soketi, Tungstenite, tinyws & Reconnecting WebSocket seem great.
Using WebSockets with Cloudflare Workers is awesome read.
DriftDB is nice.
It's incredible how you can do multi device updating fast with WebSockets.
- websocketd - Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets. (Web) (HN)
- µWebSockets - Simple, secure & standards compliant web I/O for the most demanding of applications. (HN)
- µSockets - Cross-platform async networking and eventing foundation library written in standard C.
- µWebSockets - JavaScript web server.
- Sockette - Cutest little WebSocket wrapper.
- Firefox’s New WebSocket Inspector (2019)
- WebSockets for fun and profit (2019)
- Million WebSockets and Go (2017) (HN)
- WebSockets API for OBS Studio
- websocat - Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions.
- Awesome WebSockets
- SockJS client - WebSocket emulation - JS client.
- Stealing Secrets from Developers using Websockets (2020) (HN)
- Funnel - Transit-over-WebSocket Message Relay.
- hydrated-ws - Toolbox for websockets clients, reconnecting websockets, channels muxing websockets, authentication, json-rpc over websockets.
- Chat built in Go using Websockets and Redis Pub/Sub
- Retransmit - HTTP and WebSockets API Gateway. (Docs) (Lobsters)
- Real-time data streaming using FastAPI and WebSockets (2020)
- reactions-spreadsheet - Tiny multiplayer spreadsheet where you can react to cells.
- Strongly Typed Realtime Programming with TypeScript (2020)
- WebSocket Client & Server Implementation for Node
- GraphQL over WebSockets (2020)
- Wslay - WebSocket library written in C.
- Tungstenite - Lightweight stream-based WebSocket implementation for Rust.
- tokio-tungstenite - Asynchronous WebSockets for Tokio stack.
- GoLive - Reactive HTML Server Side over WebSockets.
- Reconnecting WebSocket - Reconnecting WebSocket. For Web, React Native, cli (Node.js).
- websocket-client - WebSocket client for python.
- websockets - Library for building WebSocket servers and clients in Python.
- Implementer's Guide to WebSockets
- ChatCord App - Real time chat app with websockets using Node.js, Express and Socket.io with Vanilla JS on the frontend with a custom UI.
- Sarus - WebSocket JavaScript library. (Web)
- The future of web software is HTML over WebSockets (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- wsServer - Tiny WebSocket server library written in C.
- WebSockets From Scratch
- WebSocket, Shrek, and AsyncAPI - An Opinionated Intro (2021)
- AnyCable-Go WebSocket Server - WebSocket server for AnyCable.
- From Sockets to WebSockets
- wscat - curl for websockets.
- websockify - WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge.
- WebSockets vs. HTTP
- wscat - cat things into a websocket server.
- tinyws - Tiny WebSocket middleware for Node.js.
- Jamsocket - Lightweight framework for building WebSocket-based application backends. (Template) (Web) (CLI)
- embedded-websocket - Lightweight rust websocket library for embedded systems no_std.
- Cortical - Browser sends events through websockets, Cortical dispatch them to processing unit, concurently.
- How We Improved Reliability of our WebSocket Connections (2021) (HN)
- Example template for working with the WebSocketPair API in Cloudflare Workers
- ws - Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js.
- DNWebSocket - WebSocket(RFC-6455) library written using Swift.
- localfirst/relay - Tiny relay server that bridges two WebSocket connections, allowing the clients to talk directly to each other.
- Bidirectional Server-sent Events
- python-socketio - Python Socket.IO server and client.
- websocket-ts - Convenient TypeScript-first client-websocket for browsers.
- simple-websocket - Simple, EventEmitter API for WebSockets.
- y-websocket - WebSocket Provider for Yjs.
- Woe be unto you for using a WebSocket (2021) (HN)
- Are WebSockets the best way to push messages from the backend to web clients (2021)
- RealSync - Execute Server Functions from Client side. (Article)
- birpc - Message-based two-way remote procedure call.
- React client for a real time chat app powered by a WebSocket
- The WebSocket Handbook (HN)
- wstunnel - Tunneling over WebSocket protocol - Static binary available.
- STEWS - Security Tool for Enumerating WebSockets.
- Awesome WebSockets Security
- ReconnectingWebSocket - Small decorator for the JavaScript WebSocket API that automatically reconnects.
