The Little Typer is a nice book. Scheme Primer is nice summary.
Marwood is nice Scheme implementation.
- The Scheme Programming Language book
- Gambit - Efficient implementation of the Scheme programming language.
- Writing a Scheme to x86 compiler by following Abdulaziz Ghuloum's "An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction"
- Chez Scheme - Supports all standard features of Scheme, including first-class procedures, proper treatment of tail calls, continuations, user-defined records, libraries, exceptions, and hygienic macro expansion. (HN)
- Zabavno x86 emulator - x86 emulator in Scheme.
- Toski - Prototype new debugging tool for Scheme.
- Scheme fatigue (2020)
- Advanced Scheme: Some Naughty Bits
- Akku.scm - Scheme package manager. (Code)
- Nanopass Compiler Library - Embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme.
- Irken Compiler - Statically typed variant of Scheme. Or a lisp-like variant of ML.
- Gerbil Scheme - Opinionated dialect of Scheme designed for Systems Programming, with a state of the art macro and module system on top of the Gambit runtime. (Code) (Lobsters) (HN)
- pontiff - Haskell-style build system for chicken scheme.
- Fibers - Facility that provides Go-like concurrency for Guile Scheme, in the tradition of Concurrent ML.
- Practical Chicken Scheme with Emacs: hello-world webserver (2017)
- The evolution of a Scheme programmer (2020) (Lobsters)
- Awesome Scheme
- Awesome Scheme 2
- A New R6RS Scheme Compiler (2019) (Lobsters)
- STklos - Free Scheme system mostly compliant with the languages features defined in R7RS small.
- A Simple Scheme Compiler (1997) (HN)
- Planet Scheme - Community Scheme Blog.
- CHICKEN Scheme wiki
- CHICKEN User's Manual
- Scheme C FFI (HN)
- SICP done in Scheme
- Loko Scheme - Optimizing R6RS Scheme compiler.
- Unsyntax - Sane implementation of R7RS Scheme. (Lobsters)
- s7 Scheme - Scheme implementation intended as extension language for other applications. (HN)
- Cyclone Scheme - Brand-new compiler that allows practical application development using R7RS Scheme. (Web) (HN)
- SRFIs for Chez Scheme
- Compiling Scheme to C with flat closure conversion
- Bibliography of Scheme-related Research
- - Simple yet comprehensive scheme interpreter in rust.
- Functional Geometry with Gambit Scheme and Raylib - Implementation based in Peter Henderson's paper "Functional Geometry". (HN)
- Guile Scheme - General-purpose, high-level programming language.
- Lokke - Clojure for Guile.
- pfds - Set of purely functional data structures written in R6RS Scheme.
- Sin's Scheme Compiler - Mostly working compiler from some non-standards compliant Scheme to LLVM IR. Written for a compilers class.
- QSCM - A tiny bootstrapped Scheme
- Tehila - 3D engine for Scheme.
- steel - Embedded scheme interpreter in Rust.
- Gauche - Scheme Scripting Engine.
- A love letter to s7 Scheme (2016)
- Using Scheme to Find the Median of Two Sorted Integer Lists (2021) (HN)
- The Seasoned Schemer Book (Code)
- Thoughts on Racket & Chez Scheme (Lobsters)
- LispPad - Lightweight Scheme IDE on macOS and iOS.
- TmpLisp - Implementation of Scheme in C++ Template Metaprogramming.
- 10 ways GNU Guile is 10x better (2021)
- Snap is Scheme disguised as Scratch (HN)
- HN: Chicken Scheme (2021)
- BiwaScheme - Scheme interpreter written in JavaScript. (Web)
- Exploring Scheme implementations for API programming coming from Node.js, Go (2019)
- Ribbit - Small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT and incremental compilers that fits in 4K.
- Scheme-to-C - Tiny nanopass compiler for compiling a small subset of Scheme to C.
- Scheme-to-LLVM
- Normalization-by-evaluation in miniKanren
- schemeCompiler - Compiler for a subset of Scheme in Haskell.
- Write You a Scheme in Haskell (Web)
- Interactive Scheme Primer, written in Scheme
- A small scheme VM, compiler, and REPL in 4k (2021) (HN)
- Scheme interpreter in C (Reddit)
- MIT Scheme on Apple Silicon (2021) (HN)
- VLISP: A Verified Implementation of Scheme (1993) (HN)
- Lambda Quest - Interactive Scheme environment with Canvas. (Code)
- TinyScheme R7 - Small Scheme language implementation written in C language.
- R7RS Scheme Implementation in WebAssembly (HN)
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours (F# Code)
- lviv - Stack-based RPN functional programming language. Written in Scheme.
- Waffle - Simple Scheme implementation with bytecode VM.
- Fiddle - Scheme-like CBPV language with Racket Interoperability.
- agda2scheme - Agda backend for Chez Scheme.
- The Reasoned Schemer Book (2018) (Code) (Code)
- Haskeme - Compiler translates Scheme source code written with I-Expressions (indented expressions) into S-Expressions (symbolic expressions).
- Bob - Implementation of Scheme in Python and C++.
- Braces - Toy scheme compiler and VM in rust.
- miniKanren with symbolic constraints
- miniKanren with symbolic constraints with better performance
- tinyKanren - Simplified version of the original miniKanren.
- CLP(Rosette) on top of miniKanren
- FLISP - Scheme-like Lisp interpreter that can also run as an operating system.
- Schism - Compiler from Scheme to WebAssembly.
- thunderchez - Libraries for Chez Scheme productivity.
- The Little Typer (Review) (HN)
- The Missing Prelude to The Little Typer's Trickiest Chapter (2022)
- Scheme interpreter in Scala
- Scheje - Scheme in Clojure.
- Going from Python to Guile Scheme (Lobsters)
- A Scheme Primer (Lobsters) (HN)
- MIT Scheme Documentation
- The Why of Y
- - Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
- Schemepunk - Kitchen-sink utility library for several R7RS Scheme dialects.
- “Meta-circular” Static Types (2022)
- vonuvoli Scheme - Scheme based programming language implemented in Rust, which supports most of the R7RS standard.
- Unlock Lisp / Scheme's magic: beginner to Scheme-in-Scheme in one hour
- An opinionated guide to scheme implementations (2013) (HN)
- Scsh - Open-source Unix shell embedded within Scheme.
- Marwood - Embeddable Scheme R7 Compiler & Runtime written in Rust.
- Catbird: An experimental game engine for Scheme programmers (2022)
- Growing a Networked Garden with Spritely Goblins (2022)
- Hop - Multitier JavaScript.
- Practical Scheme (HN)
- Scheme Libraries
- Scheme structured access to bytevector contents
- Nugget - Compiler for a tiny subset of the Scheme language.
- Chibi-Scheme - Minimal Scheme Implementation for use as an Extension Language.
- Chez Scheme backend for PureScript