End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy
Here is a great intro. I use it as part of create JD app in Solid or T3 Complete for NextJS.
Telefunc, PicoRPC, Zodios & rspc are interesting alternatives.
Looking into using tRPC Server Middleware for Hono.
- OpenAPI support for tRPC
- tRPC Shield - tRPC tool to ease the creation of permission layer.
- tRPC-ified SWR hooks
- tRPC Kitchen Sink - Collection tRPC usage patterns.
- I Deleted HALF My Backend Code With tRPC (2022)
- Solid-tRPC Demo
- Let's Learn tRPC (2022)
- tRPC Chrome - Chrome extension adapter for tRPC.
- Build a Blog With the T3 Stack - tRPC, TypeScript, Next.js, Prisma & Zod (2022)
- rspc - Blazing fast and easy to use TRPC-like server for Rust.
- tRPC + Bun
- Pushing the limits of Typescript - Interview w/ tRPC Creator Alex (KATT)
- trpc-reducer - tRPC-ified react useReducer hook that lets you perform state logic in reducers just like React's useReducer hook.
- tRPC Client Devtools - Unofficial tRPC Client Devtools extension.
- tRPC + React Query speed improvements
- tRPC-Forms - tRPC integration with react-hook-form to use form with as little friction as possible.
- Samen - Toolkit for API's. Minimal, fast and with autogenerated clients for your front-ends.
- tRPC Remix - Connect tRPC router to remix.
- Clerk TRPC Minimal Starter - TRPC + Clerk with minimal styling.
- tRPC v10 is great
- tRPC.panel - Build a testing UI for your tRPC endpoints.
- Type safe Backend-For-Frontends for Single Page Apps (2022)
- Prisma + tRPC + WebSockets
- tRPC starter repo with E2E-testing
- tRPC Limiter - Open Source Rate Limiter Middleware For tRPC. Supporting Multiple Frameworks.
- GraphQL or tRPC Data Discussion (2023)
- How tRPC really works (2023)
- Advanced tRPC - Callers, functions, and gSSP (2023)
- T3: TRPC, Prisma and NextAuth Done Right (2023)
- tRPC Server Middleware for Hono
- garph/gqty - tRPC-style client for Garph, based on GQty.
- tRPC Solid - Minimal example of using tRPC with Solid Start using the fetch adapter & Solid Query.
- Full-Stack TypeScript with tRPC and React (2023) (HN)