React Hooks
Like Jotai (with signals) or Valtio for more complex state handling. React Query is great for web requests & caching. ahooks has many useful hooks too. Tilg is nice for debugging components.
I now am using Solid for all my web apps and static sites, so trying to port many useful hooks from here for Solid.
- Nano Stores Query - Data fetcher for Nano Stores.
- Act - Most efficient reactive library in both: speed, size, correctness.
- Reatom - Immutability and explicit reactivity (no proxies), implicit DI and actor-like lifecycle hooks.
- Nano Stores React - Tiny state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores.
- Legend-State - Super fast and powerful state manager for JavaScript apps.
- Jotai - Primitive, flexible state management for React. (How Jotai Specifies Package Entry Points) (Tweet)
- Jotai Signal
- Jotai Immer - Jotai integration library for Immer.
- Jotai Location
- Store - Beautifully-simple framework-agnostic modern state management library.
- React Tracked - Simple and fast global state with React Context. Eliminate unnecessary re-renders without hassle.
- idyl - Merge ideas from zustand + swr + valtio into a simple shared state.
- Concave - Lens-like state management.
- Stook - Minimalist design state management library for React.
- Focal - Type safe, expressive and composable state management for React applications.
- resso - Reactive shared store of React. No extra re-render.
- statin - Simple and tiny reactive state library.
- Synergies - Create a performant distributed context state by synergyzing atomar context pieces and composing reusable state logic.
- Create React State - React state management you already know how to use.
- Exome - State manager for deeply nested states.
- Micro-observables - Simple Observable library that can be used for easy state management in React applications.
- liquorstore - Reactive store that is fine, really. It works with React.
- mage - Stateful + logical abstraction layer for react.
- use-zustand - Custom hook to use Zustand vanilla store.
- derive-zustand - Function to create a derived Zustand store from stores.
- valtio-signal - React binding for Valtio proxy state.
- zustand-signal - React binding for Zustand.
- Yjs React Bindings
- Yjs Middleware for Zustand
- Create React Signals - Factory function to create signals for React.
- SWR Global State - Zero-setup & simple global state management for React Components based on SWR helpers.
- Alveron - Elm & Reason inspired state management for React.
- use-valtio - Custom hook to use Valtio proxy state.
- zustand-querystring - Zustand middleware that syncs the store with the querystring.
- Geschichte - Zustand and immer based hook to manage query parameters.
- Use Chat - React hook for state management in chat applications.
- Use Supabase - Simple zero dependencies package that gives you access to your Supabase client.
- react-supabase - React Hooks library for Supabase.
- suspend-react - Integrate React Suspense into your apps.
- Rooks - Collection of regularly used custom hooks as utils for React.
- Constate - Scalable state manager using React Hooks & Context.
- Collection of essential React Hooks
- useHooks - Easy to understand React Hook recipes by Gabe Ragland. (Code)
- Use Hotkeys - React wrapper around Hotkeys.js.
- Use Events - Events turned into React Hooks.
- useQueryParams - React Hook for managing state in URL query parameters with easy serialization.
- react-apollo-hooks - Use Apollo Client as React hooks.
- wouter - Minimalistic ~1KB routing for React. Nothing else but HOOKS.
- useFetch - React hook for making isomorphic http requests.
- Unform - ReactJS form library to create uncontrolled form structures with nested fields, validations and much more.
- use-inline-memo - React hook for memoizing values inline anywhere in a component.
- React Navigation Hooks - React hooks for convenient react-navigation use.
- react-hotkeys-hook - React hook for using keyboard shortcuts in components.
- Hooks.Guide - Collection of React hooks curated by the community.
- SWR - React Hooks library for remote data fetching. (Docs) (Preview) (SWR Custom Cache) (2.0) (HN) (Vercel wants you to fetch data like this) (Dev Tools)
- react-zen - React utilities for working with APIs.
- React Query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React. (Essentials course) (Tweet) (Web) (When not to use it)
- react-hooks-fetch - React custom hook for data fetching with Suspense. (Article)
- react-suspense-fetch - React Suspense Render-as-You-Fetch pattern for REST APIs.
- useDebounce - Debounce hook for react.
- use-methods - Simpler way to useReducers.
- @umijs/hooks - React Hooks Library.
