Internet of things
Matter & Things Network are neat.
- Stephen Marcus - Scaling companies with IoT products people want
- RNode - Integrated, long-range data-radio that uses raw LoRa modulation in a variety of frequency bands.
- TinyGo - Go compiler for small devices, based on LLVM.
- Particle Store - Many cool IOT products to buy.
- TinyFPGA - New series of low-cost, open-source FPGA boards in a tiny form factor.
- IOT + Sensors (with security)
- Lacuna - Low-cost, simple and reliable global connections to sensors and mobile equipment.
- Tock - Secure embedded operating system for Cortex-M based microcontrollers. (Web)
- Arm Mbed Command Line Interface
- IoT Standards and Protocols
- Shodan - Search engine for Internet-connected devices. (Learning Shodan through katas) (HN)
- Sonoff-Tasmota - Alternative firmware for ESP8266 based devices like iTead Sonoff with web UI, rules and timers, OTA updates, custome device templates and sensors support.
- Dumbass Home 2.0. (2019) - Internet of Things. How to Automate Your Rented Box Today.
- Amazon FreeRTOS - IoT operating system for microcontrollers.
- Senet - Cloud-based network connectivity platforms for the on demand build-out and management of the Internet of Things.
- AWS IoT Things Graph (2019)
- TDengine - Open-source big data platform designed and optimized for the Internet of Things (IoT). (Web) (Awesome)
- WebThings Gateway - Web of Things gateway.
- Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description (Code)
- Liftbridge - Lightweight, fault-tolerant message streams.
- Arm Mbed OS - Free, open-source embedded operating system designed specifically for the "things" in the Internet of Things.
- Edge Impulse - Enables developers to create the next generation of intelligent device solutions with embedded Machine Learning.
- ESP8266 series chips - system-on-chip (SoC) which integrates a 32-bit Tensilica microcontroller, standard digital peripheral interfaces, antenna switches, RF balun & more.
- Packet Broker - Neutral and open Internet of Things packet broker allowing IoT operators to interoperate according to the open principles of the internet. (Client) (Go API) (API)
- IoT Device examples (2020)
- Zigbee2mqtt - Allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendors bridge or gateway.
- Core Scenic Library - Client application library written directly on the Elixir/Erlang/OTP stack. Primarily aimed at fixed screen connected devices (IoT).
- Practical difference between Xbee,ble,mqtt,lorawan (2020)
- Zigbee adapter add-on for Mozilla WebThings Gateway
- EVE - Aims to do for the IoT edge what Android did for mobile by creating an open edge computing engine that enables the development, orchestration and security of cloud-native and legacy applications on distributed edge compute nodes.
- Adam - Reference implementation of an LF-Edge API-compliant Controller.
- rtlamr - rtl-sdr receiver for Itron ERT compatible smart meters operating in the 900MHz ISM band.
- Nerves Platform - Open-source platform and infrastructure you need to build, deploy, and securely manage your fleet of IoT devices at speed and scale. (Code) (HN) (Talk) (HN)
- Nerves Livebook Firmware - Lets you try out the Nerves projects on real hardware without needing to build anything.
- Espressif IoT Development Framework
- Towards Secure IoT Programming in Haskell
- Octopi - Research effort for creating an environment in which secure internet-of-things can be developed.
- Matter - Creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance. (Web)
- RT-Thread - Open source IoT operating system. (Web)
- Amazon Sidewalk Privacy and Security Whitepaper (HN)
- Introducing Twilio Microvisor IoT Platform (2020)
- IoT Pentesting
- Awesome Embedded and IoT Security
- Universal Radio Hacker (URH) - Investigate Wireless Protocols Like A Boss.
- Automated irrigation system - Open source application to water plants automatically.
- EMQ X Broker - Scalable and Reliable Real-time MQTT Message Broker for IoT in 5G Era.
- EMQ X Kuiper - SQL based IoT rule engine running at resource constrained edge devices. (Code)
- IoTGoat - Deliberately insecure firmware created to educate software developers and security professionals with testing commonly found vulnerabilities in IoT devices. (Web)
- MCUNet: Tiny Deep Learning on IoT Devices (2020) (Code)
- Zigbee Alliance - Standard-bearer of the open IoT.
