AWS Lambda
Serverless framework seems nice. Netlify Edge Functions seem cheaper/better.
- Writing AWS Lambda Functions in Rust (Article)
- sqs-lambda - Rust crate for writing AWS Lambdas that are triggered by SQS.
- WTF is AWS Lambda course (2020)
- Create an AWS Lambda function from scratch (2020)
- AWSome Lambda Layers
- 5 reasons why you might use AWS Lambda for your next project (2020)
- AWS SAM Local - Allows you to run your serverless application locally for quick development and testing.
- python-lambda-layer-builder - Build tool for creating optimized Python AWS Lambda layers.
- Working with AWS Lambda and Chalice (2020)
- Notes on AWS Lambda (2020)
- AWS Lambda for Go - Libraries, samples and tools to help Go developers develop AWS Lambda functions.
- Apollo AWS Lambda with GraphQL subscriptions
- Lambda Powertools - Suite of utilities for AWS Lambda Functions that makes tracing with AWS X-Ray, structured logging and creating custom metrics asynchronously easier.
- Bash in AWS Lambda
- AWS Lambda Go Api Proxy - Makes it easy to run Golang APIs written with frameworks such as Gin with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
- AWS Lambda Power Tuning - AWS Step Functions state machine that helps you optimize your Lambda functions in a data-driven way.
- Swift AWS Lambda Runtime (HN)
- A Shared File System for Your Lambda Functions (2020) (HN)
- Chalice - Framework for writing serverless apps in python. It allows you to quickly create and deploy applications that use AWS Lambda.
- Chaos Lambda - Serverless chaos monkey for AWS (runs on AWS Lambda).
- AWS CDK Made Simple: Run a Lambda function locally (2020)
- Building Your First Serverless Service With AWS Lambda Functions (2020)
- Introducing Direct Lambda Resolvers: AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs without VTL
- Cache AWS Lambda responses with Cloudflare (2020)
- Debugging AWS Lambda Timeouts (2020)
- Show HN: AWS Lambda TypeScript Middleware (Docs) (HN)
- Serverless ML Inference with AWS Lambda + Amazon EFS (2020)
- Lambda calculus and Grahamβs number (2012)
- Rust on AWS Lambda Using AWS CDK for Deployment
- The Complete AWS Lambda Handbook for Beginners (2020)
- AWS Lambda Extensions β In preview (2020) (Tweet)
- Building Bad Lambda (2020)
- golambda - AWS Lambda Go functions made easy.
- Determine prominent colors in a picture, your first AWS Lambda in Go (2020)
- Using AWS Lambda to sync an Elastic Load Balancer's Target Groups (2020)
- AWS Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator
- Integration testing for AWS Lambda in Go with Docker-compose (2020)
- Optimizing Lambda Cost with Multi-Threading (2020)
- AWS Lambda Extensions - Collection of sample extensions to help you get started with AWS Lambda Extensions.
- AWS Lambda Python Runtime Interface Client
- aws-lambda-nodejs-esbuild - AWS CDK Construct to build Node.js AWS lambdas using esbuild.
- aws-lambda-deploy - Collection of sample tools to enable canary deployments of AWS Lambda functions.
- Mangum - AWS Lambda & API Gateway support for ASGI.
- AWS Lambda Terraform Cookbook with working examples (HN)
- lambda_decorators - Collection of useful decorators for making AWS Lambda handlers.
- Optimizing Lambda functions packaged as container images (2021)
- AWS Lambda Power tools (Python)
- Rust Runtime for AWS Lambda
- Serverless TypeScript: A Complete Setup for AWS SAM Lambdas (2021)
- cdk-watch - CLI to watch and live-update your CDK Stack's Lambdas.
- re:Web - Enables classic web applications to run on AWS Lambda.
- serverlessish - Run the same Docker images in AWS Lambda and AWS ECS.
- AWS Lambda C++ Runtime - C++ implementation of the lambda runtime API.
- subscriptionless - Library for using GraphQL subscriptions with AWS Lambda.
- Serverless Full-Text Search with AWS Lambda and EFS (2021) (Reddit)
- PR Assigner - Swift AWS Lambda to automatically assign engineers to pull requests with a Slack integration.
- AWS Lambda Developer Guide
- How Lambda work? Cold starts? Firecracker? Container support? (2021)
- Ask HN: Does anyone else find the AWS Lambda developer experience frustrating? (2021)
- Why We Moved From Lambda to ECS (2021)
- AWS Lambda performance optimization (2021)
- Llama - CLI for outsourcing computation to Amazon Lambda.
- AWS Lambda Behind the Scenes (HN)
- Lambda-local - Lets you test NodeJS Amazon Lambda functions on your local machine, by providing a simplistic API and command-line tool.
- Modern Cloud - Browser-based serverless platform that lets developers build functions and endpoints in minutes. (Code)
- FireCracker internals: a deep dive inside the technology powering AWS Lambda (2021) (HN)
- Performance monitoring for AWS Lambda (2021)
- Lambda GitHub Runner - Github Action Runner inside of Lambda - A Completely Serverless Solution.
- aws-websocket-handler - Module is created to handle AWS Lambda websocket actions as a one default handler.
- Abusing AWS Lambda to make an Aussie search engine (2021) (HN)
- Learn AWS Lambda - Learn how to use AWS Lambda to easily create infinitely scalable web services.
- An ideal DX for Rust on AWS Lambda? (2021)
- AWS Lambda Cold Start Times (2021) (HN)
- Running Rust on AWS Lambda on ARM64 (2021)
- AWS Lambda runtimes - Canonical list of AWS Lambda runtime identifiers and corresponding CPU architectures.
