Data Visualization
Vega is great. Hands-On Data Visualization Book & Common Plots are nice intros.
Observable Plot & Rath are great.
Nice examples
- Vega - Declarative format for creating, saving, and sharing visualization designs. (Code)
- Vega-Lite - High-level grammar of interactive graphics. Provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis. (Code) (HN)
- Vega-Lite API - JavaScript API for Vega-Lite.
- Vega Editor
- VegaGraphs - Implements graph visualization with Vega-Lite.
- vega-bundler - Compile optimized Vega and Vega-Lite bundles.
- react-vega - Convert Vega spec into React class conveniently.
- altair_recipes - Collection of ready-made statistical graphics for vega.
- XVega - C++ API to Vega-Lite.
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization book (2019)
- Most cited scientific papers within data visualization (2019)
- Visualization of related subreddits
- Draco - Formal framework for representing design knowledge about effective visualization design as a collection of constraints.
- Observable - Magic notebook for visualization. (Product)
- Bl.ocks - Simple viewer for sharing code examples hosted on GitHub Gist.
- react-vis - Data Visualization Components.
- - WebGL-powered framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets.
- Flourish - Quickly turn your spreadsheets into stunning online charts, maps and interactive stories. (Twitter)
- Dash App Gallery
- Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib Book (2021)
- Awesome Interactive Journalism
- SandDance - Visually explore, understand, and present your data.
- Bokeh - Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python.
- In praise of scatter plots (2019)
- Perspective - Streaming pivot visualization via WebAssembly.
- Bar Chart Race, Explained (2019)
- owid-grapher - Interactive data visualizations done quickly.
- HoloViz - High-level tools to simplify visualization in Python.
- Datashader - Graphics pipeline system for creating meaningful representations of large datasets quickly and flexibly.
- Perception in Visualization
- Prize winning JS solution for the Telegram April 2019 coding contest
- New technique for making responsive, JavaScript-free charts (2020)
- HiPlot - Lightweight interactive visualization tool to help AI researchers discover correlations and patterns in high-dimensional data. (Article) (HN)
- - Hub for learning through play. (HN) (Code)
- Interactive Data Visualization course (2020)
- Vega-Embed - Makes it easy to embed interactive Vega and Vega-Lite views into web pages.
- Facette - Time series data visualization software.
- Experimental 3D axis for matplotlib
- Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems. (GitHub)
- PlotJuggler - QT5 based application to display time series in plots, using an intuitive "drag and drop" interface. (Web) (HN)
- Lightweight Charts - Financial lightweight charts built with HTML5 canvas.
- Glue - Python project to link visualizations of scientific datasets across many files. (Web) (Multi Dimensional Linked Data Exploration with Glue)
- Learning Observable
- BizCharts - Powerful data visualization library based on G2 and React.
- Bar Chart Race - Make animated bar chart races in Python with matplotlib. (Docs) (Article)
- Gallery of Concept Visualization - Features projects which use pictures to communicate complex and difficult ideas.
- Vida - Software tool that reads JSON files and turns them into compelling dashboards. (Code)
- Best of the visualization web (2020)
- Data Visualisation Catalogue (HN)
- Muze - Free data visualization library to create Tableau-like charts in browser.
- Beautiful News - Unseen trends, uplifting stats - daily.
- Data-Visualization Books Everyone Should Read
- Information is Beautiful
- e-sum - Visualization of exponential sums. (Code)
- Matplot++ - C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization.
- How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations (2020) (HN)
- Kyrix - Interactive details-on-demand data visualizations at scale.
- Dash Deck - Library for building 3D interactive maps and graphical visualizations directly in Dash.
- Apache ECharts - Powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser. (Web)
- ECHARTS-GL - Extension pack of Apache ECharts, which providing 3D plots, globe visualization and WebGL acceleration.
- - Interactive graphing library for Python (includes Plotly Express).
- Gnuplot 5 book
- Pandas Profiling - Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects.
- ImPlot - Immediate mode, GPU accelerated plotting library for Dear ImGui.
- Edward Tufte: Seeing with Fresh book (2020)
- Why We're Building Observable (2020) (HN)
- Global population density graphic (2020)
- Lux - Python API for Intelligent Visual Data Discovery.
- ETE (Environment for Tree Exploration) - Python programming toolkit that assists in the automated manipulation, analysis and visualization of phylogenetic trees. (Web)
- From data to Viz - Find the graphic you need. (Code)
- hvPlot - High-level plotting API for pandas, dask, xarray, and networkx built on HoloViews. (Docs)
- HoloViz - High-level tools to simplify visualization in Python. (GitHub)
- tikzplotlib - Convert matplotlib figures to TikZ/PGFplots for smooth integration into LaTeX.
- Chartify - Python library that makes it easy for data scientists to create charts.