- Beautiful React Hooks - React hooks to speed-up your components and hooks development.
- Collection of React Hooks (Code)
- use-what-changed - Simple hook to debug major Reactjs hooks and custom hooks.
- use-immer - Use immer to drive state with a React hooks.
- usePlacesAutocomplete - React hook for Google Maps Places Autocomplete.
- use-scroll-to-bottom - React Hook which tells you when you've scrolled to bottom.
- react-use-mutable - Tiny hook that keeps your react state up-to-date in callbacks.
- use-cannon - Physics based hooks for react-three-fiber.
- react-hooks-global-state - Simple global state for React with Hooks API.
- use-local-storage - Like useState() but for local storage.
- useWorker - Running heavy task in background, without blocking the UI.
- use-persisted-state - Custom React Hook that provides a multi-instance, multi-tab/browser shared and persistent state.
- useSound - React Hook for Sound Effects. (Article)
- react-head - Hooks to populate the html head.
- @kripod/react-hooks - Essential set of React Hooks for convenient Web API consumption and state management.
- use-deep-compare-effect - React's useEffect hook, except using deep comparison on the inputs, not reference equality.
- react-storage-hooks - Custom React hooks for keeping application state in sync with localStorage or sessionStorage.
- useEffectReducer - React hook for managing side-effects in your reducers.
- use-shopping-cart - React Hook that handles shopping cart state and logic for Stripe.
- React Cool Inview - React hook to monitor an element enters or leaves the viewport (or another element).
- use-is-in-viewport - React hook to find out if an element is in a given viewport with a simple api.
- Little State Machine - React custom hook for persist state management.
- react-layout-effect - useLayoutEffect with SSR fallback and React Native support.
- use-resize-observer - React hook that allows you to use a ResizeObserver to measure an element's size.
- Focus Layers - Tiny React hooks for isolating focus within subsections of the DOM.
- React-async-hook - React hook to handle any async operation in React components.
- use-constant - React hook for creating a value exactly once. useMemo doesn't give this guarantee unfortunately.
- use-asset - Data fetching strategy for React Suspense. (Tweet)
- use-state-with-deps - React hook to use state and reset with dependencies.
- react-time-sync - React library to synchronize timers across an application.
- react-adaptive-hooks - Deliver experiences best suited to a user's device and network constraints.
- React UseGesture - Hook that lets you bind richer mouse and touch events to any component or view.
- react-hook - Strongly typed React hooks for function components.
- Hoofd - Hooks to populate the HTML head.
- useQueryString - React hook that serializes state into the URL query string.
- history-reducer - Simple react hook to create state history based on react useReducer.
- Object Hooks - React Hooks for Mutable State.
- useDebouncy - Small (180 bytes) debounce effect hook for React with TypeScript support.
- useComments - React hook to effortlessly add a comment section to your website, and start the discussion on your content.
- react-delta - Experimental effects API for react.
- Compose react refs - Small utility that composes two or more react refs into a ref callback.
- react-laag - Hooks to build things like tooltips, dropdown menu's and popovers in React. (Web)
- React Hot Toast - Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default. (Web)
- use-subsequent-effect - use(Layout)Effect variant hook that skips the initial render.
- Focus Rings - Centralized system for displaying and stylizing focus indicators anywhere on a webpage.
- react-collapsed (useCollapse) - React custom-hook for creating flexible and accessible expand/collapse components.
- uhooks - Micro hooks: a minimalistic client/server hooks' implementation.
- uhooks-nofx - Hooks without any side-effect, to provide the exact same uhooks API but doing pretty much nothing, except returning the right initial value for SSR components.
- useFilePicker - Simple react hook to open browser file selector.
- React Cool Form - React hooks for forms state and validation, less code more performant.
- use-less - React hooks that help you do what you already did, with more indirection.
- Hookstate - Simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React that is based on hooks. (Web)
- react-use-wizard - React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.
- pullstate - Simple state stores using immer and React hooks - re-use parts of your state by pulling it anywhere you like.
- use-between - Sharing state between React components.
- react-infinite-scroll-hook - Hook to create infinite scroll components.
- Fun Hooks - Generalized and simple hooking API for adding extensibility to applications.
- react-states - Make your reducers more explicit and constrained.
