Internet explained from first principles, Networking tutorial, Everything I know about networking & broad intro are great intros.
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach is great for in depth study. Protohackers has nice coding challenges.
Sniffnet is great way to glance into your network traffic.
is localhost.- Can go to
tab to see details about requests and why they failed if they did fail. Can view headers etc - Web browsers will try to connect over port 80 by default.
- Best way to poll REST API? Timer seems fine. If the data is really changing frequently a WebSocket seems more appropriate. If itâs changing infrequently but you wanna know right away, a silent push notification is the ârightâ way but that requires some infrastructure
- Stanford CS 144: Introduction to Computer Networking (HN)
- 15-441/641 Computer Networks course (2019) (Lectures)
- Clash - Rule based tunnel in Go.
- WebTTY - Share a terminal session over WebRTC.
- libuv - Cross-platform asynchronous I/O.
- Python implementation of the IPv8 layer
- Mitmproxy - Free and open source interactive HTTPS proxy. (Code) (HN)
- Mitmproxy 7.0 (2021) (HN)
- Mitmproxy 8 (2022) (HN)
- CFSSL - CloudFlare's PKI/TLS swiss army knife.
- Every Linux networking tool I know
- inlets - Expose your local endpoints to the Internet. (HN) HN 2
- Recommended books on Computer Networks? (2019)
- SwiftNIO - Cross-platform asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients.
- Wirefilter - Execution engine for Wireshark-like filters.
- Mr.2 - Expose local server to external network.
- High Performance Browser Networking book (2013) (HN)
- stun - Simple layer-3 network tunnel written in C++.
- devcert - Local HTTPS development made easy.
- Open Screen Protocol - Suite of network protocols that allow user agents to implement the Presentation API and the Remote Playback API in an interoperable fashion.
- The world in which IPv6 was a good design (2017) (HN)
- A free Argo Tunnel for your next project (2019)
- HoneyBadger - Quantum Insert detector/recorder.
- SFTPGo - Full featured and highly configurable SFTP server software.
- ZeroTier - Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth. (Terraform provider)
- ssl-proxy - Simple single-command SSL reverse proxy with autogenerated certificates (LetsEncrypt, self-signed).
- Netdata - Distributed, real-time, performance and health monitoring for systems and applications. (HN)
- OpenDrop - Open Source AirDrop Implementation.
- Apache Traffic Server
- Mainframer - Tool that executes a command on a remote machine while syncing files back and forth.
- Magma - Platform for building access networks and modular network services.
- Awesome Networking
- docker-nginx-http3 - Alpine Linux image with Nginx with HTTP/3 (QUIC), TLSv1.3, 0-RTT, brotli support.
- SCION Internet Architecture
- Everything curl - the book (Code)
- Seastar - High performance server-side application framework. (Web) (Article) (Awesome)
- ServiceTalk - Networking framework that evolves with your application.
- Beginner Network Pentesting course notes
- Scale By The Bay 2019: Norman Maurer, Netty 5: Lessons Learned
- Neebula - Scalable overlay networking tool with a focus on performance, simplicity and security. It lets you seamlessly connect computers anywhere in the world.
- gost - Simple tunnel written in golang.
- Braid - Effort to incorporate new distributed technologies into the existing World-Wide Web.
- Implementation of CoAP in go
- inlets - Expose your local endpoints to the Internet.
- inletsctl - Fast HTTP (L7) and TCP (L4) tunnels written in Go.
- Awesome Computer Networking Resources
- Zwitterion - Web dev server that lets you import anything.
- warmy - Hot-reloading loadable and reloadable resources.
- OpenLiteSpeed Web Server - High-performance, lightweight, open source HTTP server.
- Inter-Networking (2019)
- Network Programming Initiative - Supports research on languages, algorithms, and tools for network programming.
- Lobsters: Optimizing home network performance (2020)
- fbtracert - Identify the network components that drops packets by employing the traceroute logic which explores multiple parallel paths.
- Bandwidth Performance Monitoring with Iperf
- ToDD - Distributed Network-Service-Level Assertion Engine.
- myLG - Network Diagnostic Tool.
- Zeek - Powerful network analysis framework that is much different from the typical IDS you may know.
- Fuzzowski - Network Protocol Fuzzer that we will want to use.
- naabu - Port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner.
- sniffglue - Secure multithreaded packet sniffer.
- IPinfo - Trusted Source for IP Address Data.
- - Comprehensive Domain Data API for Developers.
- Remembering the LAN (2020)
- sylkie - IPv6 address spoofing with the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
- FRITZBox - Intelligent Wi-Fi for maximum wireless speed and significantly greater range.
- Home network recommendations? (2020)
- nmap - Network Mapper.
- How Tailscale works (2020) (HN)
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming: Using Internet Sockets (HN) (Code)
- Unix Network Programming
- Wireshark - Worldâs foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer.
