Use Minimal theme with this CSS snippet:
/* make cursor stop blinking in VIM mode */
.cm-cursor {
visibility: visible !important;
/* remove all visual noise (buttons, sidebar) */
.side-dock-ribbon.mod-left.is-collapsed {
display: none;
.view-actions {
display: none;
.titlebar-button {
display: none;
.workspace-ribbon {
display: none;
.status-bar {
display: none;
.view-header-title {
display: none;
how it looks with the theme
Also use Obsidian as a way to work through active todos, until I build an app for it.
- Dual - Skilled virtual assistant for Obsidian. (Article)
- Make.md - Features to focus on writing in Obsidian. (Reddit)
- Ava - AI-enhanced reflection in Obsidian.
- Surfing - Obsidian plugin that lets you browse the web within Obsidian.
- Semantic Search
- Obsidian Sample Plugin - Sample plugin for Obsidian.
- Hover Editor - Transform the Page Preview hover into a working editor instance.
- Spaced Repetition - Fight the forgetting curve & note aging by reviewing notes using spaced repetition on Obsidian.md.
- Review - Add the current note to a future daily note to remember to review it.
- Obsidian Raindrop Highlights Plugin - Synchronize Raindrop.io web article highlights/annotations into your Obsidian Vault.
- Dataview - Complex query language implementation for the Obsidian note-taking tool. (HN)
- Templater - Template plugin for obsidian.
- Periodic Notes - Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes in Obsidian.
- Obsidian Mind Map - Obsidian plugin for displaying markdown notes as mind maps using Markmap.
- Recall - Spaced Repetition System in Obsidian.
- Obsidian Imgur Plugin - Pastes images right to imgur.com.
- Query Control - Obsidian plugin that adds controls to embedded queries.
- Obsidian Internal Links supercharger - Add attributes and context menu options to internal links.
- Obsidian Git - Backup your Obsidian.md vault with git.
- Obsidian Roundup - Weekly roundup of Obsidian.md tips, news & resources.
- Obsidian Tracker - Helps you collect data from notes and represent it comprehensively.
- Citation - Plugin for Obsidian integrates your academic reference manager with the Obsidian editing experience.
- Readwise - Enables you to easily and automatically export all your digital highlights to Obsidian from a variety of sources. (Tweet)
- Smart Random Note - Enhances opening random notes.
- Sliding Panes (Andy Matuschak Mode) - Changes the way panes in the main workspace are handled — inspired by the UI of Andy Matuschak's notes.
- Local Images - Finds hotlinked images in your notes, downloads and saves them locally and finally adjusts the link in your note to point to the local file.
- Obsidian Tasks - Task management for the Obsidian knowledge base.
- Obsidian Leaflet - Adds interactive maps to Obsidian.md using Leaflet.js.
- Obsidian Linter - Obsidian plugin that enforces consistent markdown styling.
- Day Planner - Obsidian plugin for day planning and managing pomodoro timers from a task list in a Markdown note.
- Hider - Hide Obsidian UI elements such as tooltips, status, titlebar and more.
- Minimal Setting - Settings plugin to control colors and fonts in Minimal Theme.
- Linked Data Vocabularies - Add linked data to the YAML of your Obsidian notes.
- QuickAdd - Quickly add new pages or content to your vault.
- Metatable - Plugin to display the full frontmatter block instead of just the list of tags.
- Obsidian Annotator - Plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian.
- Breadcrumb Trail - Visualise a custom hierarchy in your Obsidian vault.
- Quick Switcher++ - Enhanced Quick Switcher plugin.
- Draw.io - Draw.io plugin for obsidian.md.
- Obsidian Kanban - Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.
- Graph Analysis - Analyze the structure of your Obsidian graph using various analysis techniques.
- Customize cursor blinking in Obsidian
- BRAT (Beta Reviewers Auto-update Tester) - Plugin that makes it easier for you to assist other developers with reviewing and testing their plugins.
- Zoottelkeeper - Automated folder-level index file generator and maintainer.
- Obsidian Typing - Strict note typing for Obsidian.
- Key Sequence Shortcut - Obsidian plugin, allow binding key sequences to an obsidian command.
- Smarter Markdown Hotkeys - Markdown hotkeys that automatically select words before applying markup.
- Pandoc Plugin - Adds command palette options to export your notes to a variety of formats.
- CardBoard - Obsidian plugin to make working with tasks a pleasure.
- Metadata Extractor - Allows you to write Obsidian vault metadata, which is only accessible via plugin, onto the hard drive.
- Image Window - Adds the ability to open images in new Obsidian windows.
- Obsidian Vale - Vale client for Obsidian.