- Fasthttp Gorilla WebSocket - Gorilla WebSocket implementation for fasthttp.
- Autobahn|Testsuite - Fully automated test suite to verify client and server implementations of The WebSocket Protocol.
- fastws - Fast WebSocket implementation for fasthttp and net/http. Supporting concurrent R/W operations by default.
- Server-Sent Events: the alternative to WebSockets you should be using (2022) (HN) (Code)
- StableSocket - Web socket that reconnects.
- Server-Sent Events, WebSockets, and HTTP (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- js-libp2p-websockets - JavaScript implementation of the WebSockets module that libp2p uses and that implements the interface-transport interface.
- Properly implement WebSockets in Go
- soketi - Simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server. (Web) (HN)
- Nuxt WebSocket - Tiny Nuxt.js module for WebSocket interactions.
- ws-tool - Easy to use websocket client/server toolkit, supporting blocking/async IO.
- websocket - Provides high and low-level bindings for the browser's WebSocket API.
- Web Socket for Productivity in Rust (2022)
- ezsockets - Composable WebSockets made easy, for Rust.
- Socket.IO - Bidirectional and low-latency communication for every platform. (Code) (Spec)
- Realtime | Supabase - Offer basically Phoenix Channels and Presence as a service. (HN)
- wasmws - WASM Websockets for Go applications.
- ewebsock - Rust Websocket client that compiles to both native and web.
- Websocket comparisons
- bufferutil - WebSocket buffer utils.
- Thor - WebSocket benchmarking/load generator.
- Axum Typed WebSockets - axum::extract::ws with type safe messages.
- Libwebsockets - Simple-to-use, pure C library providing client and server for http/1, http/2, websockets, MQTT and other protocols in a security-minded, lightweight, configurable, scalable and flexible way. (Web)
- Zig WebSocket server
- kuiperbelt - Proxy server that converts WebSocket to HTTP/1.x.
- Fanout WebSockets Compute@Edge Demo
- Ask HN: How do you scale WebSocket? (2022)
- Libp2p WebSocket transport for Cloudflare WebSockets
- Deno Websocket - Simple WebSocket library like ws of node.js library for deno.
- Building an Interactive Whiteboard with NATS Websockets
- React useWebSocket - Designed to provide robust WebSocket integrations to your React Components.
- What they don't teach you about sockets (2022) (Lobsters) (HN)
- HLive - Server-side WebSocket based dynamic template-less view layer for Go.
- Wuss - Secure WebSocket (WSS) clients in Haskell.
- Soketto - A WebSocket protocol implementation in Rust.
- Writing a toy WebSocket server from scratch (2022) (HN)
- PWS - Persistent Web Sockets.
- Example: Serverless WebSockets on AWS
- WebSockets in curl (HN)
- recws - Reconnecting WebSocket is a websocket client based on gorilla/websocket that will automatically reconnect if the connection is dropped and keeps the connection alive - thread safe.
- Goomerang - Protocol buffers over WebSocket communications library.
- wschannel - Implementation of the jrpc2 Channel over WebSocket.
- WebSocket close codes - Table of predefined WebSocket close codes/ranges.
- socketify.py - Bringing WebSockets, Http/Https High Peformance servers for PyPy3 and Python3.
- AsyncAPI Tutorials
- Nice WebSocket Go libraries (2022)
- peasocket - Little WebSocket implementation in Go.
- WebTransport vs. WebRTC vs. WebSocket (HN)
- WebSocket for fasthttp
- Neffos - Modern, fast and scalable WebSocket framework with elegant API written in Go.
- fsf - Typesafe WebSocket client-server framework which thins the borders between clients and servers.
- WebSocket Framing: Masking, Fragmentation and More (2022)
- Swift WebSocket - Light WebSocket written in Swift base on Swift NIO.
- Defined.fi - Real time WebSocket SDK.
- wsproxy - Lightweight WebSocket->TCP proxy.
- Serverless chat application using ApiGateway Websockets
- Mio WebSocket Server - Implementation of WebSocket server with mio and parser combinators.
- ws - WebSocket library for Zig.
- gws - Event-driven go WebSocket server.
- Direct Sockets: Proposal for a future web platform API (HN)
- streamscope - Visualize streams of data through a WebSocket.
- WebSocket Fiber - WebSocket middleware for Fiber.
- NATS as WebSocket server (2023)