Cloudflare workers
Use Hono with Superflare to build most of my APIs.
Cloudflare stack is quite extensive.
Wrangler, Miniflare, Worktop, Workers Go lib (with template) seem useful.
Trying to build very fast web apps and sites with Solid, Hono, D1 together with Grafbase or replicated SQLite with Turso as more permanent storage with smart caching and architecture.
Wildebeest is nice demo of using Cloudflare tech for everything.
OSS tools build with CW
- Worker News - Drop in replacement for Hacker News with support for dark mode, quotes in comments, user identicons and submission favicons.
- Marks - Bookmarks App with Cloudflare Workers.
- Edge Comments - Comments engine on the edge with Cloudflare.
- Notify - Small Cloudflare worker / self hosted solution to send web push notifications with webhooks.
- Tauri Update Server: Hosted as a Cloudflare edge function
- Avatar - Simple, beautiful, and high-quality avatar service on Cloudflare Workers. (Web)
- Using Cloudflare Workers to proxy blog via API
- End-to-end encrypted chat demo using Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects
- Pastebin Worker - Pastebin based on Cloudflare worker, with friendly CLI usage and rich features. (Web)
- Loction Worker - Small cloudflare worker build in Rust to extract the location of the requesting user.
- Spotify Currently Playing Cloudflare Worker
- OCI Registry on Cloudflare Workers
- FlareDrive - CloudFlare R2 storage manager with Pages and Workers.
- Cloudflare Worker Deadman Switch - Sends a notification if your monitor didn't send a HTTP ping for a while.
- Qwik app built on top of Cloudflare
- Serverless IMDB API
- Example Hono API
- Miniflare Example Project
- Think of Durable Objects as in memory cache in JavaScript spread across all edges globally with two specialties: 1. It’s automatically scaled and persisted to durable storage after workers finish execution. 2. It’s single threaded globally so you effectively get a write lock on them. The object actually only runs in one single location. And then based on the requests coming to it, Cloudflare moves it around to the most optimum location.
- All the pieces are in place to build $1B company using Cloudflare Workers
- worker-template curl - Cloudflare worker template that intercepts requests from curl command and returns something different.
- Wrangler - Wrangle your cloudflare workers. (Article)
- Just Write Code: Improving Developer Experience for Cloudflare Workers (2019)
- How We Design Features for Wrangler, the Cloudflare Workers CLI (2019)
- Wrangler GitHub Action - Zero-config cloudflare workers application deployment using wrangler and github actions.
- Awesome Cloudflare Workers
- cloudflare-worker-local - Run (or test) a Cloudflare Worker Locally.
- cloudworker-proxy - API gateway for Cloudflare workers.
- Cloudflare Workers KV - Serverless key-value storage for applications on Cloudflare.
- cfworker - Collection of packages optimized for Cloudflare Workers and service workers.
- Cloudflare launches Workers Unbound, next evolution of its serverless platform (2020) (HN)
- Going fully serverless with Cloudflare Workers (2020)
- Rendering React on the Edge with Flareact and Cloudflare Workers (2020)
- Flareact - Edge-rendered React framework powered by Cloudflare Workers. (Docs)
- Flareact Template
- My Blog Just Got Faster: Cloudflare Workers and AVIF Support (2020)
- Cloudflare Edge Chat Demo - Demo app written on Cloudflare Workers utilizing Durable Objects to implement real-time chat with stored history. This app runs 100% on Cloudflare's edge.
- Workers Durable Objects Beta: A New Approach to Stateful Serverless (2020)
- Built with Cloudflare Workers
- Let's build a Cloudflare Worker with WebAssembly and Haskell (2020)
- cfw - Build and deploy utility for Cloudflare Workers.
- pytest-cloudflare-worker - CloudFlare worker system tests packaged as a pytest plugin.
- Useful Cloudflare Workers (2020)
- Hardly working with Cloudflare Workers (2020)
- Cloudflare Workers Types - TypeScript type definitions for authoring Cloudflare Workers.
- Durable Objects in Production (2020) (HN)
- Vitedge - Vue + Vite + SRR + Cloudflare Workers.
- Cloudflare Workers Boilerplate - Deploy Cloudflare Workers easily without sacrificing developer experience.
- Vite SSR - Use Vite for server side rendering in Node or in a Cloudflare Worker.
