SVGator, HTML 2 SVG Satori are nice.
SSSVG is great interactive SVG reference.
- Zdog - Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine. (React bindings)
- Rough.js - Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance. (Web)
- SVG illustrations as React Components
- Scaling SVG Elements (Lobsters)
- Transform SVG into React Components using SVGR (2017)
- svg-to-react - Utility to convert raw SVG files into accessible and extendable React Components.
- Optimising SVGs for the Web (2020)
- Where are all the animated SVGs? (2020)
- Motion - Free, simple animated SVG editor. (Article)
- Svgbob Editor - Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG.
- Vecta - Powerful, online SVG editor for teams.
- OpenMoji - Open source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else. (Code) (HN)
- Visual Guide To SVG Matrix
- Curated List Of Websites For Free SVG Illustrations (2019)
- SVG Animations (Code)
- Creating a Pencil Effect in SVG (2020) (HN)
- Vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG. (Code)
- Canvas2Svg - Translates HTML5 Canvas draw commands to SVG.
- canvg - JavaScript SVG parser and renderer on Canvas.
- resvg - SVG rendering library in Rust.
- Creating a Gauge in React (2020)
- XVG - Chrome extension for debugging SVG paths by converting them to outlines and displaying anchors, control points, handles and arc ellipses. (Code)
- path-data-parser - SVG Path Parser.
- points-on-path - Estimate point on a SVG path.
- Practical SVG book
- How to emulate hand-drawn shapes / Algorithms behind RoughJS (2020)
- SVG for Everybody - Adds external spritemaps support to otherwise SVG-capable browsers. (Code)
- CNC Hershey Font Tool (Code)
- SVG Path Visualizer - Enter a SVG path data to visualize it and discover all its different commands.
- Nano SVG - Simple stupid SVG parser.
- Shape Divider App - Export a beautiful SVG shape divider.
- URL-encoder for SVG (Code)
- SVG Filters Playground (Code)
- Textures.js - JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns. (Web) (HN) (Example)
- SVG Caching with <use> (2020)
- Benefits of SVG (2020)
- Free Vector Illustrations (HN)
- svg2jsx - Transform SVG into valid JSX.
- Graphical UI's with SVG and React (2020)
- SVGO - Node.js tool for optimizing SVG files.
- Lean-SVG - Optimize SVG and Flatten transforms and shapes. (Code)
- flatten-svg - Flatten SVGs into points.
- Squircley - SVG Squircle Maker. (Code) (Squircles with Vue)
- Fabric.js - JavaScript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser. (Web)
- SVG Path Editor - Online editor to create and manipulate SVG paths. (Code) (HN) (HN)
- SVG Diff - See the visual difference between two SVGs. (Code)
- diffvg - Differentiable Rasterizer for Vector Graphics. (Paper)
- Using SVGs in asset catalogs
- uhtml - Micro HTML/SVG render.
- Simple Image Vectorization (HN)
- Svglib - Pure-Python library for reading and converting SVG.
- IconPark - Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons, SVG icons.
- PSVG - Programmable SVG. Introduces programming language features like functions, control flows, and variables.
- Loaf - Animated SVG icon library.
- vpype - Swiss-Army-knife command-line tool for plotter vector graphics.
- svg-path-properties - JavaScript alternative to getPointAtLength(t) and getTotalLength() functions. Works with Canvas objects and when Node.
- Learn SVG through 24 examples (2020)
- flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram. (Code)
- js-sequence-diagrams - Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram. (Code)
- SVGOMG - Web GUI for SVGO. (Code)
- Paths.js - Generate SVG paths for geometric shapes. (Web)
- CairoSVG - SVG converter based on Cairo. It can export SVG files to PDF, EPS, PS, and PNG files. (Web)
- SVG Crop - Remove blank space from around any SVG instantly.
- SVG Tutorial: How to Code SVG Icons by Hand (2021)
- SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons.
- svg-injector - Fast, caching, dynamic inline SVG DOM injection library.
