React Native
Solito & Expo are neat. React Native Quick SQLite is slick too. Stacks is useful for layouts. React Native Url Router is neat router. React Native Developer Tools is useful.
Ignite, zART-Stack & React Native template with goodies seem like nice starters.
Tamagui is interesting for styling.
NativeScript is interesting alternative.
RN Optimization Guide is good read.
Nice OSS RN appsβ
- React Native Replicache - Plug-in React Native compatibility bindings for Replicache.
- Create T3 Turbo - T3 Stack with Expo React Native.
- RNN Starter - Powered by cli-rn, React Native Navigation, Expo Modules, RNN Screens, RN UI lib, MMKV, Mobx, Reanimated 2, Dark Mode, Localization, Notifications, Permissions, and much more.
- Rainbow - Pocket robot for your internet money, powered by Ethereum.
- SimpleShop - Tiny app to manage inventory and keep track of orders and profits.
- Colorwaver - App to detect colorwaves (swatches/palettes) in the real world - powered by VisionCamera and Reanimated.
- Spotify Lite - Made with React Native for iOS and Android.
- Messages Clone - iOS Messages app clone I created in React Native.
- React Native WYSIWYG - React Native markdown editor.
- Blank Solito Example Monorepo
- Billy - Bill Tracker App, made with React Native + Typescript.
- Starter shell for React Native project with Detox tests running on Github Actions
- React Native Template TypeScript with Goodies
- React Native Template Strong - Quick, opinionated, documented and strong beginning for your next project.
- React Native with Storybook template
- Smoothly Animated ToDo App built with React Native
- Rive Animated App - React Native animated app with reanimated + expo and Rive an amazing tool for interactive icons and shapes animation.
- RN Transitions - React Native animated app with reanimated + expo.
- Blank Solito Example Monorepo
- Apple Card with moving gradients (Tweet)
- Elastic Scroll
- Sensor Rotation
- Animated Cards
- React Native animated app with reanimated + expo
- Choosy - Mobile application that allows users to create photo polls that others can vote on.
- Inkdrop mobile inspired by Gmail
- Audiobook App - Audiobook mobile application accomplished with React Native.
- Never use the <Text> component directly. Instead, create your own abstraction so you don't repeat yourself with font name, font size or colors each time and it's easier to change properties at any point.
- React Native DOM
- Create React Native App
- Expo - Free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React.
- Emission - React Native Components.
- Detox - Gray Box End-to-End Testing and Automation Framework for Mobile Apps.
- Awesome React Native Components
- Declarative future of gestures and animations in React Native - Krzysztof Magiera (2018)
- Simple physics with Reanimated β Part 1
- Why Discord is Sticking with React Native (2018)
- React Native Web - Makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM. (How to combine React Native Web + responsivity + NextJS SSR, to get SEO)
- CodePush - Cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their usersβ devices.
- React Native CLI - Command Line Interface for React Native.
- Hermes JS Engine - Small and lightweight JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android.
- Upgrade Helper - Web interface to support React Native developers in upgrading their apps.
- react-native-tscodegen - Generate react-native turbo modules using TypeScript.
- Re.pack - Webpack-based toolkit to build your React Native application with full support of Webpack ecosystem.
- Haul - Drop-in replacement for react-native CLI built on open tools like Webpack.
- zacs - Zero Abstraction Cost Styling (for React DOM & React Native)
- How Discord achieves native iOS performance with React Native (2019) (HN)
- Kadi Kraman - Security And Authentication In React Native (2019)
- Kitten Tricks - Starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications.
- Nars - Server rendered React Native.
- react-native-dark-mode - Detect dark mode in React Native.
- React Native Tab View - Cross-platform Tab View component for React Native.
- React Native β Monorepos & Code Sharing (2020)
- Awesome React Native: Native Modules
- React Native Now - Bi-weekly React Native newsletter.
- Gifted Chat - Most complete chat UI for React Native & Web.
- RecyclerListView - High performance listview for React Native and web.
- React Native command line tools
- React Native Confetti - React Native component to show confetti.
- React Native Debugger - Standalone app for debugging React Native apps.
- React Navigation - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps.
- Alexey Kureev - React Native CodeGen (2019)
- Expo - Open-source platform for making universal native apps that run on Android, iOS, and the web.
- Expo CLI - Tools for making Expo apps.
- React Native Paper - Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS).
