Modern JavaScript Tutorial & Just JavaScript are great intros.
Metaphysics and JavaScript is a nice talk.
- You can define and run the function straight away by enclosing it in parenthesis and adding empty () after
- In JavaScript, a type is a runtime tag describing the actual kind of data you have at runtime.
- A property is any value attached to an object. A method is a property that is a function.
, always references the owner of the function it is in, for this case — since it is now out of scope — the window/global object.- Can type
in JS/TS to activate debugger at that point. - Can
console.log({ myConst })
to log the variable with the value as an object so you see the variable name & the value. As opposed to doingconsole.log(myConst, 'myConst')
. - Periodic reminder that
await import('//[pkg]')
allows you to import anything from npm in the browser instantly. I often use this in the console to test things out. - Between typescript and prettier, there is very little justification for eslint.
- JS proxy can observe a nested object for changes made to it. That means there's none of the traditional selecting or diffing.
- One optimization that turned out well: storing JavaScript strings as either UTF-16 or UTF-8, depending on whats inside. It turns out this is also what JavaScript engines do, so it makes converting from a string in a JavaScript VM to a string in Bun's AST fast.
- Stop using strings concatenation to create and edit URLs in JS. All major browsers have great built-in functionality for URL parsing & manipulation.
- Use arrow functions for 1-line functions only, otherwise named functions are always the best choice: better stack trace, better tracing and more readable.
// Click on buttons in a page
let buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("unfollow");
for (let [i, v] of [...buttons].entries()) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, i * 500);
// Go to specific URL
window.location.href = "";
// Speed up video playback. Put in console of open page.
$("video").playbackRate = 2;
// click on all the expand buttons on
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("svg[aria-label=Expand]");
var buttons = Array.from(inputs).map((e) => e.parentElement.parentElement);
buttons.forEach((b) =>;
// start/close PiP video from currently open tab
var video = document.querySelectorAll("video")[0];
if (
video !== undefined &&
video.webkitSupportsPresentationMode &&
typeof video.webkitSetPresentationMode === "function"
) {
video.webkitPresentationMode === "picture-in-picture"
? "inline"
: "picture-in-picture"
- JavaScript. The Core
- Modern JavaScript Tutorial (HN) (HN)
- You don't know JS books
- JS in 14 minutes
- 2017 JavaScript Rising Stars
- ES6 features
- The Definitive Guide to Object-Oriented JavaScript - Amazing video to understand JS inheritance & objects.
- JavaScript: The Core
- JavaScript is Good, Actually (HN)
- JavaScript Algorithms - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings. (HN)
- EC6 Features
- Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
- Ask HN: “Expert Level” JavaScript questions?
- Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical?
- Pax - Fastest JavaScript bundler in the galaxy.
- Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop anyway? (2014)
- Jake Archibald: In The Loop (2018)
- Yonatan Kra - The Event Loop and your code (2020)
- BundlePhobia - Find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle. (Code) (Tweet)
- An Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2018
- Introduction to ES6 Promises – The Four Functions You Need To Avoid Callback Hell
- Nice ES6/Promises/React cheat sheets
- JavaScript Visualizer - Tool for visualizing Execution Context, Hoisting, Closures, and Scopes in JavaScript.
- WallabyJS - Integrated continuous testing tool for JavaScript.
- ES6 features
- The State of JavaScript - The State of the Web (2018)
- A Quick Tour Of ES6 (Or, The Bits You’ll Actually Use)
- JavaScript on the Desktop, Fast and Slow (2018)
- ES6 for humans
- 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know
- Design Patterns JS - All the 23 (GoF) design patterns implemented in JavaScript.
- Standard Library Proposal
- 30 seconds of code - Curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
- puppet-run - Run anything JavaScript in a headless Chrome from your command line.
- Yalc - Better workflow than npm | yarn link for package authors.
- ECMAScript proposals
- FromJS - See where each character on the screen came from in code.
- RunJS - Scratchpad for your thoughts, a playground for your creativity.
- Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript book
- Pack - Helps you build amazing packages without the hassle.
