File systems
SeaweedFS & Spacedrive look nice.
- TMFS - Apple's Time Machine fuse read only file system.
- sparsebundlefs - FUSE filesystem for reading macOS sparse-bundle disk images.
- Understanding Google’s File System (2020)
- mergerfs - Union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices.
- gefs - Good enough file system.
- libfsapfs - Library to access the Apple File System (APFS).
- proper-lockfile - Inter-process and inter-machine lockfile utility that works on a local or network file system.
- How do you lay out your home directory? (2020)
- RISC-V OS using Rust: Filesystems (HN)
- Sanoid - Policy-driven snapshot management tool for ZFS filesystems. When combined with the Linux KVM hypervisor, you can use it to make your systems functionally immortal.
- UtahFS - Encrypted storage system that provides a user-friendly FUSE drive backed by cloud storage. (Article) (HN)
- Writing a file system from scratch in Rust (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Filesystem deduplication is a sidechannel (Lobsters)
- Files by Dan Luu (2019)
- Non-POSIX file systems (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Filesystems for dummies (2020)
- gcsfuse - User-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.
- Apache Helix - Near-Realtime Rsync Replicated File System. (HN)
- The Second Extended File System - Also known as Ext2.
- bindfs - FUSE filesystem for mirroring a directory to another directory, similarly to mount --bind. (Web)
- Practical File System Design (1999)
- Virtual filesystem: fun and profit (2019)
- Files Are Fraught with Peril (2019) (HN)
- An Introduction to ZFS (2020) (HN)
- vmtouch - Portable file system cache diagnostics and control. (Code)
- Modern storage is plenty fast. It is the APIs that are bad (2020) (HN)
- Supertag - Tag-based filesystem, written in Rust, for Linux and MacOS. (Docs) (Lobsters)
- DwarFS - Fast high compression read-only file system. (HN)
- ID mapping for mounted filesystems
- Filesystem and Database are not cutting the problem space right (2020) (Lobsters)
- The Perils of File Typing (HN)
- vfs - Virtual filesystem library written in Go.
- dino - Distributed FUSE filesystem for small volumes.
- Exploring the IBM Graphical Filesystem (Lobsters)
- organize - File management automation tool.
- JuiceFS - Distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.
- GoDFS - Simple Distributed FileSystem written in Go. (Article)
- TiFS - Distributed file system based on TiKV.
- HyperTag - Helps humans intuitively express how they think about their files using tags and machine learning.
- sandboxfs - Virtual file system for sandboxing.
- GitHub File System - With this filesystem you can use GitHub from your favorite shell and text editor.
- Dirhash Standard - Formal procedure for hashing of a filesystem directory.
- The No-Order File System (2012) (HN)
- PiFS - Data-Free Filesystem.
- S3QL - File system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack.
- Envfs - Fuse filesystem that returns symlinks to executables based on the PATH of the requesting process.
- GotenksFS - File system on top of your file system.
- Writing a file system from scratch in Rust (2020)
- Query-FS - Virtual filesystem implemented using FUSE in Common Lisp. (Talk)
- CrossFS - Direct-access cross-layered file system with support for concurrency.
- A Survey of Distributed File Systems (1989)
- libfsrefs - Library and tools to access the Resilient File System (ReFS).
- netfuse - FUSE-based abstraction for networked filesystems.
- go-fsimpl - Go filesystem implementations for various URL schemes.
- ImpFS - Novel filesystem with some interesting features.
- rpg-cli - Your filesystem as a dungeon.
- Log-structured File Systems
- nullfsvfs - Virtual black hole file system that behaves like /dev/null.
- ffs - File filesystem: mount semi-structured data (like JSON) as a Unix filesystem. (Web) (Tweet)
- fbox - Easy to use and maintain distributed filesystem written in Go.
- Zip – How not to design a file format (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Facebook's Tectonic Filesystem: Efficiency from Exascale (2021)
- AppFS - Universal packaging format that is presented to the system as a filesystem (via FUSE).
- FastCFS - High performance distributed file system for databases, K8s and VM etc.
- The future needs files (2021) (HN)
- Examining btrfs, Linux’s perpetually half-finished filesystem (2021)
- Goofys - High-performance, POSIX-ish Amazon S3 file system written in Go.
- GeeseFS - High-performance, POSIX-ish S3 (Yandex, Amazon) file system written in Go.
- libzetta-rs - Stable interface for programmatic administration of ZFS from Rust.
- APFS FUSE Driver for Linux
- Fuse-Archive - Program that serves an archive or compressed file (e.g. foo.tar, foo.tar.gz, foo.xz, as a FUSE file system.
- Flatdata - Write-once, read-many, minimal overhead binary structured file format.
- AetherFS - Virtual file system for small to medium sized datasets (MB or GB, not TB or PB). Like Docker, but for data. (Web)
- ChubaoFS - Cloud native distributed file system and object store.
- The Tree Structure of File Systems (2021) (Lobsters)
- Designing better file organization around tags, not hierarchies (HN)
- We saved millions in SSD costs by upgrading our filesystem (2021) (HN)
- edwork - Decentralized, distributed read-write filesystem.
- I'm “still afraid to use spaces in file names” years old (HN)
- Libnvmmio - User-level file system designed for byte-addressable non-volatile memories.
