Vitesome is a nice template. Villus is nice Vue GraphQL client. tRPC-Nuxt seems pretty great too.
Nuxt seems nice. Anu is great Vue component library.
Elk has nice code.
Built with Vue
- Nuxt 3 + Vuetify 3 Starter
- Alpine - Minimalist blog theme, powered by Nuxt & Markdown.
- Content Wind - Lightweight Nuxt theme to build a Markdown driven website. Powered by Nuxt Content, TailwindCSS and Iconify.
- Nuxt 3 Minimal Starter
- Nuxt 3 PWA - Zero config PWA solution for Nuxt 3.
- Nuxt 3 Minimal Starter with ESLint
- Nuxt.js Hacker News
- Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions
- Vue Advanced Chat - Beautiful chat rooms component made with Vue.js.
- Official Vue.js Blog
- Discord Clone
- Vue Minesweeper
- VueTube - Open source YouTube client.
- VuePress Home Page - Elegant & friendly homepage (bio, tech portfolio, resume, doc...) template with Markdown and VuePress.
- Nuxt 3 + Medium (n3dium)
- Avantage - Accelerate building full stack node applications with Nuxt 3.
- Kanri - Cross-platform, offline-first Kanban board desktop application with a focus on simplicity and user experience.
- Marchant Web - Nuxt 3 project that centers around a WebGL visualization that ebs and flows into each page.
- Enable custom formatters in Chrome DevTools when debugging Vue 3. The experience is on another level.
- vdom and reactive are not opposite paradigms. They are apples and oranges. Vue is vdom and reactive. You can take Vue's reactive parts and pair it with other rendering mechanisms, e.g.
We can also theoretically compile Vue templates into Solid-like output, while still using Vue's own reactive system. Or still using the same reactive system, but just walk the DOM and make it reactive.
- Plans for the Next Iteration of Vue.js (2018)
- Vue RFCs - RFCs for substantial changes / feature additions to Vue core.
- Vue's Darkest Day (2019)
- vue-next - V3 rewrite of Vue.js
- Design Principles of Vue 3.0 by Evan You (2019)
- Vuex - Centralized State Management for Vue.js
- Build a DEV.TO clone with Nuxt new fetch (2020)
- Zipe - Vite + SSR.
- Building a real-time patient monitoring system with Go and Vue (HN)
- Just in time compilation technique for server-side rendering
- VueUse - Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities. (Web) (GitHub)
- Starter for Vite + VueUse + TypeScript
- The process: Making Vue 3 (2020)
- 30 Days of Vue
- Vue Stripe Checkout
- Awesome Vue 3
- Vue Styleguidist - Isolated Vue component development environment with a living style guide.
- Trying Vue.js for the First Time (2020)
- Vue.js 3 (2020) (HN) (Video)
- vue-composable - Vue composition-api composable components. i18n, validation, pagination, fetch, etc. +50 different composables. (Web)
- Ream - Full-stack framework for building web apps, powered by Vue 3.
- VuePress - Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator. (Awesome VuePress)
- VuePress 2 (Web)
- Using State Machines in Vue.js with XState (2020)
- swrv - Stale-while-revalidate data fetching for Vue.
- What Vue.js Does Better Than React (2020)
- Things I Don’t Like about Vue.js (as a React engineer) (2020)
- eslint-plugin-vue - Official ESLint plugin for Vue.
- Equal UI - Vue 3 components library with 30+ components based on TypeScript and personal design system. (Code)
- Element Plus - Vue.js 3.0 UI Library.
- vue-gtag - Global Site Tag plugin for Vue.
- Vue Telemetry - Discover websites made with Nuxt.js.
- Vitesse - Opinionated Vite Starter Template.
- Vuejs Amsterdam - Online Conference.
- Volar - Faster and more accurate TypeScript support of Vue 3.
- Vue Essentials Cheatsheet
- Vue Mastery - Ultimate Learning Resource for Vue.js Developers.
- vite-ssg - Server-side generation for Vite.
- VueDX - Collection of tools for Vue ecosystem.
- Vue Chemistry - Reactified JavaScript functions for Vue.
- vueuse/head - Document head manager for Vue 3. SSR ready.
