This is a nice intro to Fastify's perks. Mercurius is neat.
OSS Fastify APIs/Apps
- Notes API using PostgreSQL, Prisma, and Fastify
- Fastify Preact SSR - Fastify server-side renders Preact to html and serves with a Preact client.js bundle for DOM hydration.
- Squad - Peer to peer group text chatting, audio / video calling and file sharing progressive web application.
- Node.js boilerplate using Fastify & TypeScript
- fastify-oauth2 - Enable to perform login using oauth2 protocol.
- fastify-express - Express compatibility layer for Fastify.
- Fastify served with a refreshing Pino 🍷 featuring Matteo Collina (2021)
- Fastify TypeBox - Enhanced TypeBox support for Fastify.
- fastify-zod - Zod integration with Fastify.
- fastify-sensible - Defaults for Fastify that everyone can agree on.
- fastify-overview - Draw a schema graph of your Fastify application.
- fastify-vite - Fastify plugin to serve Vite SSR applications with universal API, data fetching and hydration utilities.
- Fastify Now - File based routing for fastify.
- fastify-basic-auth - Fastify basic auth plugin.
- fastify-cookie - Plugin for Fastify that adds support for reading and setting cookies.
- Fastify SSE Plugin - Fastify plugin for sending Server-sent events.
- postgrest-builder - Adds decorators for Nest.js to support fastify-multipart.
- fastify-multipart - Multipart support for Fastify.
- Learn Fastify by building a Recipe App
- fastify-helmet - Important security headers for Fastify.
- Fastify Adapter Middleware Properties on a Different Context
- point-of-view - Templates rendering plugin support for Fastify.
- fastify-cors - Enables the use of CORS in a Fastify application.
- fastify-supabase - Supabase client initialization and encapsulation in fastify framework.
- fastify/session - Session plugin for fastify.
- fastify-autoroutes - Fastest way to map directories to URLs in Fastify.
- fastify/restartable - Restart Fastify without losing a request. (Tweet)
- fastify-etag - Automatically generate etags for HTTP responses, for Fastify.
- Fastify
- fastify-sentry - Sentry errors handler for fastify that just works! Install, add your DSN and you're good to go.
- Fastify Type Provider Zod
- under-pressure - Measure process load with automatic handling of "Service Unavailable" plugin for Fastify.
- fastify-static - Plugin for serving static file as fast as possible.
- fastify-shopify-graphql-proxy - Fastify plugin to proxy requests to the Shopify GraphQL API.
- Envuso - Backend framework focusing building apis using Fastify and MongoDB support.
- fastify-rate-limit - Low overhead rate limiter for your routes.
- Fastify Benchmarks - Fast and low overhead web framework fastify benchmarks.
- fastify-error - Small utility, used by Fastify itself, for generating consistent error objects across your codebase and plugins.
- GraphQL server with Fastify and Mercurius workshop
- fastify-isolate - Loads a fastify plugin into a separate V8 isolate.
- GraphQL Fastify Server - Implementation of GraphQL.
- GraphQL Fastify Client
- Fastify Redis Cache - Example repo for setting up cache with fastify and redis.
- GraphQL Caching Demystified | Matteo Collina (2022)
- Fluent API to generate JSON schemas
- Fastify Swagger - Swagger documentation generator for Fastify.
- Fastify SSR Workshop
- The Thing About Fastify (2022)
- Fastify DX - Full Stack Framework based on Fastify and Vite.
- Example Fastify server deployed on
- Fastify Redis - Plugin to share a common Redis connection across Fastify.
- Effect TS Fastify
- fastify/hotwire - Use the Hotwire pattern with Fastify.
- fastify/fast-json-stringify-compiler - Build and manage the fast-json-stringify instances for the fastify framework.
- fastify/deepmerge - Merges the enumerable properties of two or more objects deeply.
- Fastify Type Provider for Typebox
- fastify/autoload - Convenience plugin for Fastify that loads all plugins found in a directory and automatically configures routes matching the folder structure.
- Fastify OpenApi Glue - Plugin for Fastify to autogenerate a configuration based on a OpenApi(v2/v3) specification.
- Chino - End-to-End type safety for REST APIs written in Fastify.
- fastify-slow-down - Slow down plugin for fastify.
- Kita - Semi-opinionated fastify based typescript framework. No runtime code == blazingly fast.
- fastify-metrics - Prometheus metrics exporter for Fastify.
- Fastify-routes - Decorates fastify instance with a map of routes.
- Template for Fastify plugin
- Fastify Bearer Auth - Fastify plugin to require bearer Authorization headers.
- Fastify Lyra - Lyra plugin for Fastify.
- Fastify Nitro - Preset for building Nitro applications that expose a fastify server or middleware export.
- Preparing Fastify for Testing (2023)
- Create Fastify - Rapidly generate a Fastify project.
- Fastify OpenAI Docs - Simple plugin for Fastify that generates OpenAPI spec automatically.
- Universal Route Module API Specification