Apache Kafka
This talk is good intro. Franz is nice mac Kafka client.
- Confluent - Complete Event Streaming Platform For Apache Kafka.
- Kafka ecosystem ... but step by step
- Playground for Kafka/Confluent Docker experimentations
- Goka - Compact yet powerful distributed stream processing library for Apache Kafka written in Go.
- Streams and Tables in Apache Kafka: A Primer (2020)
- Kafka in Netflix Studios (2020)
- OPERATR - Observe, explore, and control streaming compute.
- Kaf - Kafka CLI inspired by kubectl & docker.
- What every software engineer should know about Apache Kafka (2020) (HN)
- jocko - Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native).
- Kafka Removing Zookeeper Dependency (2020) (HN)
- Kafka-Pixy (gRPC/REST Proxy for Kafka)
- Mirroring from Apache Kafka to Azure Event Hub (2020)
- CMAK - Tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters.
- Redpanda - Real-time engine for modern apps. 10x Faster Kafka. (Code) (HN) (First Impressions) (Redpanda 21.10.1) (HN) (Docs) (Docs Code)
- rochefort - Poor man's kafka (plus in-place mutations and search).
- Why Can’t I Connect to Kafka?
- Eliminating Task Processing Outages by Replacing RabbitMQ with Apache Kafka (2020) (HN)
- Runtime Discovery of Kafka Streams (2020)
- Strimzi - Apache Kafka running on Kubernetes. (Web)
- Trubka - CLI tool for Kafka written in Go.
- franz-go - High performance, pure Go library for interacting with Kafka.
- Kafka is not a Database (2020) (HN) (Tweet)
- Kafka As A Database? Yes Or No (2021)
- Kafka Kit - Tools for Scaling Kafka. (Article)
- Estimating when a message will be consumed in Kafka (2020)
- Kafka message scheduler - Allows you to send message to a target topic on a specific time with a particular payload.
- librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library. (HN)
- A review of Kafka books and tutorials (2021)
- Is Pulsar better than Kafka? (2020)
- The Kafka API is great; now let's make it fast (2021)
- Kafka Rust Client
- Kafka timers (2021)
- Contrasting Kafka with Akka (2021)
- Kafka Lag Exporter - Monitor Kafka Consumer Group Latency with Kafka Lag Exporter.
- Awesome Open-Source Contribs for Apache Kafka
- kafka-serde - Rust's serde implementation for the Kafka protocol.
- Apache Kafka Mocking and Testing (2020)
- Kafka Without ZooKeeper: A Sneak Peek At the Simplest Kafka Yet (2021)
- Best Books to Learn Apache Kafka (2021)
- Kafka-Penguin - Easy-to-use, lightweight KafkaJS library for message processing.
- Understanding Kafka with Factorio (2019) (HN)
- Google Pub/Sub Lite for Kafka Users (2021)
- Teach Yourself Apache Kafka and Python with a Jupyter Notebook
- Confluent Hub - Discover Kafka connectors and more.
- Gently Down the Stream - A gentle introduction to Apache Kafka (HN)
- UI for Apache Kafka - Free open-source web UI for monitoring and management of Apache Kafka clusters. (HN)
- Starting with Kafka (2021) (HN)
- Conduktor - Kafka Desktop Client. (GitHub)
- Event-driven OpenFaaS with Managed Kafka from Aiven (2021)
- End-to-End Encryption through Kafka
- Building a Kafka based key-value store in Rust (2021)
- The basics you need to know about Kafka [Graphic Explanation]
- Winton Kafka Streams - Python implementation of Apache Kafka Streams.
- Kafka Rust Example - Simple command line application to read/write message to kafka topic using protobuf.
- Exactly once delivery from Kafka to Delta Lake with Rust
- Optimizing Kafka Performance (2021) (Reddit)
- What is Apache Kafka, and what are Kafka use cases? (2021)
- pg2kafka - Ship changes in Postgres to Kafka.
- Issues we've encountered while building a Kafka based data processing pipeline (2021) (HN)
- josef - Process Kafka streams with Clojure Transducers.
- Kafka Streams in Scala (2021)
- Kafka Streams 101 (2021)
- Kafka Streams 101 – resources to get started (2021)
- rust-rdkafka - Fully asynchronous, futures-enabled Apache Kafka client library for Rust based on librdkafka.