- rusix - Distributed filesystem in Rust.
- Bcachefs: The COW filesystem for Linux that won't eat your data (Lobsters)
- zectl - ZFS Boot Environment manager for Linux.
- Diskplorer - Disk latency/bandwidth grapher.
- ZboxFS - Zero-details, privacy-focused in-app file system. (Web)
- The fastest way to copy a file? (2021) (HN)
- BetrFS - File system that uses Bε trees. (HN) (Code)
- gocryptfs - Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go.
- Replacing an unavailable ZFS drive (2021)
- Deark - Utility for file format and metadata analysis, data extraction, decompression, and image format decoding.
- vfile - Small and browser friendly virtual file format that tracks metadata (such as a file’s path and value) and messages.
- vach - Virtual filesystem, specifically made for games.
- pifs2 - Compile-time data-free filesystem.
- Parallel Disk Usage (pdu) - Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer.
- wasi-vfs - Virtual filesystem layer for WASI.
- Littlefs - Little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers. (HN)
- UnreliableFS - FUSE-based fault injection filesystem.
- The time has come to replace file systems (2022) (HN)
- AnyFS - Simple filesystem which stores metadata using JSON.
- rust-vfs - Virtual filesystem for Rust.
- When and why to deprecate filesystems (2022)
- File systems can experience at least three different sorts of errors (2022) (HN)
- zchunk - Compressed file format that splits the file into independent chunks.
- Pillager - Pillage filesystems for sensitive information with Go.
- WarpDrive Go - Warp across your filesystem in ~5 ms.
- HashFS - Content-addressable file management system.
- The Unexpected Importance of the Trailing Slash (2022) (HN)
- pingfs - File system where the data is stored only in the Internet itself, as ICMP Echo packets (pings) traveling from you to remote servers and back again.
- Merged FS: Compose Multiple Go Filesystems
- composefs - a file system for container images (2021)
- Rust FAT FS - FAT file system library implemented in Rust.
- Spacedrive - Open source cross-platform file manager, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem (VDFS) written in Rust. (HN) (Web)
- CharybdeFS - ScyllaDB fault injection filesystem.
- rmlint - Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your file system.
- memfs - In-memory file system in Rust.
- Catfs - Cache AnyThing file system written in Rust.
- Rust FUSE library for server, virtio-fs and vhost-user-fs
- dbs-fuse - Utilities for tokio/tokio-uring based async IO.
- afs - Abstract File Storage.
- elmerfs - File system that leverage Conflict Free Replicated Data Type CRDT on top of AntidoteDB to be eventually consistent in a active-active geo distributed scenario.
- Ask HN: Why don't file systems and OS's provide file system transactions? (2022)
- Squashfs-Tools - Tools to create and extract Squashfs filesystems.
- Pandoras Box - Intuitive and encrypted in-memory filesystem (VFS).
- Muxfs - Mirroring, checksumming, and self-healing filesystem layer for OpenBSD. (HN)
- Understanding Google’s File System (2020)
- CernVM-File System - Scalable, reliable and low- maintenance software distribution service.
- webfuse - Combines libwebsockets and libfuse. It allows ot attach a remote filesystem via websockets.
- Web Native File System (WNFS) - Distributed file system. It is versioned, logged, programmable, has strong-yet-flexible security, and is fully controlled by the end user.
- Tools for tag-based file management? | Lobsters
- Flexible File system
- polyfuse - FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) library for Rust.
- Linux NILFS file system: automatic continuous snapshots (2022) (HN)
- filesystem-rs - Real, fake, and mock implementations of file system operations.
- WebNative FileSystem (WNFS) - Versioned content-addressable distributed filesystem with private and public sub systems.
- Webnative SDK - SDK for building apps with decentralized identity and storage.
- Fission - Build the future of web apps at the edge.
- dutree - Tool to analyze file system usage written in Rust.
- shinydir - CLI tool to enforce clean directories by setting rules.
- Shufflecake - Tool for Linux that allows to create multiple hidden volumes on a storage device.
- Alist - File list program that supports multiple storage, powered by Gin and SolidJS.
- scaffdog - Markdown driven scaffolding tool.
- s3-sync - Sync a local filesystem with a S3 bucket.
- MemProcFS - Memory Process File System.
- ntfs Rust crate - Low-level NTFS filesystem library implemented in Rust.
- lfs - Linux utility to get information on filesystems, like df but better.
- Dirdiff - Efficiently compute the differences between two directories.
- Hyperdrive - Secure, real-time distributed file system.
- OpenZFS - Advanced file system and volume manager.
- Apple File System for Linux
- FatFs - Generic FAT Filesystem Module (HN)
- FUSE server implementation for Rust
- lunchbox - Async virtual filesystem interface in Rust.
- OpenZFS - The Final Word in File Systems (Lobsters)
- Simple Scaffold - Generate any set of files in the easiest way possible with simple commands.
- Enigma - Simple cross-platform encrypted file system. (HN)
- FDUPES - Program for identifying duplicate files residing within specified directories.
- FatFs - Generic FAT File System Module.
- vramfs - VRAM based file system for Linux. (HN)
- simplefs - Simple file system for Linux kernel.
- exFAT in pure Rust
- A brief history of APFS (Apple file system) in honour of its fifth birthday (2022) (HN)