Production-ready open-source web server that is fast, easy to use, and makes you more productive.
- Caddy code
- xcaddy - Build Caddy with plugins.
- HN: Caddy 2 (2020)
- caddy-json-schema - JSON schema generator for Caddy v2.
- Caddy Cluster / Certmagic TLS cluster support for Redis
- caddy-yaml - Alternative Caddy YAML config adapter with extra features.
- Project Conncept - Layer 4 app for Caddy that multiplexes raw TCP/UDP streams.
- Setting up a custom 404 page with Caddy v2 (2020)
- Caddy site code
- caddy-auth-portal - Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, SAML Authentication.
- Caddy Ingress Controller
- caddy-git - git clones a git repository into the site. This makes it possible to deploy your site with a simple git push.
- Route53 module for Caddy - Can be used to manage DNS records in Route53 Hosted zones.
- Caddy your Serverless Functions (2020)
- Caddy Docker Proxy - Caddy as a reverse proxy for Docker.
- Building a Kubernetes Ingress Controller with Caddy (2021)
- Caddy Ansible Role - Ansible role for installing and configuring the Caddy web server.
- caddy-auth-jwt - JWT Authorization Plugin for Caddy v2.
- How to setup a Handshake site with Caddy (2021)
- VSCode Caddyfile Syntax - Extension adds syntax highlighting for Caddyfiles.
- Dynamic DNS app for Caddy - Caddy app that keeps your DNS records (A/AAAA) pointed at itself.
- caddy-exec - Caddy v2 module for running one-off commands.
- Easier alternative to Nginx + Lets Encrypt with Caddy Docker Proxy (2021)
- Caddy V2 with Matt Holt (Go Time) (2021)
- caddy-json-parse - Caddy v2 module for parsing json request body.
- Simple A/B testing with Caddy and Plausible Analytics (2021)
- tsid - Tailscale integration for Caddy.
- kwatch - Watch videos from a caddy fileserver.
- caddy-watch - Watch for interesting patterns in Caddy logs and send a Telegram notification.
- caddy-jwt - Caddy Module JWT Authentication.
- HN: Caddy (2021)
- Layer 4 (TCP/UDP) app for Caddy
- caddy-redirects - Provides a middleware that redirects matching URL to another path.
- certmagic-sqlstorage - SQL storage for CertMagic/Caddy TLS data.
- Consul K/V Storage for Caddy TLS data
- Caddy Markdown Site - Serve Markdown files as HTML pages with CSS using just Caddy.
- Use Caddy to manage Tailscale HTTPS certificates (2022) (HN)
- Caddy SSH - General-purpose, extensible, modular, memory-safe SSH server built in Go. (Intro) (HN)
- Caddy NGINX Config Adapter - Run Caddy with your NGINX config.
- Transform Encoder Module for Caddy's Logger - Log encoder module for custom log formats.
- caddy-jsonselect-encoder - Pick what to log in JSON format.
- Caddy v2.5.0 (2022) (HN)
- Caddy Security - Security App and Plugin for Caddy.
- Caddy-NATS - Caddy module that adds support for pub/sub request and reply.
- How to serve a static site using Caddy
- File Sharing with Caddy & MinIO (2022)
- Analyze Caddy logs with Clickhouse (2022)
- Deep dive into Caddy web server (Lobsters)
- gRPC-Web Bridge for Caddy
- Hosting a static site on with nix and caddy (2022) (Lobsters)
- Caddyhttp: Enable HTTP/3 by Default (HN)
- Caddy Mesh - Caddy service mesh based on the host/node architecture.
- 35M Hot Dogs: Benchmarking Caddy vs. Nginx (2022) (HN)
- Caddy Conditional Logging - Caddy log encoder for conditional logging.
- Caddy Proxy Manager - Manage Caddy via a web interface. (Forum post)
- Caddy Community
- Caddy Distribution Resources - Resources for packaging and distributing Caddy.
- Get HTTPS locally with Caddy
- Tailscale Caddy plugin
- Caddy HTTP Rate Limit Module
- Caddy Git - Git Plugin for Caddy v2.
- HTTPS Reverse Proxy: Caddy Outperforms Nginx 4x (2022) (HN)
- Caddy s3browser - Caddy plugin to generate file indexes of S3 buckets to browse via Web Client.
- Caddy Docker - Official Caddy v2 Docker Image.