - Authentication library for Next.js projects. (Web) (Example) (Docs Code) (Tweet) (HN)
- next-optimized-images - Automatically optimizes images used in next.js projects (jpeg, png, svg, webp and gif).
- next-session - Simple promise-based session middleware for Next.js, micro, Express, and more.
- next-connect - Router and middleware layer for Next.js, Micro, or Node.js HTTP Server.
- next-iron-session - Next.js stateless session utility using signed and encrypted cookies to store data.
- next-unused - Find unused files in your Next.js projects.
- next-img - Next.js plugin for embedding optimized images.
- Next.js plugin for preact X
- next-sitemap - Sitemap generator for next.js. Generate sitemap(s) and robots.txt for all static/pre-rendered pages.
- Netlify Next.js cache - Cache the Next.js build folder in Netlify builds.
- next-boost - Middleware which adds a disk cache layer to your SSR applications. Was built originally for Next.js SSR applications and can be used in any node.js http.Server based application.
- next-router-scroll - Take control of when scroll is updated and restored in your Next.js projects.
- babel-plugin-superjson-next - Automatically transform your Next.js Pages to use SuperJSON.
- next-csrf - CSRF mitigation for Next.js.
- next-transpile-modules - Next.js plugin to transpile code from node_modules.
- Next.js S3 Upload - Upload files from your Next.js app to S3.
- NextStripe - Simplified server-side Stripe workflows in Next.js
- next-joi - Validate NEXT.js API Routes with joi.
- next-plugin-query-cache - Build-time query cache for Next.js. Works by creating an HTTP server during the build that caches responses.
- next-plugin-preval - Pre-evaluate async functions during builds and import them like JSON.
- next-api-decorators - Collection of decorators to create typed Next.js API routes, with easy request validation and transformation. (Article)
- Next.js + Linaria
- nextjs-multi-domain-locale - Hosting multiple domains on the same Next.js site (while maintaining multiple languages and SSG).
- next-rpc - Makes exported functions from API routes accessible in the browser. Just import your API function and call it anywhere you want.
- next-runtime - All you need to handle POST requests, file uploads, and api requests, in getServerSideProps.
- next-useragent - Parses browser user-agent strings for next.js.
- Next Opengraph Image - Generate Open Graph images for Next.js on build.
- nextjs-breadcrumbs - Dynamic, highly customizable breadcrumbs component for Next.js.
- Essential Next.js Build Plugin - Build plugin to integrate Next.js seamlessly with Netlify.
- next-plugin-imagegen - Next.js plugin turns jsx components as image.
- next-head-seo - Light-weight SEO plugin for Next.js.
- Next.js drop-in analytics support
- next-composition - Next.js utility for reusing getServerSideProps and getStaticProps logics. (Reddit)
- next-router-query - Drop-in alternative of
that tries it's best to get the query params on the first mount. - next-sanity - toolkit for Next.js
- next-g11n - Translate and localize your Next.js app smoothly.
- next-multilingual - Opinionated end-to-end solution for Next.js applications that requires multiple languages.
- HappyKit Flags - Feature Flags for Next.js. (Web)
- HappyAuth - Lightweight authentication specifically designed for Next.js.
- HappyKit Analytics - Analytics specifically designed for Next.js.
- Next-Plausible - Simple integration for Plausible Analytics.
- NextAuth.js Adapters - Next-auth adapters that are maintained by the community to support any database.
- next/image loader for imgproxy (S3)
- next-export-i18n - Internationalize (18n) next.js with true support for next export.
- next-compose-plugins - Cleaner API for enabling and configuring plugins for next.js.
- Next-Multipart - Easy & Simple File Uploads for Next.js.
- next-layout - Add persistent and nested layouts to your Next.js projects in a declarative way.
- Next Page Layout - Type safe, zero dependency layout solution with data fetching capabilities for Next.js.
- next-with-split - Plugin for split testing (A/B testing) in Next.js.
- next-static-paths - Statically prevent 404s in your Next.js applications using TypeScript.
- nextjs-redirect - Redirect to any URL in NextJS both in client and server.
- Next.js API OG Image - Generate open-graph images dynamically in HTML or React using Next.js API Routes. Suitable for serverless environment.
- next-dx - Enhance NextJS development with utilities for local and remote content.