- Vue Native - Framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using JavaScript. (Code) (HN)
- Nuxt Build Optimizations - Nuxt.js module to automatically make your builds faster.
- Vite Experience with Nuxt 2
- The Ultimate Nuxt API Setup (2020)
- Awesome Nuxt.js
- vue-dts-gen - Generate
files. - Windi CSS for Nuxt.js
- Create Nuxt App - Create a Nuxt.js project in seconds.
- Pinia - Intuitive, type safe and flexible Store for Vue. (Docs)
- Nuxt Speedkit - Module for NuxtJS. Takes over the lighthouse performance optimization of your generated website. (Docs)
- Typed Vuex - Strongly-typed store accessor for vanilla Vuex.
- Composable Vue - Anthony Fu (2021)
- Vue Demi - Creates Universal Library for Vue 2 & 3.
- Scaling Your Vue Components for Mid-Large Size Apps (2021)
- Building a Vue Auto Component Importer (2020)
- Naive UI - Vue 3 Component Library. (Web)
- Petite-Vue - 5kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement. (HN)
- vue-to-react - Turn a Vue component into a React component.
- Oruga - Lightweight library of UI components for Vue.js without CSS framework dependency. (Web)
- Vue Konva - JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics using Vue.
- Vue Query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in Vue.
- Vant - Mobile UI Components built on Vue.
- Nuxt - Hybrid Vue Framework. (Code) (Nuxt 3 Public Beta Launch with Q&A) (Docs)
- iles - Islands of interactivity with Vue in Vite.js.
- Nuxt 3 Starter - Nuxt3, Tailwindcss, Sass, Headless UI, Vue.
- Vue Bleeding Edge - Aiming to simulate Nuxt 3 without using Nuxt.
- Vue 3 + Vite template
- Is Nuxt 3 ready? (Code)
- Async with Composition API (2021)
- Nuxt 3 Minimal Starter - Uses Tailwind/Supabase.
- Arco Design Vue
- nuxt3-supabase - Nuxt 3 module and composables for Supabase.
- Vitesse for Nuxt 3
- Nano Stores Vue - Vue integration for Nano Stores, a tiny state manager with many atomic tree-shakable stores.
- Moon - Lightweight Vue 3 component library.
- Vue Stripe.js - Vue 3 components for Stripe.js.
- Vuestic UI - Vue.js 3.0 UI Framework. (Code)
- Explore Nuxt Modules (Code)
- Vue 3 Spring - Spring-physics based animation library, and more.
- Things you wish Vue docs explained better (2021)
- Create a GraphQL Powered Vue 3 Application (2021)
- nuxt-delay-hydration - Improve your Nuxt.js Google Lighthouse score by delaying hydration.
- Harlem - Simple, unopinionated, lightweight and extensible state management for Vue 3. (Docs)
- Vuetiful - Component framework written on top of the Vue reactive library.
- voe - 3kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement.
- vue-typegen - Generate types for TypeScript Vue components libraries.
- VueJS Interview Questions
- Vue Components as Custom Elements (2021)
- Typed Router for Nuxt 3
- Vurian Wizard - Wizard Vue component on Vue 3 and state machine.
- nuxtjs/partytown - Partytown integration for Nuxt.
- Lodash for Nuxt
- Vue 3 as the New Default (2022) (HN)
- FormKit - Form authoring framework for Vue developers. (Web) (HN)
- TSConfigs for Vue projects to extend
- Algolia module for Nuxt
- Nuxt Starter Templates - Quickly get started with a minimal Nuxt starter template.
- Nuxt Supabase - Supabase module for Nuxt.
- Nuxt Strapi - Strapi Module for Nuxt.
- vue-bind-once - Tiny, SSR-safe directive for binding random data to an element.
- Nuxt3 + URQL + SSR
- Nuxt 3 Starter - Better Nuxt 3 starter template.
- nuxt-gql - Minimal GraphQL Client + Code Generation for Nuxt 3.
- Vue Use Motion - Vue Composables putting your components in motion.
- Vue Router
- Short introduction into Vue (Code)
- Pinia Plugin Persist - Persist pinia state data in sessionStorage or other storages.
- Inkline - Vue.js UI UX DX Library. (Code)
- Islands Architecture in Vue with Máximo Mussini (2021)
- nuxt-directus - Easily connect your Nuxt3 application to your directus server.