- Learning JavaScript (2016)
- @pika/web - Install npm dependencies that run directly in the browser. No Browserify, Webpack or import maps required.
- Sucrase - Super-fast alternative to Babel for when you can target modern JS runtimes. (Web)
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
- JavaScript Developer's Reading List - List of hand-picked books and articles for JavaScript developers.
- Promisees - Promise visualization playground for the adventurous.
- promise-fun - Promise packages, patterns, chat, and tutorials.
- Perflink - JavaScript performance benchmarks that you can share via URL.
- Mostly adequate guide to FP (in JavaScript) (Code) (HN)
- Volta - JavaScript Launcher. (Web) (HN)
- Modern JS Cheat Sheet
- Fastpack - Pack JavaScript fast & easy.
- Reference implementation for the JavaScript Binary AST format
- Babel Handbook
- List of (Advanced) JavaScript Questions
- Faster script loading with BinaryAST? (2019)
- recast - JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator.
- Madge - Create graphs from your CommonJS, AMD or ES6 module dependencies.
- npmfs - JavaScript Package Inspector.
- Fantasy Land Specification - Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript.
- Meriyah - 100% compliant, self-hosted javascript parser with high focus on both performance and stability.
- The cost of JavaScript in 2019 (HN)
- Poi - Zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications.
- Advanced JavaScript Course
- Jay - Supercharged JavaScript REPL.
- Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript
- JavaScript & Node.js Testing Best Practices
- Just - Library that organizes build tasks for your JS projects.
- ECMAScript (JS) specification (Code) (Web version 2)
- André Staltz: Two Fundamental Abstractions - Uphill Conf 2018
- JSMonday - Weekly JS inspiration.
- Chevrotain - Parser Building Toolkit for JavaScript.
- Comprehensive list of new ES features
- Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers
- JavaScript for Impatient Programmers book (HN) (HN)
- Exploring ES2018 and ES2019
- Ecma TC39 GitHub
- TC39 Meeting Notes
- Mesh Spreadsheet - Visualise data and edit JavaScript code using a spreadsheet interface. (Web)
- Immutable JavaScript Data Structures with Immer (2019)
- Immutability is Changing - From Immutable.js to Immer (2019)
- Tenko - 100% spec compliant ES2020 JavaScript parser written in JS.
- code-red - Experimental toolkit for writing x-to-JavaScript compilers.
- Reduce in JavaScript (2019)
- Pika - New kind of package registry for the modern web.
- Brian Holt: Futurist Code Bases: Integrating JS of the Future Today (2019)
- JS TLDR - Zen mode web-documentation. (Code) (Article)
- Currying Functions in ES6 (2016)
- Manipulating AST with JavaScript (2019)
- Is JavaScript Statically or Dynamically Scoped? (2018)
- Fixed-point combinators in JavaScript: Memoizing recursive functions
- runpkg - Lets you navigate any JavaScript package on npm thanks to
- What is this in JavaScript?
- Beginner JavaScript course
- ES6 Cheat Sheet
- JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop (2019)
- JavaScript Visualized: Scope (Chain) (2019)
- JavaScript Visualized: Hoisting (2019)
- Fuzzilli - JavaScript Engine Fuzzer.
- Deep JavaScript: Theory and techniques (2019) (HN)
- JavaScript Adaption of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (HN) (Code)
- State of JS 2019 (HN)
- Cancelation without Breaking a Promise (2016) - Reflecting on what was so tricky about cancelable Promises, embracing functional purity as a solution.
- ECMAScript Discussion Archives (Code)
- What Is JavaScript Made Of? (2019)
- JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance (2020)
- Y: The Most Beautiful Idea in Computer Science explained in JavaScript (2018)
- 2019 JavaScript Rising Stars (Code)
- Best of JS - Best of JavaScript, HTML and CSS. (Code) (Web Timeline) (HN)
- omggif - JavaScript implementation of a GIF 89a encoder and decoder.
