Hosting Redis on Fly is nice. node-resque is great for background jobs. Redcon is nice Redis based server.
I use Upstash as a serverless Redis.
Mini Redis is nice code to read to understand Redis internals.
- Scaling a High-traffic Rate Limiting Stack With Redis Cluster
- docker-redis-cluster - Dockerfile for Redis Cluster (redis 3.0+).
- An update about Redis developments in 2019 (HN)
- redis-rs - High level redis library for Rust.
- A Multithreaded Fork of Redis That’s 5X Faster Than Redis (2019) (HN)
- Redis 101: Foundation and Core Concepts (2019)
- KeyDB - High performance fork of Redis with a focus on multithreading, memory efficiency, and high throughput. (Web)
- twemproxy - Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis.
- RediSQL - Fast, in-memory, SQL engine with batteries included.
- Medis - Beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis. (Web)
- How to write a Redis Client in Python, from Scratch (2020)
- Redis Cluster Proxy - Proxy for Redis Clusters.
- ioredis - Robust, performance-focused and full-featured Redis client for Node.js.
- rsedis - Redis re-implemented in Rust.
- Prometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics
- mini-redis - Incomplete, idiomatic implementation of a Redis client and server built with Tokio.
- Comparing the new Redis6 multithreaded I/O to Elasticache & KeyDB (2020) (HN)
- Serverless Redis (2020) (HN)
- Redis 6.0.0 GA is out (2020) (HN) (Tweet)
- Redis University - Free online courses taught by Redis experts.
- Hiredis - Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database.
- Improve Cache Speed at Scale (2020)
- ZanRedisDB - Distributed redis cluster with strong consistency.
- Redis-Raft (2020) (HN)
- The end of the Redis adventure (2020) (HN)
- Redis code
- RediSearch - Fulltext Search and Secondary Index module for Redis. (Docs) (HN)
- Little Redis Book
- Introducing RediSearch 2.0 (2020)
- RediSQL - Fastest, simplest, in-memory SQL database server.
- Redis Cluster: Architecture, Replication, Sharding and Failover (2019)
- ioredis-mock - Emulates ioredis by performing all operations in-memory.
- redismodule-rs - Idiomatic Rust API for the Redis Modules API. It allows writing Redis modules in Rust, without needing to use raw pointers or unsafe code.
- handy-redis - Wrapper around node_redis with Promise and TypeScript support.
- Pydis - Redis clone in 250 lines of Python, for performance comparison. (HN)
- Building a Scalable ML Feature Store with Redis (2020)
- Redis Website Code
- RedisJSON - JSON data type for Redis. (Docs)
- Redis Docs (Code)
- Titan - Distributed implementation of Redis compatible layer based on TiKV.
- fakeredis - Fake implementation of redis API (redis-py) for testing purposes.
- Tendis - High-performance distributed storage system which is fully compatible with the Redis protocol.
- First version of Redis written in Tcl
- Redis Streams and the Unified Log (2017)
- Spark-Redis - Library for reading and writing data in Redis using Apache Spark.
- Bee-Queue - Simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.
- Redis rate limiter (2021)
- Querying, Indexing, and Full-Text Search Course - Covers RediSearch, the in-memory query, index, and search engine for Redis.
- Awesome Redis
- Using Redis as an LRU cache
- Using Serverless Redis with Next.js (2021)
- We scaled the GitHub API with a sharded, replicated rate limiter in Redis (2021) (HN)
- redis-x-stream - AsyncIterable interface for reading redis streams.
- Redis clone in TypeScript (2020)
- Redis Input/Output Tools (RIOT) - Series of utilities designed to help you get data in and out of Redis.
