Computer Science
Missing Semester of Your CS Education, Functional Introduction To Computer Science, Coding Interview University, Self learning CS & Rust CS are great overviews of CS.
I loved reading Code: The Hidden Language book. It explains computing very well from ground up.
- Turing machines are not the only theoretical model that can be used to define computation.
- The Church-Turing Thesis: Story and Recent Progress
- Self-Learning, Modern Computer Science Curriculum
- Learn CS in 5 months
- Making a computer Turing complete
- What Is Abstraction in Computer Science
- Open Source Computer Science Degree
- Most influential books for programmers
- Ask HN: What book to read to get a footing in CS theory? (2019)
- Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science (HN) (HN)
- Teach Yourself Computer Science (HN) (HN) (HN)
- Programming and Computer Science Courses
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (HN) (Video Lectures) (Notes)
- Ask HN: What are the most fundamental books on computer science? (2019)
- Code by Charles Petzold (1999)
- CS/ML notes
- Computer Science Roadmap (AI Track)
- Computer Science for The Busy Developer - High speed overview of fundamental areas and concepts of computer science.
- CSRankings: Computer Science Rankings (Reason to reject the ranking) (Code)
- Computer Science Resources
- Our Thoughts on P=NP (2020)
- List of Cornell Computer Science Course Offerings
- A Short Note on The Y Combinator (2018)
- BaseCS - Exploring the basics of computer science, every Monday, for a year.
- Falsehoods CS Students (Still) Believe Upon Graduating (2019)
- Simple, quick cheat sheets on CS concepts
- Missing Semester of Your CS Education (Code) (Lobsters) (HN) (In Russian) (Videos Code) (HN) (HN)
- How These Things Work - A book about CS from first principles (2016) (HN)
- Philosophy of Computer Science
- Computer Science from the Bottom Up (Code) (HN)
- Foundational knowledge for programmers
- Computer Science Ontology (CSO) - Large-scale ontology of research areas that was automatically generated using the Klink-2 algorithm.
- Surprisingly Turing-Complete (2012) (HN) (HN)
- Harnessing vision for computation (2008)
- The Morning Paper - Short summary every weekday of an important, influential, topical or otherwise interesting paper in the field of computer science.
- List of recommended CS readings
- Daniel Bernstein's research
- Computing for Computer Scientists (2017) (Code)
- NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality
- CS Unplugged – Computer Science without a computer (HN)
- Computer Science Readings
- A Guide to Big O notation (2020)
- Big O Notation - explained easily (2021) (HN)
- Lobsters: Recommended readings for a recent CS graduate (2020)
- Applying to Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science (2014) (HN)
- Curated Self Study Guide for Computer Science and DevOps/SRE/SysAdmin
- How to Run Algorithmic Information Theory on a Computer (1995) (HN)
- Nature Computational Science - Online-only journal focused on the development and use of computational techniques and mathematical models to address complex problems across a range of disciplines.
- What was so fundamental about the Turing machine? Which reference should I read to learn about it? (2020)
- Ask HN: I'm an incoming freshman to college for a CS major, what should I know? (2020)
- Richard Feynman Computer Heuristics Lecture (1985)
- CS50's Introduction to Computer Science (EDX)
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (1999)
- Is This a Turing Machine? (HN)
- Professor solves 240 computer science exam problems in 4 hours (2020) (HN)
- Entropy: An Introduction (HN)
- Corecursion and coinduction: what they are and how they relate to recursion and induction (Lobsters)
- Turing-Completeness Totally Free (Paper)
- Essential Coding Theory (2019) (HN)
- Codexpanse - Programming and CS courses for humans.
- Cambridge Department of Computer Science
- Abstracting Abstract Machines (2010) (HN)
- Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses (2020)
- CS Notes - University CS notes. (Code)
- Differential Synchronization - Describes the Differential Synchronization (DS) method for keeping documents synchronized.