- What resources would you recommend to learn socket programming? (2020)
- Lobsters: Good resources to learn about computer networking (2020)
- Introducing KCP: a new low-latency, secure network stack (2020)
- Layer 2 network neighbourhood discovery tool
- Nmap Network Scanning docs
- Reverse Tunneling Dialer - HTTP in TCP in Websockets in HTTP in TCP, Tunnel all the things.
- Lobsters: How do you name your hosts? (2020)
- libnekit - Efficient and Flexible Network Utility Library.
- R2 - Network packet forwarding engine in Rust.
- packetdrill - Enables quick, precise tests for entire TCP/UDP/IPv4/IPv6 network stacks, from the system call layer down to the NIC hardware.
- TCP/IP Tutorial (1991) (HN)
- Is BGP safe yet? No. (HN)
- Achieveing reliable UDP transmission at 10 Gb/s using BSD socket for data acquisition systems (2017) (HN)
- Networking tutorial (2015)
- wormhole - Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL.
- pyshark - Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors.
- Guardian Web Application Firewall
- Network Programming Self-Study (2020)
- Basic LDAP functionality for Go
- Don't trust default timeouts (2020) (Lobsters)
- Fastly Varnish - Explaining how the Fastly CDN works.
- IkaGo - Proxy which helps bypassing UDP blocking, UDP QoS and NAT firewall written in Go.
- TURN Server - VoIP media traffic NAT traversal server and gateway. It can be used as a general-purpose network traffic TURN server and gateway, too.
- gortcd - Fast TURN and STUN server: cross-platform, hot reload, flexible config.
- router7 - Pure-Go implementation of a small home internet router.
- socketmaster - Zero-configuration reverse proxy. (Code)
- free5GC - Open source 5G core network base on 3GPP R15. (HN)
- How to receive a million packets per second (2015)
- 5G and Shannonâs Law (2020) (HN)
- Erbium - Networking services for small/home networks.
- History of the Finger Protocol (2020) (Lobsters)
- Old box, dumb code, few thousand connections, no big deal (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Fast Subnet Matching (2020)
- spoof - Easily spoof your MAC address in macOS, Windows, & Linux.
- Circumlunar Space - Confederation of independently administered but tightly interconnected public access unix servers, with a special emphasis on gopher hosting.
- Can we talk about client-side certificates? (2020) (Lobsters)
- How CDNs Generate Certificates (2020)
- Tunnel to dev - Expose your local web server to the internet with a public URL.
- CS Visualized: CORS (2020)
- IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude (2020) (HN)
- Cloudflare Network Interconnect (2020) (HN)
- Adding a fiber link to my home network (2020) (HN)
- "Cloud-like" Infrastructure at Home - Part 1: LoadBalancers on the Metal (2020)
- Ask HN: How Belarus can keep connected despite internet blackout? (2020)
- How NAT traversal works (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators
- 25 Best CDN Providers
- How do Routers Work, Really? (2020) (HN)
- Building a better home network (2020) (Lobsters)
- socat (2018) - Socat stands for SOcket CAT. It is a utility for data transfer between two addresses.
- PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) - Arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media network protocol.
- Fast Software Cache Design for Network Appliances (2020)
- Creating a Home IPv6 Network (2020)
- Building the Next Evolution of Cloud Networks at Slack (2020)
- Gubernator - Distributed, high performance, cloud native and stateless rate limiting service.
- MTProxy - Simple MT-Proto proxy.
- Multicast and the markets with Brian Nigito (2020)
- NetworKit - Open-source tool suite for high-performance network analysis. Its aim is to provide tools for the analysis of large networks in the size range from thousands to billions of edges. (Web)
- Understanding operational 5G: a first measurement study (2020) (HN)
- slurm - Yet another network load monitor.
- evilscan - Nodejs Simple Network Scanner.
- Ixy languages - High-speed network driver written in C, Rust, C++, Go, C#, Java, OCaml, Haskell, Swift, JavaScript, and Python.
- Redwood - Web content filter that runs as an HTTP proxy.
- Anachro: Network Protocol, and a PC architecture for a microcontroller-based system
- Cloudflare One (2020) (HN)
- I Setup My Own Personal CDN using Cloudflare and S3 (2020)
- Mininet - Emulator for rapid prototyping of Software Defined Networks. (Web)
- Project V - Set of network tools that help you to build your own computer network. Secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy.
- BPF, XDP, Packet Filters and UDP (2020) (Tweet)
- Hermes - Minimalist, easy to deploy, dependency free file server written in go.
- CDN Geolocation - Geolocation API via HTTP headers from a CDN, currently supporting AWS Cloudfront, Cloudflare, Fastly and Google AppEngine.
- remotemoe - Software daemon for exposing ad-hoc services to the internet without having to deal with the regular network stuff such as configuring VPNs, changing firewalls, or adding port forwards.