- SVG Wave - Tiny, customizable gradient SVG wave generator. (Code)
- Too Many SVGs Clogging Up Your Markup? Try
. (2021) - SVG Explained in 100 Seconds (2021)
- Yogurt Layout - Small JS layout computation library, to organize space in SVGs and canvases.
- Haikei - Generate unique SVG design assets.
- Warp SVG Online - Warp and distort SVG files online. (Code)
- SVG Generators (2021)
- Make Awesome SVG Animations with CSS (2021) (Code)
- SVG Color Matrix Mixer
- DOM to SVG - Library to convert a given HTML DOM node into an accessible SVG "screenshot".
- Swipey image grids (2021) (Tweet)
- SVG Essentials & Animation Course (Code)
- svgpath - SVG path low level transformations toolkit.
- kld-intersections - Library of intersection algorithms covering all SVG shape types.
- SVG Loader - Plug 'n Play external SVG loader. (Article)
- Boring Avatars - React library to generate custom avatars. (Code) (HN)
- svgj - Quickly converts .svg files into JSX.
- text-to-svg - Convert text to SVG path without native dependence.
- Blobs - Random blob generation and animation. (Web)
- LunaSVG - Standalone SVG rendering library in C++.
- Rune.js - JavaScript library for programming graphic design systems with SVG. (Web)
- SVG Loaders - Loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG. (Code)
- Hero Patterns - Free repeatable SVG background patterns for your web projects.
- Polymorph - Morph SVG Paths. (Docs)
- scribby - JavaScript library which lets users draw simple "scribbles" on a web page.
- Fire SVG animations (SMIL) when the SVG is visible (2021)
- Drauu - Headless SVG-based drawboard in browser. (Code)
- svg-pan-zoom - JavaScript library that enables panning and zooming of an SVG in an HTML document, with mouse events or custom JavaScript hooks.
- Basic Pattern Repository - Simple patterns for <use>. Just SVG - for your delight. (Code)
- Which SVG technique performs best for way too many icons? (2021)
- svgen - Tool for working with scalable vector graphics.
- tldraw/svg - SVG utility functions used by tldraw.
- VTracer - Raster to Vector Graphics Converter. (Code)
- llline - Smooth SVG Line/Stroke Generator.
- fffuel - Free SVG generators, web design tools & modern HTML templates.
- Scour - SVG optimizer/cleaner written in Python that reduces the size of scalable vector graphics by optimizing structure and removing unnecessary data.
- Flip, Invert, and Reverse (2021) - 3 kinds of transformations for the SVG path commands.
- resvg-js - High-performance SVG renderer, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.
- SVGcode - Convert raster images to SVG vector graphics. (Article) (Code) (Video)
- Pablo - Lightweight, expressive JavaScript SVG library. (Web) (HN)
- shape2path - Convert SVG shapes to SVG paths.
- SVG.js - Lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG.
- Country Flags in SVG (Code)
- SVG Silh - Free SVG Image & Icon.
- svgson - Transform SVG files to JSON notation.
- goodgraphics - Library for scripting SVGs.
- svg-path-reverse - SVG path reversal library.
- png2svg - Go module and command line utility for converting small PNG images to SVG Tiny 1.2.
- SVGO Components - Transform SVG into components for various frameworks.
- foosvg - SVG rendering library in pure Rust.
- Cubic Bézier: From Math to Motion (2021) (HN)
- svgexport - SVG to PNG/JPEG command-line tool and Node.js module.
- svg - Go library for parsing svg files.
- three-plotter-renderer - SVG renderer with occlusion for plotters and SVG editors.
- WasmSVGGraphics - Rust library for rendering SVG Graphics with WASM.
- TinyVG - Challenger to the throne of vector graphics. (Article) (HN) (Code) (Spec) (Lobsters) (HN)
- svg2png-wasm - SVG to PNG converter JS library made with WASM + resvg.
- Katachidraw - SVG based drawing tool and react-native component.
