Ethereum is a virtual machine built using a blockchain (spread around many clients) that lets you create and run smart contracts (arbitrary code) that then run in perpetuity.
Solidity is nice prototype language. You can also use Solang to compile Solidity code for Solana chain.
StarkNet & Cairo are interesting. Eth2 Book seems nice.
Helios is a nice Eth client. Kakarot is interesting.
Evolution of the Ethereum proof-of-stake consensus protocol is nice read.
- The problem is that money (paper money/currency) is not the only thing that has value which human beings transfer among each other. We share music, art, poetry, equity in companies, ideas, code, etc. What Ethereum does is take the idea of "Digital trustless money transfer" and expands it to "Digital trustless value transfer"
- Let's say I own TSLA stock and I want to sell it to you. I can't, without going through a middle-person. I need to send my shares to a brokerage (they take cuts and fees and do insider trading crap that they disguise as legal) then you buy the shares from then. If it's mine, why can't I just transfer the shares straight to you for the listed price (Currently $567.60)? Because there is no platform digital trustless value transfer that will ensure that we both get what we want: Me getting the money, and you getting the shares.
- Outside of actual layer2, Aurora is the best and most trustless bridge to Ethereum that I've seen to date.
- Rollup is a network, that plugs in to layer 1 and pushes a cryptographic proof of all txs to the main chain every set interval. So one rollup tx contains thousands of txs on the rollup chain, anchoring proof into layer 1. Costs on a rollup are thus much cheaper.
- Ethereum ‘world computer’ has roughly 1/5,000 of the compute power of a Raspberry Pi 4.
- Ethereum Whitepaper
- Solidity by Example - Introduction to Solidity with simple examples. (Code)
- When New Tech and Dated Policies Collide a Conversation with Vitalik Buterin
- Dapp - Simple tool for creating Ethereum-based dapps.
- Ethereum FAQ
- Proof of Stake FAQ
- Around the Block | Episode 2 | Scars of Consensus
- "People don't realize how close the tech is to being ready" - Vitalik & Balaji Srinivasan at ETHSF (2018)
- ethereum-haskell - Independent reimplementation of Ethereum in Haskell.
- Ask HN: Any ICO that actually delivers what it promises? (2018)
- Week in Ethereum News
- evm-tools - Collection of tools for working with the evm.
- Augur - Prediction market protocol owned and operated by the people that use it. (Code) (Augur Today)
- Drizzle - Reactive Ethereum datastore for dapp UIs.
- Status - Secure messaging app, crypto wallet, and Web3 browser built with state of the art technology. (Code)
- EthHub - The goal of EthHub is to provide a single source for essential Ethereum information. (Code)
- A Journey Through Phase 2 of Ethereum 2.0 (2019)
- Ethereum 2.0 Specifications
- Prysm - Go implementation of the Ethereum Serenity protocol.
- Compound Protocol - Ethereum smart contract for supplying or borrowing assets. (Code)
- SputnikVM - Pure Rust implementation of Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- Ethereum: The Money-Game Landscape (2020)
- 0x - Open protocol that enables the peer-to-peer exchange of assets on the Ethereum blockchain. (Code) (Protocol)
- 0x API - HTTP Interface to 0x liquidity and tooling.
- Rainbow - Ethereum wallet that lives in your pocket. (Code)
- Ethereum peer-to-peer networking specifications
- ETH 2.0 educational resources
- Tools for dapps - Command-line-friendly tools for blockchain development. (Code)
- Common utilities for Ethereum
- Web3Modal - Single Web3 / Ethereum provider solution for all Wallets.
- Lighthouse - Rust Ethereum 2.0 Client.
- Utilities for handling Ethereum keys
- Awesome Ethereum
- Awesome Ethereum 2
- Awesome Solidity
- Awesome Solidity 2
- Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, and the Future of Money (2020)
- ChainSafe - Designs and develops scalable solutions for the decentralized web. (GitHub)
- Smart Contract Weakness Classification Registry
- Mythril - Security analysis tool for EVM bytecode. Supports smart contracts built for Ethereum, Hedera, Quorum, Vechain, Roostock, Tron and other EVM-compatible blockchains.
- web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API.
- Humanity - Unique identity on Ethereum.
- Erasure Protocol - Builds on the three primitives of an economic relationship: Track-Record, Payment, and Recourse. (Code)
- Ganache - Tool for creating a local blockchain for fast Ethereum development. (Web)
- Echidna - Fast Smart Contract Fuzzer.
- Slither - Solidity source analyzer.
- Manticore - Symbolic execution tool.
- Ethereum APIs
- Ethereum Name Service - Offers a secure & decentralised way to address resources both on and off the blockchain using simple, human-readable names. (App) (Docs) (Tweet)
- HN: Reddit rolls out community currencies on Ethereum (2020)
- Arbitrum - Layer 2 cryptocurrency platform that makes smart contracts scalable, fast, and private. Arbitrum interoperates closely with Ethereum. (Code)
- teth - Toy Ethereum implementation.
- Ethereum Development with Go (Code)
- - Educational sandbox for building on web3. Visually understand how Ethereum works by doing. (Code)
- Schlesi ETH 2.0 Testnet - Documenting Ethereum 2.0 multi-client testnet efforts.
- rust-web3 - Ethereum JSON-RPC multi-transport client. Rust implementation of web3 library.
- Ethereum Yellow Paper - Ethereum's formal specification. (PDF)
- Dagger - Fastest & easiest way to get real-time updates from Ethereum Blockchain.
- dagger.js - Simple library to connect with dagger server and manage subscriptions for Ethereum Blockchain.
- Semaphore - Zero-knowledge gadget which allows users to prove their membership of a set without revealing their original identity.
- Ethereum Research Forum
- The hitchhiker’s guide to Ethereum (2020) (HN)
- Ethereum Foundation Blog
- The Infinite Machine: How an Army of Crypto-hackers Is Building the Next Internet with Ethereum (2020)
- Dark Forest - Fully-decentralized RTS built on ethereum with zk-SNARKs. (v0.3 summary) (Blog) (Code) (Announcement) (Explained)
- Solidity Template - To be used when building a new solidity project from scratch.
- Create Eth App
- Buidler - Task runner for Ethereum smart contract developers. (Code)
- EthereumJS - Ethereum VM implemented in JavaScript.
- Ethereum Developer Tools List - Guide to available tools and platforms for developing on Ethereum.
- CryptoZombies - Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course.
- Guide to Staking on Ethereum 2.0 (Ubuntu/Medalla/Nimbus) (2020)
- GoSwap Exchange (Help)
- yearn finance - Yield optimization for stable coins. (Yearn solidity smart contracts) (Code)
- A Closer Look at Software Canisters, an Evolution of Smart Contracts (2020)
- Building on Ethereum Mainnet - An Opinionated Guide (2020)
- ethereum-cryptography - Every cryptographic primitive needed to work on Ethereum, for the browser and Node.
- Fe - Emerging smart contract language for the Ethereum blockchain. (Docs)
- Trinity Ethereum Client
- Solidity - Contract-Oriented Programming Language. (Docs)
- EVM Opcodes - Quick reference for EVM opcodes.