- MOSN - Cloud native proxy for edge or service mesh written in Go. (GitHub) (Web)
- File Descriptor Transfer over Unix Domain Sockets (2020)
- curl - Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. (Code)
- IPv6 Is a Nightmare (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Etherify - Transmit Radio Signals via Ethernet. (HN)
- NetworkMananger-l2tp - L2TP and L2TP/IPsec support for NetworkManager.
- GNUnet - Network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. (Code)
- Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Protocol - Open source transport technology that optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet.
- Awesome Optimal Transport
- Build VNF - Collection of utilities to build fast and green virtualized network functions.
- Argo Tunnel client - Tunneling daemon that proxies any local webserver through the Cloudflare network. (Docs)
- Many services, one cloudflared (2020)
- Transport Protocols: TCP and UDP
- PcapPlusPlus - Multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting of network packets.
- LibreSpeed - Free and Open Source Speedtest. (LibreSpeed CLI)
- CppServer - Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution.
- TinyCheck - Allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them.
- uSockets - Miniscule cross-platform eventing, networking & crypto for async applications.
- Nanomsg - Socket library that provides several common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast, scalable, and easy to use. (GitHub)
- Proxify - Swiss Army knife Proxy tool for HTTP/HTTPS traffic capture, manipulation, and replay on the go.
- Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol (Code)
- Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Architecture
- rosen: censorship-resistant proxy tunnel (2020) (Lobsters)
- Awesome PCAP Tools
- Networking Tools Every Developer Needs to Know (2020)
- Babel - Loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol for IPv6 and IPv4 with fast convergence properties. (Code)
- Network UPS Tools - Collection of programs which provide a common interface for monitoring and administering UPS, PDU and SCD hardware. (Web)
- ESP-Hosted solution - Provides a way to use ESP32 or ESP32-S2 (termed as ESP peripheral) as a communication processor for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth/BLE connectivity.
- Fun with IP address parsing (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Syntropy Stack - The Future of Programmable Networking.
- The Atlas for the Aspiring Network Scientist (2021) (HN)
- Awesome Tunneling - Ngrok alternatives and other ngrok-like tunneling software and services. (HN)
- Server-sent events: a simple way to stream events from a server (2021)
- Mesh Network Lab - Emulate mobile ad-hoc mesh networks of hundreds of nodes on a computer.
- Connectivity: Wireless & Wired
- IPv6 ULA (Unique Local Address) registry - Contains all of the prefixes that were in the sixxs database.
- Timing web requests with cURL and Chrome (2018)
- CoreRAD - Extensible and observable IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol router advertisement daemon. (Web)
- Intro to securing communication protocols with Noise (2021)
- GoBGP - BGP implementation in Go. (Web)
- DPDK - Set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing.
- Open Wireless Link - Open Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) implementation written in C. (Web)
- Change your MAC address with a shell script (HN)
- OpenStack Neutron - OpenStack project to provide "network connectivity as a service" between interface devices (e.g., vNICs).
- Thola - Tool for monitoring and provisioning network devices written in Go.
- Tips how to connect with people better
- Computer Networks: A Systems Approach (HN)
- localtunnel - Allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine without messing with DNS and firewall settings. (Web)
- Merino - SOCKS5 Proxy server written in Rust.
- Pomerium - Identity-aware proxy that enables secure access to internal applications. (Code)
- Shadowsocks - Secure socks5 proxy. (Code) (GitHub) (Guide) (Web Code)
- Open, Programmable, and Virtualized 5G Networks
- The Programmable Data Plane Reading List
- Ridiculous Router Resets (2021)
- Curl Cookbook
- Splitting the ping (2021) (Lobsters) (Code)
- Arkime - Open source, large scale, full packet capturing, indexing, and database system. (Web)
- Implementer's Guide to SOCKS (2021)
- Open Wireless Link - Opening up Appleâs wireless ecosystem around the Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) protocol.
- Audio over Bluetooth: most detailed information about profiles and codecs (2019) (HN)
- UERANSIM - Open source 5G UE and RAN (gNodeB) implementation.
- netbootd - Lightweight network boot/install server (DHCP, TFTP, HTTP).
- Ethernet and IP Networking 101 (Heavily Illustrated) (2021)
- The Actual OSI Model (2021) (HN)
- ZeroTier - Connect team members from anywhere in the world on any device.
- hostctl - Gives you more control over the use of your hosts file.
- Lobsters: What do you use for your home networking setup? (2021)
- - What is my IP address?
- Network Calculus: A Comprehensive Guide (2016)
- Networking Books
- Full functional WiFi repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT router)
- Docker Stack which Monitors your home network
- Why did the IETF specifically choose 192.168/16 to be a private IP address class? (Lobsters)
- Start building your own private network on Cloudflare today (2021)
- sx - Fast, modern, easy-to-use network scanner.
- Awesome Internet Scanning
- Termshark - Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark.
- netdiag - IPv4 and IPv6 network diagnostics.
