- Learn Eleventy From Scratch (2020) (Tweet) (Code)
- Hylia - Lightweight Eleventy starter kit to help you to create your own blog or personal website. (Web)
- Letβs Learn Eleventy! (with Zach Leatherman) (2020)
- eleventy-base-blog - Starter repository showing how to build a blog with the Eleventy static site generator.
- Beginner's Guide to Eleventy
- Indieweb: Using Webmentions in Eleventy (2019)
- 11ty: Generate Twitter cards automatically (2020)
- Educational 11ty Resources
- Add Search to an Eleventy website with Elasticlunr (2020)
- Create a Sitemap.xml with Eleventy (2020)
- Eleventy-Garden - Starter site for building a mind garden, using 11ty.
- Eleventastic - Simple Eleventy Starter Kit.
- High-performance blog template for 11ty (Code)
- Eleventy Leaderboards
- Eleventy and Vue Components - Behind the New Netlify.com (2020)
- To Eleventy and Beyond (2020) (HN)
- How to Build an Eleventy Plugin (2020)
- 11ty.dev documentation code
- Vredeburg - Simple starter project to create a blog using Eleventy and Tailwind CSS.
- JAMStack Web Starter - Static website workflow utilising Eleventy, Tailwind CSS, Webpack and PostCSS.
- eleventy-img - Utility to perform build-time image transformations.
- 11ty Netlify Jumpstart
- Smol Eleventy Starter
- A Deep Dive Into Eleventy Static Site Generator (2021)
- 11ty Rocks! - Collection of Eleventy (11ty) starters, projects, plugins, and resources. (Code)
- Itsiest, Bitsiest Eleventy Tutorial (2021)
- Optimize Images in Eleventy Using Cloudinary (2021)
- Architecting data in Eleventy (2021)
- Eleventy with Vite (Article)
- Eleventy Demo Serverless Auth (Tweet)
- Slinkity - Tool for bringing dynamic, clientside interactions to your static 11ty site. (Code)
- eleventy-plugin-remark - Plugin for Eleventy to process Markdown files with Remark.
- Eleventy Plugin - MDX
- eleventy-dev-server - Minimal, modern, generic, hot-reloading local web server to help web developers.
- Eleventy Vue Plugin - Use Vue.js templates and Vue.js single file components in Eleventy.
- Generate Social Image Covers With Eleventy And Node-Canvas (2022)
- Rocket - Modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript. (Web) (Tweet)
- eleventy-plugin-modern - Eleventy plugin with modern features. (Code)
- Edge-powered Search, Images feed the Data Cascade, Empty Results Pagination (2022)
- eleventy-plugin-prismic - Eleventy plugin and shortcodes to fetch and present Prismic content.
- Exploring 11ty with Zach Leatherman (2022)
- Eleventy Discord