Beautiful Racket & Teach Yourself Racket are great intros.
Racket News is nice to stay up to date. Zuo & Typed Racket seem nice.
- Racket documentation
- The Racket Guide
- Why language-oriented programming? Why Racket? (2019) (HN)
- DrRacket - IDE for Racket.
- Racket 7.3 (HN)
- Why Racket? Why Lisp? (HN) (HN)
- Racket is an acceptable Python (2019) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Racket Code
- Beautiful Racket - Introduction to language-oriented programming using racket. (Code)
- Hackett - Attempt to implement a Haskell-like language with support for Racket’s macro system, built using the techniques described in the paper Type Systems as Macros.
- Learning Racket #1: Introduction
- Awesome Racket
- I built this website using Racket. Here's what i can do now.
- Native Applications with Racket (2020) (Lobsters)
- Running Racket on iOS (2020)
- Frog - Static blog generator implemented in Racket, targeting Bootstrap and able to use Pygments.
- The Missing Guide to Racket's Web Server (2020)
- Tips, tricks, articles, and tutorials for getting the most out of Racket. By Jesse Alama.
- Racket Manifesto
- db Racket packages
- Turnstile+ - Racket-based framework for creating extensible and reusable typed languages.
- Typed Racket Guide
- Racket is 25 years old (2020) (HN)
- Racket Stories
- Racket News (Code)
- sham - DSL for runtime code generation in racket.
- PasteRack - Evaluating pastebin for Racket. (Code)
- cKanren - Constraint programming language embedded in Racket.
- Deploying Racket Web Apps (2020) (Lobsters)
- Racket Programming the Fun Way by James Stelly (2020) (Review)
- Rebuilding Racket on Chez Scheme Experience Report (2020)
- Practical guide to Racket macros
- Learn Racket in Y Minutes
- RacketCon
- Parsing propositional logic in 33 lines of Racket (2020) (HN)
- Racket Continuations Study Group
- GoLisp - Racket DSL to make code-generation for Go.
- 2048 - Racket Edition - Clean-room, functional implementation in Racket of the game 2048.
- racket-package-ci-action - GitHub Action for building and testing Racket packages.
- Sauron - IDE for Racket language.
- Typed Racket - Racket's gradually-typed sister language which lets you add statically-checked type annotations to your programs.
- datatype - Algebraic(-like) Data Types for Racket.
- Rosette - Solver-aided programming language that extends Racket with language constructs for program synthesis, verification, and more. (Code)
- Typed Rosette - Experimental typed version of the Rosette language.
- Racket GitHub
- Racket Cheat Sheet (Code)
- Demonstration of implementing a language in Racket
- racket-format - Format Racket source code.
- Racket for Visual Studio Code
- Running Racket CS on iOS (2021)
- RacketScript - Racket to JavaScript Compiler. (HN) (Web) (HN)
- Rackt - Ultrasmall (~70 loc) React wrapper written in RacketScript.
- racket-http-easy - High-level HTTP client for Racket.
- Racket v8.0 (2021) (HN)
- Picturing Programs: A Racket Book (2010)
- racket-langserver - Language Server Protocol implementation for Racket.
- Racket GUI packages
- brag - Racket DSL for generating parsers from BNF grammars.
- Goblins: A transactional, distributed actor model environment (HN)
- MrEd Designer - WYSIWYG program to create GUI applications for Racket.
- Building Web Services with Racket (2021)
- Racket 8.1 (2021) (HN)
- sketching - Racket library inspired by Processing.
- imin - Compiler for (a subset of) Racket -> x86-64, written in Racket.
- cli - Language for writing command line interfaces in Racket.
- racket-gui-easy - Declarative GUIs in Racket. (Video) (Lobsters)
- How do I implement Racket from scratch? (2021)
- What drew you to Racket? (2021)
- fmt - Code formatter for Racket.
- Abstract Machine for Racket Bytecode
- Realm of Racket - Learn to Program, One Game at a Time.
- Racket v8.3 (2021) (HN)
- Racket Discussions
- Scribble - Racket Documentation Tool.
- Learn Racket by doing - Practice language features by fixing topic-oriented unit tests.
- Crafting Interpreters in Typed Racket (2021)
- Parsing propositional logic in 33 lines of Racket (2020)
- Implementing Simple Hash Tables in Racket (2020)
- The Rosette Guide
- Implementation of the Lox language in Racket
- The Blog is the program (2021)
- Rhombus - Language based on Racket. (Does Rhombus risk missing the trees for enforestation?)
- The Relational Parser - Core-OMeta parser embedded in Racket/staged-miniKanren.