- Faster Full Stack Framework - Isomorphic | Zero Api | Using "React Hooks" to develop the back-end.
- react-popper-tooltip - React hook to effortlessly build smart tooltips.
- use-clipboard-copy - Lightweight copy to clipboard hook for React.
- useRealTime - React hook for dealing with real-time applications.
- React Hooks by Baidu
- use-editable - Small React hook to turn elements into fully renderable & editable content surfaces, like code editors, using contenteditable (and magic).
- react-hanger - Collection of useful React hooks.
- useUnmountSignal - React Hook to cancel promises when a component is unmounted.
- useStateMachine - Β½ kb state machine hook for React. (HN)
- react-hookz/web - Library of general-purpose React hooks built with care and SSR compatibility in mind.
- React Cool Virtual - Tiny React hook for rendering large datasets like a breeze.
- React Solid State - Local state swap for React using SolidJS.
- React Facade - Dependency injection for React hooks.
- useCookieConsent - React hook for managing GDPR cookie consent state.
- use-referee - Collection of ref-related hooks.
- use-web-animation - Hooks to leverage the web-animations API in under a kb.
- useNft - React hook to fetch metadata from any NFT. (Web)
- flooks - State manager for React Hooks, with gorgeous auto optimized re-render.
- react-tracking - Declarative tracking for React apps.
- react-virtual - Hooks for virtualizing scrollable elements in React.
- zustand-middleware-xstate - Allows you to easily put your xstate state machines into a global zustand store.
- Rko - State management library for React with built-in undo, redo, and persistence. Built on Zustand.
- react-drag-elements - Small & efficient React Hook that allows users to drag items around and update lists of elements.
- Web Vitals - Bring web vitals quickly into your react project.
- react-use-clipboard - React hook that provides copy to clipboard functionality.
- AtomicState - Decentralized state management library for React.
- observable-hooks - Concurrent mode safe React hooks for RxJS Observables. Simple, flexible, testable and performant.
- react-generate-context - React Context with less boilerplate.
- SomeHooks - Collection of framework agnostic hooks.
- useItemList - Primitive React hook used to coordinate indexed collections effortlessly.
- use-lax - React hook to use with lax.js.
- fp-ts-react-stable-hooks - Reduce unnecessary rerenders when using fp-ts data types with React hooks.
- use-callback-ref - Same useRef, but it will callback.
- use-reducer-async - React useReducer with async actions.
- axios-hooks - React hooks for axios, with built-in support for server side rendering.
- React Cool Portal - React hook for Portals, which renders modals, dropdowns, tooltips etc. to <body> or else.
- use-web-animations - React hook for highly-performant and manipulable animations using Web Animations API.
- use-context-selector - React useContextSelector hook in userland.
- OIDC React - React component/hooks to provide OpenID Connect and OAuth2 protocol support.
- useDescendants - React hook for keeping track of descendant components and their relative indeces.
- use-color - Powerful color hook that all designers deserve.
- Zustood - Modular store factory using zustand.
- use-double-click - Simple React hook for differentiating single and double clicks on the same component.
- react-query-helper - Helper library to use react-query more efficient, consistency. (Reddit)
- react-use-measure - Utility to measure view bounds.
- usehooks-ts - React hook library, ready to use, written in Typescript. (Docs)
- react-script-hook - React hook to dynamically load an external script and know when its loaded.
- useFilter - React hook to filter large amount of data using Web Worker. (Article)
- transition-hook - Extreme light-weight react transition animation hook which is simpler and easier to use than react-transition-group.
- Retil - Superpowers for React Developers.
- Byteclaw/hooks - Collection of useful React hooks.
- usePromise - React hook for resolving promises with Suspense support.
- web-platform - React SDK for building modern, accessible and cross-platforms interfaces.
- repeaterjs/react-hooks - React hooks for working with async iterators/generators.
- use-combined-pagination - React Hook for paginating data from multiple sources.
- useReactQueryAutoSync - React hook which lets you automatically synchronize a value to a server with react-query. (Article)
- React Loads - Backend agnostic library to help with external data fetching & caching in your UI components.
- useAudioPlayer - Custom React hook & context for controlling browser audio.
- useStickyScroll - React hook to help you set up 'sticky scroll' behavior.