- next-pagination - Best damn pagination component. For Next.js.
- Next Layout Loader - File-system based nested layouts for next.js.
- Next SuperJSON - Automatically transform your Next.js Pages to use SuperJSON, without losing swc support.
- Next Super Performance - Partial hydration for Next.js with Preact X.
- recma-nextjs-static-props - Expose top-level identifiers in Next.js app.js.
- Connected Next Router - Redux binding for Next.js Router compatible with Next.js.
- next-international - Type-safe internationalization (i18n) for Next.js.
- NextJS Google Analytics
- Next Last Path Hook - React Hook containing the last path from a Next.js route + some goodies.
- Next-Axiom - Unlocks observability at any scale.
- useSearchParams - Type-safe search param handling for Next.js using zod.
- Markdoc NextJS
- getStaticProps is a reverse proxy. It's the simplest reverse proxy ever. It's a function, exported alongside your React component.
export const config = { unstable_runtimeJS: false }
will allow to export a page with only HTML/CSS.- Cache control headers on the response to revalidate NextJS routes.
res.setHeader(“cache-control”, “s-maxage=1, stale-while-revalidate=59”)
- New Relic Next.js instrumentation
- Nested routes allow: 1. Your layout to preserve after navigation. 2. Subcomponents/routes to have lifecycles like the ability to load data. If your rooting tree is statically analyzable you can start fetching the nested routes data before navigation.
- next-postgres - React 16.4.2 + NextJS 7.0.2 + Emotion + Sequelize 4/Postgres + Passport Local Auth + Zeit or Heroku Deployment.
- Nice Boys™️ Product Boilerplate - Quickly build new products and apps.
- So you want to build a web app? - Tim Neutkens (2019)
- Does NextJS will be soon obsolete? - Great answer by main dev of next.js
- Redux wrapper for Next.js
- Performance analysis: Next.js SSR on Node.js
- Introducing Create Next App (2019)
- Persistent Layout Patterns in Next.js (2019)
- Universal Next.js Route
- Awesome Next.js
- The Next.js Handbook
- Static Generation / SSG Improvements
- Next.js course
- Next.js website source
- Next.js Plugins
- next-urql - Set of convenience utilities for using urql with NextJS.
- Next.js Apollo TypeScript pre-configured starter with great DX
- Mastering NextJS - Premiere video course for building production, server-side rendered applications with Next.js and React.
- NextJS/Reason/Tailwind Template
- dotJS 2019 - Tim Neutkens - What to expect from a modern web framework?
- Next & Apollo Example
- next-learn-demo - Meant to be used with the Next.js tutorial on
- Next.js Starter with User Authentication/Authorization
- next-purgecss - Nextjs + purgecss for faster websites.
- next-offline - Make your Next.js application work offline using service workers via Google's workbox.
- Next.js Stats GitHub Action - Downloads and runs project with provided configs gathering stats to compare branches.
- React ESI - Blazing-fast Server-Side Rendering for React and Next.js.
- Server-side Only React with Next (2020) (HN)
- Serverless NextJS - Deploy your Next.js apps on AWS Lambda@Edge via Serverless Components.
- next-aws-lambda-webpack-plugin - Pack a compat layer between next.js serverless page and AWS Lambda.
- Next.js Static Props
- Next.js Team AMA (2020)
- next-codegen - Fast API route and page generation for Next.js projects.
- NextJS Default Template - Opinionated Boilerplate for NextJS, Tailwind and Reason.
- Getting started with Next.js, ZEIT Now, and Firebase (2020)
- NextJS Tips - Collection of useful daily Next.js tips that will allow you to improve your skills.
- nookies - Collection of cookie helpers for Next.js
- Building a Markdown blog with Next 9.3 and Netlify (2020)
- Server-Side Rendered Real-time Web App with Next.js, AWS Amplify & GraphQL (2019)
- Improve your SEO and Social Sharing Cards with Next.js (2020)
- Next.js at Vercel (2020)
- Improved Next.js and Gatsby page load performance with granular chunking (2020)
- Building my first Next.js app (2020)
- Handy new features in Next.js 9.4 (2020)
- TypeGraphQ, TypeORM & Next.js Boilerplate
- aws-cognito-next - Authentication helpers to enable usage of AWS Cognito in next.js applications.
