Load balancing
- gobetween - Modern & minimalistic load balancer for the ะกloud era.
- GitHub Load Balancer Director (GLB) - Set of components that provide a scalable set of stateless Layer 4 load balancer servers capable of line rate packet processing in bare metal datacenter environments, and is used in production to serve all traffic from GitHub's datacenters.
- Seesaw - Linux Virtual Server (LVS) based load balancing platform.
- bfe - Open-source layer 7 load balancer derived from proprietary Baidu FrontEnd.
- Adventures in Rust and Load Balancers (2019)
- Inside the GitHub Load Balancer (2020)
- Traefik Forward Auth - Minimal forward authentication service that provides OAuth/SSO login and authentication for the traefik reverse proxy/load balancer.
- HAProxy - Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer. (Web) (HAProxy Data Plane API)
- High Availability Load Balancers with Maglev (2020)
- Examining Load Balancing Algorithms with Envoy (2020)
- Convey - Layer 4 load balancer with dynamic configuration loading.
- Dropbox posts on load balancing
- Awesome Load Balancing
- Vulcand - Programmatic load balancer backed by Etcd.
- Ask HN: What is an acceptable latency for a web load balancer? (2020)
- KgLb - L4 a load balancer built on top of linux ip virtual server (ip_vs).
- Tyler McMullen - Load Balancing is Impossible (2016)
- Traefik: canary deployments with weighted load balancing (2020)
- Weaver - Layer-7 Load Balancer with Dynamic Sharding Strategies. It is a modern HTTP reverse proxy with advanced features.
- Making applications scalable with Load Balancing (2006)
- MetalLB - Load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters, using standard routing protocols. (Docs)
- One Year of Load Balancing (2020) (HN)
- Katran - High performance layer 4 load balancer.
- Traefik Ondemand Plugin - Traefik plugin to scale containers on demand.
- Deterministic Aperture: A distributed, load balancing algorithm (2019) (HN)
- dhcplb - Facebook's implementation of a load balancer for DHCP.
- sidekick - High Performance HTTP Sidecar Load Balancer.
- Load Balancing and Auto Scaling with Open Source HAProxy (2021)
- Rust and Load Balancers (2019)
- Nucleon - Dynamic TCP load balancer written in Rust. It has the ability to insert and remove backend servers on the fly.
- wirez - Simple socks5 round-robin load balancer.
- Eureka - AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
- Using load shedding to avoid overload (HN)
- AWS Communism: How we cut our Load Balancing cost by more than 96% (2021) (HN)
- Istio in Action Book (2018)
- Testing Client-Side Load Balancing Strategies (2021)
- Load Shedding for Evil Wizards - Tony Allen (2021)
- Istio's networking: an in-depth look at traffic and architecture (2021)
- slb - Load-balancer made from steel.
- A deep dive on load balancing algorithms (HN)
- Envoy Proxy Big Book of Examples
- eBPF for Service Mesh? Yes, but Envoy Proxy is here to stay (2021)
- Samaritan - Client side L4 or L7 proxy, written in Go, with the aim to provide high availability and load balancing.
- Data Center Layer-4 Load Balancer Simulator
- Chproxy - ClickHouse HTTP proxy and load balancer.
- Mallob - Malleable Load Balancer. Multitasking Agile Logic Blackbox. Award-winning SAT solving for the cloud.
- sangfroid - Load balanced threadpool.
- Loxilb - eBPF based cloud-native service load-balancer. Powering K8s|Edge|5G|IoT|XaaS Apps. (HN)