- Start React Native - Learn to leverage the power of declarative gestures and animations to build delightful user experiences that run at 60 fps even on low-grade Android devices.
- Projects from the βCan it be done in React Native?β YouTube series
- Awesome React Native (Code)
- Deep Linking in React Native (2020)
- Reanimated Bottom Sheet - Highly configurable bottom sheet component made with react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler.
- React Native JSI Example (2020)
- What are the disadvantages of the Expo? (2020)
- React Native Express - Learn React Native, the cross-platform app framework. (Code)
- React Native V8 JSI adapter
- React Native: Discussions and Proposals
- React Native Test App - Provides test apps for all platforms as a package.
- React Native Meets SwiftUI (2020) - Write a proxy that allows you to use SwiftUI in React Native apps. (Code)
- react-native-neomorph-shadows - Neomorphism UI shadows for iOS & Android, include SVG inner/outer shadow component powered with react-native-svg.
- Ignite CLI - Hottest CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more.
- UI Kitten - React Native UI Library based on Eva Design System.
- rn-placeholder - Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native.
- Bridging in React Native (2015) - An in-depth look into React Native's core.
- Installing React Native on macOS course
- React Native Blur component
- redash - Utility library for React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated.
- What I've learned creating a React Native performance monitor (2020)
- Hacks for creating production level apps with React Native (2018)
- React Native Fit Image - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
- react-native-app-link - Easily link to other apps with React Native.
- @react-native-community/bob - Simple CLI to scaffold and build React Native libraries for different targets.
- saReact Native Notifications
- react-native-actions-sheet - Highly customizable cross platform ActionSheet for react native.
- FastImage - Performant React Native image component.
- RN Upgrade Support - Central community-backed place to request and give help when upgrading your app.
- Stacks - Build React Native views blazingly fast.
- How React Native development can save time (2020)
- Restyle - Type-enforced system for building UI components in React Native with TypeScript.
- Background Fetch - Periodic callbacks in the background for both iOS and Android.
- Redux Debugger Plugin for Flipper
- React Native Performance Monitor - Realtime graphing of React Native render performance.
- Shoutem UI - Customizable set of components for React Native applications.
- React Native, v2 course by Kadi Kraman (2020)
- Ultimate Guide to React Native Optimization Book
- Scroll Bottom Sheet - Cross platform scrollable bottom sheet with virtualisation support, native animations at 60 FPS and fully implemented in JS land.
- G2i - Hire pre-vetted React & React Native developers you can trust.
- What we have learned from developing a real RN app (2020)
- React Native iOS Kit - Missing React Native UI Kit for iOS.
- Animated TabBar - 60FPS animated tab bar with a variety of cool animation presets.
- React Native Directory - Searchable and filterable directory of React Native libraries. (Code)
- react-native-template - Echobind's template for React Native projects.
- React Native renderer based on Skia
- React Native Navigation Tutorial (2020)
- react-native-modal - Enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal.
- RN Bottom Sheet - Performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options.
- Speed up heavy React Native screens
- React Native Restyled - Utility-first Styling Library for React Native.
- SnackUI - Fast UI kit for React Native (+ web) with SwiftUI stacks.
- react-native-svg-app-icon - Generate all app icons for you React Native apps from a single SVG file.
- React Native Samples and Templates - Repository showcasing React Native samples and templates for Windows, macOS, and Surface Duo.
- Bonsai - Opinionated zero-config CLI for React Native.
- formidable-webview/webshell - Craft Robust React Native WebView-based components with ease.
- Magnus UI - Utility-First React Native UI Framework. (Web)
- react-native-testing - How to test your react-native components with Jest and React Native Testing Library.
- Moti - Universal React Native animation library, powered by Reanimated 2. (Docs)
- React Native ARIA - Helps you build accessible and rich Apps with React Native.
- MMKV - Extremely fast key/value storage library for React Native. ~30x faster than AsyncStorage.
- React Native Multithreading - Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI.
- Setting up an Example App for Your React Native Library (2019) (Tweet)
- Why founders should NOT use React Native (2021)
- Stripe React Native SDK
- Coinbase's Transition to React Native (2021) (HN)
- React Native Jigsaw - Draftbit's component library used inside our Builder.
- React Native Performance tooling - Toolchain to measure and monitor the performance of your React Native app in development, pipeline and in production.
- Getting Started with React Native JSI Modules (2021)
- React Native Search Component - Inspired by iOS UISearchBar with Dark Mode.
