Apollo iOS Reddit app is amazing iOS app. Map of Reddit is fun to explore.
Lemmy is a nice OSS federated alternative to Reddit. Tech wise at least.
- Libreddit - Private front-end for Reddit written in Rust. (Code) (HN)
- Reddit Repost Sleuth - High performance bot that is able to detect Reddit reposts extremely fast. (Code)
- Awesome Reddit Bots
- Ideas for Admins Subreddit
- Change Log Subreddit
- Reddit: One of social media's oldest companies is also its most undervalued (2021) (HN)
- RedditStorage - Application that allows you to store on Reddit subreddits via raw bytes.
- Reddit Code Old
- Reddit Saved to CSV
- Map of Reddit (Code) (Data)
- Reddit Bests - Most popular products on Reddit.
- Reddit Search - Search engine for Reddit indexable by user, subreddit, and date. (Code) (HN)
- Advanced Reddit search
- FindAReddit - Find Subreddits for your Niche. (HN)
- Reddit Favorites
- Reddit List - Discover Subreddits for different topics.
- Scaling Redditβs Community Points with Arbitrum (2021)
- Reddit Search Tool (Code)
- Reddit Post Classification - Classify whether a post comes from r/statistics, r/datascience or r/MachineLearning.
- Loading 261GB of Reddit comments into Snowflake (2021) (Tweet)
- redditSpyBot - Telegram bot that watches subreddits for particular post titles.
- Reddit Wherever - View the Reddit comments of any YouTube video or web page.
- Plebbit: A serverless, adminless, decentralized Reddit alternative
- Reddit Downloader - Download Reddit videos with sound using a NodeJS CLI with ffmpeg.
- Saveddit - Search and Filter through your Saved Reddit Posts. (Code)
- Reddit TV Series Discussions - Find Reddit discussion threads for your TV shows. (HN)
- Reddit Scraper - Python Reddit scraper based on Praw and Pushshift.
- Async PRAW - Asynchronous Python Reddit API Wrapper. (Docs)
- Reddit 1.0 Code - In Common Lisp.
- Pushshift Reddit API Documentation
- The Ultimate Guide to Unbundling Reddit (2020) (HN)
- My Favorite Software Subreddits (HN)
- RedditScrape - Web scraper built in Go using the Colly library.
- How to Collect a Reddit Dataset. Using PSAW and PRAW in Python (2021)
- Troddit - Web client for Reddit. (Code)
- Sending mass DMs on Reddit through API: a small experiment (2021)
- ArchiveTeam Warrior backing up Reddit (HN)
- Reddit Subreddits
- Reddit Community Directory sorted by letter
- Collection of Reddit bots and utilities
- Reddium - Medium-themed Reddit client. (Code)
- Reddit Data Dump
- Reddit can't build a better search engine (2022) (HN)
- Reddsaver - CLI tool to download saved and upvoted media from Reddit.
- Bulk Downloader for Reddit
- Reddit Sentiment Analysis
- How We Built r/Place (2017) (HN) (Lobsters)
- 2022 Place Atlas - Aiming to catalog all the artworks created during Reddit's 2022 /r/place event. (Code)
- Redditle - Reddit-only Google Search. (HN) (Code)
- Photon Reddit - Clean and modern Reddit desktop web client. (Code)
- Reddit Save - Python utility for backing up your reddit upvoted/saved stuff.
- Reddit Video Downloader - Download Reddit videos with sound audio.
- Related Subreddits By User/Redditor Overlap
- Subreddit Stats - Statistics for every subreddit.
- eternity - Bypass Reddit's 1000-item listing limits by externally storing your Reddit items (saved, created, upvoted, downvoted, hidden) in your own database. (Code) (Reddit)
- Map of Reddit (HN)
- Unddit - View deleted stuff from Reddit. (Code)
- Tips on reducing Reddit usage
- Ask HN: What Happened to Reddit? (2022)
- Reddit Video Maker Bot - Create Reddit Videos with just one command.
- Reddit Discovery - Discover similar subreddits. (Code)
- GummySearch - Audience Research for Reddit. (HN)
- ReScrapper - Telegram Bot for Reddit Scraping. (Reddit)
- List of Active Reddit Alternatives (HN)
- insta_reddit - Download posts from a subreddit.
- tgreddit - Get a feed of your favorite subreddits to Telegram.
- Bettit - Better way to archive Reddit threads. (Code)
- Scraping Reddit with Akka Streams
- Reddit's Favorite Products in One Place (HN)
- expanse - Fully self hosted multi-user web app for externally storing Reddit items.
- Related Subreddits By User/Redditor Overlap
- Programming language subreddits and their choice of words
- RedditLattice - Reddit viewer for image based subreddits. Lays out the images in a tight lattice. (Code)
- Hide some app banners on Reddit (2022)
- Metadocs - Kinda like Reddit, but built into every documentation. (HN)
- Gert - Command line tool to download media from Reddit.
- Reddit Monitoring with Python (2022)
- Reddit moderator bot - Monitor subreddits and trigger custom actions through plugins.
- Reddit SSD Bot - Looks up SSDs posted within a subreddit and provides useful insight on the model found within the submission's title.
- ThreadClient - Client for Reddit and Mastodon. (Code)
- Easy Reddit Post Downloader - Simple & Powerful Reddit Post Downloader.
- Reddit Image Fetcher - JavaScript package for fetching reddit images, memes, wallpapers and more.
- Reddit Clone in React
- Reddit Playlists
- roux-stream - Streaming API for the Rust Reddit Client roux.
- Reddit ETL Pipeline - Data pipeline to extract Reddit data from r/dataengineering.
- shreddit - Tool to delete Reddit comments and posts.
- Reddit User Analyzer - Creates an aggregate of a users activity.
- Zats Reddit - Reddit clone built with Zod, Appwrite, Tailwind, and SvelteKit.