- Creating a Next.js mono repository project with TypeScript
- NextJS + Preact Demo
- 2 Ways to Create Server-Rendered Routes Using Next.js and Netlify (2020)
- next-on-netlify - Utility for hosting NextJS applications with Server-Side Rendering on Netlify.
- Next.js 101: What you should know (2020)
- Building my new website with Next.js, TailwindCSS, and Vercel (2020)
- How to contribute to Next.js (2020)
- Data Fetching with NextJS: What I learned (2020)
- NextJS features overview by Tim (2020)
- What is Next.js Incremental Static (Re)Generation? (2020)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Next.js (2020)
- Building the Tailwind Blog with Next.js (2020)
- Building a Fullstack Twitter Clone with Next.js and Prisma (2020) (Code)
- Next.js 9.5 (HN)
- Minimum Viable SaaS - Feature-complete membership app in less than ~400 lines of code.
- Bison - Full Stack JAMstack in-a-box.
- Authentication Patterns for Next.js (2020)
- Building a Blog with Next.js and MDX (2020)
- Adding Dark Mode to a Next.js Site (2020)
- Next.js News newsletter
- Next.js Conf (HN)
- Bulletproof Next - Be an expert in Next.js.
- Blogging on Next.js: Generating static index pages (HN)
- Quirrel - Job Queueing for Next.js x Vercel. (Code) (Awesome)
- Create a Next.js RSS feed for your static website (2020)
- Replacing Create React App with the Next.js CLI (2020)
- next-themes - Perfect Next.js dark mode in 2 lines of code. Support System preference and any other theme with no flashing.
- Next page tester - Enable DOM integration testing on Next.js pages.
- Debugging Next.JS (2020)
- Next.js - The Data Story (2020)
- useQueryState for Next.js - Like React.useState, but stored in the URL query string.
- Create a Next.js App Docs (Starter Code)
- next-placeholder - Roll-you-own placeholders for Next.js images.
- Next Apollo - Package for using Apollo within a Next.js application.
- next-google-fonts - Tiny next/head helper for loading Google Fonts fast and asynchronously. (Tweet)
- Automatically optimize images on a Next.js MDX Blog (2020)
- Build a site from scratch with Next.js, TypeScript, Emotion and Netlify
- next-client-script - Supercharge the performance of your Next.js apps by using a minimal client runtime.
- Next Crud - Helper library that creates CRUD API routes with one simple function based on a Prisma model for Next.js.
- React Server Components in Next.js
- Updating Static Next.js Pages Instantly (2021)
- Bedrock - Modern full-stack Next.js & GraphQL boilerplate.
- next-gen - Next.js Codebase Generator.
- Next.js Subscription Payments Starter
- Learn Next.js in 10 Tweets (2021)
- Sign in With Apple Next JS (2020)
- How to manage database connections in NextJS? (2021)
- Buidling a Realtime Chat App with Next.js, Ably, and Vercel
- A simple approach to testing next.js apps
- Micro Frontends in NextJS with Webpack 5 (2021)
- Yarn Workspaces + XState + Next.js Template
- Terraform Next.js module for AWS
- Terraform Next.js Image Optimization module for AWS
- How to fix layout shifts to improve SEO in Next.js apps (2021)
- next-data-hooks - Use getStaticProps and getServerSideProps as react hooks.
- Using Docker with Next.js (and Deploying with Google Cloud Run)
- If you use Next.js, what is your favorite part about it? (2021)
- Difference between SSR, SSG, CSR and SPA (2021)
- How to make Next.js site more secure (2021)
- Transitioning Mailbrew from CRA to NextJS (2021)
- Next Remote Watch - Decorated local server for next.js that enables reloads from remote data changes.
- What is Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) with Next.js?
- next-password-protect - Password protect your Next.js deployments.
- NextAuth.js TypeScript Example - Example of how to use the NextAuth.js library to add authentication to a Next.js application with Typescript.
- A Complete Guide To Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) With Next.js (2021)
- 4 techniques for structuring Next.js applications (2021)
- Portable apps with Go and Next.js (2021) (Code)
- next-test-api-route-handler - Confidently unit test your Next.js API routes/handlers in an isolated Next.js-like environment.