- Easily integrate Firebase into your Nuxt project
- nuxt-feed-module - Nuxt 3 compatible module for generating RSS feeds.
- Vue Composable Starter - Minimalist starting point for your next Vue 3 composable.
- Blitzar - Generate Vue Forms and Data-tables fast with a simple JSON-like syntax.
- Magnetar - Framework-agnostic syncing solution that auto-connects any DB/API with your local data store and has optimistic-UI built in.
- Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time. (Web)
- unplugin-vue-define-options - Introduce a macro in script setup, defineOptions, to use Options API in script setup.
- Veaury - Use React in Vue3 and Vue3 in React, And as perfect as possible.
- Vue Starport - Shared component across routes with animations.
- v-shared-element - Declarative shared-element transitions for Vue.js.
- Vite Plugin Vue
- Vite Integration For Go - Simple module that lets you serve your Vue 3 project from a Go-based web server.
- Minimal GraphQL Client + Code Generation for Nuxt
- Vue Stripe Menu - Creating a navigation menu with animations like on Stripe.
- Vue Devtools - Browser devtools extension for debugging Vue.js applications. (Code)
- Villus - Tiny and fast GraphQL client for Vue.js.
- vee-validate - Form Validation for Vue.js.
- vue-adaptive-utils - Deliver empathetic experiences to your users by adapting to their capabilities.
- Vuetify - Material Design Framework for Vue.js. (Code) (Awesome)
- Vue Virtual Scroller - Blazing fast scrolling of any amount of data.
- Origin.js - Simple and powerful Vue.js web application framework that provides a complete set of web project solutions based on Vue.js.
- Vue for Automated Google Rich Results
- Why Vue doesn’t need time slicing / concurrent mode (Tweet)
- Floating Vue - Easy tooltips, popovers, dropdown, menus... for Vue.
- Vite Plugin Vue Inspector - Jump to local IDE source code while click the element of browser automatically.
- vuensight - Visualize Vue.js component relationships and communication channels, i.e. props, events and slots.
- Nuxt UI - Unified UI and Design Kit for the Nuxt.
- Splitpanes - VueJS reliable, simple and touch-ready panes splitter / resizer.
- Nuxt Content - File based Headless CMS for modern websites built with Nuxt. (Docs)
- Vitesome - Simple opinionated Vue Starter Template with Vite.js.
- Nuxt Image - Optimized Images for Nuxt.
- Vue k bar - Extensible command+k interface for Vue 3 applications.
- Server functions RPC in client for Nuxt 3
- tRPC-Nuxt - End-to-end typesafe APIs with in Nuxt applications.
- Vue3 Composition API: watchEffect vs. watch (2022)
- SlimeForm - Form state management and validation for Vue3.
- The Nuxt Web (2022)
- Anthony Fu - Vue, Vite, Vitest, UnoCSS (2022)
- Vitesse Lite - Lightweight version of Vitesse.
- Vue Flow - Highly customizable Flowchart component for Vue 3.
- Vue Tips Collection
- Vue Use State Effect - Fast and small library, built on top of the native Vue.js API that will provide a safe and sharable (across the app) state for your local composables and functions.
- Unplugin Vue Components - On-demand components auto importing for Vue.
- Collection of Vue.js challenges (Code)
- Vue Compiler in Rust (Reddit)
- Lumeno UI - Library of UI widgets built using Vue.js and TailwindCSS.
- Best place to start your Nuxt Theme
- Looking at Nuxt3 (2022)
- Nuxt Web Vitals - Essential module for a healthy Nuxt.js.
- Temir - Vue for CLIs. Build your CLI output using components.
- Create Vue - Quickly scaffold a Vue project.
- Nuxt Zero JS - Remove all client-side JS from your Nuxt 3 app.
- nuxtjs/style - Use Design Tokens in your Nuxt project.
- Temir Snake CLI Game - Terminal-based Snake game. Powered by Temir.
- What blocks React devs from switching to Vue? (2022)
- Unplugin Vue Router - Automatic file based Routing in Vue with TS support.
- pinceau - Zero-runtime CSS-in-JS framework made for Vue.