- Foundations of Computer Science notebook
- Richard Feynman and Computation (1999)
- Computer Science Awards, Scholarships, & Fellowships
- HazyResearch - CS research group led by Prof. Chris Re.
- Computer Science Textbooks
- Fun with Combinators (2020) (HN)
- Awesome CS Courses
- Princeton University CS (GitHub)
- E. Dijkstra – The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders (2020) (HN)
- The FUNARG Problem Explained (1968)
- Weekly CS Paper - Get a computer science paper every Friday.
- Foundations of Computer Science (1992) (HN)
- Program and Data Representation course (Code)
- Foundations of Computer Science annual conference (2020)
- Exploring How Computers Work (2020) (Reddit)
- Destroy All Software - Computation explained with screencasts.
- Map of Computer Science (2017)
- Ask HN: What are the best advanced computer science courses online? (2020)
- Lobsters: Advice on advanced degrees in computer science? (2020)
- Combinators and the Story of Computation (2020)
- NandGame - Build a computer from scratch.
- Theory of Computation in 4 Videos (HN)
- Easy Theory - YouTube lectures on computer science theory.
- CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2020)
- Dijkstra: On the cruelty of teaching computing science (HN)
- Curated list of articles, resources and links on programming, math and computer science (2020)
- Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems (1987)
- Counting Complexity (Lobsters)
- Computability Theory and Complexity Theory Cheat Sheets
- Colin S. Gordon CS reading list
- Best Paper Awards in Computer Science over the past 25 years
- Stanford Computer Science
- Computer Science Open Rankings
- Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines
- Computer Science Curriculum in 1000 YouTube Videos (HN)
- MIT Computer System Engineering (2018) (HN)
- Abstract Machines: Interpreters for Computer Scientists (2020) (Code)
- Crafting Semantics (2021) - Series about creating semantics for a programming language.
- Syllabus for Classics of Computer Science (HN)
- Princeton Network Systems (SNS) group (GitHub)
- Computer Science courses with video lectures
- Indiana University Computer Science Program Technical Report Index
- Virginia Tech Computer Science Technical Reports
- UTCS Tech Reports
- Ask HN: Is a Master's in CS worth it? (2021)
- Most under-valued ideas in computer science (2021)
- Whether, Why, and How to Get a Ph.D. in Computer Science
- A.M. Turing Award
- Why not faster computation via evolution and diffracted light (2021)
- Foundations of Information (Code)
- Lobsters: What are the best computer science papers? (2021)
- Software and Computational Systems Lab (GitHub)
- Kolmogorov Complexity: Extensions and Applications (2021) (HN)
- Automata Modulo Theories (2021)
- Coding Coach - YouTube
- VScape: Assessing and Escaping Virtual Call Protections (2021)
- Hints for Computer System Design (2016)
- Alphabetical Listing of ACM SIGs
- Stanford CS Curriculum (HN)
- Modern Computing is NOT Good at Executing Programs (2021)
- Offbeat Computation Club - Mathematics and computation book club. (GitHub)
- College Compendium - Collection of 650+ university CS courses for the curious.
- Information Theory: A Tutorial Introduction (2018) (HN)
- Is this true? (2021)
- Resources for Learning Computational Complexity Theory (2021)
- An Experimental Study of Sorting and Branch Prediction (2008)
- Faster sorted array unions by reducing branches (2021)
- Binary representation of the floating-point numbers (2021)
- Basic Concepts in Information Theory and Coding (1994)
- Donald E. Knuth Lectures
- What’s a direction you were certain personal computing was going, but then it just veered off into all this instead?
- compudanzas - Research project exploring alternative modes of computation.