- React Native Elements - Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit. (Code)
- Creating an accessible Accordion component in React Native
- Rapi UI - React native components library.
- React Native Quick SQLite - Fastest SQLite implementation for react-native.
- metro-minify-esbuild - Use ESBuild to make your React Native code bundle faster.
-'s HTML, which is produced by React Native for Web, explained (2021) (HN)
- rnx-kit - Tools which help developers build, deliver, and maintain React Native apps and libraries. (Docs)
- React Native Async Storage - Asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
- Running React Native everywhere: The Webs (2021)
- react-native-react-bridge - Easy way to integrate your React (or Preact) app into React Native app with WebView.
- React Native Universal Monorepo
- Notifee Notifications - Feature rich notifications library for React Native.
- React Native: Beyond Basics - Intermediate React Native course by Kadi Kraman. (Code)
- Running React Native everywhere (2021)
- Tailwind React Native Classnames - Simple, expressive API for TailwindCSS + React Native, written in TypeScript.
- How To Create a Native Mobile App For Your Supabase Back-End (2021)
- Vision Camera - Camera library that sees the vision.
- react-native-pager-view - React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS UIPageViewController.
- WebRTC module for React Native
- React Native Team AUA (2021) (Tweet)
- React Native Image Viewing - Tiny, purely TS, modal component for viewing images.
- React Native Navigation - Complete native navigation solution for React Native.
- Multistep form handling | React Native, TypeScript, XState and Formik (2020) (Code)
- React Native Testing Library - Simple and complete React Native testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
- react-native-native-runtime - Access the native APIs directly from the React Native JS context.
- Toward Hermes being the Default (2021) (Tweet)
- React Native UI kit - Monorepo with UI components.
- react-native-share-menu - Module for React Native that adds your app to the share menu of the device.
- Spotify for React Native - React native module for the Spotify SDK. Works on both iOS and Android.
- intercom-react-native - React Native wrapper to bridge our iOS and Android SDK.
- react-native-context-menu-view - Use native context menus in React Native.
- React Native Bluetooth Low Energy
- React Native Performance Monitor Flipper plugin
- react-native-header - Header library for react-native. Uses power of reanimated2.
- react-native-ridge-navigation - Simple, performant & type-safe cross platform navigation in React Native / React Native Web.
- React Native Module Template - Starter for the React Native library written in TypeScript, with linked example project and optional native code in Swift and Kotlin.
- React Native Keyboard Accessory View - Keyboard accessory (sticky) view for your React Native app. Supports interactive dismiss on iOS.
- React Native WebView - Modern, Cross-Platform WebView for React Native.
- React Native Gesture Handler - Native-driven gesture management APIs for building best possible touch-based experiences in React Native. (Docs) (2.0 release)
- Ant Design Mobile RN - Configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation. (Docs)
- Implementing RTK Query in a React Native App (2021)
- React Native Reanimated - Comprehensive, low level abstraction for the Animated library API. (3.0 release)
- Primer React Native SDK
- Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript (2021)
- Sticky Item - Interactive sticky item inspired by Facebook Stories.
- react-native-skia - High-performance React Native Graphics using Skia. (Docs)
- react-native-sfsymbols - SF Symbols in your iOS app.
- Fabric Β· React Native
- react-native-render-html - iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views.
- react-native-animatable - Declarative transitions and animations for React Native.
- RNUI - UI Toolset & Components Library for React Native. (Docs)
- react-native-reanimated-carousel - Simple React Native carousel component,fully implemented using reanimated v2.
- The Matrix Reacts (2022)
- setup-tailwind-rn - Set up Tailwind CSS in React Native apps.
- react-native-progressive-fast-image - Customizable progressive image for React Native with FastImage.
- React Native TS Lib Starter
- react-native-owl - Visual regression testing for React Native.
- React Native iOS - iOS UI implementation in React Native with gestures and animations.
- Storybook for React Native
- React Native Rich Text Editor - Based on ZSSRichTextEditor.
- React Native Voice - React Native Voice Recognition library for iOS and Android (Online and Offline Support).
- React Native Colo Loco - Colocate your native modules and components with your JavaScript/JSX files.
- React Native Firebase - Well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native.
- Ant Design Mobile - Essential UI blocks for building mobile web apps.
- react-native-wagmi-charts - Simple chart library for React Native.
- React Native URL Router
- vision-camera-ocr - VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to preform text detection on images using MLKit Vision Text Recognition.
