Connect, gRPC UI, gRPC-Gateway & Wombat are useful. gRPC-Go & gRPC-TS are great too.
Evans is nice gRPC Go client. DRPC is interesting alternative to gRPC.
Ezy seems nice too.
- Go gRPC Middleware - Interceptor chaining, auth, logging, retries and more.
- gRPC-rs - Rust wrapper of gRPC Core. gRPC is a high performance, open source universal RPC framework that puts mobile and HTTP/2 first.
- gRPC Web - JavaScript library that lets browser clients access a gRPC service.
- gRPC Web implementation for Golang and TypeScript
- Awesome gRPC
- Tower gRPC - gRPC client & server implementation.
- BloomRPC - GUI Client for GRPC Services.
- tonic - Native gRPC client & server implementation with async/await support in Rust.
- Swift & gRPC: Supercharging your Web APIs (2019)
- Swift gRPC - Swift language implementation of gRPC.
- grpc-rust - Rust implementation of gRPC.
- Seamless Cloud-Native Apps with gRPC-Web and Istio (2018)
- gRPCurl - Command-line tool that lets you interact with gRPC servers.
- Evans - More expressive universal gRPC client.
- ttrpc - GRPC for low-memory environments.
- ttrpc-rust - Rust implementation of ttrpc (GRPC for low-memory environments).
- ygot - YANG-centric Go toolkit - Go/Protobuf Code Generation; Validation; Marshaling/Unmarshaling.
- grpc-graphql-gateway - Protoc plugin that generates graphql execution code from Protocol Buffers.
- grpc-gateway - gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec.
- OpenAPI and gRPC Side-by-Side (2017)
- Pike - Generate CRUD gRPC backends from single YAML description.
- gRPC on Node.js
- protoreflect - Reflection (Rich Descriptors) for Go Protocol Buffers.
- gRPC Proxy - Go reverse proxy that allows for rich routing of gRPC calls with minimum overhead. (Fork)
- gNMI - gRPC Network Management Interface.
- Ditching REST with gRPC-web and Envoy (2020)
- Road to gRPC (2020)
- grpclib - Pure-Python gRPC implementation for asyncio.
- BloomRPC-Mock - Toolset library for working with GRPC mocks.
- Wombat - Cross platform gRPC client.
- Mortar - Go framework/library for building gRPC (and REST) web services.
- gRPC microservice for dealing with users and its CLI client + Helm chart
- ratelimit - Go/gRPC service designed to enable generic rate limit scenarios from different types of applications.
- python-betterproto - Clean, modern, Python 3.6+ code generator & library for Protobuf 3 and async gRPC.
- grpcbin - httpbin like for gRPC.
- gRPC UI - Interactive web UI for gRPC, along the lines of postman.
- GripMock - Mock server for GRPC services.
- Kreya - gRPC GUI client. It makes calling gRPC APIs easy. (Docs) (Issues) (HN)
- gRPC Channels - Channels for gRPC: custom transports.
- grpc-testing - Testing and helper tool for grpc server, using cuelang and grpcurl.
- gun - Toy gRPC Tunnel over CloudFlare.
- gRPC Is Easy to Misconfigure (2021) (HN)
- DRPC - Drop-in, lightweight gRPC replacement. (Web) (Article) (Reddit) (Lobsters)
- Why load balancing gRPC is tricky? (2020)
- ghz - gRPC benchmarking and load testing tool. (Web)
- gRPC vs REST: comparing APIs architectural styles (2021)
- Lile - Easily generate gRPC services in Go.
- PowerProto - Awesome version control tool for protoc and its related plugins.
- grpc-fallback-go - Lightweight proxy that connects gRPC to HTTP/1.1.
- API Client Generator for Go - Generator for protocol buffer described APIs for and in Go.
- GAPIC Showcase - API that demonstrates Generated API Client (GAPIC) features and common API patterns used by Google.
- gnostic gRPC plugin - Gnostic plugin that converts an OpenAPI API description into a description of a gRPC service that can be used to implement that API using gRPC-JSON Transcoding.
- nrtSearch - High performance gRPC server, with optional REST APIs on top of Apache Lucene.
- Protocol Buffers + Docker - All inclusive Protocol Buffer and gRPC suite, powered by Docker and Alpine.
- grpctl - Crisp command-line experience for your gRPC services without writing a line of code.
- Introduction to gRPC in Rust (2021)
- asio-grpc - Asynchronous gRPC with Asio/unified executors.
- ProtoFuzz - Generic fuzzer for Google’s Protocol Buffers format.
- protobuf-inspector - Tool to reverse-engineer Protocol Buffers with unknown definition.
- gRPC-Web Dev Tools - Chrome & Firefox Browser extension to aid gRPC-Web development. (Fork)
- Using Wireshark to decrypt TLS gRPC Client-Server protobuf messages
- Documenting a gRPC API - tools comparison (2021)
- GenDocu - gRPC SDK and Documentation generator.
- gRPC - Best Practices (Lobsters)
- AIP Go - Go SDK for implementing resource-oriented gRPC APIs.
- gRPC on GKE and Istio - gRPC client/server running loadbalanced/failover on Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine.