- lilredirector - Redirector engine built for Cloudflare Workers.
- Cloudflare working on Cloudflare Pages, for deploying and hosting JAMstack (2020) (HN)
- saffron - Cron parser powering Cron Triggers on Cloudflare Workers.
- Introduction to Cloudflare Workers Course
- Cloudflare Workers Catalog - Explore the existing Workers projects or just look for the right tooling for your next one. (Code)
- Cloudflare Pages - JAMstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites. (HN) (Tweet)
- workers-pubsub - Google Pub/Sub API for Cloudflare Workers (and Node.js).
- db-connect - Connect your SQL database to Cloudflare Workers.
- cf-workers - Cloudflare Workers KV datastore plugin for kv-orm.
- - Featureful dashboard for managing Cloudflare Workers. (Code)
- Cloudflare Workers Router - Super lightweight router with middleware support and zero dependencies for CloudFlare Workers.
- Vitessedge - Opinionated Vite Starter Template with SSR in Cloudflare Workers.
- Worktop - Next generation web framework for Cloudflare Workers.
- Vercel Serverless Functions vs. Cloudflare Workers (2021) (HN)
- workers-graphql - GraphQL API built for Cloudflare Workers.
- Durable Objects, now in Open Beta (2021)
- Awesome Cloudflare - Curated list of awesome Cloudflare worker recipes, open-source projects, guides, blogs and other resources.
- WebSockets Support in Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Cloudflare’s Database Partners (2021)
- Cloudflare Developer Challenges Solutions
- Using Cloudflare Workers to improve your Fastly cache hit rate
- Multiplayer Doom on Cloudflare Workers (2021) (Code) (HN) (Reddit)
- kv-asset-handler - Open-source library for managing the retrieval of static assets from Workers KV inside of a Cloudflare Workers function.
- Building real-time games using Workers, Durable Objects, and Unity (2021)
- Miniflare - Fully-local Cloudflare Workers Simulator. (Docs) (HN)
- worker-auth-providers - Open-source auth providers for Cloudflare workers.
- Durable Objects: Easy, Fast, Correct — Choose three (2021)
- Modernizing a familiar approach to REST APIs, with PostgreSQL and Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Build data-driven applications with Workers and PostgreSQL (Code) (Video)
- workers-jwt - Generate JWTs on Cloudflare Workers using the WebCrypto API.
- rustwasm-worker-template - Template for kick starting a Cloudflare worker project using wasm-pack.
- Build a Serverless API with Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Using AWS from Cloudflare Workers - Template for using Amazon Web Services such as DynamoDB and SQS from a Cloudflare Worker.
- workers-rs - Write Cloudflare Workers in 100% Rust.
- Toucan - Sentry client for Cloudflare Workers written in TypeScript.
- Native Rust Support on Cloudflare Workers (2021) (HN)
- Profiling Your Workers with Wrangler (2021)
- Reality Check for Cloudflare Wasm Workers and Rust (2021) (HN)
- Bringing OAuth 2.0 Flow to Wrangler (2021)
- Miniflare Example Project - Example project using Miniflare, esbuild and AVA.
- Cloudflare worker for embedding polls anywhere
- A/B testing with Cloudflare workers (2021)
- Dynamic Process Isolation: Research by Cloudflare and TU Graz (2021) (Paper)
- Cloudflare Workers Web Code
- How I Automated the Boring with JavaScript, Cloudflare Workers, and Airtable (2021) (Tweet)
- Cloudflare Worker - Status Page - Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack notification whenever your website status changes.
- Backwards-compatibility in Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- CF Pages Await - Wait for a Cloudflare Pages build to finish so you can do actions like purge cache, update Workers, etc.
- Build a link shortener in under 50 lines of code with Cloudflare Workers and KV (2021) (Tweet)
- Proxies in Cloudflare Workers - Makes it easy to build Cloudflare Workers, by providing high-level proxying primitives addressing common needs.
- OAuth with Cloudflare Workers on a Statically Generated Site (2021) (HN)
- Relational Database Connectors for Cloudflare Workers (2021) (HN)
- Making connections with TCP and Sockets for Workers (2021)
- Durable Object Groups - Setup named clusters of related Durable Objects.