- How much faster is Redis at storing a blob of JSON compared to PostgreSQL? (2019) (HN)
- RedisGraph - Graph database module for Redis. (Docs)
- KeyDB CEO Interview: Getting into YC with a Fork of Redis (HN)
- Using a disk-based Redis clone to reduce AWS S3 bill (2021) (HN)
- Redis Simple Message Queue
- reqlite - Query Redis with SQL. (Fork)
- RedisLess - Fast, lightweight, embedded and scalable in-memory Key/Value store library compatible with the Redis API. (Article)
- Redis Internals - Analyze Redis 5.0 source code through diagrams.
- Codis - Proxy based high performance Redis cluster solution written in Go.
- Godis - Go implementation of Redis Server.
- Ocypod - Language-agnostic, Redis-backed job queue server with an HTTP interface and a focus on long running tasks.
- Redis Desktop Manager - Faster, better and more stable redis desktop manager.
- Write your own Redis in Ruby
- Redis Geo Cache - Example Redis configuration that runs a primary Redis in one region and replicas in other regions.
- Last Mile Redis (2021) (HN)
- Can Redis be used as a primary database? (2021) (HN)
- Redlock - Node.js redlock implementation for distributed, highly-available redis locks.
- Redis Inventory - Tool to analyse Redis memory usage by key patterns and displaying it hierarchically.
- redis-py - Redis Python Client.
- Fred - Async Redis client for Rust.
- y-redis - Redis persistence layer for Yjs.
- Undermoon - Mordern Redis Cluster solution for easy operation. (HN)
- Undermoon Operator - Kubernetes Operator for Redis cluster based on Undermoon.
- Corvus - Fast and lightweight Redis Cluster Proxy for Redis 3.0.
- Redis Anti-Patterns Every Developer Should Avoid (HN)
- Build an Elixir Redis Server that’s faster than HTTP (2021) (HN)
- Redis Dataloader - Batching and Caching layer using Redis as the Caching layer.
- Pika - Persistent huge storage service , compatible with the vast majority of Redis interfaces.
- Redigo - Go client for Redis. (Examples)
- IRedis - Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting. (Code)
- Keva - High performance key-value store, used as Redis replacement. (Code)
- RedisPipe - High-throughput Redis client for Go with implicit pipelining.
- TairHash - Redis module, similar to redis hash, but you can set expiration and version for field.
- Kredis - Higher-level data structures built on Redis.
- Redis client Mock
- How to build a HackerNews Clone using Redis
- Redis Developer Hub
- Redis Analysis - Part 1: Threading model (2021)
- A prelude to analysis of Redis memory-store (2021)
- Rebuilding Redis in Ruby
- RedFI - Redis Fault-Injection Proxy. Test the resiliency of your application against Redis' failures.
- redis-semaphore - Mutex and Semaphore implementations based on Redis ready for distributed systems.
- Bitnami Redis Docker Image
- kitteh-redis - Toy Redis server implemented using pure FP on top of Cats Effect, Fs2, and Scodec.
- Redis OM Node.js - Makes it easy to model Redis data in your Node.js applications.
- lua-resty-redis - Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API.
- Redis scripts do not expire keys atomically (2022) (HN)
- Rump - Hot sync two Redis servers using dumps.
- RedisTimeSeries - Redis Module adding a Time Series data structure to Redis.
- RedisBloom - Probabilistic Data Structures for Redis.
- RedisSMQ - Simple high-performance Redis message queue for Node.js.
- Redis Viewer - Tool to view Redis data in terminal.
- Medis - GUI Manager for Redis.
- redplex - Redis pubsub multiplexer.
- RedisAI - Redis module for serving tensors and executing deep learning graphs.
- Redis-ImageScout - Redis Module for indexing of image fingerprints for fast efficient retrieval.
- RedisGears - Dynamic execution framework for your Redis data. (Docs)
- Upstash Redis - HTTP based Redis Client for Serverless and Edge Functions.
- Redis data exposer - Serve read-only Redis data over a HTTP API with auth.
- node-resque - Node.js Background jobs backed by redis.
- Render Redis (HN)
- Launch a Redis server on Fly
- Redis GUI - Graphical UI for managing Redis databases.