- usePureCallback - useCallback done right.
- react-sweet-state - Shared state management solution for React.
- use-stream - React Hook for working with streams inside function components.
- use-clipboard-api - React Hook that consumes Web Clipboard API.
- react-browser-navigator - React Hooks to access browser navigator properties.
- use-gauge - Headless React hook for building beautiful gauge charts.
- Watchable - Library to expose state into React.
- Alibaba Hooks - High-quality & reliable React Hooks library. (Docs)
- Recoil Persist - Tiny module for recoil to store and sync state to Storage.
- React Click Away Listener - Tiny React Click Away Listener built with React Hooks.
- react-event-hook - Library for emitting and listening to events in a React application.
- React Tidy - Collection of atomic, independent, typed, tested and documented React custom hooks.
- use-interactions - Reusable and common web interactions with WCAG accessibility criteria for React.
- y-presence - Easy way to add presence (live cursors/avatars) to any react application using react hooks.
- form-builder - Lightweight react hook library to simplify approach in building Formik form.
- usePortal - React hook for Portals.
- useDelayedRender - React hook for delaying the render and unmount of a component.
- onClickOutside - React hook to listen for clicks outside of the component(s).
- react-sage - Handy-dandy React hooks.
- useSSE - Perform asynchronous effects both on client and serve side.
- useTilg - Magical React Hook to help you debug your components. (Tweet)
- event - Tiny and powerful hook-based event system for React.
- useForm - Tiny hook that make react forms easy.
- react-cancelable - Make cancelable requests with react-hooks.
- useTimeline - Enchanced useState hook which keeps track of the states history, allowing you to undo and redo states.
- useLocationState - Store and retrieve state from the browsers history using modern hooks.
- jotai-form
- useSvelteStore - Use svelte stores in react with hooks.
- useUndoable - React hook for undo/redo functionality.
- useCookie - React hook for managing cookies with no dependencies.
- use-clamp-text - React hook to clamp multiline text to a given height in a responsive way and with extreme flexibility.
- useAwait - React hook for handy async UI.
- react-hooks-compose - Decouple Hooks from the presentational components that use them.
- react-use-event-hook - Same as React's useCallback, but returns a stable reference.
- useAsyncMemo - React hook for generating async memoized data.
- use-transition-effect - Run long effects without blocking the main thread.
- Charlie Tango Hooks
- form-atoms - Atomic form primitives for Jotai.
- useAsyncEffect - Asynchronous side effects, without the nonsense.
- useAsyncEffect - React hook for async effects powered by generator functions.
- React Hooks Collection
- Hookable - Awaitable hook system.
- its-fine - Collection of escape hatches for React.
- xswr - Simplest React data (re)fetching library ever made.
- useImageColor - Grab color palette from any image using this hook.
- useLocalStorage - Flexible React Hook for using Local Storage.
- useShareState - Share state between tabs/windows.
- Frontend Essentials - Set of useful functions, components and hooks.
- useScramble - React-hook to create randomized text animation.
- react-query-kit - Toolkit for ReactQuery that make ReactQuery reusable and typesafe.
<!-- Run `doFunc()` after 2 seconds of component loading -->
useEffect(() => {
const timeout = window.setTimeout(() => doFunc(), 2000)
return () => window.clearTimeout(timeout)
}, [])
- You can pass anything into context, including "subscribable" objects (like RxJS observables, etc.). This means that you can share & subscribe to streams of values that change frequently, without causing unnecessary rerenders.
- Use useState to force a render
- Every time I think I have a use case for useReducer I end up using useState with an object literal instead.
- React Suspense, Hooks, Server Components, TypeScript typed tuples & pattern matching proposal are nice.
- Don't use useEffect for fire-and-forget effects. Use it for synchronization. Execute effects in event handlers.
- If you hate useEffect, it's probably because you should be using React Query
- If you have an effect that needs to be executed when your app starts, it's definitely okay to execute it outside the component, and not in useEffect
- The Provider in React context is optional
- React Keybinds - Lightweight library to manage keyboard shortcuts for your React application.
- Awesome React Hooks Resources
- RFC: React Hooks - Great discussion on React Hooks proposal.