- Kentik - Cloud-based, real-time network visibility and analytics solution for network and security operators. (GitHub)
- NoRouter - (IP-over-Stdio) is the easiest multi-host & multi-cloud networking ever. (Code)
- Proving 50-Year-Old Sorting Networks Optimal: Part 1 (2021) (Lobsters)
- innisfree - Expose local services via public IPv4 addresses, safely.
- Transport vs Network (2021)
- Send My - Upload arbitrary data via Apple's Find My network. (Article) (HN)
- Wait for It - Wait until an address become available.
- Home network 10 Gbit/s upgrade (2021)
- Observing my cellphone switch towers (2021) (HN)
- Preparing your game for deterministic netcode (2021) (HN)
- BGP introduction, all you need to know to start (2021) (HN)
- FRRouting - Software that implements and manages various IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols. (Web)
- The long wondrous life of a Tailscale packet (2021)
- Demo BPF applications - Scaffolding for BPF application development with libbpf and BPF CO-RE.
- BPF tips & tricks: the guide to bpf_trace_printk() and bpf_printk() (2021)
- Understanding btrfs internals (2020)
- multiaddr - Composable and future-proof network addresses. (Web)
- curl localhost as a local host (2021)
- OSI Reference Model - The ISO Model of Architecture for Open Systems Interconnection (1980)
- Easegress - All-rounder traffic orchestration system.
- Bluetooth Mesh Rust - Cross-platform, full Bluetooth Mesh stack implemented in Rust.
- netkat - Netcat version using raw sockets to avoid iptables and/or other OS filtering mechanisms.
- Enabling real-time collaboration with RSocket (2021)
- LDAP Guide Part 1: Foundations
- Ask HN: Best way to learn networking fundamentals quickly (2021)
- WTF is my IP? (Code)
- Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF (2020)
- Lucid: A Language for Control in the Data Plane (2021)
- LibreCellular - Aims to make it easier to create 4G cellular networks with open source software and low cost software-defined radio (SDR) hardware. (HN)
- What's your preferred tool for load testing? (2021)
- Ask HN: Good books/courses to learn networking essentials for web developers? (2021)
- Download speeds: What Do 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G mean? (2018) (HN)
- Tetrate - Application-aware networking for all Workloads, in all Environments. (GitHub)
- Hotwire - Allows you to study network traffic of a few popular protocols in a simple way.
- HomeNetworking Reddit
- i2pd - End-to-End encrypted and anonymous Internet. (Web)
- Cheat Sheet on Curl Latency Metrics: how to benchmark server latency with curl
- Channel polarization: A method for constructing capacity-achieving codes for symmetric binary-input memoryless channels (2008) - Paper that inspired 5G. (HN)
- What is Anycast? | How does Anycast work?
- Comcast - Simulating poor network connections so you can build better systems. (Reddit)
- Introduction to open source private LTE and 5G networks (2021) (HN)
- A Linux Kernel Implementation of the Homa Transport Protocol (2021) (Paper)
- Netcat - All you need to know (2021) (HN)
- Installing A Home Network (2021)
- IPv6 Watch (HN)
- sockperf - Network Benchmarking Utility.
- The 5-Hour CDN (2021) (HN)
- Rustcat - Netcat Alternative in Rust.
- Nautobot - Network Source of Truth & Network Automation Platform.
- How does FaceTime Work? (2021)
- phpIPAM - Open-source web IP address management application. (Code)
- What domain name to use for your home network (2021) (HN)
- IPv4 vs. IPv6 FAQ (HN) (Lobsters)
- Latency Sneaks Up on You (2021) (HN)
- Wi-Fi QR Code generator - Create a QR code with your Wi-Fi login details.
- NetworkX - Network Analysis in Python. (Web)
- Forward and reverse proxies explained (2021)
- How I reâover-engineered my home network for privacy and security (2021) (HN)
- Weird Proxies - Cheat sheet about behavior of various reverse proxies and related attacks.
- Bender - Build load testing applications for services using protocols like HTTP, Thrift, Protocol Buffers and many more.
- Fast IPv4 to Host Lookups (2020)
- Where are IPv3 and IPv5? (Lobsters)
- If fiber optics are 30% the speed of light, why is ping across countries so high? (2021)
- slirpnetstack - User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces.
- RTC (Real-Time Communication) at scale (2020)
- Submarine cable map rendered onto a globe (HN)
- gostatsd - Implementation of Etsy's statsd in Go with tags support.
- CloudFlair - Find origin servers of websites behind CloudFlare by using Internet-wide scan data from Censys. (Article)
- alphaicon - α-Indirect Control in Onion-like Networks.
- IPv6 Fundamentals: A Straightforward Approach to Understanding IPv6, 2nd Edition (HN)
- - Web-based CIDR / netmask / IP address visualizer. (Code)
- Steering oceans of content to the world (2017) (HN)
- WiFi Connect - Easy WiFi setup for Linux devices from your mobile phone or laptop.
