mvSQLite is nice.
- HN: Apple open sources FoundationDB
- FoundationDB Documentation
- A Minimalist Guide to FoundationDB
- Technical Overview of FoundationDB - Evan Tschannen (2018)
- FoundationDB Rust Client
- Retrofitting a Foundation for CouchDB - Adam Kocoloski (2019)
- Kubernetes operator for FoundationDB
- FoundationDB site
- A ZooKeeper Layer for FoundationDB - Paul Hemberger (2020)
- FoundationDB: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Database (2020)
- FoundationDB: A Distributed, Unbundled, Transactional Key Value Store (HN) (Review) (HN) (Summary) (HN)
- FoundationDB NodeJS bindings
- Building an object store with FoundationDB (2018) (Code)
- FoundationDB Rust Client
- High contention allocator for FoundationDB (2018)
- Time Series and FoundationDB. Millions of writes/s and 10x compression in under 2,000 lines of Go (HN)
- FoundationDB Client API for Tokio (Intro)
- Awesome FoundationDB - List of FoundationDB resources.
- FoundationDB Exporter - Prometheus exporter for FoundationDB.
- fdb2kafka - Ship consistent logs from FoundationDB to Kafka.
- mvsqlite - Distributed, MVCC SQLite that runs on top of FoundationDB. (HN)
- fdbfs - FoundationDB-backed FUSE filesystem.
- Diviner - FoundationDB style deterministic testing framework for async/await Rust.
- Skipping the boring parts of building a database using FoundationDB (2022) (HN)
- Storage and transaction in mvSQLite, the distributed SQLite on FoundationDB (2022)
- How we built our data layer on FoundationDB (2022)
- Tigris RFC – building secondary indexes on FoundationDB
- fdb-blobs - Blob store build on top of FoundationDB.