- gRPC Web and gRPC Transcoding with Envoy (2021)
- nRPC - RPC framework like gRPC, but for NATS.
- plex - Multiplexer that allows GRPC and HTTP server listening on the same port.
- grpc-http1 - GRPC via HTTP/1 Enabling Library for Go.
- gRPC testing infrastructure support code
- wiremock grpc - Mock gRPC server to test your outgoing gRPC requests.
- gRPC benchmarks
- Postman Now Supports gRPC (2022) (HN)
- gRPC-Web Demo - Dockerized Go microservices and their envoy proxy's for a flow which showcases gRPC for Web Clients. (Reddit)
- Microservices Go gRPC - Go microservices with REST, and gRPC using BFF pattern. This repository contains backend services. Everything is dockerized.
- fullstack-grpc - gRPC with REST gateway and interceptors and example web app with envoy proxy.
- gRPC-swagger - Debugging gRPC application with swagger-ui.
- GRPC for production - Abstracts away the details of the GRPC server and client configuration.
- grpc-proto - GRPC-defined protobufs for peripheral services such as health checking, load balancing, etc.
- kuberesolver - GRPC Load Balancer with Kubernetes resolver.
- grpc-proxy-sidecar - Intercept and inspect grpc traffic for debugging. Designed as a sidecar. Packaged as a docker image.
- SansShell - Primarily gRPC server with a variety of options for localhost debugging and management.
- gRPC for iOS
- GRPC Extensions - Extensions to the grpc-go library, for making GRPC more useful and/or easier to use.
- gRPC website code
- grpc-actix - Fast, actor-based gRPC implementation in Rust.
- REST <-> gRPC gateway library implementation with OpenResty
- ts-protoc-gen - Protoc Plugin for generating TypeScript Declarations.
- gRPC-WASM - gRPC-Web implementation in Go, built using the WASM architecture target.
- gRPC Rich Error Model - Server implementation of gRPC Rich Error Model in Node.js.
- Whisk GRPC web library
- Reverse proxy gRPC via Traefik
- clay - Minimal server platform for gRPC and REST+Swagger APIs in Go.
- grpc-build - Flexible way to manage protobuf files and generate the gRPC code required by tonic.
- gRPC Kit - Utility methods for gRPC.
- falafel - Go tool to generate go APIs for gRPC services for use on mobile/WASM platforms.
- GRPC consul resolver - Easy-pluggable full-feature GRPC resolver for services registered in Consul.
- gRPC-Web vs the gRPC-Gateway (2021)
- MALI - Minimalistic gRPC microservice framework for Node.js.
- grapi - Easy API server and generator in gRPC and Go.
- gRPC-Tools - Suite of gRPC debugging tools. Like Fiddler/Charles but for gRPC.
- grpctl - Quickly generate a gRPC CLI or use gRPC reflection with ease.
- Go-gRPC - Collection of gRPC and Go examples showcasing features of the framework.
- Camouflage - Backend mocking tool for HTTP, gRPC, Websockets and Thrift protocols. (Docs)
- Why gRPC is great (2022)
- Connect - Slim library for building browser and gRPC-compatible HTTP APIs. (Article) (HN) (Tweet) (Demo Code)
- Interactive gRPC API Documentation (Code)
- The Story of Why We Migrate to gRPC and How We Go About It - Matthias Grüter, Spotify (2019)
- gRPC Websocket Proxy - Proxy to transparently upgrade grpc-gateway streaming endpoints to use websockets.
- Go gRPC Middleware for Sentry
- Node gRPC Server
- grpcutil - Various utilities to simplify common gRPC APIs.
- gRPC JSON Proxy - gRPC proxy for Postman like tools.
- Connect-Web - Simple, reliable, interoperable. A better gRPC-Web. (Article) (HN)
- Why Does gRPC Insist on Trailers? (2022) (HN)
- Go gRPC Examples
- gRPC Go Master Class: Build Modern API & Micro services
- gRPC Gateway Boilerplate - All the boilerplate you need to get started with writing grpc-gateway powered REST services in Go.
- Effective gRPC (2018)
- Filtering gRPC Messages using Envoy
- protoc-gen-grpc-gateway-ts - TypeScript client generator for the grpc-gateway project.
- gRPC Long-lived Streaming
- ProtoClient - Typed gRPC Client with static code generation.
- gRPC & protocol buffers with Askhay Shah (2022)
- gRPC Demystified - Build a gRPC server in 7 minutes - using just the Go standard library.
- Learn to Build Production-Grade Microservices with gRPC and Go (2022)
- gRPC Microservices in Go (2022)
- Ezy - Fully-featured desktop gRPC/gRPC-Web client. (Code) (HN)
- gRPC Client CLI - Generic gRPC command line client.
- connect-grpchealth-go - gRPC-compatible health checks for any net/http server.
- sqlc-grpc - Create gRPC server from code generated by sqlc.
- jordi - gRPC TUI.
- getezy/grpc-client - Universal, extendable gRPC/gRPC-Web client library used in ezy.
- grpcdebug - Command line interface focusing on simplifying the debugging process of gRPC applications.
- grpcmock - GRPC Test Utilities for Go.