Super-fast TS/JS compiler written in rust
- swc plugins
- swc playground (Code)
- unplugin-swc - SWC plugin for Vite and Rollup.
- SWC AST Helpers
- swc-plugin-console-prefix - SWC Transform to prefix logs. Useful for adding file and line number to logs.
- storybook-addon-swc - Storybook add-on to enable SWC builds.
- SWC Viewer - CLI tool that runs a desktop application in order to give a fast visual feedback to swc developers about the transformations they are developing.
- SWC CSS Playground (Code)
- Rathernot - Web Linker. Takes all your web files and smushes them into a single executable binary.
- SWC-coverage-instrument - Istanbuljs compatible SWC coverage instrumentation plugin.
- dprint-swc-ext - Functionality to make swc easier to work with.
- swc-jotai - SWC plugins for Jotai.
- SWC-plugin-vanilla-extract
- SWC plugin for transforming import path
- SWC-to-babel - Convert SWC to Babel AST.
- swc-loader - Webpack loader for swc.
- Verifying swc minifier using dbg-swc (2022)
- SWC JSX Dom Expressions
- SWC React Native Web - SWC plugin that will alias react-native to react-native-web.