- Remix on Cloudflare Template - Demo of Remix running on Cloudflare workers. (Web)
- wrangler2 - Command line tool for building Cloudflare Workers. (Tweet) (Tweet)
- Automatically generating types for Cloudflare Workers (2021) (Tweet)
- Introducing Services: Build Composable, Distributed Applications on Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Durable Objects Counter template
- JavaScript modules are now supported on Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Cloudflare Pages Goes Full Stack (2021) (HN)
- Image sharing platform build with Cloudflare Pages - Powered by Cloudflare Workers.
- Developer Spotlight: Automating Workflows with Airtable and Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- graphql-ws on Cloudflare Workers - Template for WebSockets powered Cloudflare Worker project using graphql-ws.
- Cloudflare Stream/Images/SaaS explained (2021)
- Announcing native support for Stripe’s JavaScript SDK in Cloudflare Workers (2021)
- Example SaaS application built in public on the Cloudflare stack (Article)
- github-proxy - GitHub proxy running on Cloudflare Workers.
- Durable Objects TypeScript Counter template
- Apiker - Create Serverless APIs with Cloudflare Workers, Durable Objects & Wrangler.
- Blueboat - Open-source alternative to Cloudflare Workers. The monolithic engine for serverless web apps. (HN) (Web) (HN)
- wasm-service - Base library for serverless WASM on Cloudflare Workers.
- wasm-service-oauth - Use OAuth with Cloudflare Workers.
- Build Data-Driven Applications on the Edge with Workers and Workers KV (2021)
- Sunder - Minimal server-side framework for building APIs and websites on Cloudflare Workers. (Docs)
- ViteFlare - Cloudflare workers meet Vite plugins.
- stripe-node Cloudflare Worker Template
- Miniflare Example Project - Example Cloudflare Workers project that uses Miniflare for local development.
- Durable Objects REST Message Queue Example
- helix-flare - GraphQL for your Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects.
- Turborepo Remote Cache API with Cloudflare KV
- Hono - Tiny web framework for Cloudflare Workers and Fastly Compute@Edge. (Minimal example) (Examples)
- turborcache - Cloudflare Workers as a custom remote cache for Turborepo.
- CloudFlare Workers FormData
- edgerender - Render at the edge.
- Workers WASI - Implementation of the WebAssembly System Interface designed to run on Cloudflare Workers.
- worker-kv - Rust bindings to Cloudflare Worker KV Stores.
- Cloudflare + Google = supercharged web surfing
- Sending Email from Cloudflare Workers for free (HN)
- Worker Tools - Utilities for working with worker backends such as Cloudflare Workers. (GitHub)
- Worker Tools / Shed - Collection of Worker Tools under a single roof, which doubles as a complete web framework built for Worker Environments.
- Durable Objects template - Template for kick-starting a Cloudflare Workers project that uses Durable Objects.
- Cloudflare file hosting - Uses Workers KV to enable Cloudflare as a file host.
- React 18's streams running on Cloudflare workers
- TypeScript template for Cloudflare Workers
- Mantle - Serverless Maps using Lambda or Cloudflare Workers (2022) (HN)
- Cloudflare metrics worker - Send your page views from Cloudflare worker to InfluxDB.
- Cloudflare KV Action - Put and get values from Cloudflare KV.
- GraphQL Yoga for Cloudflare Workers (Wrangler template)
- Itty Durable - Cloudflare Durable Objects + Itty Router = shorter code.
- Cloudflare Worker Recipes - Examples of JavaScript you can run on Cloudflare’s worldwide network.
- Fastify Edge - Use Fastify Idioms for Writing Cloudflare Workers.
- darkflare - Highly opinionated TypeScript framework for Cloudflare Workers.
- build-worker - Build your Cloudflare Workers with esbuild.
- Reflare - Lightweight and scalable reverse proxy and load balancing library built for Cloudflare Workers. (Docs)
- 10 things I love about Wrangler v2.0 (2022)
- create-cloudflare - Create new Cloudflare projects with one command.
- Workers for Platforms: making every application on the Internet more programmable (2022) (Tweet)
- D1: Cloudflare’s First SQL Database (2022) (HN)
- Route to Workers, automate your email processing (2022)
- R2 API - Cloudflare worker based REST API for your R2 bucket.
- Cloudflare Worker to make your R2 bucket public
- workers - Go package to run an HTTP server on Cloudflare Workers. (Template)
- Render - Cloudflare Worker to proxy and cache requests to R2.