- Stream, Mutate and Sign Images with AWS Lambda and ECR (2021) (Code)
- lambroll - Minimal deployment tool for AWS Lambda.
- Middy - Simple middleware engine that allows you to simplify your AWS Lambda code when using Node.js.
- Klayers - Python Packages as AWS Lambda Layers.
- lmdrouter - Go HTTP router library for AWS API Gateway-invoked Lambda Functions.
- aws-lambda-image - Automatic image resize/reduce on AWS Lambda.
- API Gateway REST API: Step Functions direct integration β AWS CDK guide (2021)
- Implementing header-based API Gateway versioning with Amazon CloudFront (2021)
- Tips to prevent a serverless wreck (2021)
- Serverless WarmUp Plugin - Keep your lambdas warm during winter.
- Fat Functions are an Anti-Pattern (2021) (Tweet)
- Make the most of AWS Lambda with Go (HN)
- Mantil - Build your AWS Lambda-based Go backends quicker than ever. (Web)
- lambda-web - Run Rust web frameworks on AWS Lambda.
- aws-lambda-decorators - Set of Python decorators to simplify AWS lambda development.
- Serverless - AWS Node.js Typescript
- AWS Lambda Powertools TypeScript - Suite of TypeScript utilities for AWS Lambda functions to ease adopting best practices such as tracing, structured logging, custom metrics, and more.
- Lambda-less outbound HTTP requests on AWS serverless (2022)
- AWS Lambda TS Example
- 101 AWS Lambda tutorial for Go developers (2022) (HN) (Reddit)
- chrome-aws-lambda - Chromium Binary for AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions.
- Prisma + Lambda + CDK Sample - Build and deploy a Lambda function with Prisma ORM by AWS Cloud Development Kit.
- AWS Lambda in Action Event-driven serverless applications Book (2016) (Code)
- Jessica Kerr on Observability and Honeycomb's Use of AWS Lambda for Retriever (2022)
- Knative Lambda Runtimes - Running AWS Lambda Functions on Knative/Kubernetes Clusters.
- Optimizing Lambda Performance for Your Serverless Applications (2022)
- Running AWS Lambda Custom Runtime in Knative
- AWS Lambda Adapter - Run web applications on AWS Lambda.
- postinvoke - Run in-process code after your Go-powered Lambda function has returned.
- apig-wsgi - Wrap a WSGI application in an AWS Lambda handler function for running on API Gateway or an ALB.
- Build Serverless APIs with Node.js and AWS Lambda (2022)
- ML Inference in Lambda Functions (2022)
- Running Cross-Account Workflows with AWS Step Functions and Amazon API Gateway (2022) (HN)
- Swift AWS Lambda Events - Designed to make building Lambda functions in Swift simple and safe.
- AWS Lambda Typing - Type hints for AWS Lambda event, context and response objects.
- AWS Lambda Function URLs: Built-In HTTPS Endpoints for Lambda (2022) (HN)
- aws-lambda-events - Rust event types for AWS Lambda.
- Cookiecutter SAM template for Lambda functions in Rust
- Serverless Webpack - Serverless Framework plugin to build your lambda functions with Webpack.
- serverless-layers - Serverless.js plugin that implements AWS Lambda Layers which reduces drastically lambda size, warm-up and deployment time.
- Introducing multi-service deployments via Serverless Framework Compose (2022)
- Automatically Detect Operational Issues in Lambda Functions with Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless (2022)
- Running Containers on AWS Lambda (2022) (HN)
- Holy Lambda - Extraordinary simple, performant, and extensible custom AWS Lambda runtime for Clojure.
- Best practices for optimizing Lambda functions (2022) (HN)
- Amazon Lambda Rust Library
- Inline Image Previews with Sharp, BlurHash, and Lambda Functions (2022)
- Accumulus - AWS Lambda Monitoring and Visualization Tool.
- LALR - Run lambdas through HTTP locally.
- runtime - Collection of Open Telemetry collectors we use to instrument a variety of computing platforms.
- aws-exec - Adhoc shell execution in aws lambda.
- Lamware - AWS Lambda Middleware Pattern (NodeJS).
- Blambda - Custom runtime for AWS Lambda that lets you write functions using Babashka.
- serverless-http - Use your existing middleware framework (e.g. Express, Koa) in AWS Lambda.
- Deploy Go API to AWS Lambda
- Understanding AWS Lambda scaling and throughput (2022)
- OpenTelemetry Lambda Layers - Provide the OpenTelemetry (OTel) code to export telemetry asynchronously from AWS Lambdas.
- MikroLog - JSON logger you always wanted for Lambda.
- Rust Lambda API template - Template repo for quickly creating an HTTP API with Rust hosted on AWS Lambda.
- Buildkite Agent Scaler - Lambda for scaling an AutoScalingGroup based on Buildkite metrics.
- AWS Lambda Terraform module
- Lambda Builders - Python library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & framework.
- AWS Lambda storage options (2022) (Tweet)
- AWS Lambda Powertools TypeScript Logger example
- AWS re:Invent 2022 - A closer look at AWS Lambda
- Does Maximum Concurrency Solve the Lambda+SQS Issue? (2023)
- Enable your AWS Lambda hosted applications to stream responses via Cloudflare Workers
- Add HTTP Streaming to your Lambda Functions
- Lambda Cold Starts analysis (Code)
- ridgenative - AWS Lambda HTTP Proxy integration event bridge to Go net/http.
- AWS Is Asleep at the Lambda Wheel (2023) (HN)
- algnhsa - AWS Lambda Go net/http server adapter.