- G6 - Graph Visualization Framework in TypeScript.
- Ask HN: What low-code “dashboarding“ SaaS would you recommend in 2021?
- Datashader - Quickly and accurately render even the largest data. (Docs)
- VisPy - Interactive scientific visualization in Python. (Web)
- ChartSeer - Visualization tool that helps analysts steer their exploratory visual analysis (EVA) through dynamic visualization and recommendation of charts.
- dygraphs - Interactive visualizations of time series using JavaScript and the HTML canvas tag. (Web)
- Raincloud Plots - Code and tutorials to visualise your data that is both beautiful and statistically valid.
- Data Visualization and the Modern Imagination (HN)
- Awesome visualization research
- RAWGraphs - Open web tool to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing d3.js library. (Code)
- Zeu.js - JavaScript library for real-time visualization. (Docs)
- Which color scale to use when visualizing data (2021)
- go-tsne - Go implementation of t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), a prize-winning technique for dimensionality reduction particularly well suited for visualizing high-dimensional datasets.
- Expose your private Grafana dashboards with TLS (2021)
- Dataviz Accessibility Resources
- Online text to diagram tools
- Serial Studio - Multi-purpose serial data visualization & processing program. (Web)
- Chartability - Methodology for ensuring that data visualizations, systems, and interfaces are accessible.
- Battle of the Python Dashboarding Giants: Streamlit vs. Dash vs. Voilà vs. Panel (2021) (HN)
- Semiotic - Data visualization framework combining React & D3. (Web)
- Grafar - JavaScript library for reactive, 3D mathematical visualization. (Web)
- Observable Plot - JavaScript library for exploratory data visualization. (Web) (HN) (Tweet) (Tweet) (HN)
- Dataflow - Self-hosted Observable notebook editor, with support for FileAttachments, Secrets, custom standard libraries, and more. (Web) (Demo) (HN)
- VisualDL - Deep Learning Visualization Toolkit.
- Creating Data: Deep scatterplots
- Awesome dataviz tools by Cube.js (Reddit)
- Framework for visualizing data encoded as JSON
- Railroad-diagram Generator - Small JS+SVG library for drawing railroad syntax diagrams, like on
- ProPlot - Lightweight matplotlib wrapper for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics. (Docs)
- Seaborn - Statistical data visualization in Python. (Web)
- dtreeviz - Python library for decision tree visualization and model interpretation.
- In defense of simple charts (2021) - Simple visualization types don’t need to be boring.
- Visualizing a codebase (2021) (Tweet) (Lobsters)
- Data Visualization with D3, JavaScript, React - Full Course (2021)
- clip - Create charts from the command line. (Web)
- Kroki - Creates diagrams from textual descriptions. (Code) (CLI)
- Awesome Charting
- Vizzu - Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
- Yagr - High performance HTML5 canvas chart renderer based on uPlot. It provides high-level features for uPlot charts.
- Pandas_Alive - Animated plotting extension for Pandas with Matplotlib.
- Literate Visualization - Light-touch approach to designing, building and describing visualization. (Web)
- Irydium - Interactive documents and data visualizations in markdown. (Web)
- Data Visualization: attribute types and their graphical elements (2021)
- Mermaid Live Editor - Online FlowChart & Diagrams Editor. (Code)
- Percival - Declarative data query and visualization language. (Web)
- Ask HN: What is the best book on data visualization in 2021?
- Plotly.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash. (Docs)
- Data Commons - Aggregates data from a wide range of sources into a unified database to make it more accessible and useful.
- The Gamma - Tools for open data-driven storytelling. (GitHub)
- CapsNet-Visualization - Visualization of the CapsNet layers to better understand how it works.
- Gender Equality Creative Platform — Story - Branded data visualization system helps tell human stories about gender equality. (Tweet)
- Awesome Dataviz
- Awesome Web visualization frameworks
- The Science of Visual Data Communication: What Works (2021) (HN) (HN)
- Dash-by-Plotly - Dedicated to teaching Dash and Plotly.
- Data visualization: A view of every Points of View column (2013)
- chartpy - Easy to use Python API wrapper to plot charts with matplotlib, plotly, bokeh and more.
- Constellation - Graph-focused data visualisation and interactive analysis application. (Web)
- Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization (2013) (HN)
- Data Visualization Curriculum - Data visualization curriculum of interactive notebooks, using Vega-Lite and Altair. (Code)
- Lumen - Framework for visual analytics, which allows users to build data-driven dashboards from a simple yaml specification.
- Datawrapper - Create charts, maps, and tables. (HN)
- VizHub - Platform for interactive graphics. (Code)
- Hal9 - Bring Your Data to Life. (Code)
- Bloxs - Display your data in an attractive way in your notebook.