- Workspaces Plus - Quickly switch and manage Obsidian workspaces.
- Obsidian AnkiBridge - Anki integration for Obsidian.
- Hypothesis Plugin - Synchronize Hypothesis web article highlights/annotations into your Obsidian Vault.
- RSS Reader - Read RSS Feeds from inside obsidian.
- Natural Language Dates in Obsidian
- Obsidian Zoom - Zoom into heading and lists.
- Advanced Slides - Lets you create markdown-based reveal.js presentations in Obsidian.
- Highlightr - Minimal and aesthetically pleasing highlighting menu that makes color-coded highlighting much easier.
- Prettier - Format obsidian.md notes using prettier.
- Obsidian Vimrc Support - Loads a file of Vim commands.
- Fantasy Calendars - Create fantasy calendars in Obsidian.
- Shell Commands - Execute system commands via hotkeys or command palette in Obsidian.
- Footnotes - Makes creating footnotes in Obsidian more fun.
- Excalidraw - Integrates Excalidraw, a feature rich sketching tool, into Obsidian.
- Ozan's Image in Editor - Obsidian plugin to view Images, Transclusions, iFrames and PDF Files within the Editor without a necessity to switch to Preview.
- Completr - Auto-completion plugin for the obsidian editor.
- Local File Interface - Provides commands for moving files in and out of the vault.
- Flashcards - Anki integration for Obsidian.
- Hotkey Helper - Easier Hotkey and Options Management for Obsidian.
- LaTeX Environments - Quickly insert and change latex environments within math blocks in Obsidian.
- Table Extended - Extend basic table in Obsidian with MultiMarkdown table syntax.
- obsidian-contextual-typography - Adds a data-tag-name attribute to all top-level preview divs, allowing contextual typography.
- MetaEdit
- Obsidian Better Command Palette
- Map Of Content for Obsidian - Generate a Map of Content for your Obsidian vault.
- Obsidian Corkboard - Visual canvas to work with your Obsidian notes.
- Obsidian Style Settings - Dynamically creates a user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables.
- Core Search Assistant - Obsidian plugin to enhance built-in search: keyboard interface, card preview, bigger preview.
- Timelines - Generate a chronological timeline of all notes with the specified set of tags.
- Convert a URL into markdown - Plugin to extract markdown out of urls.
- Obsidian Block Reference Counts - Show Reference Count of Block Refs.
- Cross-reference Navigation - Plugin for Obsidian that lets you navigate through your notes using their tags.
- Dynamic Highlights - Obsidian plugin that dynamically highlights text based on selection or search query.
- Sidekick - Plugin that auto-suggests new connections to make by underlining text that matches existing tags or links in your vault.
- Obsidian Full Calendar - Full Calendar integration for Obsidian.
- Remotely Save - Unofficial sync plugin for Obsidian.
- Find Unlinked Files - Find unlinked files (files with no backlinks) and unresolved links.
- Quick Jump Plugin - Enables you to quickly jump to internal and external links.
- Another Quick Switcher Plugin
- Open Link Plugin - Open URL linked to Markdown files in YAML frontmatter.
- Autocomplete - Provides a text autocomplete feature to enhance typing speed.
- Orthography - Obsidian plugin for checking and correcting spelling errors in text.
- Creases - Tools for effectively folding markdown sections in Obsidian.
- File Tree Alternative Plugin
- Things Logbook for Obsidian - Sync your Things 3 Logbook with Obsidian.
- Things Link - Seamlessly create Things tasks and projects from Obsidian.
- Calendar Plugin - Simple calendar widget for Obsidian.
- Auto Note Mover - Automatically move the active notes to their respective folders according to the rules.
- Obsidian Readwise - Synchronize Readwise highlights into your Obsidian Vault.
- Obsidian Telegraph Publish - Publish your Obsidian note to a Telegraph page.
- Banners - Obsidian plugin to add banner images (and icons) to your notes.
- Chat View Plugin - Quickly and easily create elegant Chat UIs in your Markdown Files.
- Custom Frames - Turns web apps into panes using iframes with custom styling.
- Obsidian-Charts - Create interactive Charts in Obsidian.
- Longform - Plugin for Obsidian that helps you write and edit novels, screenplays, and other long projects.
- Pluck - Quickly create notes in Obsidian from web pages.
- Sekund - SaaS and an Obsidian plugin that let you share your notes and collaborate with others without leaving your beloved thinking environment. (Code)
- Image Toolkit - Obsidian plugin for viewing an image.
- Omnisearch for Obsidian - Fast, unobtrusive, and "intelligent" search interface for Obsidian.
- Advanced Tables - Add improved navigation, formatting, and manipulation to markdown tables in Obsidian.