- Redis Stack (HN)
- - Cross-platform Developer GUI for Redis. (Code)
- rdb - Go implemented Redis RDB parser for secondary development and memory analysis.
- Redis Puts (Almost) Everything Under a Single Module (2022)
- Redis S2Geo - Simple Redis Module for geospatial queries, which utilizes S2 Region Coverer algorithm for indexing.
- Reimplementation of Redis in Rust
- Redis-Tagging - NodeJS library based helper to tag (sorted) items with Redis.
- Resque - Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
- Webdis - Redis HTTP interface with JSON output. (Web)
- RedisInsight - Official Redis GUI.
- Redis RDB Tools - Parse Redis dump.rdb files, Analyze Memory, and Export Data to JSON.
- Lua Resty qless - Lua binding to Qless (Queue / Pipeline management) for OpenResty / Redis.
- SRH - HTTP-based Redis pooler. Access Redis from serverless without overloading connection limits.
- RedisInsight - Developer GUI for Redis, by Redis.
- RedisEdge Real-time Video Analytics - Example of using Redis Streams, RedisGears, RedisAI, and RedisTimeSeries for Real-time Video Analytics.
- Redis Operator - Creates/configures/manages redis-failovers atop Kubernetes.
- Tidis - Distributed transactional NoSQL database, Redis protocol compatible using tikv as backend.
- gotway - Cloud native API Gateway powered with in-redis cache.
- - Redis compatible server framework for Rust.
- RoseDB - High performance NoSQL database based on bitcask, supports string, list, hash, set, and sorted set. Similar to Redis but store values on disk.
- RediSearch - Queries, secondary indexing, and full-text search for Redis. (Go Client)
- Redust - Simple Redis client & RESP parser for Rust.
- Redis Analysis - Part 1: Threading model (2021)
- Redis PubSub - Full type-safe Redis PubSub with Zod.
- RedisRaft - Redis Module that make it possible to create a consistent Raft cluster from multiple Redis instances.
- Docker and Redis - a curious beginner’s walkthrough (2022)
- Redis vs. KeyDB vs. Dragonfly vs. Skytable (2022)
- Go Rate Limiter interface for Redis
- walrus - Lightweight Python utilities for working with Redis.
- Redis-Shake - Tool for synchronizing data between two redis databases.
- redfront - HTTP protocol frontend for Redis-compatible services.
- Rip - Redis Key Value store backed by IPFS.
- Redis-Rope - Fast native data type for manipulating large strings in Redis.
- Redis Replica Manager - Group membership, sharding, replication and request routing manager relying on Redis for coordination.
- How to Reduce Latency and Minimize Outages (2022)
- Redis explained (2022) (HN)
- bitmapist - Powerful analytics and cohort library using Redis bitmaps.
- Redis Cache - Cache library with Redis backend for Go.
- Visual and Semantic Similarity with Redis
- How Gas app cut its Redis Engine CPU Utilization by 80% (2022) (Lobsters)
- Redis Oxide - Multi-threaded implementation of redis written in rust.
- Dice - Extremely simple Go-based in-memory KV store that speaks the Redis dialect.
- Launching Redis by Upstash (2022) (HN)
- r2d2 - Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
- rueidis - Fast Go Redis client that supports Client Side Caching, Auto Pipelining, Generics OM, RedisJSON, RedisBloom, RediSearch, etc.
- Redis Data Types: The Basics (2022)
- Intro to Redis Scripting with Lua (2023)
- Aedis - Async redis client designed for performance and scalability in C++.
- fakeredis - Fake version of a redis-py.
- Build Your Own Redis with C/C++ (HN) (HN)
- Optimizing Redis’ Default Compiler Flags (2023)
- rustis - Asynchronous Redis client for Rust.
- Consistent caching with PostgreSQL logical replication and a Redis API (2023)
- redis-cell - Redis module that provides rate limiting in Redis as a single command.
- coredis - Async redis client for python with support for redis cluster & sentinel.
- reddish - Async redis client for python with minimal API.