Tree-sitter & Rust Sitter are neat. participle is great Go lib I use for parsing. nom, combine & LALRPOP are great for parsing in Rust.
Intro to Parsing with Parsec in Haskell is nice read.
basic-toml has nice parsing code in Rust. Lezer is interesting TS parser library.
- Crowdsourcing the evolution of text parsing with unified (2018)
- Angstrom - Parser combinators built for speed and memory efficiency.
- tree-sitter - Parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. (Web) (HN)
- RBNF.jl - DSL for modern parsing.
- Parse, donβt validate (2019) (Lobsters) (HN) (HN) (HN)
- DDL - Declarative data definition language for formally specifying binary data formats.
- JSON Parser with JavaScript (HN)
- Parsing 18 billion JSON lines with Go (2019)
- Parsing JSON Really Quickly: Lessons Learned (2019) (Article)
- Functional Parsing - Computerphile (2020)
- Common Expression Language - Implements common semantics for expression evaluation, enabling different applications to more easily interoperate. (HN)
- Awesome Unified
- Essentials of Interpretation (2020) (HN)
- pest - General purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness, and performance. (Web) (Lobsters)
- Simple but Powerful Pratt Parsing (2020)
- Reasoning About Recursive Tree Traversals (2019)
- unist - Specification for syntax trees.
- Essentials of Parsing (2020)
- Port of Rob Pike's Go lexer to Rust
- nearley - Streaming parser with support for catching errors gracefully and providing all parsings for ambiguous grammars.
- SwiftSoup - Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS).
- GoGLL - Generates a GLL parser and FSA-based lexer for any context-free grammar. The generated code is Go or Rust.
- How to Write a Lexer in Go (2020)
- Spicy - C++ parser generator that makes it easy to create robust parsers for network protocols, file formats, and more.
- Don't Panic! Better, Fewer, Syntax Errors for LR Parsers (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Parsing: a timeline (2014) (HN)
- Which Parsing Approach? (2020) (Lobsters) (Reddit)
- Lark - Parsing toolkit for Python, built with a focus on ergonomics, performance and modularity.
- Challenging LR Parsing (2020) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Why I write recursive descent parsers (despite their issues) (2020)
- mpc - Lightweight and powerful Parser Combinator library for C.
- Pure AST based linting sucks (2020)
- Awesome binary parsing - List of generic tools for parsing binary data structures, such as file formats, network protocols or bitstreams.
- Parsing with Scannerless Earley Virtual Machines (2019)
- North - Experimental SEVM (Scannerless Earley Virtual Machine) parser implementation.
- Just write the parser - Whirlwind tour of writing parsers by hand. (HN)
- Parsing Algorithms course (HN) (Code)
- Intro to Parsing with Parsec in Haskell - Demonstrates the basics of Parsec and goes on to build a SQL query parser.
- Parser Generator DSLs (2020)
- AST Explorer - Web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers. (Code) (Web App Code)
- Lezer - Incremental GLR parser intended for use in an editor or similar system, which needs to keep a representation of the program current during changes and in the face of syntax errors. (GitHub) (Code)
- GraphRedex - Open-source tool that empowers language designers to interactively explore their reduction graphs.
- Parsimmon - Small library for writing big parsers made up of lots of little parsers.
- Inline caching: quickening (2021) (HN)
- Earley Parser (2021) (Lobsters)
- awesome syntax-tree - Curated list of awesome syntax-tree, unist, hast, xast, mdast, nlcst resources.
- Top-Down Parsing with Parsing Contexts -- A simple approach to context sensitive parsing (2014)
- Applicative parsing (2019)
- Parser Combinators From Scratch (2020) (Code)
- Ohm - Parser generator consisting of a library and a domain-specific language. (Code) (HN)
- Pika parsing: reformulating packrat parsing as a dynamic programming algorithm solves the left recursion and error recovery problems (2020)
- Sparser - Framework of various language parsers. (Web)
- Parsers all the way down: writing a self-hosting parser (2021)
- Canopy - Parser compiler for Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby. (Docs)
- Principled Procedural Parsing (2019)
- Parsix - Parse, don't validate. (HN)
- parsegen - LR parser generator, similar to happy, ocamlyacc, and lalrpop.
- TextMapper - Lexer and Parser generator. (Web)
- Waxeye Parser Generator - Parser generator based on parsing expression grammars (PEGs).
- rust-peg - Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator for Rust.
- Rust - Writing Parsers With nom Parser Combinator Framework (2021)
- GrammKit - Tool for generating syntax diagrams (also known as railroad diagrams) for parser grammars. (Code)
- PyParsing - Python library for creating PEG parsers.
- On Parsers (Lobsters)
- Casual Parsing in JavaScript (2021)
- Parser generators vs. handwritten parsers: surveying major language implementations in 2021 (HN) (Lobsters)
- Kaitai Struct - Declarative binary format parsing language. (Lobsters) (HN) (IDE) (HN)
- Parser toolkit - Toolkit that makes it easier to write recursive-descent parsers in Zig.
- TatSu - Generates Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF. (HN)
- Progger - Simple set of parser and lexer tools. Built on top of logos and bumpalo.