- Sampling bias, FDR, and The State of JS (2020)
- JavaScript Visualized: Generators and Iterators (2020)
- jsep - JavaScript Expression Parser.
- JS Tips & Tidbits
- I have been underestimating JS (2020) - Understanding V8 and NodeJS Steams.
- Микроптимизации производительности и JavaScript (2020)
- Taming the asynchronous beast with CSP channels in JavaScript (2014)
- Debounce vs Throttle: Definitive Visual Guide (2019)
- GistLink - Code apps or components. See them render as you type. Share your creations via URL.
- source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug space usage through source maps.
- Diglett - Keep your JS project lean by detecting duplicate dependencies.
- Learn Vanilla JS Roadmap
- Learn JavaScript - Easiest way to learn & practice modern JavaScript step by step.
- Mini projects built with HTML5, CSS & JavaScript. No frameworks or libraries (HN)
- IxJS - Interactive Extensions for JavaScript.
- Renovate - Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
- The ECMAScript Ecosystem (2020)
- ESbuild - Extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier written in Go. (HN) (Architecture) (serverless-esbuild) (Awesome) (Web) (Esbuild plugins) (Tweet) (HN) (Online Playground)
- Community plugins for esbuild
- Why Is Esbuild Fast? (HN)
- bundless - Dev server and bundler for esbuild. (Web)
- esbuild-register - Transpile JSX, TypeScript and esnext features on the fly with esbuild.
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts course (2015)
- Fastpack - Pack JS code into a single bundle fast & easy.
- guijs - App that helps you manage JS projects with a Graphical User Interface.
- Rome Toolchain - Linter, compiler, bundler, and more for JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Markdown, and CSS. (Web) (HN) (HN 2) (HN 3) (Discord)
- Bolt - Super-powered JavaScript project management.
- tiny-js - Aims to be an extremely simple (~2000 line) JavaScript interpreter.
- JavaScript and TypeScript tooling overview
- Seafox - Blazing fast 100% spec compliant, self-hosted javascript parser written in Typescript.
- Awesome JavaScript Learning
- Awesome Promises
- jscodeshift - Toolkit for running codemods over multiple JavaScript or TypeScript files.
- React Workout: Reducers with Cassidy Williams (2020)
- JavaScript: The First 20 Years (2020)
- Awesome Storybook
- QuickJS - Small and embeddable JavaScript engine. (Web) (HN) (HN)
- Test262: Official ECMAScript Conformance Test Suite
- Hegel - Advanced static type checker. (Web) (Intro to Hegel) (HN)
- NectarJS - JS God mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No Garbage Collector. Full Compiled and Native binaries.
- Eloquent JavaScript book (2018) (HN)
- - Manually curated list of packages related to React, Vue, Webpack, Babel and PostCSS. (Code)
- How to create a reactive state-based UI component with vanilla JS Proxies (2020)
- Kite Autocomplete for JavaScript (Article)
- Excalidraw: Cool JS Tricks Behind the Scenes - Christopher Chedeau (2020)
- Cleaner async JavaScript code without the try/catch mess (2020)
- Shifty - Tweening engine for JavaScript. It is a lightweight library meant to be encapsulated by higher level tools.
- JS Bits - JavaScript concepts explained with code.
- Binary-parser - Parser builder for JavaScript that enables you to write efficient binary parsers in a simple and declarative manner.
- estrella - Light-weight runner for the esbuild compiler.
- jsparagus - JavaScript parser written in Rust.
- Callbag - Standard for JS callbacks that enables lightweight observables and iterables. (Wiki)
- JavaScript Standard Style - JavaScript style guide, linter, and formatter. (Code)
- Boa - Experimental JavaScript lexer, parser and compiler written in Rust. (Blog) (Reddit)
- Understanding JavaScript Execution Context like never before (2020)
- Causes of Memory Leaks in JavaScript and How to Avoid Them (2020) (Lobsters)
- - Master the JavaScript Ecosystem.