- Generating a robots.txt in Next.js (2021)
- How to build file upload forms on Next.js (2021)
- Next.js: restrict pages to authenticated users (2021)
- Host a Next.js SSR app with real-time data on AWS Amplify (2021)
- A Complete Beginner's Guide to Next.js (2021)
- How to embed Keystone + SQLite in a Next.js app
- Building a SaaS Application with Next.js, Prisma, Auth0 and Stripe (2021)
- Avoid refetching data in NextJS when navigating (2021)
- Shallow Routing in Next.js (2021)
- How to Build a Fullstack App with Next.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL (2021)
- Full Stack Development with Next.js and Supabase (2021)
- Playwright Next.js Example
- Next.js 11 (2021) (HN)
- Next.js Live - Code in the browser. With your team. (HN)
- Using Next.js and Vercel to instantly load a data-heavy website (2021)
- Refresh props from getServerSideProps in Next.js, mutate server props
- Rewriting ctrl-v using Next.js (2021)
- The magic of react-query and supabase (2021) (Reddit)
- Preact for Next (2021)
- next-remote-refresh - Enable Fast Refresh for remote data in NextJS.
- How I Built My Site with Next.js (2021)
- Next.js Bundle Analysis Github Action - Github action that provides detailed bundle analysis on PRs for next.js apps.
- Next.js: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet To Page Rendering (2021)
- Workaround for _next/data URLs throwing 404, for multiple Next.js Apps Running On Same Domain (2021)
- Next.js Cron - Cron jobs with Github Actions for Next.js applications on Vercel.
- Running a Next.js Site on Cloudflare Pages (2021)
- Krabs - Enterprise-ready Express.js middleware for serving thousands of different websites from a single Next.js instance. (Web)
- Real-World Next.js Book (2021) (Code)
- Authentication Patterns for Next.js (2020)
- next-intl - Minimal, but complete solution for managing translations, date, time and number formatting in Next.js apps. (Article)
- Authentication for NextJS with GraphQL & REST APIs and SSR (Server Side Rendering)
- fastify-nextjs - React server side rendering support for Fastify with Next.
- The Ultimate Guide To Firebase With Next.JS (2021)
- What I struggled with Next.js using Firebase Hosting (and enable SSR) (2021)
- From Firebase/Redis to MySQL with PlanetScale (2021) (Tweet)
- Cache Is Everything but Simple with Nextjs and React Query (2021)
- Next.js Starters
- Next.js, Prisma, PlanetScale and Vercel (2021) - Deploy your Next.js + Prisma app to PlanetScale and Vercel.
- Next.js API Routes validation using Middlewares and Yup
- Using Postmark with NextAuth.js
- Logging in Next.js (2020)
- Building a Blog With Next.js and MDX (2021)
- Rakkas - Lightning fast Next.js alternative powered by Vite. (Web) (Reddit)
- How to build a portfolio website using Next.js, Chakra UI, Framer Motion, and Three.js (2021)
- Next.js X Prisma Workshop - Build a full stack app using Next.js and Prisma.
- Next.js Cheat Sheet
- NextGraphQL.js - Zero-config GraphQL server for Next.js, supporting Vercel Serverless environment runtime.
- Next.js 12 (2021) (HN) (Tweet) (Keynote)
- How Next Middleware / Edge Functions work (2021)
- Streaming in Next.js - Kara Erickson (2021)
- "So You Think You Can Build A Dropdown?" — Pedro Duarte (2021)
- Next.js 12 React Server Components Demo
- Next.js Conf 2021 - YouTube
- Vercel Examples
- Next.js - Replace React with Preact (2021)
- Break Stuff Until it Works — Optimizing performance in NextJS (2021)
- Integrate Storybook in a Next.js Application (2021)
- How to create a generic protected route in Next.js (2021)
- Guide to using images in Next.js (2021) (Reddit)
- Code Walkthrough for Next.js / Tailwind / Prisma / PlanetScale App (2021)
- React Server Components Roadmap for Next.js (2021)
- What are using getInitialProps for? (2021)
- Latest recommendation on CSS for a Next.js site (2021)
- Production-Grade Next.js (Code)
- Open-Source Auth for NextJS (2021) (HN)
- Let's build Twitter with (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Firebase v9, NextAuth, Recoil) (2021) (Code)
- An Inconsistent Truth: Next.js and Type Safety (2021)
- NextJS with WebAssembly example
- Build a SaaS product with Next.js, Supabase and Stripe (2021)
- Get started with Storybook and Next.js (2021)
- next-router-mock - Mock implementation of the Next.js Router.
