Litestream, Postlite & Rqlite are neat. Like using deno_sqlite for scripts that query SQLite. SQLite, Rusqlite, Rusqlite Migration are great SQLite libs for Rust. sqlc is nice for Go. GRDB is nice for Swift.
I use SQLite for whenever I need an embedded database. Local apps etc. It works great for local first architectures like Replicache & Logux. If I don't need the embedded factor, I prefer using EdgeDB. Want to try using ws4sqlite.
Simple-Graph seems like a nice graph db plugin for SQLite. sqlite-zstd is amazing for compression.
Go SQLite database/sql tutorial is nice. SQLite Internals & How the SQLite Virtual Machine Works are great reads.
crsql, Marmot & Mycelite seem nice for replicating SQLite.
Looking into using libSQL, sqld & wa-sqlite.
- SQLite can import CSV data directly. Start sqlite, then: .mode csv .import some_data_file.csv your_table_name
- SQLite now has first class support for JSON.
- SQLite has amazing full text search
- SQLite is getting more popular because: 1. embeddable at the edge (WASM, etc.). 2. Easy connection pooling for serverless (flatfile). 3. Embeddable at the runtime (browser, -as-a-library, etc.). 4. NFS getting faster, so easy and cheap alternative for blogs, etc.
- Rosefinch - SQL client for Mac. (HN)
- EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN - SQL command that is used to obtain a high-level description of the strategy or plan that SQLite uses to implement a specific SQL query.
- FTS5 - SQLite virtual table module that provides full-text search functionality to database applications.
- Awesome SQLite
- All things around SQLite
- SQLite 3.32.0 (2020) (HN)
- Scaling SQLite to 4M QPS on a Single Server (EC2 vs Bare Metal) (2018) (HN)
- sqlite-web - Web-based SQLite database browser written in Python.
- DB Browser for SQLite - High quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite.
- SQLancer - Detecting Logic Bugs in DBMS. (HN)
- SQLite As An Application File Format (HN) (Lobsters)
- How does SQLite work? (2014) (HN)
- SQLite Localtime Date Modifier is Slow (2019)
- Why SQLite succeeded as a database (2016) (HN)
- Appropriate Uses For SQLite
- SQLite 3.33 adds support for UPDATE FROM (HN)
- SQLite: Protégé of PostgreSQL (2014) (Tweet)
- SQLite Quirks and Gotchas
- sqlite-utils - Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases. (Docs) (HN) (Article)
- CG/SQL - Easy, accurate SQLite code generation. (Article)
- SQLite: Begin Concurrent
- SQLite now allows multiple recursive SELECT statements in a single recursive CTE (2020) (HN)
- Making SQLite Upserts Snappy (with Python and SQLAlchemy) (2020)
- pgsqlite - PostgreSQL extension that embeds SQLite3 and uses large objects as storage.
- sqlite-diffable - Tools for dumping/loading a SQLite database to diffable directory structure.
- hybrid-disk-cache - Hybrid disk cache library that utilized both the solid SQLite3 and file system.
- SQLite briefing for Linux kernel hackers (HN)
- Richard Hipp - SQLite lecture (2015)
- SQLite as a Document Database (2020) (HN)
- Dqlite - High-Availability SQLite. (Code)
- LiteTree - SQLite with Branches. (HN)
- Working with SQLite using Go and Python (2020)
- sandman2 - Generates a RESTful API service from your existing database, without requiring you to write a line of code. Works with SQLite.
- node-sqlite - SQLite client for Node.js applications with SQL-based migrations API written in TypeScript.
- What If OpenDocument Used SQLite?
- The Use Of assert() In SQLite
- simple-graph - Graph database in SQLite. (Lobsters) (HN)
- SQLite is 35% Faster Than The Filesystem (HN)
- SQLiteC++ - Smart and easy to use C++ SQLite3 wrapper.
- sqlite-worker - Simple, and persistent, SQLite database for Web and Workers.
- Grafito - Portable, Serverless & Lightweight SQLite-based Graph Database.
- GRDB.swift - Toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development. (Web)
- edge-sql - Serverless edge worker embedding SQLite using Cloudflare Workers and WASM. (Code) (HN)
- Litestream - Streaming replication for SQLite. (Why I Built Litestream (2021)) (HN) (Lobsters) (Web)
- Rqlite - Lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite. (HN) (Article) (Talk) (Lobsters) (Articles) (pyrqlite) (jepsen.rqlite) (Testing consistency of rqlite) (HN)
- rrqlite - Rust implementation of Rqlite.
