VS Code extensions
Love this VSCode extension starter.
Below is a list of extensions I use.
- Vim - Vim emulation.
- Prettier - Format your JavaScript / TypeScript / CSS using Prettier.
- Prisma - Adds syntax highlighting, formatting, auto-completion, jump-to-definition and linting for .prisma files.
- Live Share - Real-time collaborative development from the comfort of your favorite tools.
- Error Lens - Improve highlighting of errors, warnings and other language diagnostics. (Code)
- GitHub Copilot - Your AI pair programmer.
- tldraw - Extends VS Code with support for tldraw files. (Code)
- Multi Command - Invoke multiple commands as one command. (Code)
- Bookmarks - Mark lines and jump to them. (Code)
- Sourcegraph - Enables you to open and search code on Sourcegraph.com easily and efficiently. (Code) (Reddit)
- XState - Visual editing, autocomplete and typegen for XState. (Code)
- Open in GitHub - Provides commands to quickly view the current file on GitHub.
- Rust Analyzer - Experimental Rust compiler front-end for IDEs. (Code) (Tweet)
- Version Lens - Shows the latest version for each package using code lens.
- GraphQL - Tightly integrate with the GraphQL Ecosystem. (Code)
- Python - Rich support for the Python language.
- Pylance - Performant, feature-rich language server for Python. (Code)
- Jupyter - Jupyter notebook support.
- GitLens - Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens.
- Highlight Matching Tag - Highlights matching closing or opening tag. (Code)
- HTML Language Service
- Scala (Metals) - Scala language server with rich IDE features. (Code)
- Scala Syntax (official) (Code)
- Scaladex Search - Looks up Scala libraries from VSCode. (Code)
Interesting (not using)β
- ModalEdit - Configurable Modal Editing in VS Code.
- Scotch - Code search for Python, JavaScript, Java, and Go. (Web)
- Macros - Add a simple JavaScript macro features to your VSCode. (Code)
- Code GPT - Use the Official OpenAI API inside VSCode. (HN) (Docs)
- Settings Toggle - Effortlessly Toggle Settings in Visual Studio Code. (Code)
- Todo Tree - Show TODO, FIXME, etc. comment tags in a tree view. (Code)
- CodeRoad - Play interactive coding tutorials in your editor. (Code) (Docs)
- Partial Diff - Compare (diff) text selections within a file, across files, or to the clipboard. (Code)
- Stepsize - Issue tracker in IDE. (Web) (Twitter)
- Simple REST Client - Easy to examine your APIβs responses directly within Visual Studio Code. Send requests to verify your API.
- Postcode - API client to test and create HTTP/s requests. (Code)
- VSC Codio - Record VS Code events with an audio commentary and subtitles to play back at a later time.
- Preview.js - Preview UI components in your IDE instantly. (Code)
- Test Explorer UI - Run your tests in the Sidebar. (Code)
- Anycode - Tree-sitter-based language extension.
- Remote Repositories - Remotely browse and edit a GitHub repository. (Article)
- Terminal Polyglot - Commands for sending text to a terminal specific to the programming language of the current file.
- Captain Stack - Code suggestion for VSCode. Similar to Github Copilot.
- Code Snippet Generator - Provides a similar user experience to Github CoPilot with the addition that you can select your preferred Code Generation Model.
- Dance - Kakoune-inspired key bindings for VSCode. (Code)
- Thinking in Data - VS Code extension pack to help users visualize, understand, and interact with data. (Code)
- Live Frame - Run your web app inside VS Code. (Code)
- Excalidraw integration - Create and edit excalidraw compatible files in vscode directly. (Code)
- Excalidraw Editor
- CodeSwing - Interactive coding environment for building web applications (aka swings). (Code)
- Tabnine - Autocomplete AI. (Code)
- Inline fold - Custom decorator that "fold" matching content in single line. (Code)
- Adobe XD - Design systems in VS Code.