- Denoflare ♥️ R2
- HyperDurable - Simple and useful Durable Object abstraction.
- worker-prolog - Serverless Prolog for Cloudflare Workers.
- Instructions of Hands On Labs Cloudflare Connect 2022
- Export your Cloudflare Workers KV namespaces to SQLite for querying
- Expanding the Cloudflare Workers Observability Ecosystem (2021)
- Cloudflare, Serverless, Platforms and more w/ Sunil (2022)
- wkrk - Lightweight framework for CloudFlare Workers.
- dlock - Distributed-Lock-as-a-Service implemented on Cloudflare Durable Objects.
- Cloudflare Workers Postgres Client - Connect to a Postgres database from a Cloudflare Worker, using Cloudflare Tunnel.
- r2-image-worker - Store and Deliver images with R2 backend Cloudflare Workers.
- MitM at the Edge: Abusing Cloudflare Workers (2022)
- D1 Console - Full query console for Cloudflare's D1 database product.
- wjson - Configure Wrangler in the format of your choice.
- Support for WASI on Cloudflare Workers (2022)
- Open Telemetry SDK for Cloudflare Workers - Library for adding tracing and logging to Cloudflare Workers.
- Workers Loki Logger - Logger for the Cloudflare workers environment that sends the logs to grafana loki.
- Workers Honeycomb Logger - Easily export runtime information from your Cloudflare Workers into Honeycomb.
- Thoughts on Cloudflare D1: A new era (2022)
- Cloudflare Workers Templates in StackBlitz
- WASM on CloudFlare Workers
- How to Build a Reusable Cloudflare Worker component (2022)
- - Finite State Machine implementation with Durable Objects.
- Cache Supabase data at the Edge with Cloudflare Workers and KV Storage
- Workers that manage the cache
- HTTP server for Hono on Node.js
- Cloudflare’s Zero Egress Fee Object Storage, R2, Is Now GA (2022) (HN)
- Workerd: Open-source Cloudflare workers runtime (2022) (HN) (Article)
- Prototype of an Edge worker that implements the Client Side A/B testing spec
- KV Utility - Key Value storage solution for Cloudflare Workers.
- Workers-qb - Zero dependencies Query Builder for Cloudflare D1 Workers.
- Workers Web Experiments
- Fixing empty responses from Cloudflare Workers Sites (2022)
- do-taskmanager - TaskManager for Durable Objects, simplifying the use of Alarms.
- Building Micro-Frontends with Cloudflare Workers (2022)
- do-proxy - Library for writing type-safe Durable Objects in Rust.
- Running Esbuild on the Edge (2022) (Code)
- D1-ORM - Simple, strictly typed ORM, to assist you in using Cloudflare's D1 product.
- Bootstrapping your D1 Database With D1-ORM (2022)
- Kysely-D1 - Kysely adapter for Cloudflare D1.
- Cloudflare Worker Project Template
- Cloudflare KV Server with JWT auth
- Workers-Logger - Fast effective logging for Cloudflare Workers.
- R2 Public Buckets (2022)
- Cloudflare Workers - YouTube
- Yjs backend for Cloudflare Workers
- Hono Client - TypeSafe HTTP Client for Hono.
- Cloudflare Worker JWT - Lightweight JWT implementation with ZERO dependencies for Cloudflare Workers.
- itty-router-openapi - OpenAPI 3 schema generator and validator for Cloudflare Workers.
- Cloudflare Community
- Fine-Grained Sandboxing with V8 Isolates (2019)
- Google OAuth & Cloudflare Workers (Article)
- Workers KV backup - Copy the content of a Workers KV locally.
- ulid-workers - ULID generator for Cloudflare Workers.
- Hono Middleware - Monorepo for third-party middleware of Hono.
- Cloudflare worker for GitHub's OAuth login flow
- Cloudflare Worker template
- Generating Cloudflare workerd configs with capnproto-rust
- Create a full-stack application step by step
- Creating custom embeds with an oEmbed API using Cloudflare Workers (2023)
- Superflare - Full-stack toolkit for Cloudflare Workers. (Tweet)
- process-env - Example worker that shows how you could implement process.env support using Proxies and Cloudflare's new AsyncLocalStorage.