- React Native New Architecture Working Group
- Opinionated React Native bootcamp (2022)
- Optimize your VS Code setup for React Native with Jamon and David (2022)
- React Native Health - Interact with Apple HealthKit.
- React Native Pan Pinch View - View component for React Native with pinch to zoom and drag to pan functionality.
- SWR + React Native - React Native/React Navigation compatibility for Vercel's useSWR hook.
- React Native Week Month Date Picker
- React Native SQLite3
- React Native Interactive Walkthrough
- Deep dive into React Native JSI (2022)
- React Native Toast Message - Animated toast message component for React Native.
- Solito - React Native + Next.js, unified. (Docs) (HN) (Tweet) (Example App Code) (Example Monorepo)
- An update on the New Architecture Rollout (2022)
- React Native Image Modal
- Avoid Keyboard in React Native Like a Pro (Tweet)
- React Native Link Preview - Fully customizable preview of the URL extracted from the provided text.
- React Native Media Console - React Native video component with controls. Built with TypeScript.
- RN Skia Sketch Canvas - React Native component for drawing using Skia renderer.
- Gleap ReactNative SDK
- React Native Stagger View - Type of layout that is used to display images and posts.
- React Native Screens - Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
- React Native New Architecture Sample - Collection of sample React Native Apps that will show you how to use the New Architecture (Fabric & TurboModules) step-by-step.
- React Native Awesome Video Player - React native video control component, built upon Reanimted v2 & react-native-gesture-handle.
- React Native OneSignal SDK - Free email, sms, push notification, and in-app message service for mobile apps. (Expo Plugin)
- React Native New Architecture Library Samples - Collection of sample React Native Libraries that will show you how to use the New Architecture (Fabric & TurboModules) step-by-step.
- Electrode Native - Platform to ease integration&delivery of React Native apps in existing mobile applications.
- React Native Push Notification API for iOS
- TailwindCSS React Native
- React Native Awesome Gallery - Performant, native-like, and well-customizable gallery for React Native.
- React Native BigNumber - Fastest Big Number library for React Native.
- React Native Vector Image - iOS/Android native vector assets generated from SVG.
- React Native TableView List - SectionList-like component backed by a UITableView (iOS only).
- React Native Material You - Material You native module for React Native.
- React Native Image Header Scroll View - ScrollView with an image in header which becomes a navbar.
- React Native Safe Area Context - Flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS.
- React Native Hold Menu - Performant, easy to use hold to open context menu for React Native powered by Reanimated.
- React Native Swipeable Panel - Swipeable, easy to use bottom panel for your React Native projects.
- React Native Sodium JSI - Precompiled binaries of libsodium will be linked by default.
- React Native SHA library - Fast Secure Hash Algorithm solution for React Native with direct C++ bindings.
- React Native Reorderable List - Reorderable list for React Native applications, powered by Reanimated 2.
- React Native SVG - SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.
- React Native Turbo Starter
- Multiple entry points for React Native Storybook (2022)
- React Native Turbo Secure Storage - Turbo-module to securely store data, uses Keychain on iOS and KeyStore on Android.
- React Native Media Query - Media queries for react-native and react-native-web.
- React Native Portal - Simplified portal implementation for React Native & Web.
- React Native Virtualized Grid
- React Native Quick WebSQL
- React Native iOS Popover - React native wrapper component to use the native iOS popover by wrapping a react native view inside a UIViewController and presenting it.
- React Native Graph - Beautiful, high-performance Graphs and Charts for React Native.
- React Native Smooth Picker
- React Native Keyboard Controller - Platform agnostic keyboard manager.
- New Relic React Native Module
- React Native Size Matters - Lightweight, zero-dependencies, React-Native utility belt for scaling the size of your apps UI across different sized devices.
- Hermes Profile Transformer - TypeScript tool for converting Hermes Sampling Profiler output to Chrome Dev Tools format.
- Babylon React Native - Build React Native applications with the power of Babylon Native.
- React Native JSI Base Coder - Base64/32/16 encoding/decoding for React Native written in C/C++ and JSI.
- React Native News & Tips Community / Twitter
- Stickyheader.js - Simple React Native library, enabling to create a fully custom header for your iOS and Android apps.
- React Native Apple Authentication
- Legend Motion - Declarative animations library for React Native.
- React Native ESbuild - Fastest bundler for React Native.
- Navigation Router - Scene-Based Navigation for React and React Native.
