Ray tracing
Ray tracing with Rust & How Ray Tracing (Modern CGI) Works are nice.
Hybrid Rendering is nice code to study.
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend: The Book Series (Code) (Book)
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend implemented in Golang, chapter-by-chapter
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend implemented in C++, chapter-by-chapter
- Understandable Ray Tracing in 256 lines of bare C++ course (2019)
- C++17 constexpr Compile-time Ray Tracer
- Nori - Educational ray tracer.
- Ray tracing a tiny procedural planet
- HTML5 raycasting demo using React (Code) (HN)
- Lighthouse 2 framework for real-time ray tracing
- Dawn RT - Ray tracing extension for WebGPU.
- Quake II RTX - NVIDIA’s implementation of RTX ray-tracing in Quake II.
- Performance comparison of parallel ray tracing in functional programming languages
- RayTracer.jl - Ray Tracer written completely in Julia.
- Ray Tracing Essentials (2020)
- Rayt - Monte Carlo ray tracer developed using Rust.
- Ray Tracing with POV-Ray (Lobsters) (HN)
- bvh - Rust crate which exports rays, axis-aligned bounding boxes, and binary bounding volume hierarchies.
- Revisiting the Businesscard Raytracer (2020)
- Ray Tracing In Notepad.exe At 30 FPS (2020) (HN)
- MentisOculi Pytorch Path Tracer
- Ray Tracing implemented in multiple languages (Web)
- SwiftlyRT - Implementation of the Ray Tracer Challenge in Swift.
- Casual Shadertoy Path Tracing 1: Basic Camera, Diffuse, Emissive (2020)
- Ray Tracer in OCaml
- Rust implementation of "Ray Tracing In One Weekend" by Peter Shirley
- Simple Ray Casting with ClojureScript (2020)
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend in TypeScript
- Embree - Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels, developed at Intel.
- C-Ray - Small, simple path tracer written in C.
- Tungsten Renderer - High performance physically based renderer in C++11.
- Ray Tracing Gems - High-Quality and Real-Time Rendering with DXR and Other APIs. (Code)
- Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX (2021) (Code) (HN)
- CUDA based Ray Tracer
- Saturno - Implementation of 'Ray Tracing in One Weekend' in Rust (and wasm).
- Ray tracing in Nim (2020) (HN)
- How to Write a Ray Tracer Intuitively (2020)
- Traceur: a path tracing renderer in Ink and JavaScript (2020)
- Racing the Beam Ray Tracer (2018) - Full Hardware Real-Time Ray-Tracer. (Code)
- Ray-tracer / Learning project with Rust
- tray_rust - Toy Ray Tracer in Rust.
- Visionaray - C++-based, cross platform ray tracing library. (Web)
- Raytraced Shadows in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - How ray tracing can be integrated into a modern, forward+ engine with minimal-to-no content changes.
- Slightly Incremental Ray Tracing In One Weekend (2020)
- SORT (Simple Open-source Ray Tracing) - Cross platform ray tracing renderer in C++. (Web)
- redner - Differentiable Monte Carlo Ray Tracing through Edge Sampling.
- Vulkan Real-time Path Tracer Engine
- Rust Ray Tracer, an Update (and SIMD) (2020) (Lobsters)
- Path Tracing with Babylon, Background and Implementation
- Lentil - Advanced camera toolkit for the Arnold renderer. Ray tracing through real lenses. (HN)
- Factorio Raytracer
- rpt - Physically-based path tracer in Rust.
- Raygon - High-performance proprietary CPU path tracer written in the Rust programming language.
- Jaeger - Open source, end-to-end distributed tracing. (Code)
- SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (2020) (HN)
- vk_mini_path_tracer - Beginner-friendly Vulkan path tracing tutorial in under 300 lines of C++.
- OptixPathTracer - Simple physically based path tracer based on Nvidia's Optix Ray Tracing Engine.
- RtRs - Simple ray tracing & rasterization engine written in rust.
- Why Raytracing won't simplify AAA real-time rendering (2020) (HN)
- Psychopath - Slightly psychotic path tracer.
- Helios - Real-time unidirectional GPU path tracer using the cross-vendor Vulkan ray-tracing extensions.
- retrace.gl - Create, ray trace & export programmatically defined Signed Distance Function CSG geometries with an API suited for generative art - in your browser.