- Hello IPv6: a minimal tutorial for IPv4 users (HN)
- Geneva - Automated censorship evasion for the client-side and server-side. (Web)
- socks - Fully featured SOCKS proxy client supporting SOCKSv4, SOCKSv4a, and SOCKSv5. Includes Bind and Associate functionality.
- go-netflow - Capture process in/out traffic, similar to c Nethogs.
- Preview Local Projects with Cloudflare Tunnel (2021) (Tweet)
- Tunnel: Cloudflareâs Newest Homeowner (2021) (Tweet)
- Characterizing CDNsâ latencies with passive measurement (2021)
- The Network Simulator - Free open source project aiming to build a discrete-event network simulator targeted for simulation research and education.
- Cuishark - Protocol analyzer like a wireshark on CUI.
- hostsfile - Go tool for working with /etc/hosts files.
- 127 - Tool for mapping hostnames to random loopback addresses.
- What's in a hostname? (2021)
- 32 Bit Real Estate (2021) (HN)
- Consul - Service Mesh for any runtime or cloud.
- Consul Replicate - Provides a convenient way to replicate values from one Consul data center to another using the consul-replicate daemon.
- multiping - Pings several hosts at once to test outside connectivity.
- Ethox - Standalone library for user-space networking and unikernel systems with a focus on speeed and stability.
- Netmiko - Multi-vendor library to simplify Paramiko SSH connections to network devices.
- Gomiko - Go implementation of Netmiko.
- hBPF - eBPF in Hardware. (HN)
- Comparing Open Source BGP Stacks (2021)
- Open IP over VHF/UHF 5 (2021) (HN)
- Linux, Netlink, and Go - Part 1: netlink (2017)
- ZMap - Fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys. (Web)
- net2o - Reinventing the Internet. (Lobsters)
- Network intersubjectives (2021) (Tweet)
- Viska - SIP server/framework built in Rust.
- libSRTP - Implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP), the Universal Security Transform (UST), and a supporting cryptographic kernel.
- Pathvector - Declarative edge routing platform that automates route optimization and control plane configuration with secure and repeatable routing policy. (Web)
- inlets-on-fly - Automates the task of creating an inlets-pro exit-server (tunnel server) on the platform.
- Ask HN: Connect to the Internet the old way during next Ethiopian lockdown? (2021)
- âIllegalâ Moscow state university network built by students (2002-2013) (HN)
- dstp - Run common networking tests against your site.
- Test Certificates for localhost (2021)
- Webhook Relay - Relay and proxy all your webhooks to public and internal destinations.
- Fast checksum computation (2018)
- Rport - Manage remote systems with ease. (Web)
- The Challenge of Bluetooth Distance Estimation (2020)
- getssl - Obtain SSL certificates from the ACME server. Suitable for automating the process on remote servers.
- dhcparse - Zero-copy Rust DHCPv4 parser.
- XMPP, a comeback story (2021) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Network Protocol Breakdown: Ethernet and Go (2017)
- OpenThread - Open-source implementation of the Thread networking protocol. (Web)
- udplb - UDP packet forwarder using eBPF.
- Mongoose - Embedded Web Server / Embedded Networking Library. Implements event-driven non-blocking APIs for TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket, MQTT. (Web)
- Everything you ever wanted to know about UDP sockets but were afraid to ask (2021)
- Apache Traffic Control - Build a large scale content delivery network using open source. (Code)
- The internet is held together with spit and baling wire (2021) (HN)
- How The Internet Travels Across Oceans (2021)
- sockdump - Dump unix domain socket traffic with bpf.
- How Does NTP (Network Time Protocol) Work? (2021) (HN)
- Routinator - RPKI Validator written in Rust.
- nats-spy - Terminal tool to help you to monitor NATS messages.
- BIRD Journey to Threads. Chapter 0: The Reason Why (2021)
- CoreBGP - Plugging in to BGP (2020)
- Some latency measurement pitfalls
- ip-location-db - ip to location database by ASN, GeoFeed, Whois,, webnet77, db-ip lite, GeoLite2.
- Masscanned - Network responder. Its purpose is to provide generic answers to as many protocols as possible.
- How eBPF will solve Service Mesh (2021) (HN)
- Gatling - Load test tool. It officially supports HTTP, WebSocket, Server-Sent-Events and JMS. (Web)
- Violet - Lightweight STUN/TURN server.
- Ouroboros - Peer-to-peer packet network prototype.
- NetPlier - Tool for binary protocol reverse engineering. Takes network traces as input and infer the keywork by multiple sequence alignment and probabilistic inference.
- rsntp - High-performance NTP server written in Rust.
- Firewalla - Cybersecurity Firewall For Your Family and Business. (Code)
- Signal Calling Service - Forwards media from 1 group call device to N group call devices.
- ZGrab - Fast, modular application-layer network scanner designed for completing large Internet-wide surveys.