- Sarama - Go library for Apache Kafka.
- kcctl - CLI for Apache Kafka Connect.
- Pinterest Secor - Service implementing Kafka log persistence.
- Scaling Kafka at Honeycomb (2021) (HN)
- kafkactl - Command Line Tool for managing Apache Kafka.
- Kasper - Lightweight library for processing Kafka topics.
- Postgres, Kafka, and the Mysterious 100 GB
- Create page view analytics system using Kafka, Go, Postgres & GraphQL in 5 steps (2021)
- kaproxy - Restful HTTP Proxy For Kafka.
- Brod - Apache Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir.
- Castle - Framework for building Kafka and avro based apps in typescript.
- Franz - Kafka client library for Erlang/Elixir based on librdkafka implemented as a safe Rust NIF.
- Disaster Recovery for Multi-Region Kafka at Uber (2020)
- Delivering billions of messages exactly once (2017)
- kPow for Apache Kafka - Monitor. Manage. Learn.
- Building Real-Time ETL Pipelines with Apache Kafka (2022)
- confluent-kafka-python - Confluent's Kafka Python Client.
- Kafdrop - Kafka Web UI.
- Introduction to Apache Kafka by James Ward (2017)
- GraphQL Kafka Subscriptions
- Kafka Consumer Autoscaling with KEDA (2022)
- Confluent's Go Client for Apache Kafka
- Apache Kafka Code
- RSKafka - Minimal Rust client for Apache Kafka.
- node-kafka-streams
- Kowl - Web UI for Apache Kafka.
- CloudHut - Use Apache Kafka more efficiently.
- KMinion - Prometheus Exporter for Apache Kafka.
- Kafka Python client
- upstash-kafka - HTTP based Kafka Client for Serverless and Edge Functions.
- KafkaJS - Modern Apache Kafka client for node.js.
- Kafka for Kubernetes - Kafka cluster as Kubernetes StatefulSet, plain manifests and config.
- Greyhound - Rich Kafka client library in Scala.
- kaskade - Kafka text user interface in style.
- kafkacrypto - End-to-End Message Layer Encryption for Kafka.
- Kafka Docker Playground - Fully automated Apache Kafka and Confluent Docker based examples.
- AWS Serverless Kafka (2022)
- kafkaproxy - Reverse proxy for the wire protocol of Apache Kafka.
- Karapace - Your Kafka essentials in one tool. Serving all your Apache Kafka® HTTP needs. (Web)
- Build a Data Streaming App for Sound & Vision (2022)
- Burrow - Kafka Consumer Lag Checking.
- kcat - Generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka.
- Redpanda Data - YouTube
- KafkaSSE - Kafka Consumer to HTTP SSE/EventSource.
- BroadwayKafka - Broadway connector for Kafka.
- CMAK - Tool for managing Apache Kafka clusters.
- kt - Kafka tool that likes JSON.
- Kafka Proxy - Proxy connections to Kafka cluster. Connect through SOCKS Proxy, HTTP Proxy or to cluster running in Kubernetes.
- System Design: Why is Kafka fast? (2022)
- Simplifying Redpanda Raft implementation (2022)
- StreamOps - Kafka and Red Panda Streaming Operations Platform.
- FranzView - Open source kafka monitoring and management tool built with Javascript developers in mind.
- Build a Reactive Data Streaming App with Python and Apache Kafka (2022)
- Docker images for Apache Kafka
- Postgres: a better message queue than Kafka? (2022) (Lobsters)
- Kafka Worker - Kafka broker implementation on top of Cloudflare Workers. (HN)
- Kafka Streams with Serverless Kafka (2022)
- Zilla - Event-driven API gateway that can extend Apache Kafka to the edge.
- Franz - macOS Client for Apache Kafka. (Article) (HN)
- ZIO Kafka - Kafka client for ZIO and ZIO Streams in Scala.
- KStream - Apache Kafka Streams for Go.
- Kafka in 100 Seconds (2023)
- Apache Kafka Beyond the Basics: Windowing (HN)
- Streaming Events from Redpanda Cloud into Imply Polaris (2023)
- NATS to Kafka Bridging
- Optimizing Apache Kafka® for High Throughput (2023)
- FastKafka - Powerful and easy-to-use Python library for building asynchronous web services that interact with Kafka topics. (HN)