- React Native at Shopify (2022)
- React Native Apps - Curated List of Open Source React Native Apps.
- Stitches Native - React Native implementation of the popular CSS-in-JS library Stitches.
- render-react-native-to-image - Take a React Native component tree, and render it into an SVG.
- Drawings, gestures, and animations workshop β App.js Conference 2022
- How to build Gmail-like UI with React Native (2022)
- zeego - Beautiful, native menus for React Native + Web, inspired by Radix UI.
- React Navigation Bottom Sheet - Bottom sheet navigator for React Navigation.
- React Native Zephyr - TailwindCSS-inspired styling library for React Native.
- React Native Performance - Performance measurement for your React Native apps.
- React Native 0.69 (2022) (HN) (Tweet)
- Reassure - Performance testing companion for React and React Native.
- FlashList - Fast & performant React Native list. No more blank cells.
- React Native Modalfy - Modal citizen of React Native.
- Is RN even worth it? (2022)
- RN Parallax Travel Cards
- React Native Instagram Page Transition
- Discovering Turbo Modules - Step by step example of creating your own React Native TurboModule.
- React Native Toast
- React Native Quick Crypto - Fast implementation of Node's crypto module.
- React Native AMA - Accessible components and hooks to simplify the building of accessible apps.
- Pedal to the Metal (2022)
- gRPC for react-native
- React Native Check Version - Easy way to check if there's an update available for the current app in the App Store or Google Play.
- RN-Bounceable - Native bounceable effect for any React Native component. Built with Reanimated 2. Compatible with Expo.
- RNN Screens - Predictable Navigation for React Native.
- React Native Permissions - Unified permissions API for React Native on iOS and Android.
- React Native Hero Icons
- React Native Animation Samples - Gesture based interruptible animation samples in React Native.
- Navio - Navigation library for React Native (Expo). Build the app's layout in one place.
- React-Native-Avoid-Soft-Input - Native solution for common React Native problem of focused views being covered by soft input view.
- React Native iOS Context Menu
- Preact-Native - Experimental renderer for preact to work with react-native.
- Rive React Native - React Native runtime library for Rive.
- Rust + React Native
- Open Native - Vendor-unlock React Native. Use React Native native modules with other cross-platform frameworks.
- React Native Three Column Layout
- ReactNative Purchases - In-App Subscriptions Made Easy.
- Portalize - Simplest way to render anything on top of the rest.
- React Native made me give up a project today (2022)
- React Native Use File Upload - Hook for uploading files using multipart form data with React Native.
- Burnt - Cross-platform toasts for React Native, powered by native elements.
- React Native Releases Working Group
- React Native Payments - Accept Payments with Apple Pay and Android Pay using the Payment Request API.
- React Native Database Β· RxDB
- React Native Simple Toast
- State of React Native survey
- React Native Anchor Point - Achieve better 3D transform animation.
- How to create a truly native experience for your React-Native app (2022)
- React Native Lens UI Kit
- Create React Native Module
- React Native Fiesta - Set of animations ideal for celebration and user engagement.
- Hyperview - Native mobile apps, as easy as creating a website. (HN)
- React Native OpenAI JSX - Use OpenAI to generate functioning React Native components.
- React Native is not the future (2023) (HN)
- React Native Cache - React Native LRU cache build on top of AsyncStorage.
- Tamagui Kitchen Sink - Component library which builds on top of Tamagui.
- React Native Story View - React Native component to show image and video stories.
- React Native Reactions - React Native animated reaction picker component.
- React Native Track Player - Fully fledged audio module created for music apps.
- Showtime Tab View - React Native component that supports a collapsible header and custom refresh control.
- React Native Plaid - Hooks for Plaid open banking on React Native.
- React Native QR Code SVG
- Hyperview - Server-driven mobile apps with React Native.
- React Native Code Push - Easily add a dynamic update experience to your React Native app(s).
- React Native TV Example - React Native app that compiles for iOS, Android, tvOS & AndroidTV.
- React Native Click Outside - React Native library to detect clicks outside the component.
- Universal Tooltip - Cross-platform Tooltip component for React Native.
- React Native In App Review
- Chain React - React Native conference.
- FluentUI React Native - React-native component library that implements the Fluent Design System.
- React Modal Sheet - Flexible bottom sheet component for your React apps.
- react-native-webassembly - Enables WebAssembly for React Native powered by C++ TurboModules and Wasm3.