- Roll Your Own Network (Lobsters)
- Whatâs something all modern home networks should include, but most donât? (2021)
- rabbit-digger - Rule based proxy written in Rust.
- FruityWiFi - Open source tool to audit wireless networks. (Code)
- UDPspeeder - Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction, possible for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP).
- ARouteServer - Tool to automatically build (and test) feature-rich configurations for BGP route servers.
- rathole - Secure, stable and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust.
- eBPF Foundation
- BumbleBee - Helps to build, run and distribute eBPF programs using OCI images.
- Freebind - IPv4 and IPv6 address rate limiting evasion tool.
- ESP32 NAT Router - Simple NAT Router for the ESP32.
- VoLTE/VoWiFi research with $0 of equipment: set up a phone network over Wi-Fi calling (2022)
- Make the internet yours again with an instant mesh network (2022) (HN)
- jswhois - Tool to look up and print WHOIS results in JSON format.
- Internet protocols and tools related documentation (Code)
- Ghost in the ethernet optic (2022) (Lobsters)
- Set up a practically free CDN (HN)
- Reasons for servers to support IPv6 (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Things we (finally) know about network queues (2017)
- Zero-copy network transmission with io_uring (2021) (HN)
- Selected Topics in Computer Networks @ Johns Hopkins University
- Advanced Computer Networks @ Johns Hopkins University
- How to stop running out of ephemeral ports and start to love long-lived connections (2022) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Why and how I got my own ASN (2022) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Implementation of CIDR routing table in Rust (2022)
- Hysteria - Feature-packed network utility optimized for networks of poor quality (e.g. satellite connections, congested public Wi-Fi, connecting from China to servers abroad).
- ntopng - Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring.
- Best practices for segmentation of the corporate network of any company
- Exposing a web service with Cloudflare Tunnel (2022) (HN)
- Zuul - Gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
- Wifi Network Testing - Scan your wifi network and obtain troubleshooting details, with extreme granularity.
- What does it mean to listen on a port? (2022) (HN) (Reddit)
- The Harmful Consequences of the Robustness Principle (2021) (Lobsters)
- Networking for System Administrators Book by Michael Lucas
- Basic Network Troubleshooting (2022) (HN)
- Foundations of Python Network Programming (2014) (Code)
- What are your favorite small internet protocols? (2022)
- tubular - BSD socket API on steroids. (Lobsters)
- NetBox - Infrastructure resource modeling for network automation.
- Rosen - Modular proxy tunnel that encapsulates traffic within a cover protocol to circumvent censorship.
- Going IPv6 only (2022) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Pipy - Tiny, high performance, highly stable, programmable proxy.
- HTB - DevOops
- The internet was designed with a narrow waist (2022) (HN)
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach (2021)
- glider - Forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).
- Landiscover - Command-line tool that allows to discover devices and services available in the local network.
- Nimble - Open source, rapidly deployable, wireless mesh network.
- Packet Sender - Network utility for sending / receiving TCP, UDP, SSL, HTTP. (Web)
- Scapy - Powerful Python-based interactive packet manipulation program and library.
- Better visibility into packet-dropping decisions (2022)
- ngrep - GNU grep applied to the network layer.
- Jalapeno - Cloud-native infrastructure platform to enable development of network services.
- OpenConfig - Collaborative effort by network operators to develop programmatic interfaces and tools for managing networks in a dynamic, vendor-neutral way. (Web)
- Cloudflare Clientless Web Isolation (2022)
- Ask HN: Is Public WiFi Dangerous? (2022)
- sniffer - Modern alternative network traffic sniffer.
- Netproc - Tool to monitor network traffic based on processes.
- A Primer on Proxies (2022) (HN)
- Nice computer networking courses (2022)
- Hyperspace - Open-Source 3D Location-Based Wireless Mesh Network. (HN)
- Smap - Replica of Nmap which uses's free API for port scanning.
- How to properly interpret a traceroute or mtr (2022)
- Arpchat - Text your friends on the same network using just ARP. (HN)
- network-opt - Library for topological network optimization.
- netsim-tools - Network simulation tools.
- Easy to Use Cloudflare Tunnels (2022) (HN) (Reddit)
- Wait4X - Allows you to wait for a port or a service to enter the requested state.
- 5G Skeptic (2022) (HN)
- Computer Networks From Scratch (HN)
- Always Online: STUN servers - List of publicly available STUN servers, refreshed every hour.
- Optimizing Magic Firewallâs IP lists (2022)
- You âOwnâ 16 Milion+ IPv4 Addresses! (2022)
- Cloudflare RPKI Validator Tools and Libraries
- Hexagon - Terminal based Homelab dashboard so you can monitor all the apps you run locally and remember them.
- traceroute-caller - Sidecar service which runs traceroute after a connection closes.
- Scout - URL fuzzer and spider for discovering undisclosed VHOSTS, files and directories on a web server.
- PacketStreamer - High-performance remote packet capture and collection tool.