- Zigbee-lua - Zigbee coordinator and tools for LuaJIT.
- IoT Security at home (2020)
- IoT: Internet-Optional Things (2021)
- PagerDuty for Things - An interesting IoT project (2019)
- IoT Exploitation Learning Kit
- JerryScript - JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things. (Web)
- balena - Complete IoT fleet management platform. (GitHub)
- FieldKit - Friendly, reliable, low-cost tools to monitor and advocate for the world around you.
- AI on the edge device - Example of Artificial Intelligence (AI) calculations on a very cheap hardware.
- Ockam - End-to-end encrypted messaging and mutual authentication between cloud services and edge devices. (Web) (HN)
- Inside SimpliSafe Alarm System (2021)
- The S in IoT is for Security (HN)
- Zabbix - Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring Solution.
- HStreamDB - Streaming database built for IoT data storage and real-time processing. (Code)
- Cellular connectivity for IoT (2021)
- Memfault - End-to-end observability for your connected devices.
- Nordic Semiconductor
- Building a DIY Smart Doorbell (2021) (HN)
- IoT for Beginners - A Curriculum
- Blues Wireless - Fastest path to build cellular IoT products. (HN)
- Mainflux - Modern, scalable, secure, open-source, and patent-free IoT cloud platform written in Go. (Code) (GitHub)
- NimbleEdge - Edge computing solution for all your needs. (GitHub)
- Elevate IoT platform - Utilizing Rust and GraphQL to enable nimble and effective IoT solutions for real problems.
- IoT Nixie Tubes (2021) (HN)
- Rust IoT Radio Abstraction(s)
- Toit - IoT software platform for the ESP32.
- aws-iot-device-sdk-go - Implements AWS IoT presigned WebSockets dialer and AWS IoT features.
- Synpse - IoT fleet management software. (Go Client)
- SpringQL - Open-source stream processor for IoT devices and in-vehicle computers.
- ESP-IoT-Solution - Espressif IoT Library. IoT Device Drivers, Documentations And Solutions.
- EMQ - Modern Data Infrastructure for IoT. (GitHub) (Twitter)
- - Open edge framework for lightweight IoT devices. (Code)
- Seeed Studio Bazaar - IoT Hardware enabler.
- Nexus - Centralized server for collecting IoT metric data for Elixir/Nerves devices using Mobius.
- Azure IoT SDK for Rust - Self developed library to interact with Azure IoT Hub using MQTT protocol.
- GridDB - Database for IoT with both NoSQL interface and SQL Interface.
- Coding Up an IoT PCB Design (2022) (HN)
- Uplink - Utility to receive commands from and efficiently send data to an IoT Backend.
- Apple2idiot - General purpose ESP32 IoT board for the Apple IIe. (HN)
- carrier - Secure edge access overlay network for IoT devices.
- - German startup specialized on full-stack industrial IoT development. (GitHub)
- Pulsar - Highly modular and blazing fast runtime security framework for the IoT, powered by eBPF. (Web)
- Using IoT Sensors, TimescaleDB, and Grafana to Control the Temperature of the Nuclear Fusion Experiment at the Max Planck Institute (2022)
- Bytebeam - Pluggable and customizable platform for connected devices. (GitHub)
- Apache Mynewt - OS to build, deploy and securely manage billions of devices.
- JoinBase - End-to-end IoT database, freely to run on cloud or on edge as you like. (GitHub)
- Thread is taking over IoT: How IP will change the game (2022)
- Shifu - Kubernetes native IoT software development framework.
- Taking over a Dead IoT Company (2023) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Bytebeam ESP SDK - Application for connecting ESP devices to Bytebeam IoT platform.
- IoT Security 101
- CHERIoT: Rethinking security for low-cost embedded systems (2023) (Code)
- MQTT vs. Kafka: An IoT Advocate's Perspective (2023) (HN)