- Using mask as clip-path (2022) (Tweet)
- oksvg - Partial implementation of SVG 2.0 specification in Go.
- SuperShields - Smart, Lua-powered SVG status badges. (HN)
- myScale - Quick SVG Icon Resizer. (Code)
- Gradient Badge - Badge generator with color gradient support. (Code)
- PlutoSVG - Tiny SVG rendering library in C.
- How to use SVG filters
- Rasterx - SVG 2.0 path compliant rasterizer that can use either the Go vector or a derivative of the freetype anti-aliaser.
- svg_stack - Combine multiple SVG elements into a single SVG element.
- svgasm - SVG animation from multiple SVGs or single GIF using tracer.
- svg2rough.js - Utilizes Rough.js to convert an SVG to a hand-drawn visualization.
- Ideal SVG exports
- Chunky SVG - Elixir library for generating SVG images.
- svg-sprite - Low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and bakes them into SVG sprites of several types.
- SVG passthrough precision (HN)
- SVG to TS - Build performant SVG icon libraries by converting raw SVG files to TypeScript that is optimized for modern tree shaking mechanisms.
- SVG Working Group specifications
- SVGPathCommander - ES6+ JavaScript tools for processing and manipulating SVG path data.
- svgstore - Combines multiple SVG files into one.
- Pattern Fills - Collection of SVG patterns and build scripts that allow utilizing them in SVG, CSS and D3. (Code)
- Magical SVG Techniques (2022)
- How to use P3 colors with SVGs (2022)
- SVGator - Free SVG Animation Creator Online - No Coding.
- SVG Generator - Online SVG Graphics Generation with the ability to export to SVG. (Code)
- SVG Spinners
- React Sketch Canvas - Freehand vector drawing component for React using SVG as canvas.
- SVGPS - Converts your icons into a single JSON file that is ready to use in your frontend or mobile projects. (Code)
- svg-path-morph - Smoothly interpolate between variations of SVG paths.
- Mini SVG data: URI - Small, efficient encoding of SVG data URIs for CSS, HTML, etc.
- Heazy - Generate stylish SVG design assets with ease. (Code)
- ASCIIToSVG - Create beautiful SVG diagrams from ASCII art.
- picosvg - Helps simplify SVG files. Intended for use as part of a font build.
- svg-hush - Make arbitrary SVG files as benign and safe to serve as images in other common Web file formats.
- Visualizing SVG viewbox
- DgrmJS - JavaScript library for creating SVG flow diagrams.
- SVG Tiler - Tool for drawing diagrams on a grid, combining grids of SVGs into a big SVG figure.
- svgpathtools - Collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves.
- Experimenting A New Syntax To Write SVG (2022) (HN)
- svg-path-bounds - Retrieve bounding box from svg path data.
- Pattern Monster - SVG Pattern Generator. (Code)
- SVG playground (Code)
- Satori - Convert HTML and CSS to SVG. (HN)
- SVG sprites: old-school, modern, unknown, and forgotten (2022)
- GIOSVG - SVG in Go.
- SVG text layout for Krita (2022)
- occult - vpype plug-in to remove occulted lines in SVG files.
- rasterize-svg - Rasterize SVG Elements for Download as PNG.
- gkurve: simpler vector graphics - Stephen Gutekanst (2022)
- svg-halftone - Tool for converting raster images to SVG halftone patterns. (Code)
- html2svg - Convert HTML and canvas to SVG using Chromium. (Forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG) (HN)
- SSVG: Scalable Scalable Vector Graphics - Library to speed up interactive svg-based data visualizations by transforming them into canvases.
- vectormaker - Convert PNG-to-SVG Vectors. (Code)
- SVG text to path - Convert SVG nodes to vector font-free elements.
- Svgl - Beautiful library with SVG logos. (Code)
- Online SVG Animation Creator (Reddit)
- Draw SVG rope using JavaScript (2022) (HN)
- usvg - SVG simplification tool.
- SSSVG: An Interactive SVG Reference
- SVG Backgrounds (HN)