MDX-Rs is great for compiling MDX to JS.
- MDX Blocks - Write content in MDX. Build layouts with blocks. Customize with themes.
- On the limits of MDX (2020)
- Rust implementation of MDX
- MDX use examples
- How to parse MDX
- Sector, the future of MDX, and Digital Gardens (2020)
- MDX v2 Umbrella issue
- Using React hooks in MDX (2020)
- MDXConf - Official MDX conference.
- next-mdx-remote - Load mdx content from anywhere through getStaticProps in next.js.
- Dynamic Authoring with MDX (2020) - Presentation on how developers can use MDX to supercharge their technical writing. (Code)
- mdx OCaml - Executable code blocks inside markdown files.
- Markdown/MDX with Next.js (2020)
- micromark-extension-mdxjs-esm - Micromark extension to support MDX JS import/exports.
- remark-mdx-filter-imports - Strip mdx imports that match a given pattern.
- remark-code-snippets - Remark plugin for importing snippets of source files, as code blocks, based on markers found in the file.
- mdx-go - Lightning fast MDX-based dev server for progressive documentation.
- snowpack-plugin-mdx - Use the MDX compiler to build .mdx and .md files in Snowpack.
- MDX Embed - Embed 3rd party media content in MDX - no import required.
- Remote MDX with Next.js (2021)
- xdm - MDX compiler.
- Example NextJS app with MDX
- mdx-bundler - Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a string of JS you can eval.
- React server components + MDX (2021) (Code)
- Code Hike Scrollycoding Preview (Code) (Tweet)
- Vite Plugin MDX
- Next MDX - Build MDX powered websites with Next.js. (Code)
- MDX 2 (2021)
- MDX Pretty Code - Simply beautiful syntax highlighting for your MDX docs.
- Type Checking MDX in Storybook
- Awesome MDX
- MDX Debugger - Dev tool to inspect the ast transformations done remark and rehype plugins during MDX compilation.
- MDX to Markdown Converter
- MDX VSCode extension (Code)
- ESLint Parser/Plugin for MDX
- Integrating MDX with NextJS
- MDX Conf Discord
- Mint - Build blazing fast, beautiful, and easy to maintain documentation with MDX.
- Intelligent TypeScript Code Blocks with MDX and Shiki Twoslash
- Nextjs Image with mdx-bundler (2022)
- MDX-Rs - Compile MDX to JavaScript in Rust.
- Expo MDX - MDX support for React Native projects.
- semantic-search - OpenAI-powered CLI to build a semantic search index from your MDX files.