- Eth2 News
- Lido - Liquid staking solution for Ethereum. (Introducing Lido) (Discord) (JS SDK)
- Matter Labs - Unchaining Ethereum with Zero-Knowledge Proofs.
- zkSync - Secure, scalable crypto payments. Fully trustless, secure, user-centric protocol for scaling payments and smart contracts on Ethereum. (Code)
- Ethereum wallet application for Ledger Blue and Nano S
- Ethereum Improvement Proposals (Code)
- @eth-optimisim/smock - Utility package that can generate mock Solidity contracts (for testing).
- Looking at ownership in the EVM (2018)
- What’s a Sparse Merkle Tree? (2018)
- Rosetta Ethereum - Ethereum Rosetta API Implementation.
- - Rust implementation of Alexey Akhunov's multiproof algorithm.
- Notional Finance - Fixed rate lending and borrowing protocol on Ethereum. (Code)
- List of 4byte identifiers to common smart contract functions
- Balancer - Non-custodial portfolio manager, liquidity provider, and price sensor. (Pool management) (GitHub)
- Truffle Suite - Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier. (Docs) (Code)
- Why Proof of Stake (2020) (HN)
- beacon-fuzz - Differential Fuzzer for Ethereum 2.0.
- Building Secure Smart Contracts - Guidelines and training material to write secure smart contracts.
- Slither - Static Analyzer for Solidity.
- Crytic - SaaS-based GitHub application that continuously assures your Ethereum smart contracts are safe and functional. (GitHub)
- Cryptovoxels - Ethereum Virtual World. (Look at Cryptovoxels)
- Slingshot - Next Generation Decentralized Trading.
- K Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
- - Open Source Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain Explorer. (Code)
- Coinbase Speaker Series: Vitalik Buterin (2020)
- Brownie - Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine. (Docs)
- ZoKrates - Toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum.
- Swarm - Decentralised storage and communication system for a sovereign digital society. (GitHub) (Ethereum Swarm Bee Client)
- What is Ethereum 2.0 and Why Does It Matter? (2020)
- Eth2 Upgrades (Summary of changes)
- HN: Ethereum 2.0 Launches Successfully (2020)
- OpenEthereum - Fast and feature-rich multi-network Ethereum client.
- Opyn Protection - Securing Decentralized Finance. Allows you to protect your DeFi deposits and hedge ETH risk.
- Optimism - New Scalability Stack for Ethereum. Instant transactions and scalable smart contracts on Ethereum. (Code)
- Awesome Optimism Bridges
- Enclave EVM - Open-source, standalone, embeddable, C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- Scribble - Solidity runtime verification tool for property based testing.
- Ethers.js - Complete Ethereum wallet implementation and utilities in JavaScript (and TypeScript). (Docs)
- Radspec - Safe interpreter for dynamic expressions in Ethereum's NatSpec.
- ethereum-dasm - Ethereum evm bytecode disassembler and static/dynamic analysis tool.
- - Complete Ethereum & Celo library and wallet implementation in Rust.
- parsec - DeFi Pro Trading and Analytics. (Twitter)
- Solidity Koans - Learn Ethereum Solidity programming through test driven development. (Code)
- Solidity Cheatsheet and Best practices (Web)
- Mirror Protocol - Synthetics protocol for on-chain price exposure to real world assets. (GitHub)
- Mirror App - Mirror Protocol App for web browsers. (Code)
- swapr - Exploration on how to implement an automated token exchange modeled after Uniswap in Clarity for Stacks 2.0.
- Hardhat - Development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. Get Solidity stack traces & console.log. (Code)
- prettier-plugin-solidity - Prettier plugin for Solidity.
- Truffle Flattener - Concats solidity files from Truffle and Buidler projects with all of their dependencies.
- Incomplete Guide to Scaling Ethereum with Rollups (2021)
- Synthetix - Backbone for derivatives trading in DeFi, allowing anyone, anywhere to gain on-chain exposure to a vast range of assets. (Code)
- Ethereum Wiki (Code)
- 3Box - Shared backend for Web3. Easiest way for Ethereum apps to manage user data. (Code)
- Ethereum ETL - Lets you convert blockchain data into convenient formats like CSVs and relational databases.
- Gnosis Safe - Most trusted platform to store digital assets on Ethereum. (Code)
- Eth Proof - Get a merkle-proof from the blockchain. Verify it locally.
- The Stateless Ethereum Client Concept
- Solidity Bytes Arrays Utils - Bytes tightly packed arrays utility library for ethereum contracts written in Solidity.
- Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure
- eth-crypto - Cryptographic javascript-functions for ethereum and tutorials to use them with web3js and solidity.
- Ethereum transaction to UML sequence diagram generator
- Solidity Patterns - Compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity. (Web)
- An Economic Analysis of Ethereum (2021) (HN)
- Ethermint - Scalable and interoperable Ethereum, built on Proof-of-Stake with fast-finality using the Cosmos SDK. (Docs)
- Frontier - Substrate's Ethereum compatibility layer. It allows you to run unmodified Ethereum dapps.
- Solang - Solidity to wasm compiler written in rust. (Docs)
- Aave - Open Source DeFi Protocol. (V2 Code) (V1 Code) (V3 Code)
- evmone - C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- A Developer's Guide to Ethereum
- - Collectively built hub for indexing scaling solutions for Ethereum.
- - Paint Ethereum, mint NFTs, earn as a creative coder.
- Hedgehog - Open-source, client-side Ethereum wallet that uses a username and password. (Code)
- NFTE - Embed NFT's in your site. (Code)
- ethabi - Encode and decode smart contract invocations.
- A Beginner's Guide to NFTs (2021) (HN)
- Lunarity - Solidity parser in Rust.
- Turbo-G - Fork of Go-Ethereum with focus on performance.
- What is Ethereum ? To beginners and not quite (2021)
- trin - Ethereum "portal": a json-rpc server with nearly instant sync, and low CPU & storage usage.
- How to connect to Ethereum network using Go (2021)
- Ethereum Isn't Fun Anymore (2021) (HN)
- Hyperledger Burrow - Permissioned Ethereum smart-contract blockchain node. (Docs)
- Scaling Ethereum One Tx At A Time
- TypeChain - TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts.
- scaffold-eth - Forkable Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations.
- VSCode Solidity - VSCode language support extension for Solidity smart contracts in Ethereum.
- - Python library for interacting with Ethereum.
- MEV Inspect - Discover historic Miner Extractable Value (MEV) opportunities.
- Expedition - Block explorer for the Ethereum stack. (Code)
- Sourcify - Solidity re-compiler that can be used to verify that bytecode corresponds to certain source code.
- Wormhole - ETH <-> SOL <-> Terra token bridge developed by Certus One.
- MetaMask Browser Extension - Enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites. (Code) (MetaMask Mobile Code)
- Example of connecting to an Ethereum wallet using React & Web3 (Tweet)
- Ethereum Utilities - Common utility functions for python code that interacts with Ethereum.