- sqlite-transform - Tool for running transformations on columns in a SQLite database.
- SQLite DB Migrations with PRAGMA user_version
- Many Small Queries Are Efficient In SQLite
- Rust SQLite - SQLite clone from scratch in Rust.
- Command Line Shell for SQLite (HN)
- sqleet - Encryption extension for SQLite3.
- SQLite Viewer - View SQLite file online. (Code)
- Amalgalite - SQLite embedded in a Ruby extension.
- Cross-Database Queries in SQLite (2021) (HN)
- Build SQLite Extensions in Go
- What’s new in SQLite 3.35 (2021) (HN)
- SQLite is not a toy database (2021) (HN) (Lobsters) (HN)
- SQLite Plus - All the missing SQLite functions. (HN)
- Dogsheep - Tools for personal analytics using SQLite and Datasette. (Code)
- Bionic - Convert data exports from various services to a single SQLite database.
- SquirrelByte - SQLite-based JSON document server. (Web) (HN)
- Ask HN: Deploying SQLite on a Production Website (2021)
- SQLite the only database you will ever need in most cases (2021) (Lobsters) (HN)
- csvs-to-sqlite - Convert CSV files into a SQLite database.
- SQLiter - Minimal multiplatform sqlite library.
- Litestream/s6 Example - Example of running a Go application in the same container as Litestream by using s6-overlay. Allows developers to release their SQLite-based application and provide replication in a single container.
- Hosting SQLite databases on GitHub Pages or any static file hoster (2021) (Code) (HN) (HN)
- SQLite performance tuning (2020)
- SQLite on the Jamstack (2021)
- A Hitchiker's Guide to SQLite with Python (2021)
- wa-sqlite - WebAssembly SQLite with experimental support for browser storage extensions.
- Sqliteviz - Single-page offline-first PWA for fully client-side visualization of SQLite databases or CSV. (HN)
- SQLite in production with WAL (2020) (HN)
- Deno SQLite Module
- Simple application with an HTTP server & SQLite database
- SQLFluff - SQL linter and auto-formatter for Humans. (Code) (HN)
- SQLite Archiver
- How to Setup Replicated Highly Available SQLite with rqlite (2021)
- Ask HN: What is the SQLite of nosql databases? (2021)
- Using sqlite3 as a notekeeping document graph with automatic reference indexing (2021) (Lobsters) (HN)
- The Untold Story of SQLite with Richard Hipp (2021) (HN)
- SQLite query inside a Bash function
- RSQLite - Simple SQLite clone written in Rust.
- Atomic Commit In SQLite (Lobsters)
- Inserting One Billion Rows in SQLite Under A Minute (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- Inserting 130M SQLite Rows per Minute...from a Scripting Language (2021) (HN)
- Detecting cycles in tag parent-child relationship in sqlite3
- Tricks for making SQLite fast (2021)
- dogsheep-beta - Build a search index across content from multiple SQLite database tables and run faceted searches against it using Datasette.
- absurd-sql.js-backend - sqlite3 in ur indexeddb.
- SQLite Is Dynamically Typed (2020) (HN)
- Sqlite µLogger - Fast and Lean database logger that can log data into Sqlite databases even with SRAM as low as 2kb.
- Apply conversion functions to data in SQLite columns with the sqlite-utils CLI tool (2021)
- A future for SQL on the web (2021) (HN) (Tweet)
- sqlite-s3-query - Python function to query SQLite files stored on S3.
- Strict Tables – Column type constraints in SQLite (HN)
- SQLite-TUI - TUI for viewing SQLite databases, written in Go. (HN)
- Exqlite - Elixir SQLite3 library.
- A Minimalist Guide to SQLite (2017)
- SQLime - Online SQLite playground for debugging and sharing SQL snippets. (Code) (HN)
- Implementing a graph database in SQLite
- Comparing SQLite, DuckDB and Arrow (2021) (HN)
- sqlite3 Rewritten in RiiR Rust (Lobsters)
- SQLite WAL Mode
- SQLite Index Recommendations
- APSW - Python SQLite wrapper.
