Kube-secret-syncer - Kubernetes operator to sync secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. (HN)
kubectl-view-allocations - kubectl plugin lists allocations for resources (cpu, memory, gpu,...) as defined into the manifest of nodes and running pods.
Helm mapkubeapis Plugin - Map deprecated or removed Kubernetes APIs in a release to supported APIs.
Secret Manager - Kubernetes add-on to automate the creation and renewal of secrets from various external secret sources.
helm-cronjobs - Define an array of jobs in values.yaml helm will take care of creating all the CronJobs.
Lockbox - Secure way to store Kubernetes Secrets offline.
kubectl-curl - Kubectl plugin to run curl commands against kubernetes pods.
Kubernetes Security Profiles Operator - Out-of-tree Kubernetes enhancement which aims to make it easier for users to use SELinux, seccomp and AppArmor in Kubernetes clusters.
Kubernetes Deployment Restart Controller - Watches ConfigMaps and Secrets referenced by Deployments and StatefulSets and triggers restarts as soon as configuration or secret values change.
LBConfig Operator - Kubernetes/Openshift Operator to configure external Load Balancers.