- Do Not Follow JavaScript Trends (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Some things that can be avoided in JS for clearer code (2020)
- JS fundamentals and resources to learn them (2020)
- A little bit of plain JavaScript can do a lot (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Memoization: What, Why, and How (2020)
- An Open Source Maintainer's Guide to Publishing npm Packages (2020)
- Robust Client-Side JavaScript (2020) (HN)
- Visualization of npm dependencies (Code)
- How to Learn JavaScript (HN)
- Google Closure Compiler - Tool for making JavaScript download and run faster.
- JSConf - Conferences for the JavaScript Community.
- The history of Promises
- Skypack - New kind of JavaScript delivery network. (HN) (Introducing Skypack Discover) (Docs) (skypin)
- Openbase - Help developers choose the right JS package for any task - through user reviews and insights about packages' popularity, reliability, activity and more. (HN)
- Basho - Shell Automation with Plain JavaScript. (Docs)
- What is the JS Event Loop and Call Stack?
- Starving the Event Loop with microtasks
- GPU.js - GPU accelerated JavaScript. (HN) (HN) (Code)
- The JavaScript Promise Tutorial (2020)
- Underrated JS array methods (2020)
- Javascript Generators, Meet XPath (2020) (Lobsters)
- goja - ECMAScript 5.1(+) implementation in Go.
- Guide to unit testing in JavaScript
- How I wrote the fastest JavaScript memoization library (2017)
- JavaScript Playgrounds - Interactive JavaScript sandbox. (Code)
- Speakeasy JS - Weekly JavaScript meetup.
- Elsa - Minimal, fast and secure QuickJS wrapper written in Go. (HN)
- quickjs-rs - Rust wrapper for QuickJS.
- RSLint - Extremely fast JavaScript and TypeScript linter and Rust crate. (Web)
- Beginner's Series to: JavaScript by Microsoft (Code)
- Please stop using CDNs for external Javascript libraries (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- ESM Hot Module Replacement (ESM-HMR) Spec
- esbuild-js - es-build implemented in JS.
- Visual Guide to References in JavaScript (2020)
- Modern JavaScript features you may have missed (2019)
- RegPack - Self-contained packer for size-constrained JS code.
- SciterJS - Embeddable HTML/CSS/JavaScript engine. Electron alternative. (HN) (SDK) (JS SDK) (HN)
- ESTree Spec - Manipulate JavaScript source code.
- Pattern Matching in JavaScript (2020)
- How to chain methods in JS in order to write concise and readable code (2020)
- npmview - Web application to view npm package files. (Code)
- Metadata Reflection API for JS
- SurviveJS - Learn JavaScript. From apprentice to master.
- Composing Closures and Callbacks in JavaScript (2020)
- CJS Module Lexer - Fast lexer to extract named exports via analysis from CommonJS modules.
- JavaScript minification (2019)
- export-size - Analysis bundle cost for each export of an ESM package.
- ESM - Fast, global content delivery network ES Modules.
- Benny - Dead simple benchmarking framework for JS/TS libs.
- Functional Programming in JS - Composition (Currying, Lodash and Ramda) (2020)
- Understanding Modules, Import and Export in JavaScript (2020)
- Intent to stop using 'null' in my JS code (HN)
- What Makes JavaScript JavaScript? Prototypal Inheritance (2020)
- ni - Use the right package manager. Detect whether to use npm/yarn/pnpm.
- Making a modern JS library in 2020
- JavaScript Interview Questions & Answers
- JS Operator Lookup - Search JavaScript Operators.
- The state of JavaScript at the end of 2020 (HN)
- What the fuck JavaScript - List of funny and tricky JavaScript examples.
- 1loc - JavaScript Utilities in 1 LOC. (Code)
- Component Driven User Interfaces - Open standard for UI component examples based on JavaScript ES6 modules. (Code) (Website Code)
- JavaScript Modern Interview Code Challenges
- Building a Promise from Scratch (2020)
- Tips and tricks for working with types in JavaScript
- Astring - Tiny and fast JavaScript code generator from an ESTree-compliant AST.