- Onboard - JavaScript library to easily onboard users to ethereum apps by enabling wallet selection, connection, wallet checks and real time state updates.
- Rari Capital - Yield aggregator and an open interest rate protocol. (Code) (GitHub)
- micro-eth-signer - Create, sign and validate Ethereum transactions & addresses with minimum deps.
- Ethereum scaling diagram
- Hello World Smart Contract for Beginners (2021)
- ZRNT - Minimal Go implementation of the Eth 2 spec.
- zkopru - Ethereum L2 scaling solution for private transactions using zk-SNARK and optimistic rollup.
- ethnode - Run an Ethereum node for test and development.
- EatTheBlocks - Screencast for Ethereum Dapp Developers. (Code)
- Why sharding is great: demystifying the technical properties (2021)
- Vector - Ultra-minimal state channel network implementation.
- The Complete Guide to Full Stack Ethereum Development (2021) (Code) (Video)
- Intro to Full Stack Ethereum
- zkPorter: a breakthrough in L2 scaling (2021) (Tweet)
- Uniswap V3 Code - Core smart contracts of Uniswap v3.
- Uniswap V3 Periphery - Peripheral smart contracts for interacting with Uniswap v3.
- Ethereum: A Store of Value with Cash Flow (2021) (HN)
- DAM - Decentralized Asset Management (2021)
- Code
- hive - Ethereum end-to-end test harness.
- Dharma - Ethereum wallet that connects to your bank account.
- Alchemy - Blockchain Developer Platform and Node Service for Ethereum & (Tweet)
- Zora Docs
- Ethereum staking (HN)
- Sequence - Seamless user and developer experience for Ethereum, NFTs, Web3, DeFi and Dapps.
- Ethkit - Ethereum CLI and Go development kit designed to make it easier to use and develop for Ethereum.
- Aurora Engine - Implements an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on the NEAR Protocol.
- What Is Staking How It Works in Ethereum? (2021)
- The Ethereum Bull Case with Su Zhu, Hasu, and special guest Cobie (2021)
- Ethereum Rescue With Dan Robinson (2021)
- - Scaling Ethereum.
- Lodestar - TypeScript Implementation of the Beacon Chain. (Web)
- Building GraphQL APIs on Ethereum (2021)
- Uniswap V3 Mainnet Launch (2021) (Tweet)
- EthereumKit - Free, open-source Swift framework for easily interacting with the Ethereum.
- Argent - Best Ethereum wallet for DeFi.
- Ethereum will use around 99.95% less energy post merge (2021) (HN)
- Justin Drake - Ethereum: Into the Ether (2021)
- Rainbow - Explore the new world of Ethereum.
- Superfluid - Programmable money streams on Ethereum.
- Arbitrum - Optimistic Rollup built to scale Ethereum.
- Ethereum Developer Resources
- SOLL - New compiler for generating Ewasm (Ethereum flavored WebAssembly) files from Solidity and Yul.
- zkSync 2.0: Hello Ethereum! (2021)
- DeFi Explained: The FULL Guide (2021)
- uniswap-v3-staker - Canonical staking contract designed for Uniswap V3.
- - Crowd Proposals for UNI governance.
- Network Addresses in Ethereum (2020)
- Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum 2.0 (2021)
- Akula - Ethereum client written in Rust.
- Verkle trees (2021) (HN)
- Mantis - Scala based client for Ethereum-like Blockchains.
- Awesome-Uniswap v3
- StakeWise - Ethereum Proof Of Stake Pool and Solo Staking. (GitHub)
- Polygon - Ethereum's Internet of Blockchains. (Go SDK) (Awesome) (Explained)
- Connext - Interoperability protocol for L2 Ethereum. (GitHub)
- simple-uniswap-sdk - Uniswap SDK.
- Waffle - Library for writing and testing smart contracts. (Web)
- Programming DeFi: Uniswap (2021)
- BlockScout - Blockchain Explorer for inspecting and analyzing EVM Chains. (Web) (Docs)
- Zeneth - Gasless Ethereum account abstraction with Flashbots. (Code)
- A Short Story of UNISWAP and UNI Token. DEFI Explained (2020)
- What is Uniswap V3 LP Automated Manager? (2021) (Tweet)
- PartyBid - Collector DAO that lets individuals pool capital, bid on Mirror's reserve auctions, and resell NFTs.
- mStable - Autonomous and non-custodial stablecoin infrastructure. (Code)
- Full stack app built with The Graph, Next.js, Zora, and Tailwind CSS (Video)
- DeversiFi - Decentralized Ethereum Exchange.
- send-tx - Sign & send Ethereum transactions with ease.
- mev-inspect-py - Script which "inspects" an Ethereum block, or range of blocks, and tries to identify and analyze transactions which extract MEV.
- useDapp - Framework for rapid Dapp development. Simple. Robust. Extendable. Testable. (Web)
- Uniswap on Optimism Launch (2021) (Tweet)
- MEV Resources - Get up to speed on Maximum Extractable Value.
- useWallet() - All-in-one solution to connect a dapp to an Ethereum provider.
- List of Solidity practice projects (2021)
- web3-react - Simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps.
- Rocket Pool - Next generation Ethereum proof of stake (PoS) infrastructure service and pool. (Code)
- TrueBlocks - Lightweight, local-first index of the full Ethereum Blockchain. (Docs)
- solmate - Modern, opinionated and gas optimized building blocks for smart contract development.
- Nova - Gives your L2 contracts the power to read and write to L1 with minimal latency and no trust tradeoffs.
- ChainBridge - Modular Multi-Directional Blockchain Bridge to interact with Multiple Networks; Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Substrate, based chains.
- Full-stack dApp starter built on Ethereum (Solidity) with Next.js
- next-web3-boilerplate - Slightly opinionated Web3 boilerplate based on Next.js and SWR.
- Harmony One - Scaling Ethereum Applications and Cross-Chain Finance.
- Go-Web3 - Ethereum Go API.
- Streaming Fast on Ethereum - Stream Ethereum data like there's no tomorrow.
- ERC-721 Token - Non-fungible token implementation for Ethereum-based blockchains.
- ERC721 NFT Token Standard Explained (2021)
- Documenting Ethereum Twitter
- DappTools Template - Forkable template to get you started with Dapp Tools.
- BoringSolidity - Basic Solidity Contracts and Libraries to make life easier.
- Rarity - d20srd reference implementation codified in solidity.
- - Rust implementation of the Dark Forest game client.
- Vyper - Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM.
- CompEVM - Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine Implementation designed for Smart Contract Composability testing.
- Learning resources used by the EthernautDAO
- Ethereum Mars - Infrastructure-as-code tool for Ethereum. (Docs)
- Rainbow Bridge CLI - NEAR <> Ethereum Decentralized Bridge.
- Aurora - Bridge + EVM Scaling Solution for Ethereum. (Twitter) (Docs) (Docs Code)
- Solidity Template - Hardhat template for solidity projects with preconfigured Github Actions and Coveralls support.
- Otterscan - Blazingly fast, local, Ethereum block explorer built on top of Erigon.
