Like using Slack Go API for building Slack apps.
- Monorobot - Slack bot for monorepos. (Article)
- dev-help Helper Bot - Marking thread that are solved by adding a ✅ on them.
- Hacker News Slack Bot - Bot that monitors Hacker News for mentions of certain keywords, sends them to Slack.
- Zenra Bot for Slack - Using new Slack platform in Deno.
- Chat bot for Slack
- Anonymous Feedback Bot
- ChatGPT for Slack Bot
- Shift+ESC = clear all unread messages.
- Slack workspace owners can see everything, including private channels and DMs.
- Meet Workflow Builder: the simple way to streamline tasks in Slack (2019)
- Workflow examples
- Simple Decisions - Never let another decision get lost in Slack.
- Sclack - Best CLI client for Slack, because everything is terrible.
- Collection of Slack emoji
- slack-rs - Slack realtime messaging client for rust.
- Phelia - Build interactive Slack apps without webhooks or JSON headache.
- Top Slack Apps
- Data models for Slack Apps (2020)
- HN: A major reason for departures at Slack was “remote work request rejected” (2020)
- How to Use Slack and Not Go Bananas (2018)
- BoltJS - Framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript. (Docs)
- Why Dgraph Is Shutting Down Slack (2020)
- The deep work guide to Slack (2020)
- Ripcord - Desktop chat client for Slack (and Discord).
- Slack’s \$25 Billion Dollar Secret Sauce (2015)
- Creating a Slack app that uses fewer resources (2020) (HN)
- - Native Slack client for macOS. (HN)
- How Riot Games Uses Slack (2020)
- How Unstack is running their Slack community (2020)
- Snack - Video Chat Roulette for Slack.
- workers-slack - Slack API for Cloudflare Workers.
- How Slack plans to build Virtual HQ for the hybrid remote future (2021)
- Slack Bolt - TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features.
- SwiftBlocksUI - Develop interactive Slack messages and modals using a SwiftUI like declarative style.
- Paco - Sync GitHub/JIRA with Slack.
- Building Products at Slack (2021)
- @slack/webhook - JS package contains a helper for making requests to Slack's Incoming Webhooks.
- Building a Slack App with Express and the Node SDK (2020)
- Slack Send GitHub Action - Send data into Slack using this GitHub Action.
- Slackboard - Proxy server for Slack.
- Allma - Slack-native Incident Collaboration. (Twitter)
- Flexible automation for everyone | Slack
- Bolt Python - Framework to build Slack apps using Python.
- Getting started with our Slack beta platform (HN)
- Slackcat - CLI utility to post files and command output to slack. (Web)
- Slack Block Builder - Lightweight, zero-dependency library for declaratively building Slack Block Kit UI. (Web)
- Slack Block Builder Demo
- Awesome Slack
- Blockkit - Python library for building UI interfaces for Slack apps.
- Slack alternatives (2021) (More)
- Terraform Provider for Slack
- Slack Dumper - Command line utility to create and save an archive of slack public and private messages and threads, files, and users.
- Skit - Build slack bots quickly and easily in Go.
- Slack Notify - GitHub Action - GitHub Action for sending a notification to a Slack channel.
- Can Slack-mania be cured with systemized discipline? (HN)
- Collection of 1,000+ popular emoji for Slack and Discord
- Hermod - Tracks deployments as they roll out and posts useful status updates into Slack.
- slackstatus - Simple CLI tool and Go library to post formatted status messages to a Slack channel.
- Nice Slack apps/bots to add (2022)
- Slack's Secret STDERR Messages (2021)
- Elixir-Slack - Slack real time messaging and web API client in Elixir.
- Stabilize, Modularize, Modernize: Scaling Slack’s Mobile Codebases (2022)
- Collaborate with kindness: Etiquette tips in Slack (2022) (HN)
- Action Slack Notifier - GitHub Action to send notifications to Slack.
- JSX Slack - Build JSON object for Slack Block Kit surfaces from JSX. (Web)
- Linen - Make your Slack community Google-searchable. (HN)
- Slack Ruby Bot Ruby library
- The Problem with Slack at Scale (2022) (HN)
- Bashbot - Slack-bot written in Go for infrastructure/devops teams.
- Beacon - Slack bot for non verbal cues to make it easier on your mental health to tell people you're out of action for the day.
- Deno Slack SDK - SDK for the Deno Runtime of Run on Slack Functions.
- Dispatch - Priority Inbox for Slack that lets you focus on what's most important.
- Mack - Markdown to Slack Message Blocks.
- Rootly - Manage incidents directly from Slack. (HN)
- slacker - Haskell library for building Slack apps in Socket Mode.
- Tiny Slack bot client using the web socket mode
- Ask HN: How do you ensure everyone on the team is heard on Slack? (2022)
- Slack API for Cloudflare Workers (2022)
- Slack Message Client - Slack message generator and API client, written in Swift with Result Builders and Concurrency.
- Slack Machine - Simple, yet powerful and extendable Slack bot.
- Slack releases platform open beta powered by Deno (2022)
- Slack-Backup - Backup Slack users, channels, and messages for conversion to Discord.
- Threads - Slack replacement designed for makers. (Twitter) (Features) (Tweet)
- GitHub Board Slack notifications - Send notifications to a Slack channel for any changes that are performed in a GitHub board.
- Unthread - Prioritized inbox for Slack. (HN)
- Workflow Buddy - Missing pieces of Slack Workflow Builder.
- Deno Slack Runtime - Helper library for running a Run on Slack Deno function.
- Slack Morphism - Modern Rust client library for Slack Web/Events API/Socket Mode and Block Kit.
- Ask HN: I have diagnosed ADHD and cannot work with Slack anymore – advice? (2022)
- Tech Community Slacks
- Deno Slack Data Mapper - Handy way to manage data using Slack's next-generation hosting platform datastores.
- Notify Slack Action - Send a Slack Notification from Github Actions regarding failure, warnings, or even success.
- gh-slack - Utility for archiving a slack conversation as markdown.
- PrBuddy - CLI that automatically generates a PR link and posts it to a slack channel with 1 command.
- Slack ChatGPT - Integrate ChatGPT into Slack using Cloudflare Workers.