- - Calculate the size and performance impact of switching to modern JavaScript syntax. (Code)
- Publish, ship, and install modern JavaScript for faster applications (2020)
- Universal JavaScript Build and Packaging
- Maybe you don't need Rust and WASM to speed up your JS (2018)
- lage - Task runner in JS monorepos. (Web)
- Module Server - System for efficient serving of CommonJS modules to web browsers.
- How JavaScript works: exceptions + best practices for synchronous and asynchronous code (2021)
- How JavaScript works: an overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack (2017) (HN)
- Source Map Visualization - Visualization of JavaScript source map data, which is useful for debugging problems with generated source maps. (Code)
- Manypkg - Linter for package.json files in Yarn, Bolt or pnpm monorepos.
- Putout - Pluggable and configurable code transformer with built-in eslint, babel plugins and jscodeshift codemods support. (Editor)
- Prettier Plugin: Organize Imports
- A mostly complete guide to error handling in JavaScript (2020)
- Awesome FP JS
- Perflink - JS Benchmarks.
- JavaScript benchmark playground
- Element Worklet (2021)
- MDN JS Code Examples
- Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript (2021)
- JavaScript: The Good Parts Book (2008) (Notes) (Notes)
- A Model for Reasoning About JavaScript Promises (2017)
- JavaScript Minification Benchmarks (HN)
- Faster JavaScript Calls (2021) (HN)
- Streams — The definitive guide (2021)
- Starlight - JS engine in Rust.
- Awesome JavaScript
- JavaScript and the next decade of data programming (2021) (Tweet)
- Glide - Interpreted JavaScript VM written entirely in safe rust.
- stricter - Project-wide js-linting tool.
- JavaScript Pass By Value Function Parameters
- Use console.log() like a pro (2020) (HN)
- The complete guide to working with strings in modern JavaScript
- - Canvas for JavaScript. (HN)
- Kataw - Insane fast JavaScript toolchain.
- JS Tooling not in JS - Curated list of JavaScript tooling not written in JavaScript. (HN)
- How Slow is JavaScript Really? JavaScript vs C++ (Data Structures & Optimization) (2021)
- Duktape - Embeddable Javascript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint. (Web)
- JavaScript for Data Science (Code) (HN)
- FIBJS - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
- A JavaScript optimizing compiler (2021)
- In-depth exploration of JavaScript iteration protocols (2021)
- Elk - Tiny JS engine for embedded systems. (HN)
- Endo - Distributed secure JavaScript sandbox, based on SES.
- How JavaScript works: 3 types of polymorphism (2021) (HN)
- Modern JavaScript: Everything you missed over the last 10 years (2020) (HN)
- Rethinking JavaScript Infrastructure (2021)
- 2D Optics Demos in JavaScript (2021)
- Beginner Web Dev - Getting Started with JavaScript Course.
- V8 Sparkplug – A non-optimizing JavaScript compiler (2021) (HN)
- JavaScript Notes and Reference
- JavaScript Bytecode VM - YouTube
- Advanced console.log Tips and Tricks (2020) (HN)
- Testing JavaScript Applications Book (2021) (Code)
- JavaScript Is Weird (HN)
- Temporal: Getting started with JavaScript's new date time API (2021) (HN)
- Dwitter - Platform to write visual art in JavaScript limited to 140 characters. (Code)
- Optimizr - Aggressive compile-time optimizations for modern JavaScript.
- Tiny Treeshaker - JavaScript tree shaking in 200 lines of code. (HN)
- Tips For Using Async/Await in JavaScript (2021)
export default thing
is different toexport { thing as default }
(2021) (Tweet)- Just JavaScript - Discover and rebuild your JavaScript mental models.
- Iterator Helpers - Methods for working with iterators in ECMAScript. (Web)
- Loupe - Visualization to help you understand how JavaScript's call stack/event loop/callback queue interact with each other. (Code)
- JavaScript on Compute@Edge - Compile JavaScript to WebAssembly and run it on Fastly.
- Txiki.js - Tiny JavaScript runtime built with QuickJS and libuv. (HN)
- JavaScript error logging - Collection of JavaScript error logging services, and comparisons among them.