- sqlite-zstd - Transparent dictionary-based row-level compression for SQLite. (HN)
- deno_sqlite3 - Non-blocking, asynchronous FFI bindings to SQlite3.
- SQLite grammar for tree-sitter
- libsqlfs - Library that implements a POSIX style filesystem on top of an SQLite database.
- The less trodden path with sqlite (2021)
- SQLiteGraph - Graph Database for Julia, built on top of SQLite.jl.
- SQLite.jl - Julia interface to the SQLite library.
- SQLite Release 3.37.0 (2021) (HN)
- SQLite Viewer - SQLite Viewer for VSCode. (Code)
- SQLite in a PWA (Anita) with FileSystemAccessAPI (2021) (HN)
- Production Applications Using SQLite & Go (2021)
- Verneuil - S3-backed asynchronous replication for SQLite. (Article)
- go-mysql-sqlite-server - Implementation of a SQLite backend for go-mysql-server.
- dblite - SQLite extension for accessing other SQL databases, in SQLite.
- SQLite – The Session Extension (HN)
- SQLite driver for Go database/sql
- ChiselStore - Embeddable, distributed SQLite for Rust, powered by Little Raft. (HN)
- deno_sqlite - Fast, native bindings to SQLite3 C API, using Deno FFI.
- graphdb - SQLite based graph database for storing native python objects and their relationships to each other.
- SQLiteLib - Easily build a custom SQLite static library for use in macOS and iOS frameworks and apps.
- Consider SQLite (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- r2d2-sqlite - r2d2 connection pool for sqlite.
- GopherCon 2021: Ben Johnson - Building Production Applications Using Go & SQLite
- Fast SQLite PWA notebook for CSV files (HN)
- Bashing JSON into Shape with SQLite (2022) (Lobsters)
- RecordLite - Library (and executable) that declaratively maintains SQLite tables and views of semi-structured data.
- sqlite_protobuf - Protobuf Extension for SQLite.
- The ultimate SQLite extension set (Lobsters)
- Make the “semantic web” web 3.0 again – with the help of SQLite (2022) (HN)
- Many Small Queries Are Efficient in SQLite (HN)
- sqlite3vfshttp - Go sqlite VFS for querying databases over http(s).
- Containerize Go and SQLite with Docker (2022) (HN)
- Store SQLite in Cloudflare Durable Objects (2022) (HN) (Code)
- sqlite-vfs - Build SQLite virtual file systems (VFS) by implementing a simple Rust trait.
- SQLite Visual Query Builder - Help you write SQLite queries with a visual interface. (Code)
- One process programming notes (with Go and SQLite) (2018)
- sqlite_backup - Tool to snapshot sqlite databases you don't own.
- DBHub.io - SQLite storage "in the cloud". (Code)
- wasm-sqlite - SQLite compiled to WASM with pluggable page storage.
- Using SQLite and Datasette with Fly Volumes (2022)
- LumoSQL - Modification of SQLite embedded data storage library. Offers multiple backend storage systems selectable by the user and proposes other integrity and security features. (HN)
- BFT-SQLITE - Tendermint + Sqlite3 = BFT Database Replication.
- Litestream Read Replica Demo - Demo application for running live read replication on fly.io with Litestream.
- Google Drive to SQLite - Create a SQLite database containing metadata from Google Drive. (HN)
- Libsqlite3 - Based on libsqlite3-sys, this package builds SQLite statically with some aditionnal extensions.
- New JSON query operators in SQLite 3.38.0 (2022) (HN)
- jx-sqlite - JSON query expressions using SQLite.
- SQLite compiled to WebAssembly and WASI
- SQLite Online (HN)
- Ws4sqlite - Query SQLite via HTTP. (HN)
- tuql - Automatically create a GraphQL server from a SQLite database or a SQL file.
- sqc - SQLite CLI with syntax highlighting and pretty tables by default.
- sqlitescanner - DuckDB extension to read SQLite databases. Allows directly running DuckDB queries on data stored in SQLite files. (HN)
- SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
- Postlite - Postgres wire compatible SQLite proxy. (HN)
- A database for 2022 (Tweet) (HN) (Lobsters)
- SQLite B-Tree Module (HN)
- SQLite Database File Format
- sqlite-parquet-vtable - SQLite virtual table extension to expose Parquet files as SQL tables.