- Flowchart that explains the new lifecycle of a Hooks component
- React Loops - Work alongside React Hooks as part of the novel React Velcro architecture for building sticky, secure user interfaces that don't come apart under pressure.
- Fun with React Hooks - Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence (2019)
- Awesome React Hooks
- Handling Large-Scale State-Management with Context and Hooks by Roy Derks (2019)
- How to implement useState with useReducer (2019)
- React's useEffect and useRef Explained for Mortals (2019)
- Thinking in React Hooks (2019) (HN)
- Advanced React Hooks workshop
- react-wonka - Several hooks to effectively use Wonka streams with React.
- Portals with Context
- Here Are 6 Awesome React Hooks (2019)
- React Hooks: Compound Components
- Evan You - State of Components (2019)
- A journey through the implementation of the useState hook
- Why I almost always
(2020) - The three core React hook features (2019)
- Hooksβ Macro - Babel Macros for React Hooks automatic memoization invalidation.
- A Critique of React Hooks (2020) (HN)
- Shared Hook State with SWR (2020)
- Death by a thousand useCallbacks (2020)
- React with Hooks - React documentation with Hooks-based explanations and examples.
- React Hooks - EpicReact workshop
- proper useState use
- A Simple Explanation of React.useEffect() (2020)
- Polling in React using the useInterval Custom Hook (2020)
- Deep dive: How do React hooks really work? (2019)
- React's UseRef Deep Dive (HN)
- useEncapsulation or Why Your React Components Should Only Use Custom Hooks (2021)
- Before You memo() (2021) (Reddit)
- React Hooks Testing Library
- React Training Workshop on React Hooks
- Manage Application State with Jotai Atoms (2021)
- useEffect vs useLayoutEffect
- The Latest Ref Pattern in React
- Prefer Declarative State Updaters (2021) (Lobsters)
- Scroll events, React Hooks and Refs
- Making hook work conditionally
- React & TypeScript: how to type hooks (a complete guide) (2021)
- How to use React useReducer hook like a pro (2021)
- Calin Tamas β Hooks are a great abstraction model (2021)
- How to replace useState with useRef and be a winner (2021) (Reddit)
- Thanks React, I'm fine with an imperative setInterval (2021)
- Are many useStates better than useState(object)? (2021)
- Hooks Architec - Simple and powerful project architecture for React and React Native apps.
- Linear's Hooks
- Mental model for useEffect
- Why you shouldn't put refs in a dependency array
- How to Handle Async Actions for Global State With React Hooks and Context (2019)
- How React Uses Closures to Avoid Bugs
- Recoil Design Tool - Simple example design tool, built using Recoil and React Suspense.
- Make useRef lazy β 4 ways (2021) (Reddit)
- The only two custom React hooks we ever really use (2021) (Tweet) (HN)
- Meet the new hook useSyncExternalStore, introduced in React 18 for external stores (2021) (Reddit)
- Writing Custom Useful React Hooks with TypeScript and Testing Them with React Testing Library (2022)
- Honestly, what is the best, pain-free state management in React right now? (2022)
- Hooks: Reactβs Do-Notation (2022) (HN)
- Micro State Management with React Hooks (2022) (Code)
- Hooks Considered Harmful (2022) (HN)
- Effective React Query Keys (2021)
- SWR with Axios - Simple, scalable example for using SWR with Axios in your React application.
- How useEvent hook solves 'execute on mount only once' use case
- Questions around useEffect hook (2022)
- Synchronizing with Effects (Tweet)
- Goodbye, useEffect: David Khourshid (2022)
- Rapini - OpenAPI to React Query & Axios.
- You Might Not Need an Effect (Tweet) (HN)
- Understanding UseMemo and UseCallback (HN)
- Getting Started with React Query (2022)
- React's
hook - Making React Context FAST (2022) (Tweet)
- Timeline of a React Component With Hooks (2022) (Tweet)
- Working with Zustand (2022) (Tweet)
- When to use useStoreMap hook
- Visual Guide to React's useEffect (2021) (HN)
- Mastering Mutations in React Query (2021)
- You Might Not Need React Query for Jotai (2023)
- Demystifying Create React Signals Internals (2023)
- How to avoid tricky async state manager pitfalls in React (2023)
- Were React hooks a mistake? (2023) (HN)