- Dash Cytoscape - Dash component library for creating interactive and customizable networks in Python, wrapped around Cytoscape.js.
- Tools for visualizing a codebase (HN) (Code)
- Explained Visually - Making hard ideas intuitive inspired the work of Bret Victor's Explorable Explanations. (Code)
- VegaFusion - Serverside acceleration for the Vega visualization grammar.
- datasette-dashboards - Datasette plugin providing data dashboards from metadata.
- Webviz - Visualizing robotics data in the browser. (Code)
- Atlas - Visualization tool for creating customizable, interactive graphs in a browser using Python and Dash Cytoscape.
- Scalable Vega - Demo of scaling Vega to millions of records.
- gridviz - JavaScript library for visualizing large amounts of gridded data client-side, through the power of WebGL.
- tmap - Very fast visualization library for large, high-dimensional data sets.
- Mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown. (Docs) (HN) (CLI)
- Hands-On Data Visualization: Interactive Storytelling from Spreadsheets to Code Book (Code)
- datatile - Library for managing, validating, summarizing, and visualizing data.
- - Loaders for big data visualization.
- Troika JS - JavaScript framework for interactive 3D and 2D visualizations.
- bfc - Industrial-grade brainfuck compiler.
- catchart - Pipe something from command line to a chart in the browser.
- A Tiny Grammar of Graphics (HN)
- H2O Wave - Real time Web Apps and Dashboards for Python and R. (Web)
- MPL Plotter - Publication-quality data representation library based on Matplotlib.
- LovelyPlots - Style sheets to nicely format figures for scientific papers, thesis and presentations while keeping them fully editable in Adobe Illustrator.
- Friends Don't Let Friends Make Bad Graphs
- Visualize Value Archive
- Firefly: A browser-based interactive 3D data visualization tool for large data (2022) (HN)
- TUEplots - Extend matplotlib for scientific publications.
- DeepScatter - Deep Scatterplots for the Web.
- Streamlit Elements - Create a draggable and resizable dashboard in Streamlit, featuring Material UI widgets, Monaco editor (Visual Studio Code), Nivo charts, and more.
- Streamlit Component Templates - Templates and example code for creating Streamlit Components.
- Streamlit Plotly Events - Streamlit component that allows Plotly events to bubble back up to streamlit. Makes Plotly charts interactive.
- Awesome ggplot2
- Textnets - Text analysis with networks.
- HoloViews - Open-source Python library designed to make data analysis and visualization seamless and simple.
- Histogram vs eCDF (2022)
- Pylustrator - Software to prepare your figures for publication in a reproducible way.
- Text Visualization Browser
- Charts - Apple Human Interface Guidelines
- What to consider when using text in data visualizations (2022)
- Mini-Budget. Major Catastrophe.
- Scrollama - Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver.
- Common Plots
- Chartist -Simple Responsive Charts in SVG. (HN) (Web)
- G2.js for R
- datavzrd - Tool to create visual HTML reports from collections of CSV/TSV tables.
- - Visual Bibliography of Tree Visualization. (HN)
- webkid - Create data visualizations, customized tools and interactive maps that make your data easier to understand. (GitHub) (Twitter)
- ChartFx - Scientific charting library focused on performance optimized real-time data visualization at 25 Hz update rates for data sets with a few 10 thousand up to 5 million data points.
- Visvis - Python library for visualization of 1D to 4D data in an object oriented way.
- Unovis - Modular data visualization framework. (Web) (HN)
- decksh - Language for presentations, visualizations, and information displays.
- Charticulator - Interactive Layout-Aware Construction of Bespoke Charts.
- Guide To Getting Data Visualization Right (2023)
- Rath - Automated data exploratory analysis and visualization tools.
- Inviwo - Interactive Visualization Workshop.
- Population Pyramids of the World
- plotly_resampler - Visualize large sequential data by adding resampling functionality to Plotly figures.
- Lyra - Interactive, graphical Visualization Design Environment.
- Olli - Screen Reader Accessibility for Data Visualization.
- Graphy - Slick, interactive charts that make your work stand out. (Twitter)
- Matching Many Classes to Fewer Colors (2023) (Lobsters)
- Vega-Lite - Graphics created using the Vega-Lite language.
- pyCirclize - Circular visualization in Python. (HN)
- Kanaries - AI enhanced data exploration.
- PyGWalker - Turn your pandas dataframe into a Tableau-style User Interface for visual analysis. (HN)
- Aquarel - Styling matplotlib made easy.
- What chart libraries are ‘modern’? (2023)
- 1 dataset. 100 visualizations.
- Plotteus - JavaScript data visualization library designed to help you tell better stories.
- Plotly Panel - Render any kind of charts from any data source with Plotly.
- How Bad Is Your Colormap? (2014)
- A Eulogy for Dark Sky, a Data Visualization Masterpiece (2023)