This article is nice intro. WebGPU Samples has nice code.
MachGPU's Zig bindings are great.
- wgpu - Safe and portable GPU abstraction in Rust, implementing WebGPU API. (Tutorials) (Intro to gfx-hal)
- Guide for using gfx-rs's wgpu library
- Implementing WebGPU in Gecko (2019) (HN)
- WebGPU Seed - WebGPU repo you can use to get started with your own renderer.
- WebGPU trial
- Raw WebGPU (2019)
- Real-Time Ray-Tracing in WebGPU (2020)
- Building WebGPU with Rust (2020) (HN)
- WebGPU Shading Language proposal (2020)
- WebGPU Samples - Set of SPIR-V compatible samples demonstrating the use of the WebGPU API.
- WebGPU for Node
- wgpu-rs on the web (2020) (HN)
- webgpu-headers
- dgel - WebGPU engine.
- WebGPU Experiments
- YUE - Personal WebGPU based 3D renderer.
- WebGPU Clustered Shading
- Awesome WebGPU
- WebGPU Examples
- "Hello, Triangle" WebGPU and Dawn
- WebGPU: Implementation Status
- Porting our game graphics to wgpu (2021)
- Access modern GPU features with WebGPU (2021)
- RedGPU - JavaScript WebGPU Engine.
- wgpu-profiler - Simple profiler scopes for wgpu using timer queries.
- WebGPU Webpack Starter
- WebGPU Best Practices (Web)
- wgpu-native - Native WebGPU implementation based on wgpu-core.
- Tiny WebGPU renderer written in Rust
- GWebGPUEngine - WebGPU Engine for real-time rendering and GPGPU.
- deno_desktop - Implements WebGPU Surface API by embedding Deno.
- WebGPU computations performance in comparison to WebGL (2021) (HN)
- How to Build a Compute Rasterizer with WebGPU
- WebGPU Compute Rasterizer
- wgpu-matrix - Fast WebGPU 3d math library.
- swift-webgpu - Swift bindings for WebGPU.
- hwoa-rang-gpu - Micro webGPU rendering & compute library.
- WebGPU Sketch Dojo
- wgsl-analyzer - Language server implementation for the WGSL shading language.
- WebGPU Shading Language Proposal
- online-wgsl-editor - Tiny WGSL online editor.
- Get started with GPU Compute on the web
- Demo (~100 LOC) shows the WebGPU compute pipeline
- wgsl_reflect - WebGPU Shading Language parser and reflection library for JavaScript.
- WebGPU.rocks - WebGPU quick reference and documentation. (Code)
- WebGPU experiments
- WebGPU β All of the cores, none of the canvas (2022) (HN)
- Arche.js - Entity-Component Based Graphics Engine rendered by WebGPU.
- mach/gpu-dawn - WebGPU/Dawn built with Zig.
- go-webgpu - Go bindings for WebGPU.
- wgpu Graphics Programming in Rust: Step-by-Step
- WebGPU Conformance Test Suite
- WebGPU Webpack + TypeScript Starter - Starter template for WebGPU development using webpack and TypeScript.
- neo - Matrix and other math, accelerated by WebGPU and WASM.
- wgsl_to_wgpu - Generate typesafe Rust bindings for wgsl shaders in wgpu.
- The Case for Use.GPU (2022)
- Real-Time Position-Based Crowd Simulation in WebGPU
- WebGPU on WASM via Emscripten
- Case study in effective WebGPU patterns for rendering glTF models (Code)
- Translates GLSL code to WGSL
- Use.GPU - Set of declarative, reactive WebGPU legos. (HN)
- mach/gpu - WebGPU interface for Zig.
- Perfecting WebGPU/Dawn native graphics for Zig (2022) (HN)
- Blitz - High performance HTML and CSS renderer powered by WGPU.
- Typescript Type Definitions for WebGPU
- FF GPU - WebGPU tools and utilities in TS.
- wgslsmith - Toolkit for randomized testing of WGSL compilers.
- Simple WebGPU - Fast, functional webGPU.
- Collection of WGPU render pipelines
- Learn WebGPU for C++ (Code)
- WebGPU - Why Now (2023)
- An In-Depth Look at WebGPU (2023) (HN)
- WebGPU Error Handling best practices (HN)
- WebGPU-C++ - Single-file zero-overhead C++ idiomatic wrapper for WebGPU native.