- Regenerated.Dev - Rethinking JavaScript with Generator Functions.
- JavaScript Array Explorer - Find the array method you need without digging through the docs. (Code)
- Currying in JavaScript (HN)
- Multithreaded JavaScript Book (2021) - Explores the various features that JavaScript runtimes have at their disposal for implementing multithreaded programming.
- JS-Interpreter - Sandboxed JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript. Execute arbitrary JavaScript code line by line in isolation and safety.
- EStruct - Traverses JavaScript projects and maps all the dependencies and relationships to a JSON.
- unbuild - Unified JavaScript build system.
- The Shocking Immaturity of JavaScript (2021) (HN)
- Nope - Small, simple and fast JS validator.
- jstime - Another JavaScript Runtime.
- JavaScript Concrete Syntax Tree
- Fastly Compute@Edge JS Runtime
- Responsible JavaScript Book (Twitter)
- Creating Callable Objects in JavaScript (2019)
- Reflection at Reflect: The Reflect and Proxy APIs (2021)
- Deep-copying in JavaScript (2018) (Tweet)
- Reduce minified code size by property mangling
- ECMAScript Pattern Matching
- JSConf (Twitter)
- JS Sockets API Proposal (Tweet)
- JS Enum Proposal (Tweet)
- JS Records & Tuples Proposal
- ECMAScript Proposals (Code)
- dum - npm scripts runner written in Rust. (HN)
- Esprima-python - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
- Software Tools in JavaScript by Greg Wilson Book (2021)
- ReevaJS - JavaScript engine written from scratch using Kotlin.
- Web Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secrets (2021) (Reddit)
- The async/await post we promised (2021)
- JavaScript Cross-Site Scripting: How it Happens and Mitigation Steps (2021)
- JavaScript Self-Profiling API Proposal - Proposal for a programmable JS profiling API for collecting JS profiles from real end-user environments.
- Caterwaul - JavaScript-to-JavaScript Compiler. (Web) (HN)
- MuJS - Embeddable JavaScript interpreter in C. (Web)
- JavaScript Structs: Fixed Layout Objects
- HEY is running its JavaScript off import maps (2022)
- A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases (2022) (HN)
- Tera - Lean Secure Runtime for JavaScript.
- Ratel - High performance JavaScript to JavaScript compiler with a Rust core.
- TC39 – Specifying JavaScript (Web Code)
- sane-fmt - Opinionated code formatter for TypeScript and JavaScript.
- Run JavaScript in WebAssembly - High-performance, secure, extensible, and OCI-complaint JavaScript runtime for WasmEdge.
- Insightful JavaScript Q&A Twitter Thread from Dan Abramov (2022)
- The State of JS 2021 (HN)
- The Story of Asynchronous JavaScript (2022)
- JavaScript on Exercism (Code)
- Source Map-Aware Code Generation (2022)
- Things you don't need JavaScript for (2022) (HN)
- Proposal for Type Syntax in JavaScript (Code) (Reddit) (Tweet) (Reddit) (Tweet) (HN)
- First look: adding type annotations to JavaScript (2022) (HN)
- Escargot - Memory optimized JavaScript engine for mid-range devices such as mobile phone, tablet and TV.
- Pipe Operator (|>) for JavaScript (Tweet) (HN)
- Partial Application Syntax for ECMAScript
- The Elephant in The Event Loop (2022)
- Moon - Rust program for managing JavaScript based monorepo's.
- Temporal API - Standard objects and functions for working with dates and times.
- How to Read the ECMAScript Specification (Code)
- Broken Promises - James Snell, NearForm (2019) (Tweet)
- JS Event Loop Visualizer (Tweet)
- Google Closure Compiler NPM - Check, compile, optimize and compress JavaScript with Closure-Compiler.
- unminify - Unminifies JS stacktrace errors.
- JavaScript on GraalVM - High performance implementation of the JavaScript programming language. Built on the GraalVM by Oracle Labs.
