Useful plugins
- @rollup/plugin-terser - Rollup plugin to generate a minified bundle with terser.
- Rollup plugins
- Awesome Rollup
- serverless-rollup-plugin - Use rollupjs to package your serverless framework lambdas.
- rollup-plugin-assemblyscript - Rollup plugin that allows you to import AssemblyScript files and compiles them on-the-fly.
- rollup-plugin-typescript2 - Rollup plugin for typescript with compiler errors.
- packd - Rollup as a service.
- rollup-plugin-terser - Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle.
- rollup-plugin-dts - Rollup plugin to generate .d.ts rollup files for your typescript project.
- Nollup - Rollup compatible development bundler for fast rebuilds and HMR.
- rollup-plugin-sizes - Monitor the size of the bundle as it is generated by rollup.
- rollup-plugin-esbuild - Use ESBuild with Rollup to transform ESNext and TypeScript code.
- rollup-starter-app - Bare-bones example of how to create an application using Rollup.
- Rollpkg - Zero-config build tool to create packages with Rollup and TypeScript.
- rollup-plugin-critical - Vite.js & Rollup plugin for generating critical CSS.
- Rolldown - Rollup Rust implementation with 100% API compatible.
- rollup-plugin-swc - Use SWC with Rollup to transform ESNext and TypeScript code.
- Rollup Plugin Visualizer - Visualize and analyze your Rollup bundle to see which modules are taking up space.
- Rollup Plugin Styles - Universal Rollup plugin for styles.
- rollup-plugin-local-import - Rollup plugin for manipulating local import/export statements.
- Rollup Docs