- Solidity Security: Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns (Code)
- How We Proved the Eth2 Deposit Contract Is Free of Runtime Errors (2021) (HN)
- Zodiac - Library for composable DAO tooling built on top of programmable accounts.
- Essential Eth - Ultralight Ethereum utilities for JS and TS.
- Symbolic execution for hevm (2020)
- - Rust port of DappTools.
- sibyl - An easy tool to apply transactions to the current EVM state. Optimized for MEV.
- Eth-Hooks - Commonly used Ethereum hooks.
- It costs $436 to deploy a smartcontract on Ethereum (2021) (HN)
- POA TokenBridge - Allows users to transfer assets between two chains in the Ethereum ecosystem.
- Cartesi RISC-V Solidity Emulator - On-chain implementation of the Cartesi Machine.
- solc-js - JavaScript bindings for the Solidity compiler.
- Ethereum JSON-RPC Specification
- Solidity Shell - Interactive Solidity shell with lightweight session recording.
- ethcontract-rs - Generate type-safe bindings for interacting with Ethereum contracts.
- Deth Node - Ethereum Node focused on Developer Experience.
- Ethermint - Scalable and interoperable Ethereum library, built on Proof-of-Stake with fast-finality using the Cosmos SDK. (Docs)
- Evmos - Scalable, high-throughput Proof-of-Stake blockchain that is fully compatible and interoperable with Ethereum.
- CFWeb3 - Web3 demo application. It uses Hardhat and Solidity to create an Ethereum smart contract. This code is a proof-of-concept showing how to build Web3 applications with Cloudflare.
- - Tracking Ethereum. (Twitter)
- EVM Toolkit (etk) - Collection of tools for writing, reading, and analyzing EVM bytecode.
- Damn Vulnerable DeFi - Set of challenges to hack implementations of DeFi in Ethereum. Featuring flash loans, oracles, governance, NFTs, lending pools, and more. (Code)
- svgnft - Helper library for generating fully on-chain NFTs (ERC721) on Ethereum.
- Gigahorse binary lifter and toolchain - Binary lifter (and related framework) from low-level EVM code to a higher-level function-based three-address representation, similar to LLVM IR or Jimple.
- Best way to stake Ethereum (2021)
- Projects for learning solidity and ethereum
- ethereal-react - Suspense-compatible React library for Ethereum development.
- Solidity on Replit: Diving into Web3 (2021) (Tweet)
- Proof of KYC - NFT that proves you've gone through an identity verification process, powered by Stripe Identity.
- Minority Ethereum Client (Tweet)
- Abracadabra Money - Loans that pay for themselves. (Explained) (Code)
- Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract - Beginner to Expert Full Course | Python Edition
- pool-sniper - Uniswap V2-styled router new pool sniping in under 250 LOC. (Tweet)
- PRBProxy - Proxy contract to compose transactions on behalf of the owner.
- Go Ethereum - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol. (Web)
- Helios - Tool built on-top of go-ethereum and the ELK stack to query and monitor the mempool.
- SLOAD2 - Faster & cheaper contract key-value storage for Ethereum Contracts.
- Smart Batched Auctions - Smart batch auctions follow the spankchain ICO model: during a bidding period, users are able to submit bids for a specificied quantity of tokens and price. (Tweet)
- Simple web3 starter with metamask and walletconnect
- Flashbots Resources
- ethereum-multicall - Ability to call many ethereum constant function calls in 1 JSONRPC request.
- Freely.Finance - Liquity protocol is controlled by nobody. All operations are algorithmic and fully automated using Ethereum smart contracts. (Tweet)
- zkEVM Specifications - Aims to define a validity snark proof for Ethereum transactions.
- Circuits for zkEVM
- HyperCube - Ethereum 2-layer solution based on proof of POD dedication and an independent public chain.
- zero-protocol - Short term lending on Ethereum as a framework for cross-chain asset transfer.
- Radix DLT - Layer 1 DeFi done right. (Radix DLT 1.0-beta.35.1) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Niftyswap - Decentralized swap protocol for ERC-1155 tokens, inspired by Uniswap.
- Origin - Fast web3 application toolkit.
- EVM Shell - Hands-on interactive EVM repl/shell. Low-level ethereum virtual machine inspection.
- zkml core - Truly private machine learning, with zk-SNARKs and blockchain.
- Sword - Declarative language for expressing fully-collateralized financial contracts.
- wETH - ERC20 tradable version of ETH.
- zk-NFT - NFT powered by zkSNARKs that flips the concept of an NFT upside down.
- Notional Contracts V2 - Fixed rate lending and borrowing platform, built on Ethereum.
- The Solcurity Standard - Opinionated security and code quality standard for Solidity smart contracts.
- Revolutionary Machine (revm) - Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine that is focused on speed and simplicity.
- REVMjs - REVM library for JS.
- evmodin - Fast EVM implementation with support for resumability. Port of evmone to Rust.
- Web3 Starter (Web)
- EIP validator - Ethereum Improvement Proposal Validator.
- Best ways to stake Eth (2021)
- StarkNet - Permissionless Decentralized ZK-Rollup. Operates as an L2 network over Ethereum, enabling any dApp to achieve unlimited scale for its computation. (JS Client) (Starknet Rust Code)
- OpenZeppelin Nile - CLI tool to develop StarkNet projects written in Cairo.
- Yield Protocol Liquidator - Utility for force-closing undercollateralized Yield Protocol loans and participating in dutch auctions with liquidity sourced by Uniswap flash loans.
- Ray tracing on the Ethereum Virtual Machine
- Ethereum Sentry - Ethereum P2P network service.
- nextjs-dapp-starter-ts - Full stack monorepo template to develop ethereum dapps.
- Hiding in Plain Sight (2021) (Tweet)
- Studio 721 - Free tool for configuring, compiling, deploying, and verifying custom ERC 721 NFT smart contracts.
- Birthblock - NFT with art and attributes based on the data from your first transaction on Ethereum. (Tweet)
- Manipulating Uniswap v3 TWAP Oracles (2021) (Tweet)
- Euler - Non-custodial protocol on Ethereum that allows users to lend and borrow almost any crypto asset. (GitHub)
- eth-sdk - Type-safe, lightweight SDKs for your Ethereum smart contracts.
- Qasr - ETH <=> Starknet NFT Bridge.
- evmdis - EVM disassembler.
- Advanced Smart Contracts - Geth, Truffle,Drizzle web3.js,ethers.js, smart contract patterns and solidity assembly. (Code)
- Cut Minting Gas Costs By Up To 70% With One Smart Contract Tweak (2021)
- Solidity team AMAs
- EVM Bytecode Disassembler - Disassembler parses evm bytecode from the command line or from a file.
- - Ethereum Layer-1 is expensive. How much does it cost to use Layer-2?
- L2BEAT - The state of the layer two ecosystem. (Code)
- Layer 2 Rollups | Ethereum
- Guide: How to use Loopring L2 (2021)
- StarkOps - StarkNet Toolchain CLI written in TypeScript.