- pathpida - TypeScript friendly internal link client for Next.js, Nuxt.js and Sapper.
- Next.js Modal Routing (2022) (Code)
- Most requested Next.js features (2022)
- Next.js 12.1: On-demand ISR, SWC support for styled-components, Relay, Jest (2022) (HN)
- On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration
- Putting test files in the pages folder in a Next.js app (2022) (Tweet)
- next-graphql-server - Library for building production-grade GraphQL servers using Next.js with API Routes.
- Keystone Next Auth
- How to create a link preview with Next.js, Prisma and TailwindCSS (2022)
- Upgrading Next.js for instant performance improvements (2022)
- Nexus - NextJS VScode extension to visualize component tree. (Web) (Intro)
- Building a Marketing Platform with Next.js, Cloudflare, & Contentful (2022)
- Building an Image Gallery with Next.js, Supabase, and Tailwind CSS (Tweet)
- Vercel Style Guide - Home of Vercel's style guide, which includes configs for popular linting and styling tools.
- How DoorDash improved Web Page Performance and scaled with Next.JS (2022)
- Storybook Addon Next - No config Storybook addon that makes Next.js features just work in Storybook.
- Vulcan Next - Build GraphQL-based applications with Next.js. (Docs)
- Rust and WebAssembly Serverless Functions in Vercel (Code)
- Generate Open Graph images for your static Next.js site (2020) (Tweet)
- Picking the right rendering strategy in NextJS
- Building a Mini Next.js (2022)
- Building a Multi-Tenant Web App with Next.js (2022)
- Next.js Layouts - Nested routes and layouts, designed for Server Components. (HN)
- High Performance Personalization with Next.js Middleware (2022) (Reddit)
- Next.js Routing and Layouts RFC tips
- Why I Use NextJS For ALL My Backends (2022)
- Next.js 12.2: Middleware, On-Demand ISR, and Edge API Routes / SSR (2022)
- Revalidate NextJS on event - Docker-deployable app that listens for contract events and revalidates static pages on Next.js.
- Next.js Routes - Autogenerate type safe routing for Next.js.
- next-swr-endpoints - Intuitive way to fetch API endpoints in Next.js using SWR + compile time magic.
- Generic Replicache backend for Next.js
- qs-props - Library makes it possible to handle query strings in Next.js getStaticProps.
- Next.js Layouts RFC
- next-lazy-hydrate - Optimize NextJS performance by lazy load and hydrate under the fold.
- NextJS Lambda Utils - Wrapper for NextJS image handling, optimized for Lambda w/ ApiGw integration.
- The Worst of T3 Stack (2022)
- next-real-viewport - No more horizontal scroll when using 100vw.
- Ideas from Laravel in NextJS
- Using Fonts in Next.js (Google Fonts, Local Fonts, Tailwind CSS) (2022)
- Next.js 13: App Directory Playground (Code)
- OpenNext - Open source Next.js serverless adapter.
- i18n with Next.js 13 and app directory (an i18next guide)
- Exploring the App Directory in Next 13 (2022)
- Optimizing Web Fonts in Next.js 13 (2022)
- Adding CRONs to NextJS to Build A Meme Stealing Bot - TypeScript, Vercel, Upstash & more (2022)
- Ideas and thoughts on Next 13 (2022)
- Precedent - Opinionated collection of components, hooks, and utilities for your Next.js project. (Web) (HN)
- Advanced internationalization with Next.js and middleware (2022)
- Next-ValidEnv - Typesafe environment variables for Next.
- Streaming OpenAI completions with the Vercel Edge Runtime (2023)
- First Look at Create T3 App w/ Christopher Ehrlich (2023)
- Code Walkthrough for Next.js 13 / Tailwind CSS / MySQL App (2023)
- Next load - Load & consume data in an easy way in Next.js +13 app dir.
- Next Route Visualizer - Package for visualizing Next.js app directory routes.
- T3 Stack Tutorial (2023)