- I Avoid Async/Await (2022) (HN)
- Shift AST - ECMAScript parser that produces a Shift format AST. (Code) (Bending JavaScript with shift-ast)
- JavaScript function composition: What’s the big deal? (2022)
- How not to write property tests in JavaScript (2021)
- Find what JavaScript variables are leaking into the global scope (2022)
- Building a JavaScript Bundler (2022) (HN)
- ECMAScript proposal: do expressions
- Meticulous - Catch JavaScript errors before they hit prod. (HN)
- I fell in love with low-JS (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- TodoMVC App Written in Vanilla JS in 2022
- Modern JavaScript environments (2022)
- Advanced JavaScript Objects - E-book entirely about JavaScript objects.
- JavaScript Module Fragments Proposal - Named, inline JS modules, which can be used for bundling multiple modules into a single JavaScript file.
- Design Patters in JS for Humans
- devjar - Bundless runtime for your ESM JavaScript project in browser. (Code)
- Fast way to do a JS socket API
- Processing Arrays non-destructively:
(2022) - Now and .then: Debugging Async JavaScript - Jenn Creighton (2022)
- JavaScript tree-sitter - JavaScript and JSX grammar for tree-sitter.
- Awesome JavaScript Interviews - Popular JavaScript / React / Node / Mongo stack Interview questions and their answers.
- Monorepos in JavaScript and TypeScript (2022) (HN)
- Compiling a Subset of JavaScript to ARM Assembly in Haskell (2022)
- ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management
- JavaScript: The New Toys Book
- Server Rendering in JavaScript Series
- Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2022: What’s new?
- JS Functions - The Ultimate Guide
- JS Module Blocks (Web)
- Ask HN: Why is everything in JavaScript changing so fast? (2022)
- Stop Using JavaScript Objects (2022)
- Mastering Async/Await Book
- Roll your own JavaScript runtime (2022) (Code)
- Checking if a JavaScript native function is monkey patched (2022)
- Optimizing for JavaScript is hard (2022) (Lobsters)
- International JavaScript Conference (Twitter)
- Dune - Hobby runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- Proposal for resizable array buffers
- YouTube-dl has a JavaScript interpreter written in 870 lines of Python (HN)
- memlab - Testing framework for finding JavaScript memory leaks and analyzing heap snapshots. (Article)
- Sandworm - Easy sandboxing for your JavaScript dependencies. (Docs)
- Extractors for ECMAScript
- Weak JS map (Tweet)
- Writing composable SQL using JavaScript by Gajus Kuizinas (2022)
- Control the behavior of JavaScript imports with Import Maps (2021) (Tweet)
- The power of JS generators
- Understanding Generators in ES6 JavaScript with Examples
- JavaScript's promised convenience (2022)
- ShadowRealms – an ECMAScript proposal for a better
(2022) - Why would anyone need JavaScript generator functions? (2022) (HN)
- Number.range & BigInt.range JS Proposal
- QuickJS Running in WebAssembly (HN)
- Jitar - Full-stack JavaScript runtime for small to large web applications.
- This Month in JavaScript (2022)
- Introduce await.all / await.race / await.allSettled / await.any to simplify the usage of Promises
- Proposal for new Set methods in JS
- A Simple Explanation of JavaScript Closures (2022)
- Lesser-known JavaScript APIs (2022) (HN)
- Best JavaScript nano benchmarking tool
- Big Benchmark of JS State Managers
- Reactive Computed Bench - Benchmark measured computation of complex computed reactive unit when it deep children change.
- grasp - JavaScript structural search, replace, and refactor.
- JavaScript Rising Stars - Overview of the JavaScript landscape. (Code)
- State of JavaScript 2022 (HN)
- Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - module resolution (2023) (HN)
- Async Context for JavaScript - Ergonomically track async contexts in JavaScript.
- Go-like channels in 10 lines of JavaScript (2023) (HN)
- oxc - JavaScript Oxidation Compiler.
- Writing JavaScript without a build system (2023) (HN)
- Buildless JavaScript (2023)
- Error.assert() proposal for ECMAScript