- zkPorter offers 1-3 cent transaction fees, yet is magnitudes more secure and decentralized than any other L1 or sidechain ELI (2021)
- Tinlake Contracts - Bringing individual, non-fungible assets to DeFi.
- EthDecoder - Open source decoder of blockchain transactions. (Code)
- YAM Protocol - Stablizing reserve currency protocol.
- ethereum-tx-sign - Allows you to sign Ethereum transactions offline.
- Sign-In with Ethereum library and example app
- OpenLaw - Next generation smart legal agreements. (GitHub)
- Multi Collateral Dai
- Ethereum Project Management: Meeting notes and agenda items
- Chainlist - Helping users connect to EVM powered networks. (Code) (Alternative)
- MultiFaucet - Drips ETH, tokens, and NFTs across many testnet networks, at once.
- Awesome StarkNet
- Loopring - zkRollup DEX & Payment Protocol. (Code) (GitHub)
- Resources on StarkWare/Cairo/StarkNet (2021)
- SolGrep - Scriptable semantic grep utility for solidity.
- Starknet DAI Bridge
- Remix Project - Remix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions. (Docs) (Docs Code)
- Eth2 Remote Signer - Remote signer server reference implementation for eth2.
- The Senior Solidity Engineer's Book (Code)
- Peggo - Celestia -> EVM bridge.
- solidity-docgen - Documentation generator for Solidity projects.
- Smock - Solidity mocking library.
- Interfaces for turbo-geth components
- Proofs of Custody (2021)
- Roadmap diagram for where Ethereum protocol development is at and what's coming in what order (2021)
- dYdX - Open protocol for decentralized derivatives built on the Ethereum blockchain. (GitHub)
- Dodoc - Zero-config Hardhat plugin to generate documentation for all your Solidity contracts.
- Opinionated Dapp Starter Template
- Bor - Official Go implementation of the Matic protocol. Fork of Go Ethereum.
- web3swift - iOS toolbelt for interaction with the Ethereum network.
- Cannon - On chain interactive fraud prover for Ethereum.
- The 0 to 1 guide for MEV
- Flashbots Protect RPC Endpoint
- web3-ui - Library of UI components specifically crafted for web3 use cases.
- Subway - Practical example on how to perform sandwich attacks on Ethereum.
- Foundry - Blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust. (Things to do) (Web)
- Foundry Book (Code)
- Optimistic Ethereum Tutorials
- The Portal Network - Specifications for the Stateless Ethereum research effort.
- Ethereum Code Viewer - View source of deployed Ethereum contracts in VSCode.
- Multicall - Aggregate multiple constant function call results into one. (Fork)
- - Revoke your ERC20 token allowances. (Code)
- Earnifi - Find Crypto Airdrops. (GitHub)
- MEV-geth - Go implementation of MEV-Auction for Ethereum.
- prettier-config-solidity - Prettier config optimized to reduce AST churn & conform to solidity spec.
- Safari Wallet - Forkable EVM wallet for everyone. (Web Code)
- Hardhat ABI Exporter - Export Solidity contract ABIs on compilation.
- Uniswap Swap Router - Smart contracts for swapping on Uniswap V2 and V3.
- Finding a Creature in Ethereum's Dark Forest (2021) (HN)
- Anatomy of an MEV Strategy: Synthetix (2021)
- Merkle Airdrop Starter - Quickly bootstrap an ERC20 token airdrop to a Merkle tree of recipients.
- teEther - Analysis and automatic exploitation framework for Ethereum smart contracts.
- - CLI for Ethereum with a focus on portability.
- Slashing Proofs - Formal proofs about Ethereum slashing protection strategies.
- Lua Cash - Issue a token in 1 click. Your custom ERC20 on Polygon in less than a minute, <$0.1 in fees.
- cairomate - Structured, dependable legos for starknet development.
- Ying-Yang - Pay on Ethereum, mint on Starknet.
- Aegis - Ethereum smart contracts to shield you from bad actors and mempool snipers when listing a new token on a decentralized exchange.
- ethereal - Command-line tool for managing common tasks in Ethereum.
- wagmi - React Hooks for Ethereum. (Docs)
- ZRNT CLI - Eth2 CLI debugging tool.
- NFT Swap SDK - Ethereum's missing p2p NFT and token swap library for web3 developers. Written in TypeScript. Powered by 0x.
- token-list - Ethereum token list standard.
- DSToken - Simple and sufficient ERC20 implementation.
- lil web3 - Simple, intentionally-limited versions of web3 protocols & apps. (Tweet)
- ethereum-rs - Common Ethereum structs for Rust.
- MultiRaffle - Unaudited, unoptimized NFT distribution reference, implenting a randomized multi-winner raffle and randomized on-chain metadata generation.
- abi-to-sol - Generate Solidity interface from ABI JSON.
- Zora Auction House - Open and permissionless system that allows any creator, community, platform or DAO to create and run their own curated auction houses.
- Forge Template - Template for quickly getting started with forge.
- Tornado Pool - Experimental version of that allows to deposit arbitrary amounts and make internal(shielded) transfers.
- cairopal - Modern, Flexible Starknet Dapp Template.
- EVM Codes - Interactive reference to Ethereum Virtual Machine Opcodes. (Code) (Article)
- Solidly - Allows low cost, near 0 slippage trades on uncorrelated or tightly correlated assets.
- Element Protocol - Allows a tokenized yield bearing position (ETH, BTC, USDC, etc) to be split into two separate tokens, the 1) principal token, and the 2) yield token.
- VestedERC20 - Wrapper ERC20 token that linearly vests an underlying ERC20 token to its holders.
- Bunni - ERC-20 LP tokens for Uniswap V3.
- Getting Started with Forge (2022)
- Awesome Foundry - Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- Surya - Utilities for exploring Solidity contracts.
- Caigo - Go Library for StarkNet/Cairo.
- Smart Contract Attack Vectors
- Uniswap Arbitrage Analysis
- synceth - Smart contract development toolchain for Go.
- Marmite - Hassle-free Hardhat plugin to compare gas cost among different Solidity code snippets.
- Forge Standard Library - Collection of helpful contracts for use with forge and foundry.
- cairo-bloom - Naive bloom filter implementation in Cairo.
- Kindelia - Massive simplification of Ethereum. It takes its most important aspects and removes all the redundancy.
- FullStack StarkNet - Tutorial series on StarkNet and Cairo.
- svm-rs - Solidity Compiler Version Manager.
- Implementing Data Availability Sampling (DAS) - Data Availability Sampling (DAS) on a Discovery-v5 DHT overlay.
- Ethereum: Endgame (2021)
- oriac - Toy Cairo VM implementation in Rust.
- Flashbots Proxy - Ethereum RPC proxy that makes composing and submitting flashbots bundles easy.
- ZORA V3 Protocol
- Awesome Solidity Gas-Optimization - Best resources for Solidity gas optimizations.
- firebase-sign-in-with-ethereum - Asynchronously signs in using an Ethereum address.
- Social engineering scam that nearly cost me all of my ETH (HN)
- Hardhat Boilerplate - Fast way of bootstraping projects with best practice's in mind.