- A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing
- Turing Oversold (2021) (HN)
- Understanding Shannon's Entropy metric for Information (HN)
- MIT Theory of Computation (2020) (Videos) (HN)
- Computer Science Club - Открытые лекции и курсы. (Twitter)
- Solving NP-hard puzzles with the oldest trick in the book (2021) (HN) (Reddit)
- Timed Sets, Functional Complexity, and Computability (2012)
- Turing Complete - Game about computer science. (HN)
- MIT CSAIL - MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
- What CS Books Should Everyone Read? (Lobsters)
- Strange Loop 2021 - YouTube
- MPhil in Advanced Computer Science | Cambridge Uni
- Domain Theory (1994)
- ETH Zurich Computer Science Cheat Sheets
- When Did Computer Science Theory Get So Hard? (2021) (HN)
- Why Philosophers Should Care About Computational Complexity (2011) (HN)
- Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet (HN)
- CS1000 - Reference site for a beginner, to gain insight into various subjects present around CS and Software engineering. (Code)
- Getting a Computer Science PhD in the USA
- Good book on the fundamentals of CS (2021)
- Ask HN: Books Similar to Code by Charlse Petzold? (2021)
- Fifty Years of P vs. NP and the Possibility of the Impossible (2021)
- The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of (2021) (HN)
- The Year in Math and Computer Science (2021) (Video)
- A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing Book (2021)
- Computer Science and Programming curricula
- A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing (2021)
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Notes)
- Introduction to Model Predictive Control (2022)
- Postel's law as a profunctor (2021)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - JavaScript Edition
- On being a PhD student of Robert Harper (2022) (HN)
- Accidentally Turing-Complete (HN)
- How to fund graduate school - List of resources to fund your MS and/or PhD, particularly in computer science.
- It's often said that the Analytical Engine was before its time (HN)
- Ask HN: The book that did it for you in math and/or CS? (2022)
- Software Foundations: mathematical underpinnings of reliable software
- We're Building Computers Wrong (2022)
- Self-learning-Computer-Science
- Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
- Generalized Partial Computation bibliography
- Algebraic Shift Register Sequences (2009)
- Computer Science Curriculum with Rust flavor
- Wordle is NP-hard (2022) (Reddit)
- On One-way Functions and Kolmogorov Complexity (2020)
- Notes on realizability
- Computer Science Open Data (2022)
- The Hardness of the Lemmings Game
- Algorithms and Data Structures – Transition systems (HN)
- NandGame - Build a computer from scratch (HN)
- Chris Staecker - YouTube - Videos about antique computing devices.
- Awesome Russian CS Books
- A Functional Introduction To Computer Science
- Choosing a Mid-Career Master's Degree in Computer Science (2022) (HN)
- Donald Knuth Was Framed (2020) (HN)
- Why would computer scientists want to distinguish between two objects that are isomorphic?
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (2022) (HN) (2nd edition) (HN)
- Quirky computing books (HN)
- Great Works in Computer Science
- Software Fundamentals course
- The Fundamentals of Control Theory (HN)
- Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, V 4B, has gone into print (2022) (HN)
- Undecidability (1999)
- CMU Data Interaction Group - People, Visualization, Analysis, Machine Learning. (GitHub)
- Turing's Hammer - Computation and Chaos
- Symbolic Regression is NP-hard (2022) (HN)
- What are the main Computer Science theorems? (2022)
- Rice’s Theorem: An interactive tutorial (HN) (Lobsters)
- Ask HN: Printed Computer Science Magazines? (2022)
- A Data-Centric Introduction to Computing (2022)
- Ask HN: Given AI advancements, is a master’s degree in CS worthless? (2022)
- Elementary Computer Science: From Bits and Bytes to the Big Picture
- What do Computer Scientists Read? - Computerphile (2023)
- Complexity Zoo
- Wittgenstein versus Turing on the nature of Church's thesis (1987)
- Tetris is Capable of Universal Computation
- What was the best CS paper you read in 2022? | Lobsters
- The Computer Science Book (2020)
- Ask HN: What's your favorite illustration in computer science? (2023)
- The Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Contexts (2001) (HN)
- Good CS theory books you would recommend (2023)
- Great CS books (2023)
- The Scientific Case for P≠NP (2014)
- Notes on categorical systems theory