- nuxt-hedge - Experimental head-edge module for Nuxt v3.
- Dev SSR on Nuxt with Vite (2022)
- Prisma and Nuxt is my new favorite combo (2022)
- Anu - Focused utility based Vue component library built on top of UnoCSS & VueUse. (Web)
- Vue TermUI - Modern Terminal UI Framework.
- Nuxt Web Bundle - Generate web bundles with Nuxt 3.
- Flowbite Vue 3 - Official Vue 3 components built for Flowbite and Tailwind CSS. (Code)
- V-Mapkit.js - Vue 3 + MapKit JS.
- Nuxt-Iron-Session - Add stateless session support for Nuxt apps using signed and encrypted cookies.
- vue-mixable - Turn Vue Mixins into Composables with a simple helper function.
- Nuxt Plausible - Nuxt 3 module to natively integrate Plausible analytics.
- Vue Data Picker
- Advent Of Vue (In SvelteKit)
- v-satori - Generate a satori-friendly VDOM from a Vue component.
- Vue Auth UI - Pre-built Vue component for authenticating users.
- Nuxt Lazy Hydrate
- Nuxt Typography - Nuxt theme to get a beautiful and customisable typography with Nuxt Content.
- Vue-Sprinkles - Composable to create a component from your vanilla-extract + sprinkles tokens.
- SWC Plugin for Vue JSX
- Numix - Write your server code inside Vue SFC's and handle forms easily.
- Vunix - UI library built on top of Vue and TailwindCSS.
- Nuxt Simple Sitemap - Simple sitemap module for pre-rendered Nuxt v3 apps.
- Nuxt Headless UI - Headless UI integration for Nuxt. Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS.
- Nuxt SEO Kit - Supercharge your Nuxt app with the all-in-one SEO layer.
- - Create a new Nuxt project from your address bar. (Code)
- PrimeVUE - Next Generation Vue UI Component Library. (Code)
- Vitest Environment Nuxt - Vitest environment for testing code that needs a Nuxt runtime environment.
- VueFire - Firebase bindings for Vue.
- Responsive Video Background Player for Vue
- Nuxt Simple Robots - Simply manage the robots crawling your Nuxt v3 app.
- Nuxt OG Image - Generate dynamic social share images for your Nuxt v3 app.
- Nuxt Link Checker - Improve your sites SEO by identifying and fixing link issues in your Nuxt v3 app.
- Vue Component Library Starter - Bundleless Vue component library starter.
- Nuxt Fontaine - Font metric overrides to reduce CLS.
- Nuxt Component Meta - Gather Nuxt components metadata on build time and make them available on production.
- Vue Mafs - Vue components for creating interactive math visualizations, based on Mafs.
- Sefirot - Vue Components for Global Brain Design System.
- GitHub integration for Nuxt
- Nuxt Prometheus - Prometheus metrics for NodeJS and a set of custom metrics for Nuxt applications.
- Server Routes in Nuxt 3 (2023)
- Nuxt Config Schema - Automatically infers and generates schema based on user provided configuration for Nuxt.
- NuxtJS Robots - Nuxt.js module that injects a middleware to generate a robots.txt file.
- Nuxt Auth - Nuxt user authentication and sessions via NextAuth.
- BaklavaJS - Graph / node editor in the browser using VueJS.
- Advanced Data Fetching with Nuxt 3 (2023)
- Vute Vue Jump Plugin - Support jump to source code of the specific element from your web page.
- Vue Final Modal - Renderless, mobile-friendly, feature-rich modal component.
- Nuxt 3 Kitchen Sink Template
- Nuxt DevTools
- Vue Google Sign In
- Vite plugin for preview Vue component
- Nuxt Time - SSR-safe time element for Nuxt 3.
- Nuxt Pre-Hydrate - Safely run pre-hydration steps on the client with Nuxt 3.
- Weekly Vue News
- Vue's Connection to Signals
- Vue Land Discord
- Karbon - Vue-based framework for building dynamic, custom publications.
- Nuxt-Parse - Parse, validate and transform data with confidence in nuxt using zod.
- Sidebase - Productive way to build full stack Nuxt 3 applications. (Code)
- vue-functional-ref - Functional-style refs for Vue.
- Nuxt I18n - I18n module for Nuxt.