- Rough draft of my campaign platform: More bikes. More trees. More housing. End car dependency. End lawns. End conforming new construction to neighborhood character oh my god we have enough historic stuff just give a new generation a chance to try their hand.
- A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation.
- Mixed-use (housing on top of stores) is good.
- Big parks are good for long walks/runs/bikes. I think if I built a city I would make a connected network of linear parks covering the whole city (plus some big ones), and enforce a rule that every single point in the city must be within 500m of the network.
- Cities need more cozy enchanting late night cafes to work & read from til 1am.
- I got way happier when I stopped analyzing my city choice and started knowing and loving the place that I’ve chosen and the people who are here
- Order Without Design: How Markets Shape Cities podcast
- Charter Cities Institute Reference Guides - Set of reference guides for city developers and governments interested in building charter cities.
- Overview of the Reference Guides
- Why Every City Feels the Same Now (2020) (HN)
- Freiburg: Germany's futuristic city set in a forest (2020) (HN)
- Ask HN: As a person, what can I do to improve a city? (2020)
- Streetmix - Collaborative process for communities and city planners to improve public spaces. (Code)
- How to Be Silicon Valley (2006) (HN)
- Cities are living entities always changing and adapting to new environments (2020)
- Platocracy: An Experimental City Wiki
- Letting Go of Nostalgia Urbanism (HN)
- Unfinished Metropolis: once and future Berlin (2020)
- Silent Running: The sci-fi that predicted modern crises (HN)
- Clues for software design in how we sketch maps of cities (2021)
- The Signs that Make a City (2021) (HN)
- Book review on the history of modern Singapore (HN)
- Suburban Development Makes American Cities Poorer (2020)
- Miami Tech Week: The Start Of Startup Cities (2021)
- Traffic Calming Strategies
- Global Designing Cities Initiative
- Suppose cities had official apps (2021)
- Microcities (2021) (Tweet)
- Cities Are Not Loud: Cars Are Loud (2021) (HN)
- How to build a small town in Texas (2021) (HN)
- Books on urban planning (2021)
- Drawing pictures of cities (2021) - Visualizing the kinds of urban environments we want to live in.
- Strong Towns (Videos)
- The Lively & Liveable Neighbourhoods that are Illegal in Most of North America
- Wrath Of Gnon - Tweets about good urbanism.
- Sustainable Infrastructure (2021)
- The Liberation of Paris From Cars Is Working (2021) (Tweet)
- How Manchester Fixed Its Industrial Decline (2021)
- Prague's Brutalist Buildings (HN)
- Our self imposed scarcity of nice places (2021) (HN)
- Ask HN: What's your ideal city in a 100% remote world? (2021)
- Introducing Praxis (2021) - Building the city-cryptostate to realize a more vital future. (Tweet)
- Urban planning of Barcelona
- Singapore’s tech-utopia dream is turning into a surveillance state nightmare (2021) (Reddit)
- - Better walking, biking, and transit.
- Global Cities Ranking Draft REPORT Feb 2022
- Micromobility Will Change Our Cities (2022)
- Metaphysics of Mapping Buildings (2022)
- 50 Reasons Why Everyone Should Want More Walkable Streets
- Great cities have great business & land lord relationships (2022)
- Four story buildings, narrow streets, wide sidewalks, and lots of trees
- The most livable cities (2022) (HN)
- What do I think about network states? (2022) (Tweet) (HN)
- Ask HN: Where should I move to meet interesting tech people? (2022)
- Barcelona-style “superblocks” could make cities greener and less car-centric (2022) (HN)
- CityAccessMap - Web application for global scale urban accessibility insights. (Code)
- Cities that energize you just by walking there