- rascas - Computer Algebra System for Racket.
- Quickscript - Scripting engine for DrRacket.
- Qi - Functional, Flow-Oriented DSL. (Interactive Tutorial)
- polyglot - Creates websites using a mix of any DSLs you want in a single source file.
- Parallelizing the Racket Web Server (2021)
- curly-fn - Meta-language for adding Clojure-style shorthand function literals to arbitrary Racket languages.
- functional - Functional interfaces and datatypes for Racket.
- Zuo - Tiny Racket for Scripting. (Docs) (HN)
- Why learn Racket? A student's perspective (2022)
- Typed Racket: the good and the bad (2021) (HN)
- How to Organize Your Racket Library (2022) (Reddit)
- blackboard - OpenType Math layout and rendering engine in Racket.
- PLT redex model of MIR and its type system
- Algebraic Racket - Algebraic structures for untyped Racket.
- Template Macros - Racket Meta-Program Generator.
- fluent - UNIX style pipes and a lambda shorthand syntax to make your Racket code more readable.
- Improving Logging With Racket (2022)
- Dependency Management in Racket Applications (2020)
- typesetting - Document-layout tools.
- sci - Racket libraries for scientific computing.
- racket-analysis - Analysis of Racket code base.
- racket-review - Linter for Racket.
- Embedding of some of SQL into Racket
- Prototypes: Object Orientation, Functionally
- Syndicate - Networked, Concurrent, Functional Programming Language for interactive programs.
- Rake - Compiling DSLs to high-level hardware instructions.
- Zuo - Tiny Racket for Scripting.
- Racket gains new build system using tiny Scheme implementation Zuo (Lobsters)
- collections - Generic collections API for Racket.
- raco-env-lib - Virtualenv like tool for Racket.
- RacketScript Playground
- Racket v8.5 (2022) (HN)
- qi - General-purpose functional DSL.
- Pycket - Racket/Scheme implementation that is generated using the RPython framework.
- Urlang - JavaScript with a sane syntax. Written in Racket.
- Whalesong - Racket to JavaScript Compiler. (HN)
- dynamic-ffi - Auto define Racket bindings to C by parsing header files.
- package-analysis - Racket package for analyzing the Racket package ecosystem.
- koyo - Web development toolkit for Racket.
- Examples of the nice parts of Racket
- with-cache - Simple, filesystem-based caching for Racket.
- Zordoz - Manipulating racket bytecode.
- Ray tracing with Racket
- set-extras - Some extra functionalities for set in Typed Racket.
- json-type-provider - Well-typed JSON parser generator inspired by Type Provider.
- Pyffi - Use Python from Racket. (Docs) (HN)
- Lang Party Summer 2022 - Write a language with Racket this summer.
- Certifying Interpreters in Racket (2022)
- Racket->Rhombus: To Sexp or not to Sexp? (2022) (Lobsters)
- Racket Hacking: SwiftUI + Racket (2022)
- Common Lisp VS Racket (HN)
- Macro-Embedding Compiler Intermediate Languages in Racket (2022)
- Argo - JSON Schema validator for Racket.
- gann - Genetic Algorithm based Neural Networks for Racket.
- Corpse Reviver - Sound and efficient gradual typing via contract verification.
- Redex Parameters - Parameters for extensions in Redex.
- Awesome Racket and Scheme
- lens - Racket package for creating and composing pure functional lenses.
- Fractalide - Reusable Reproducible Composable Software.
- R-cade - Retro Game Engine for Racket.
- raco-run - Easier running Racket submodules on the command line.
- Racket Static Web - Little raco command to serve some files on the web.
- disassemble - Disassembler for Racket.
- fancy-app - Scala-style magic function application form.
- Pict3D - 3D engine with a purely functional API.
- Resyntax - Racket refactoring engine.
- Shallow Typed Racket (2020)
- Intermediate Student with Lambda (ISL+) Enhanced with Specification support via Quickcheck
- Introduction to Racket with Pictures
- Teach Yourself Racket
- Safe Foreign Callouts from Racket to Swift (2023)
- case-kw-lambda - Variants of case-lambda and case-> that support keyword and optional arguments.
- Racket fixw - Racket formatter that only fixes whitespaces.
- Regraph - Racket E-graph Library.
- Creating minimal language in Racket
- Racket grammar for tree-sitter
- pdb - Multi-file check-syntax database.
- Racket dbg - Server, client and UI for remotely debugging Racket applications.
- Racket Protocol Buffers - Protocol Buffers implementation for Racket.
- data-frame - Data frame implementation for Racket.