- Recent Files - Display a list of most recently opened files.
- Ledger - Personal finance tracking and planning, from the comfort of Obsidian.
- Quick Explorer - Perform file explorer operations (and see your current file path) from the Obsidian.md title bar.
- Obsidian Frontmatter Tag Suggest - Autocompletes tags in the YAML frontmatter.
- Scroll Offset - Plugin can keep a defined distance before and after cursor, just like scrolloff in vim of cursor surrounding lines in VS-Code.
- Jump to Link - Quickly navigate between links, or jump to any word on the page using hotkeys.
- Database folder - Obsidian Plugin to Allow Notion like database based on folders.
- Paste PNG to JPEG - When pasting screenshots into obsidian notes, convert the images to JPEG and compress them.
- ExcaliBrain - Graph view to navigate your Obsidian vault.
- Meta Title Filename - Let you replace filename with meta block.
- Obsidian Dynamic ToC - Generate Tables of Contents that stay up to date with your document outline.
- Obsidian Tabs - Plugin for tabbed Obsidian usage.
- Obsidian Text Snippets Plugin
- Obsidian Image Gallery - Zero setup masonry image gallery for Obsidian.
- Obsidian LiveSync
- Leader Hotkeys - Use a leader-key (tmux style) for hotkeys in Obsidian.
- Lapel - Shows a marker next to each heading to quickly distinguish between heading levels.
- Pandoc Reference List - Displays a formatted reference in the sidebar for each pandoc citekey present in the current document.
- Obsidian Supercharged - Plugin for obsidian that simplifies the use of mathematical symbols in LaTeX.
- Booksidian - Brings your Goodreads data to Obsidian.
- Obsidian Wielder - Clojure inside your Obsidian documents.
- Obsidian Better Code Block - Add title, line number to Obsidian code block.
- GitHub Publisher - Plugin to easily publish note to GitHub.
- Obsidian GPT - Text completions via GPT-J.
- Obsidian Wikipedia - Grabs information from Wikipedia for a topic and brings it into Obsidian notes.
- Obsidian OCR - Allows you to search for text in your images and PDFs. (Reddit)
- Latex Suite - Plugin for Obsidian that aims to make typesetting LaTeX math as fast as handwriting.
- TikZJax - Plugin for Obsidian that lets you render LaTeX and TikZ diagrams in your notes.
- Heatmap Calendar - Visualize your data in a heatmap calendar similar to the github activity calendar using this Obsidian plugin.
- Execute Code - Execute code snippets in code blocks in your notes.
- Obsidian Note Sharing - Securely share your Obsidian notes with one click.
- Tag Wrangler - Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the Obsidian tag pane.
- Obsidian Footnotes - Makes creating footnotes in Obsidian more fun.
- Obsidian Outliner - Work with your lists like in Workflowy or RoamResearch.
- Commander - Obsidian Plugin | Add Commands to every part of Obsidian's user interface.
- Table Enhancer - Plugin for improving the experience of using table in Obsidian.
- Waypoint - Automatic Table of Contents Generator.
- Icon Folder - Simply add icons to your folders or files in Obsidian.
- Influx - Plugin for Obsidian that aggregates a terse stream of backlinked clippings in the footer of notes.
- Obsidian Diagrams.Net - Inserting and editing diagrams.net diagrams.
- New Tab Default Page - Open a note of your choice when creating a new tab, like in the browser.
- Obsidian 3D Graph
- Metadata Menu - Manage the metadata of your notes.
- Obsidian Map View - Interactive map view for Obsidian.
- Homepage - Obsidian plugin that opens a specified note on startup, instead of the most recent one.
- Strange New Worlds - Discover the connections of thought in your Obsidian vault.
- Text Generator Plugin - Handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).
- Grammarly Plugin - Add Grammarly spellchecking to Obsidian.
- Daily Notes Editor - Plugin for you to edit a bunch of daily notes in one page(inline), which works similar to Roam Research's default daily note view.
- Custom Sort - Take full control over the order and sorting of folders and notes in File Explorer in Obsidian.
- LanguageTool Plugin - Integrates LanguageTool to provide advanced Grammar and Spell Checking.
- PlantUML Support - Render PlantUML Diagrams in Obsidian.
- Graphviz - Render Graphviz Diagrams in Obsidian.
- D2 - Modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
- Google Photos for Obsidian - Connect to Google Photos from Obsidian.
- Code Editor Shortcuts
- Obsidian Projects - Project management for Obsidian.
- Omnivore - Imports your saved Omnivore articles and highlights into Obsidian.
- Reference Map - Reference and citation map for literature review and discovery.