- SolidState Solidity - Upgradeable-first Solidity smart contract development library.
- glyph - Proof-of-concept package manager for Cairo contracts/libraries.
- Uniswap V3 SDK - Go SDK for building applications on top of Uniswap V3.
- starknet-rs - Complete StarkNet library in Rust.
- - StarkNet SDK for Python.
- StealthDrop - Anonymous Airdrops using ZK proofs. (HN)
- Blacksmith - User contract generator.
- EthSema - Binary translator for Ethereum 2.0.
- Tender - Layer 2 for IPFS / API Renderer for Web3 / Serverless for Ethereum.
- ENS explained visually
- Foundry Rust Monorepo Template
- Lens Protocol - Decentralized, non-custodial social graph. Lens implements unique, on-chain social interaction mechanisms.
- dpack - File with a collection of EVM addresses and artifacts (ABIs).
- Eth-Components - React library of commonly used Ethereum components.
- Dappsys - Composable building blocks for Ethereum contracts.
- DSProxy - Execute transactions & sequences of transactions by proxy.
- Balancer - Automated portfolio manager, liquidity provider, and price sensor.
- go-ens - Go module to simplify interacting with the Ethereum Name Service contracts.
- Scaffold-ETH Challenges
- Mellow Vaults - Trustless automatic DeFi strategies.
- 0xsequence.js - Ethereum development library and Smart Wallet with built-in L2 support.
- Solidity Utils
- Building infinitely scalable decentralized applications
- VeriSmart - Safety analyzer for Solidity smart contracts.
- zknifty - Zero-knowledge non-fungible tokens on Ethereum using zk-SNARKs.
- statechannels - Simple off-chain applications framework for Ethereum. (Web)
- Pandora Protocol Contracts - Express contract for NFT ecosystem.
- OpenSea Creatures - Example non-fungible collectible, to demonstrate OpenSea integration.
- Primitive Stablecoin - Minimal stablecoin with ERC-4626.
- Helios - ERC-1155-based Exchange.
- SafuNFT - Minimal contract with a lock and redeem/refund mechanism.
- parcels - Modern, Opinionated Multicall Library.
- Uniswap V3 Subgraph
- w3 - Modular and fast Ethereum JSON RPC client with first-class ABI support.
- Ethereum ETL Airflow - Airflow DAGs for exporting, loading, and parsing the Ethereum blockchain data.
- Forerunner: Constraint-based Speculative Transaction Execution for Ethereum
- eth-keystore-rs - Minimalist library to interact with encrypted JSON keystores.
- Uniswap V2 Explained (Beginner Friendly) (2022)
- Ethers Flashbots - Ethers middleware to send transactions as Flashbots bundles.
- ERC-1155: Multi-Token Standard implementation
- EVM puzzles - Each puzzle consists on sending a successful transaction to a contract.
- Ultimate Guide to L2s on Ethereum
- Configurable Asset Privacy for Ethereum (CAPE)
- eth-permit - Lightweight library for signing ERC-2612 permit signatures.
- money-legos - One stop shop for Ethereum ABIs, addresses, and Solidity interfaces.
- Cairo Language Server - Code assistance for writing Cairo smart contracts for StarkNet.
- Basic string utilities for Solidity
- Fuel Network - Focused on sustainable blockchain scaling with optimistic rollups. (GitHub) (Fuel TypeScript SDK)
- Sway - Domain-specific language for the Fuel Virtual Machine, a blockchain-optimized VM designed for the Fuel blockchain.
- semaphore-rs - Rust support library for semaphore.
- Optimism Spec - Protocol that strives to be an extremely simple optimistic rollup that maintains 1:1 compatibility with Ethereum.
- Lyra - Open Protocol For Trading Options. (Code)
- Foundry Seminar
- Simplified ERC721 Dutch Auction for StarkNet
- Starknet Node - Easiest way to deploy a Starknet Node on a Raspberry Pi and begin verifying L2 state transitions, directly from your Raspberry Pi.
- ERC721A - Improved implementation of the IERC721 standard that supports minting multiple tokens for close to the cost of one. (Code)
- Solidity playground to learn all the basic ERCs, defi apps, NFT implementations and gas optimizations
- Ethsig-rs - Cloudflare worker that enables any backend service to use Sign In With Ethereum (SIWE) as an authetnication method. (Tweet)
- Cacheable Beacon Proxy - Upgradeable proxy with minimal overhead.
- cosigneth - Container Image Signing & Verifying on Ethereum. (Code)
- Gamma Protocol - Most powerful, capital efficient DeFi options protocol.
- Weiroll - Simple and efficient operation-chaining/scripting language for the EVM.
- Ethereum Execution Client Specifications
- Revenue Distribution Token - Token to distribute aggregated vested earnings of any underlying token using the ERC-4626 standard.
- Foundry Starter Kit - Shows developers how to quickly build, test, and deploy smart contracts with one of the fastest frameworks out there, foundry.
- BokkyPooBah's DateTime Library - Gas-efficient Solidity date and time library.
- Multisol - CLI application for verifying Solidity contracts on Etherscan.
- Foundry template - Minimalist template for foundry projects.
- Direct Deposit Module for Make - Interfaces with third party lending protocols to enable a maximum variable borrow rate for selected assets.
- Cairo Goldmine - Comprehensive, annotated list of repositories of the starknet ecosystem.
- Heliaia - Proxy that sits between your wallet and a node, with the sole purpose to intercept transactions before they are broadcasted.
- Reimplement Simple Arbitrage in Rust
- Juno - Starknet client implementation.
- foundry-upgrades - Helper smart contracts to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.
- mev-boost - Middleware server written in Go, that sits between an ethereum PoS consensus client and an execution client.
- Uniswap Smart Order Router
- ocaml-solidity - Provides a Solidity parser and typechecker.
- Most efficient Counter (LFU Cache) in Solidity and Foundry
- Ethereum Smart Contract Template
- memmove - Data structures library that does memory management for you.
- NFT ERC721 Collection
- cairo-lang-rs - Rust support for the Cairo programming language.
- Protostar - Toolchain for developing, testing and interacting with Cairo contracts for StarkNet.
- Rage Trade - Perpetuals on Uniswap V3.
- Panoramix - Ethereum decompiler.
- Ethereum Formal Verification - Overview of the formal verification projects in the Ethereum ecosystem.
- ethereum-bloom-filters - Ability to check bloom filters on ethereum.
- foundry-toolchain - GitHub action to install Foundry.
- foundrydeploy - Limited scripting language to implement a basic deployment pipeline using foundry.
- femplate - Robust Template for Foundry Projects.
- alloys - Modularized, Cross-Domain Fungible ERC721 Kinks.
- metamask/controllers - Collection of platform-agnostic modules for creating secure data models for cryptocurrency wallets.
- Book about Ethereum (Code)
- Hypernet Protocol - Instantly finalized, blockchain-based payments with a privacy-preserving, sybil-resistant, "non-fungible" identity registry framework.
- solvm - Stripped down version of the EVM implemented on top of the EVM using yul and solidity.