- How to make âlocalhostâ slightly less local (2022) (HN)
- How 90's dial-up Internet worked, and let's make our own ISP. (2022)
- Aeron - Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport.
- firewalld - Firewall daemon with D-Bus interface.
- IPIP.NET - IP Database based on real time BGP/ASN data analytics.
- Bore - Simple CLI tool for making tunnels to localhost. (HN)
- Beyond POSIX - Adventures in Alternative Networking APIs (2022)
- 5G, Wi-Fi, mmWave and wireline in a single gateway SoC
- liwasc - High-performance network and port scanner. It can quickly give you a overview of the nodes in your network, the services that run on them and manage their power status. (Code)
- Z-Wave Node - Z-Wave driver written entirely in JavaScript/TypeScript.
- Eero Pro 6E and Eero 6 Review: Fast and Easy (2022) (HN)
- 1,000,000 Concurrent Connections (2022) (Lobsters)
- Benchmark for implementation of servers that support 1m connections
- Useful Wireless Links
- nmapAutomator - Automate the process of enumeration & recon that is run every time, and instead focus our attention on real pentesting.
- Occamy - Modern remote desktop proxy written in Go.
- My upgrade to 25 Gbit/s Fiber To The Home (2022) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Defined Networking - Extend network access with on-demand, encrypted tunnels between any hosts on any network. (Twitter)
- gVisor-tap-vsock - New network stack based on gVisor.
- Shuttle - Web proxy in Go with amazing features.
- I won free load testing (2022) (HN)
- Creating and deploying a tiny proxy server on Vercel in 10 minutes (2022)
- GOSNIFF - Textual User-Interface Network Sniffer.
- Scapy: low level packet hacking toolkit for Python (2022) (HN)
- tinysnitch - Interactive firewall for inbound and outbound connections.
- Linux Networking Scripts/Commands (2022)
- The Two Generals Problem (2022) (HN)
- LibreSSL - Fork of OpenSSL developed by the OpenBSD project.
- Magic NAT: everywhere, unbounded, and lower cost (2022)
- Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) - Application-level network protocol designed for multiplexing and packetizing multimedia transport streams.
- 25 Gbit/s HTTP and HTTPS download speeds (2022) (Lobsters)
- Meter - Internet & WiFi for businesses. (Building internet infrastructure into a utility) (Twitter)
- NetblockTool - Find netblocks owned by a company.
- Using WebTransport (2020) - API offering low-latency, bidirectional, client-server messaging. (HN)
- vnStat - Network traffic monitor for Linux and BSD.
- SpoofDPI - Simple and fast anti-censorship tool written in Go.
- Building a Budget Homelab NAS Server (2022) (HN)
- Teleforking a process onto a different computer (2020) (HN) (Code) (HN)
- Awesome Low Latency
- ranpha - Generate QR code of your Wi-Fi network.
- WiFi Exploitation Framework
- Terabit Ethernet - Wikipedia
- Retina - Network analysis framework that supports 100+ Gbps traffic analysis on a single server with no specialized hardware.
- Spring '83 - Speculative new protocol.
- TraceVis - Traceroute with any packet. Visualize the routes. Discover Middleboxes and Firewalls.
- Skupper - Enables cloud communication by enabling you to create a Virtual Application Network.
- Best Router/Access Point Option if money not part of equation for larger home? (2022)
- Getting Started with NATS (2022)
- Ask HN: How would you bootstrap a telco? (re: Rogers outage) (2022)
- Best router for a new apartment with minimal smart tech? (2022)
- Running an Open Source Home Area Network
- Seenvoy - Visualize the configs of the Envoy.
- Throttle - Throttle your network connection.
- SQUID - Squid Web Proxy Cache.
- My 4G setup for working remotely from anywhere (2022) (Lobsters)
- When It Does Not Listen for Thee, Ask for Whom the Server Listens (Understanding Listening Addresses) (Lobsters)
- ICMP, Ping, and Traceroute - What I Wish I Was Taught (2020)
- Egress Eddie - Simple tool designed to do one thing: filter outbound traffic by hostname on Linux.
- Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points (HN)
- Ookla Internet benchmark results around the World
- Trippy - Network diagnostic tool.
- From Oscilloscope to Wireshark - A UDP Story (2022)
- Computer Networking : Principles,Protocols and Practice (Twitter)
- How to send raw network packets in Python with tun/tap (2022)
- cidr - CLI to perform various actions on CIDR ranges.
- Sniffnet - Packet sniffer completely written in Rust. Multithreaded, cross-platform, reliable.
- Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet (2022) (HN)
- Mercure - Open, easy, fast, reliable and battery-efficient solution for real-time communications. (Web)
- WHOIS: Fragile, unparseable, obsolete... and universally relied upon (2022) (HN)
- Notes from Tail Latency Aware Caching Paper by RobinHood (2022)
- Ziti - Programmable network overlay and edge components for zero-trust networking. (HN)
- Measure latency - Ultra-light-weight tool to quickly test your ping. (Code) (HN)
- Snabb - Simple and fast packet networking toolkit.