- Litestream Read Replica Example - Example of how to setup and deploy a multi-node SQLite database using Litestream's live read replication feature.
- numbsql - Run Numba compiled functions into SQLite.
- Migrating from SQLite to PostgreSQL (HN)
- Golang SQLite database/sql (2022)
- SQLite WASM - Run SQLite on the web, using WebAssembly.
- Ask HN: Have you used SQLite as a primary database? (2022)
- Port the SQLite parser to Go
- Awesome SQLite (HN)
- How to Corrupt an SQLite Database File (HN)
- Simple declarative schema migration for SQLite (2022) (HN)
- Sqldiff - SQLite Database Difference Utility.
- Generated columns in SQLite (Lobsters)
- I'm all-in on server-side SQLite (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- SQLite in Go, with and without cgo (2022) (HN)
- Cron-based backup for SQLite (HN)
- JSON and Virtual Columns in SQLite (2022) (HN)
- Tiny SQLite3 - Tiny cross-platform client for SQLite3, with the official precompiled binaries as the only third-party dependencies.
- Temporary tables in SQLite (2022)
- Using SQLite for multi-user multi-write app effectively
- Custom distributed data warehouse using compressed SQLite DB files in S3 that were queried using Lambda functions orchestrated by PostgreSQL running a custom foreign data wrapper (Tweet)
- bakelite - Pure Go SQLite file exporter.
- SQLite 3 Fiddle (HN)
- Generating a GraphQL API from schema using SQLite
- The Design of SQLite4 (HN)
- One-liner for running queries against CSV files with SQLite (HN)
- sqlite-lines - SQLite extension for reading lines from a file or blob.
- Building a remote SQLite explorer
- litequeue - Queue implemented on top of SQLite.
- litedict - SQLite as a Python dictionary.
- litexplore - Python web app that lets you explore remote SQLite databases over SSH connections without having to copy the full DB or manually use the CLI.
- What would SQLite look like if written in Rust? (2021)
- SQLite Release 3.39.0 (2022) (HN)
- SQLite Code of Ethics (HN)
- Trong ORM - Build reactive interfaces on top of SQLite for any platform with any framework or lib.
- SQLite or PostgreSQL? It's Complicated (HN)
- Extending SQLite with Rust (Code)
- Live Read Replicas for SQLite (HN)
- The SQLite Index Suggester (HN)
- XLite - Query Excel and Open Document spreadsheets as SQLite virtual tables. (HN) (Article)
- SQLite 3.39.2 (2022) (HN)
- SpatiaLite - Extends SQLite core to support Spatial SQL capabilities. (HN)
- LiteFS - FUSE-based file system for replicating SQLite. (HN) (Intro) (HN) (Lobsters)
- cfsqlite - Foundation of offline, local-first and edge deployed software.
- SQLite3_Web_VFS - SQLite3 extension for read-only HTTP(S) database access.
- LTX - Go library for the LTX file format.
- SQLite Internals: Pages and B-trees (2022) (HN)
- SQLite VFS extension - SQLite3 extension for read/write storage compression with Zstandard.
- SQLite-HTML - SQLite extension for querying, manipulating, and creating HTML elements. (HN)
- Sqinn - SQLite over stdin/stdout.
- libgsqlite - SQLite extension which loads a Google Sheet as a virtual table.
- SQLite store for node cache manager
- How SQLite Helps You Do ACID (2022) (HN)
- SQLite-HTTP - SQLite extension for making HTTP requests. (Article) (HN)
- Turning SQLite into a distributed database (2022) (HN)
- SQLite: Past, Present, and Future (HN)
- How SQLite scales read concurrency (2022) (HN)
- SQLite has pretty limited builtin functions (2022)
- MojoFS - Versioning, userspace filesystem for SQLite DB.
- sqlite_wasm - SQLite extension for running arbitrary WASM bundles via Wasmtime.
- Mycelial - Library, synchronize anywhere. Mycelite unifies your Edge and Cloud SQLite instances, peer-to-peer and without any data middleware. (GitHub)
- How the SQLite Virtual Machine Works (2022) (HN)
- Marmot - Distributed SQLite replicator. (Reddit)
- Protobuf Extension for SQLite - SQLite extension for extracting values from serialized Protobuf messages.