- Ranger - Ethereum p2p client capable of interacting with peers without a full node.
- EVM-Book - Collection of EVM related information.
- Gradual Dutch Auction - Reference implementation of Gradual Dutch Auctions. GDAs enable the efficient sale of assets that do not have liquid markets.
- Lenster - Composable, decentralized, and permissionless social media web app built with Lens Protocol. (Code)
- Ethereum Roadmap FAQ
- Uniswap Default Token List
- Free Eth Node - Start projects quickly on any EVM network. (Code)
- Privacy & Scaling Explorations in Ethereum
- Interep - System that allows DApps or services to verify users' reputation without exposing their identities. (Code)
- Starknet multisig - Multi-signature functionality for StarkNet.
- ds-test - Assertions, equality checks and other test helpers.
- Trustus - Trust-minimized method for accessing offchain data onchain.
- solver - Proof first, evm specific smt solver.
- Check the Chain (ctc) - Tool for historical data analysis of Ethereum and other EVM chains.
- Underhanded Solidity Contest (Code)
- ERC721K - Maximally efficient, minimalist ERC-721 implementation.
- StarkNet Cairo 101 - Get started with Cairo with this simple tutorial. Complete the puzzles/exercises, get tokens and learn about StarkNet smart contracts.
- Ethereum Has Issues (2022) (HN)
- Tutela: An Open-Source Tool for Assessing User-Privacy on Ethereum and Tornado Cash (2022) (Code)
- Fuel Solidity Merkle Trees - Solidity implementation of binary, sum, and sparse Merkle trees.
- defi-bindings - Rust bindings for various defi projects.
- ETH Basic Typescript Starter
- Create React Native dApp
- Cairo ZK Verifier in Nock
- Ghost Contract - Minimalistic contract to execute a payload and make the code size of the msg.sender appear to be 0.
- Vortex - On-chain basis trading strategy that aims to generate long-term, sustainable and rewarding yields while remaining market-neutral.
- Awesome Ethereum Diagrams - Curated list of Ethereum infographics - L1, L2, Oracles, Defi.
- Auditing Smart Contracts with Slither and Echidna (2022)
- Continuous Token - ERC20 Continuous Token backed by bonding curves and an automated market maker contract.
- UniswapV2 clone made in educational purposes
- Programming DeFi: Uniswap V2 (2022)
- Simple, fast, and modern dApp for minting NFTs
- Sourcify - Decentralized Solidity contract source code verification service.
- Yield Protocol Vault v2 - Collateralized Debt Engine for zero-coupon bonds, loosely integrated with YieldSpace Automated Market Makers.
- Awesome Diamonds - Curated list of awesome EIP2535 Diamonds resources, libraries, tools and more.
- Giza - Rust implementation of the Cairo VM.
- Lightweight Lua EVM
- Solidity Visual Developer - Ethereum Solidity Language customized for developers and auditors using Visual Studio Code.
- Ethereum gas optimization tips (2022)
- Huff - Low level programming language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. (Awesome)
- eth-pools-metrics - Monitor the performance of your Ethereum 2.0 staking pool.
- RainbowKit - Best way to connect a wallet. (Web) (Tweet) (Examples)
- ExcessivelySafeCall - Solidity library helps you call untrusted contracts safely.
- Anvil - Blazing-fast local testnet node implementation, in Rust.
- mev-boost-rs - Gateway for validators to connect to a network of block builders.
- multi-sig - EIP-712 signed multi-signature contract with ragequit and NFT identifiers for signers.
- Dollar auction implementation in Solidity
- Foundry-Hardhat plugins
- Simple Security Toolkit - Collection of practical security-focused guides and checklists for smart contract development.
- dApp Starter - Starter kit is composed of Next.js and Tailwind CSS, with RainbowKit, ethers, & wagmi for all your web3 needs.
- Subspace - Library for Reactive Dapp Development with auto syncing and caching capabilities.
- Act - Smart contract specification language.
- Aesthetically Pleasing Ethereum Statements
- ethier - Go and Solidity SDK to make Ethereum development ethier.
- Ethereum Yellow Paper Cheat Sheet - Quick reference for symbols and conventions used in the Ethereum Yellow Paper.
- OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo - Library for secure smart contract development written in Cairo for StarkNet, a decentralized ZK Rollup.
- Starklings - Interactive tutorial to get you up and running with Starknet.
- EthTx - Python package with core transaction decoding functions.
- Warp - Bringing Solidity to StarkNet at warp speed.
- Real World Trade Protocol - Peer-to-peer protocol for buying and selling off-chain goods on Ethereum. (Code)
- FastSSZ - Fast Ethereum2.0 SSZ encoder/decoder.
- Foundry Cheatsheet
- Awesome zkEVM - zkEVM is a Fully EVM compatible and zk friendly virtual machine.
- The Franchiser - Smart contract design which would allow large holders of Compound-style voting tokens to selectively delegate portions of their voting power to third parties. (Code)
- Interesting Eth Smart Contracts (Tweet)
- Seaport - Marketplace protocol for safely and efficiently buying and selling NFTs.
- Seaport Gossip - Peer-to-peer network for sharing Seaport orders.
- Gas Optimizations in Solidity
- Turbo ETH - Ethereum dApp Build System; with a suite of tools to start building production ready dApps today.
- Ethereum Proof-of-Stake (2022) (HN)
- solady - Gas optimized Solidity snippets.
- Awesome MEV Boost
- ZORA Foundry Script Snippets
- dEth Tools - Handy toolset for every Ethereum developer.
- 5 phases of Ethereum POS merge explained
- Compiler from Solidity to zkEVM
- MultiVault - Minimal ERC4626-style tokenized Vault implementation with ERC1155 accounting.
- Eth Marketplace Benchmarks
- starlight - Solidity --> zApp transpiler.
- huff-rs - Low-level assembly language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine built in blazing-fast pure rust.
- ethp2p - P2P types for ethereum.
- Rainbow Swaps
- Heimdall - Advanced EVM toolkit which aims to make dealing with smart contracts on EVM based chains easier.
- Grappa - Gas efficient & capital efficient margin system for options.
- Rollups & Optimism (2022)
- Bridging to Optimism (2022)
- Uniswap SDK Core - Code shared across TypeScript Uniswap SDK versions.
- token-delegation
- Ethplorer - Ethereum explorer.
- ethereum.nix - Reproducible Nix package set for Ethereum clients and utilities.
- GOO (Gradual Ownership Optimization) (2022) (Code)
- Hyperion - Stable asset AMM that fully leverages the power of Starknet to achieve high throughput with extremely low fees.
- Tempest - Uniswap V2 style AMM written in Cairo.
- Foundry template - Streamlined template for getting started with Foundry and Solmate.
- Thoth - Cairo/Starknet bytecode analyzer, disassembler & decompiler.
- Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auctions
- MEV Bundle Generator - MEV bundle generator written in Rust.
- Quay - Open source, high performance backend for the Seaport smart contracts.
- Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auctions with Martingale Price Correction
- GOO (Gradual Ownership Optimization) issuance implementation using Huff
- Muffin - Concentrated liquidity AMM protocol that supports multiple fee tiers per pool, and limit range orders.