- Netmap - Framework for very fast packet I/O from userspace.
- rconn - Multiplatform program for creating reverse connections. It lets you consume services that are behind NAT and/or firewall without adding firewall rules or port-forwarding. (Reddit)
- mule - Fast proxy: eBPF data plane, Go control plane.
- Leveraging strategic connection migration-powered traffic splitting for privacy (2022)
- GoFlow2 - NetFlow/IPFIX/sFlow collector in Go. Gathers network information (IP, interfaces, routers) from different flow protocols, serializes it in a common format.
- SONiC - Open source network operating system based on Linux that runs on switches from multiple vendors and ASICs. (Web Code)
- A Cheap 2.5GbE PoE Unmanaged Switch (2022) (HN)
- Country IP Blocks - CIDR country-level IP data, straight from the Regional Internet Registries, updated hourly.
- WiGLE: Wireless Network Mapping (HN)
- How to hide your IP address (2022)
- CloudFront vs. Cloudflare, and how to reduce response times for both by ~35%+ (2022) (HN)
- Wiring my home with fiber (2022) (HN)
- hyperglass - Network looking glass that tries to make the internet better. (Code)
- Blip - Tool for seeing your internet latency. (HN)
- IP2Location Node.js Module - Knowing where your visitors from.
- Submarine Cable Map
- Ask HN: How many of you prefer to use Ethernet? (2022)
- Apex - Provide connectivity between nodes deployed across heterogeneous environments.
- Higress - Next-generation Cloud Native Gateway.
- Sabakan - Versatile network boot server designed for large on-premise data centers.
- A Day in the Life of an IPv6 Packet on illumos (2022)
- F-Stack - User space network development kit with high performance based on DPDK, FreeBSD TCP/IP stack and coroutine API. (Web)
- The Effectiveness of Checksums for Embedded Control Networks (2009)
- mighty-snitch - Noticing and preventing network requests should be easy.
- mapCIDR - Small utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges.
- SocketHub - Multi-protocol gateway for the Web using ActivityStream messages.
- Exploiting Protocols for Fun (2022)
- User-space network protocol stack written in Rust
- MPIS - Multiprotocol IP Switching.
- A Theory of Composing Protocols (2022)
- Cloudflare servers don't own IPs anymore so how do they connect to the internet? (2022) (HN) (Tweet)
- NFStream - Flexible Network Data Analysis Framework.
- Dora - DHCP server written in Rust using tokio. (HN)
- Tell HN: IPv6-only still pretty much unusable (2022)
- Pulling MikroTik into the Limelight Demystifying and Jailbreaking RouterS (2022) (HN)
- KasmVNC - Remote web-based access to a Desktop or application.
- Everything I know about networking (2022)
- IPv6 Internet is broken (HN)
- Getting started with nmap (2022) (HN)
- Comprehensive MPI Tutorial Resource (Code)
- How Many Computers Are In Your Computer?
- NATS By Example - Collection of reference examples using NATS.
- Writing a Mini-CDN to Learn Nginx/Prometheus/Grafana/Lua
- Certificate Ripper - CLI tool to extract server certificates.
- WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow - Network performance analysis tool, making it easy to quickly examine a network and see what is wrong, and to evaluate longer term trends.
- Self-hosted home network monitoring with ntopng, a Fritz Box and an home server (2022)
- MT-bulk - Automate sending mass commands to Mikrotik devices using SSH, SSL API and by REST API gateway.
- proxy-scraper-checker - HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 proxies scraper and checker.
- Netiquette - Lightweight open-source network monitor designed exclusively for macOS.
- Ask HN: Is it just me or is 5G strictly worse than LTE? (2023)
- Ask HN: What's with the DIY state of the art long-range Wi-Fi? (2023)
- 3proxy - Tiny free proxy server.
- MicroSocks - Portable SOCKS5 server with very moderate resource usage.
- Zrok - Open-source peer to peer. (Web) (HN)
- My network home setup V4 (2023) (HN)
- Networking tutorial - YouTube
- Protohackers - Challenges you to create servers for network protocols. (Code)
- MITM Proxy - MITM Proxy Written in Rust. Ultimate Toolkit for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets with SSL/TLS Capabilities.
- RFC 1925: The Twelve Networking Truths (1996)
- "BGP at home": getting a DIA circuit installed at home (2023) (HN)
- dhcpm - CLI tool for constructing & sending DHCP messages.
- The Internet explained from first principles
- Connecting a 1980s Pinball Machine to the Internet (2023) (HN)
- Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking (2012) (HN)
- Oxide and Friends â Rack-scale Networking (2023) (HN)
- Daze - Help you pass through the firewalls, in other words, proxy.
- Network Programming and Automation Essentials (2023) (Code)
- An Introduction to Computer Networks