- s3sqlite - Query SQLite databases in S3 using s3fs. (HN)
- Litements - Data structures implemented on top of SQLite. (GitHub)
- SQLite Weekly - Weekly SQLite news, articles and extensions.
- Deno SQLite Shell
- Scaling Pocketbase with Marmot (2022)
- Pgsqlite - Pure Python module to import SQLite databases into Postgres. (Article) (HN)
- Pocketbase with Lightstream
- Flyweight - ORM for SQLite and NodeJS. (HN)
- libSQL - Open source, open contribution fork of SQLite. (Web)
- sqld - Server mode for libSQL.
- SQLite: QEMU all over again? (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- great.db - Powerful, human-friendly database library for JavaScript using SQLite.
- SQLite and the N+1 (no) problem (2022)
- Geocode SQLite - Geocode rows in a SQLite database table.
- Quirks, Caveats, and Gotchas In SQLite (HN)
- Litestream: Making Single-Node Deployments Cool Again (Ben Johnson) (2022)
- Making a change to SQLite source code (2022) (HN)
- SQLite in the browser with WASM/JS (HN) (Tweet)
- Soul - SQLite RESTful server. (HN)
- SQLite – Partial Indexes (HN)
- How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File (HN)
- Who needs MLflow when you have SQLite? (2022) (HN)
- SQLite Release 3.40.0 (2022) (HN) (HN)
- How LiteFS Works (HN)
- SQLite WASM Vite
- SQLite3MultipleCiphers - SQLite3 encryption extension with support for multiple ciphers.
- Fast SQLite Inserts - Test scripts to generate a SQLite DB with 1B rows in fastest possible way. (Lobsters)
- Pocketbase Auth Library
- Go and SQLite in the Cloud (2022) (HN)
- SQLite-loadable-rs - Framework for writing fast and performant SQLite extensions in Rust. (Intro) (HN)
- How I found a bug in SQLite (2022) (HN)
- sqlite3_ext - Build loadable extensions for SQLite using Rust.
- SQLite Internals: How The World's Most Used Database Works (HN)
- SQLite's automatic indexes (2022) (HN)
- Storing files in SQLite (2021)
- Benchmarking SQLite Performance in Go (2022)
- SQLite 2022 Recap (HN)
- WAL Mode in LiteFS (2023) (HN)
- I Migrated from a Postgres Cluster to Distributed SQLite with LiteFS (2022)
- LiteSync - Easy synchronization of SQLite databases. (HN)
- Mycelite - SQLite extension that allows you to synchronize changes from one instance of SQLite to another. (Web)
- SQLite WASM in the browser backed by the origin private file system (2023) (HN)
- sqlite-xsv - Fastest CSV SQLite extension, written in Rust. (Intro)
- Capacitor SQLite - Community plugin for native & electron SQLite databases.
- HC-tree - Prototype for write concurrently in SQLite. (HN)
- SQLite-based databases on the Postgres protocol (2023) (HN)
- sqlite-ulid - SQLite extension for generating and working with ULIDs.
- LiteFS JS - JavaScript utilities for working with LiteFS on Fly.io. (Tweet)
- Writing a Custom SQLite Function (in C) (2023)
- Making SQLite extensions pip install-able (2023) (HN)
- Save OpenAI API results to a SQLite database (HN)
- sqlite-vss - SQLite extension for efficient vector search, based on Faiss. (Intro)
- db-to-sqlite - CLI tool for exporting tables or queries from any SQL database to a SQLite file.
- SQLite WASM: Something subtle in the browser (HN)
- Distributed SQLite with Elixir (2023) (HN)
- SQLite the only database you will ever need in most cases (2021) (HN)
- sqlite-rs - Decoder, encoder and tools for SQLite in Rust.
- sqlean - All the Missing SQLite Functions. (HN)
- SQLite Parser Nom - Parser library for SQLite storage format in Rust.
- 9 years of open-source database development: reviewing rqlite design choices (2023)
- MiniLitelog: Easy Breezy SQLite Datalog (2023)
- Strong Consistency with Raft and SQLite (2023) (HN)
- Craziest thing I ever used SQLite for: partial file deduplication (HN)
- Sqlite Index Blaster - Library for creating huge Sqlite indexes at breakneck speeds.