- ZK SBT - Library to issue zero knowledge soul bound tokens.
- SilkRPC Daemon - C++ implementation of Ethereum JSON RPC daemon within Thorax architecture.
- zkSync Checkout - Trustable permissionless DeFi payment gateway.
- hevm - Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) made specifically for symbolic execution, unit testing and debugging of smart contracts.
- ABIType - Strict TypeScript types for Ethereum ABIs.
- discv5 - Rust implementation of the Discovery v5 peer discovery protocol.
- Ethereum PoS merge explained (2022)
- huffplate - Robust, Extensible Template for Huff Projects.
- optimint - ABCI-client implementation for Optimistic Rollups.
- pair_sync - Simple library to get all pairs from any Dex and sync reserves.
- Tornado Cash - Privacy Solution for Ethereum. (Code)
- Art Gobblers - Experimental decentralized art factory by Justin Roiland and Paradigm.
- Zora Create / Mint Page Template
- Solbase - Modern, opinionated, and gas optimized base for smart contract development.
- soli - Solidity REPL.
- Reproduce DeFi hack incidents using Foundry
- Hop Exchange - Scalable rollup-to-rollup general token bridge. (Code)
- StarkNet Cairo 101 - Get started with Cairo with this simple tutorial.
- Geth-data-layer - Go library to access the geth stored data.
- Cairo Math 64x61 - Fixed point 64.61 math library for Cairo / Starknet.
- Ethereum Beacon APIs - Collection of RESTful APIs provided by Ethereum Beacon nodes.
- Useful Solidity Patterns
- GraphStack - Generates a symbolic graph of what happens to various aspects of the EVM.
- MEV Template - Template to build a MEV bot from.
- Micro-Web3 - Typesafe Web3 with minimum deps: call eth contracts directly from JS.
- StarkNet Basecamp - Curriculum built to teach the fundamental building blocks of the Cairo programming language and StarkNet development.
- solc-typed-ast - TypeScript package providing a normalized typed Solidity AST along with the utilities necessary to generate the AST (from Solc) and traverse/manipulate it.
- solstat - Solidity static analyzer to identify contract vulnerabilities and gas efficiencies.
- Optimizor Club SQRT challenge - Foundry template for the Optimizor Club SQRT challenge.
- Awesome wagmi
- DAI Teleport - Facility allows users to fast teleport DAI between "domains", i.e. different chains that have a settlement mechanism with Ethereum L1.
- Super Liquidator
- Helios - Fast, secure, and portable light client for Ethereum.
- Amarna - Static-analyzer and linter for the Cairo programming language.
- Murph - Transpile EVM bytecode into huff.
- Permit2 - Next generation token approvals mechanism.
- Universal Router - ERC20 and NFT swap router that allows users greater flexibility when performing trades across multiple token types.
- Flashbots Builder API - Run on your favorite network, including Mainnet, Goerli, Sepolia and local devnet. (Tweet)
- Kakarot - Ethereum Virtual Machine written in Cairo.
- React Native Helios - Fast, secure, and portable light client for Ethereum dApps.
- Full stack Hackathon Starter Kit - Minimalistic boilerplate to quickly get started with fullstack dapp development with Hardhat and The Graph.
- slang - Solidity compiler.
- Dove Protocol - Provide liquidity on L1, trade on L2. (Interface)
- Beerus - Trustless StarkNet Light Client.
- Arbiter - Simple price data monitoring tool for uniswap V3 Pools written in Rust.
- Upgrading Ethereum - Technical handbook on Ethereum's move to proof of stake and beyond. (Code)
- Starkli - Blazing fast CLI tool for StarkNet.
- Solidify - Go + solidity library aimed to make storing arbitrary data on EVM blockchains as easy and efficient as possible.
- StarkNet React - Collection of React providers and hooks for StarkNet.
- Apibara - Composable streams of web3 data.
- Uniswap-Rs - Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts.
- What in the Ethereum application ecosystem excites me (2022) (HN)
- ETH-XMR Atomic Swaps
- Tornado Cash Alternatives (2022)
- Solidity codegen tool for efficient ABI encoding/decoding
- reth - Modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast implementation of the Ethereum protocol, in Rust.
- Verifying a Token Contract (2022)
- Botcaster - Farcaster bot framework.
- Slush SDK - Allows you to spin up L3s on Starknet.
- Ethereum token lists (Spec) (Bridge Utils)
- Solarray - Fast helper library for convenient Solidity dynamic arrays.
- Evolution of the Ethereum proof-of-stake consensus protocol (HN)
- Tour of ethers-rs
- CFOX - Shell for eth dapp developers.
- Consentry - Ethereum consensus network sentry.
- Taiko - Decentralized Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup. (Code) (Client Code)
- Summary of mempool design, challenges, and proposals
- txparse - Ethereum transaction-parser.
- Foundry Invariants
- Garaga - Efficient pairing library, written in Cairo.
- Gambit - Certora's Mutation Generator for Solidity.
- Papyrus - StarkNet full node written in Rust.
- AA - Bundler - EIP-4337 (Account Abstraction) - Bundler implementation in Rust.
- Disassembling EVM Bytecode (the Basics) (2023)
- Calldata Decoder - Black-box raw calldata decoder using only calldata to guess types and parse parameters.
- ChugSplash - Modern smart contract deployment system.
- EVM Blockchain Indexer - Scalable SQL indexer for EVM compatible blockchains.
- ethereum-consensus - Library for interacting with ethereum consensus objects.
- Halmos - Symbolic Bounded Model Checker for Ethereum Smart Contracts Bytecode.
- Ser - Symbolic EVM in Rust.
- Awesome Account Abstraction - Resources for designing, building, and using account abstraction wallets on Ethereum and EVM blockchains.
- KZG Ceremony - Coordinated public ritual which will provide a cryptographic foundation for Ethereum scaling initiatives.
- Shenlong - Fast tool to generate LLVM IR from Cairo, written in Rust.
- Ramen - Terminal Interface for Ethereum.
- evm-coder - Library for seamless call translation between Rust and Solidity code.
- zkSync Era - ZK Rollup For Scaling Ethereum.
- Formalizing the EVM in Dafny (2023)
- Eth Varifiable RPC - Verifiable RPC for Ethereum state, in-browser, no node.
- Auction Zoo - Menagerie of auction mechanisms implemented in Solidity.
- Scarb - Cairo package manager.
- DB3 Network - Open-source decentralized firebase firestore alternative.
- Vitalik Buterin's some personal user experiences (2023)
- Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts
- reth-light-sync - Syncing and uploading Ethereum plain state using reth.
- ethers-multicall-provider - Call any set of functions from any set of smart contracts in a single RPC query, seamlessly using ethers' providers API.
- Viem - TypeScript Interface for Ethereum. (Web)
- Polaris - Modular implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- substratum - Opinionated, spec-compliant, optimized version of Optimism's contracts-bedrock package.
- Pyrometer - Tool for analyzing the security and parameters of a solidity smart contract.