- Types of Parser Combinators (2021) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Parsing Permutations (2021)
- Tree Sitter and the Complications of Parsing Languages (HN)
- Linguistics Tree Solver - Tool automatically builds linguistics syntax trees. (Code)
- Practical parsing with Flex and Bison (2021)
- A map of the tree-sitter ecosystem (2021)
- Getting started with tree-sitter (2021)
- Participle - Dead simple parser package for Go.
- Genre as Weak Supervision for Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing (2021) (Code)
- rd-parse - Generic minimalist zero dependencies recursive-descent parser generator in JavaScript.
- Lightweight Linting with Tree-sitter (2022)
- tsls - Tree-sitter based language server for general languages.
- Interactive tool for experimenting with LR(1) grammars
- syntax - Syntactic analysis toolkit, language-agnostic parser generator.
- ast-builder - Build your Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) directly by writing code.
- Packrat Parsing and Parsing Expression Grammars
- Invertible Parsing: The Problem (2022)
- Tree-sitter ο½ Code Navigation Systems (Tweet)
- Parsing Bitstreams with Rust and Nom (2022) (HN)
- Parsing Text with Nom (2022)
- How to write a tree-sitter grammar in an afternoon (2022)
- tree-sitter-comment - Tree-sitter grammar for comment tags like TODO, FIXME(user).
- Santiago - Lexing and parsing toolkit for Rust.
- Parsing Expressions by Recursive Descent (1999)
- From Precedence Climbing to Pratt Parsing (2016)
- Favorite approach to lexical analysis (i.e. turning a stream of bytes/characters into a stream of tokens)
- How to write a linter using tree-sitter in an hour (2022) (HN)
- ppx_match_seq - Syntax for Seq.t parsers.
- Tour of Parser-Printers: Introduction (2022) (HN)
- py-tree-sitter - Python bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library.
- Handwritten Parsers & Lexers in Go (2014) (Lobsters)
- Binary build of tree-sitter for apple platforms
- TSPM - Open-source tree-sitter package manager.
- Lola - LL parser table generator.
- Parsing / Recursive Descent Parser (2022) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Parsing expressions by precedence climbing (2012) (HN)
- From recursive descent to LR parsing (2021)
- Pegen - Parser generator used in CPython to produce the parser used by the interpreter. It allows to produce PEG parsers from a description of a formal Grammar.
- lezer/generator - Parser generator for the lezer incremental parser.
- tree-sitter-viewer - Rust lib to visualize tree-sitter syntax tree.
- go tree-sitter - Go bindings for tree-sitter.
- tree-sitter-embedded-template - Tree-sitter grammar for embedded template languages like ERB, EJS.
- Interactive Parser Explanations
- Rust Sitter - Use Tree Sitter to parse your own languages in Rust. (Reddit) (HN)
- Parser Combinators and Interpreting a PL (2022)
- LALRPOP - LR(1) parser generator for Rust.
- Yap - Parser library for Rust.
- pratt - General Purpose Pratt Parser for Rust.
- Let's write a JSON parser in Rust
- Katydid - Encoding Agnostic Validation (Validation Language, Parsers and Encoders).
- Practical Parsing in Rust with nom (2022) (Lobsters)
- lexgen - Fully-featured lexer generator, implemented as a proc macro.
- parol - LL(k) parser generator for Rust.
- Parsing Programming Languages with FParsec (2020)
- What are the advantages of pratt parsing over recursive descent parsing? (2022)
- Case study of building parser combinators (Code)
- LL(1) Parser Visualization (HN)
- Quercus - Rich, ergonomic parsing library based on Tree-sitter.
- lang-pt - Language parser tool to build recursive descent top down parser.
- Generalized LL (GLL) Parser (2022)
- Tree Sitter Grammar.js LSP
- Faster general parsing through context-free memoization (2020)
- TreeStand - High-level Ruby wrapper for tree-sitter bindings.
- A Comprehensive Introduction to Tree-sitter (2021)
- Hammer Primer - Introduction to using the Hammer parser construction toolkit by Meredith L. Patterson.
- Why We Need to Know LR and Recursive Descent Parsing Techniques (2023) (HN) (Lobsters)
- An overview of parsing algorithms (2021)
- Tree Sitter Module - Building script for tree-sitter language definitions.
- Recursive-Descent Syntax for Context-Free Grammars (2023) (Reddit)
- Topiary - Uniform formatter for simple languages, as part of the Tree-sitter ecosystem. (Article)
- HOP - Lightweight, higher-order parser in Rust.
- Faster-Pest - High-performance code generator for Parsing Expression Grammars.
- Write better parsers with Nom Supreme (2023)
- Parsing TFTP in Rust (2022)
- PickTok - Parser combinator like nom but specialized in parsing &[Token].
- Write a JavaScript Parser in Rust (Code)
- peberminta - Simple, transparent parser combinators toolkit that supports tokens of any type.
- tspc - Strongly-typed parser combinator written in TypeScript.
- Parsinator - Build small well-defined parsers in TypeScript.
- ts-parsec - Parser combinator for TypeScript.
- Top-Down LR Parsing (2023) (HN)
- Valiant's Parser (2023)
- lezer/highlight - Syntax highlighting from Lezer trees.
- Optimizing a parser/compiler with data-oriented design: a case study (2023) (Lobsters)
- Parslet - Small PEG based parser library.