- Mermaid Tools for Obsidian
- Tikz Renderer
- QuickShare - Securely share your Obsidian notes with one click.
- Sentence Navigator - Obsidian plugin for manipulating sentences as a unit of movement.
- Obsidian Transcription - Create high-quality transcriptions from markdown linked audio files.
- Clipper - Capture highlights from the web as Markdown entries in Obsidian.
- ActivityWatch Obsidian - Obsidian plugin to track user activity with ActivityWatch.
- Obsidian GPT-3 Notes - Obsidian plugin to generate notes based on GP3 output.
- GPT3 Summarizer - Summarize text with GPT-3 in Obsidian.
- Prism - Comprehensive, Highly-Customizable and Elegant Light/Dark Theme for Obsidian.
- Obsidian HIG Theme - Obsidian theme designed to fit in with the Human Interface Guidelines.
- Things Theme
- Sanctum - Minimalist theme with the aim of creating a serene space of retreat, for thought and uninterrupted work.
- ITS Theme - Theme for my Obsidian Vault: In The Shadows.
- Minimal - Obsidian theme meticulously designed to feel native on desktop, mobile and tablet. (Fork)
- Primary
- Catppuccin - Soothing pastel theme for Obsidian.
- Absolve - Theme overlay snippet for Obsidian.md.
- Markdown Attributes - Add attributes to elements in Obsidian.
- Settings Search - Adds a search bar to Obsidian.md's settings.
- AnuPpuccin - Personal theme for Obsidian.
- User Plugins for Obsidian - Allows user scripts to use plugin API.
- Awesome Obsidian
- Obsidian for Mobile - Plain-text knowledge base on the go. (HN)
- Connecting and Transcluding Notes in Obsidian (2021)
- Obsidian Garden - Open-source guide to creating your own Knowledge Management System with Obsidian. (Code)
- Obsidian React Components
- Obsidian Alfred - Open vaults and files in Obsidian.
- obsidian-react-starter - Starter template for creating an Obsidian plugin with ReactJS.
- Obsidian Export - Rust library and CLI to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown.
- HN: Obsidian (2021)
- Notion to Obsidian Converter
- Obsidian CSS Snippets
- Obsidian Starter Templates
- Open source Obsidian Publish alternative
- Shimmering Obsidian - Alfred Workflow for various enhancements of Obsidian.
- How to get started with developing a custom Obsidian Plugin?
- Obsidian Hub - Resource hub for Obsidian resources. (Code)
- Obsidian PreactJS Template
- Obsidian Community Lib - Community-maintained library of commonly used functions when developing Obsidian plugins.
- Obsidian Link Scrapper - Simple GitHub action to parse Markdown Links into a .yaml file for Hugo.
- Obsidian Tools - Collection of tools that helps devs build plugins for obsidian.
- Obsidian Python lab plugin - Collection of dumb interfaces to enable python developers to use/test functionality within Obsidian.
- Obsidian API - Type definitions for the latest Obsidian API.
- Obsidian Chrome Clipper - Chrome extension that easily clips selections to Obsidian.
- Obsidian Shortcut Launcher, A Free Plugin to Trigger Shortcuts from Obsidian
- Scriptable widget for Obsidian journal tasks (2021)
- Snippetor - Assist for creating CSS snippets for Obsidian.
- Obsidian SSG Blog - Simple blog generated from Obsidian Map Of Content notes.
- Obsidian Releases - Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.
- Create multiple websites from one Obsidian vault
- Obsidian Digital Garden - Publish your notes in your own personal digital garden.
- Obsidian Remote - Run Obsidian.md in a browser via a docker container.
- MindStone - Free Obisidian Publish alternative, for publishing your digital garden.
- Mind mapping with Excalidraw in Obsidian (2021)
- How to Boost your Productivity for Scientific Research (2022)
- What clever Obsidian tricks have you found? (2022)
- Modular CSS Layout for Obsidian
- Molecular Notes: Practice - Discussing the practical implementation of Molecular Notes in Obsidian.
- How I set and track goals using Obsidian (2021)
- Obsidian Help
- Shimmering Obsidian - Alfred Workflow for various enhancements of Obsidian.
- Obsidian Plugin Developer Docs
- Obsidian for Raycast - Raycast extension with commands for the note taking app Obsidian.
- HN: Obsidian 1.0 (2022)
- Writing down what I do – in Obsidian (HN)
- Highly opinionated, fully functional Obsidian vault (HN)
- Obsidian Canvas - Infinite space for your ideas. (HN)
- Obsidian Canvas Spec
- Digital Gardening in Obsidian (2022) (HN)
- Flowershow - Publish your Obsidian notes, beautifully. For free, no coding. (Code)