- Ray Tracing in pure CMake (2020) (Code)
- Simple ray tracer written in Rust from scratch (HN)
- Awesome Ray Tracing
- raytracing-go - Go implementation of the book Ray Tracing in One Weekend.
- Coding Adventure: Ray Marching (2019)
- A Course on Ray Tracing and Global Illumination
- Ray tracer for those who skipped the math class (2021)
- A Dive into Ray Tracing Performance on the Apple M1 (2021) (HN)
- Arnold Renderer - Advanced Monte Carlo ray tracing renderer built for the demands of feature-length animation and visual effects.
- Automated Testing of a Ray Tracer (2021)
- Python-Fast-Raytracer - Basic Ray Tracer that exploits numpy arrays and functions to work fast.
- Physically based monte carlo path tracer written in C++
- Volumetric Path Tracer using CUDA
- Portal explorer - Web visualization of mind-blowing portals using ray-tracing.
- Ray casting in 2D game engines (Code) (Cheat Sheet)
- Ray tracer in Rust
- Helios - Real-time unidirectional GPU path tracer using the cross-vendor Vulkan ray-tracing extensions.
- Peter Shirley Ray Tracing (in C++ 17)
- Simulating the Colors of the Sky
- Hybrid Ray Tracer in Go
- Hybrid Rendering - Vulkan sample that demonstrates a Rasterization and Ray Tracing Hybrid Rendering Pipeline. (Tweet)
- Ray Tracing with POV-Ray: 25 scenes in 25 days (2013) (HN)
- Raytracing diamonds (2021) (HN)
- VXCT - OpenGL-based Implementation of Cyril Crassins Voxel Cone Tracing.
- The joy of building a ray tracer, for fun, in Rust. (2022) (HN)
- Ray Tracing in a week-end, implemented in Julia
- RayOpt - Optics design (lenses, cavities, gaussian optics, lasers). Geometric, paraxial, and gaussian ray tracing.
- euclider - Higher dimensional raytracing prototype with non-euclidean-like features.
- RT - Ray tracing engine, from scratch, in C++.
- Ambient occlusion for real-time ray-tracing (2022) (Reddit)
- etx-tracer - Physically-based CPU and GPU ray-tracer.
- Type-Safe Raytracing in Modern C++ (2019)
- Tiny GPU raytracer, using Zig and WebGPU
- Raytracing on a Graphing Calculator (again) (2022)
- How much boilerplate code you need to write a ray-tracer? (HN)
- Writing ray-tracer using Metal Performance Shaders
- Rusttracer - Ray tracer written in Rust for fun and learning.
- Haskell Ray Tracer
- How to add thousands of lights to your renderer and not die in the process (2022) (HN)
- gatling - Hydra-enabled GPU path tracer that supports MaterialX.
- Ashes - WebGL2.0 3D Engine - RayTracing.
- Ray tracing, a 4 year retrospective (2022)
- Ignis - Experimental ray tracer for the RENEGADE project implemented with the AnyDSL compiler framework for CPU and GPU. (Docs)
- State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis (2001)
- Ray Optics Simulation - Open-source web app to simulate the reflection and refraction of light. (Code)
- Ray tracing in WebGL
- CUDA Pathtracer - GPU Ray tracer from scratch in C++/CUDA.
- Path tracer in rust
- Ray tracing in one weekend, in Rust
- NanoRT - Single header only modern ray tracing kernel.
- Monte Carlo Ray Tracer - Physically based renderer with Path Tracing and Photon Mapping.
- Tiny ray-tracing engine
- Literate ray tracing in Zig
- Core Ray Tracer
- How Ray Tracing works and how to do it faster (2022) (HN)
- Ray tracing Voxels made out of Glass (HN)
- Ray Tracing In Vulkan - Implementation of Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing In One Weekend book using Vulkan and NVIDIA's RTX extension.
- A pure-meson ray tracer (2022)
- Radeon Ray tracing Analyzer - Tool to visualize and inspect Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH) for ray tracing applications.
- Aurora - Real-time path tracing renderer that leverages GPU hardware ray tracing.
- Real time GPU ray tracer created with Vulkano
- Strolle - Real-time raytracing engine written entirely in Rust, running on CPU & GPU. With Bevy integration.
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend (Zig)
- Accelerated Photon Mapping for Hardware-based Ray Tracing (using Falcor 5.2)
- Simple spectral ray tracer in Rust
- Lumen - Vulkan ray tracing framework for various bidirectional path tracing techniques.
- Ray Tracing in One Weekend in Go