- Docs View - Display documentation in the sidebar or panel. (Code)
- MetaGo - Provides fast cursor movement/selection for keyboard focused users in vscode.
- Code Runner - Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages.
- Remote Development - Allows you to open any folder in a container, on a remote machine.
- File Utils - Convenient way of creating, duplicating, moving, renaming and deleting files and directories.
- Real-Time Debugging (Code)
- GitHub Issue Notebooks (Code)
- HexEditor - Allows Hex Editing inside VS Code. (Code)
- Tidier - Tools for keeping your projects tidier.
- Terminal Command Keys - Assign a terminal command to a keybinding. (Code)
- reTypewriter - Replay the steps of your changes at ease. (Code)
- Code Tour - Allows you to record and playback guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor. (Code)
- Data Preview - Extension for importing, viewing, slicing, dicing, charting & exporting large JSON array/config, YAML, Apache Arrow, Avro, Parquet & Excel data files. (Code)
- Caddyfile Support (Code)
- Draw.io Integration (Code) (HN)
- CMake Tools - Extended CMake support. (Code)
- VSCode Essentials - Turn VSCode into a supercharged IDE. (Code)
- Duplicate action - Ability to duplicate files in VS Code. (Code)
- WakaTime - Automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
- Customize UI - Advanced VSCode user interface customizations. (Code)
- Infinite Workspace - Figma-like VSCode infinite workspace.
- Task Manager - Manages tasks in Visual Studio Code in a custom activity view.
- CodeSandbox - Bring CodeSandbox into your favorite editor.
- Rewrap - Re-wraps comments and other text to a given line length.
- GistPad - Browse, edit and fork GitHub Gists, directly within Visual Studio Code.
- Better Comments - Improve your code commenting by annotating with alert, informational, TODOs, and more.
- Control Snippets - Disable or enable VS Code's built-in snippets and manually installed snippets from extensions.
- Tauri - Tauri apps development.
- Syncing - Synchronize all of your VSCode settings across multiple devices.
- Dash - Dash documentation integration.
- Phi - Design components for web in VSCode. Generate code.
- RelativePath - Get relative URL paths from files in the current workspace.
- Debug Visualizer - Visualizes values while debugging. (Code) (Article)
- Path Intellisense - Autocomplete filenames.
- REST Client - Allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in VS Code directly.
- Hero Icons (Code)
- Browser Preview - Real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug.
- Bump - Bump your project's version and update the changelog. Opinionated but configurable.
- HelixKeymap - Helix-like extension for VSCode that prioritizes simplicity.
- Polacode - Polaroid for your code.
- Advanced New File - Create new files quickly.
- Calculate - Evaluate math expressions.
- Material Icon Theme - Material Design Icons.
- Code Outline - Display code outline tree in the explorer pane.
- Empty indent - Remove indent of empty lines on save.
- Endwise - Wisely add "end" in Ruby.
- NPM scripts - Run npm-scripts and validate package.json files.
- Shell - Execute shell commands from VS Code.
- SVG Viewer
- FTP Simple - Simple FTP/SFTP.
- Regex Previewer - Shows the current regular expression's matches in a side-by-side document.
- Import cost - Displays the import size of the package you are importing inside the code editor.
- Custom CSS and JS Loader
- Indent Rainbow - Makes indentation easier to read.
- Change case - Quickly change the case (camelCase, CONSTANT_CASE, snake_case, etc) of the current selection or current word.
- Terminal tabs - Adds tabs for each terminal process to the status bar.
- File Icons - File specific icons for improved visual grepping.
- TODO Highlight - Highlight TODO, FIXME and other annotations within your code.
- EditorConfig - EditorConfig Support.
- Sort Lines - Sorts lines of text.
- map-replace.js - Replace multi-selection text with custom JavaScript function.
- Unique Lines - Keep unique lines of text and remove duplicates from current selection.
- Custom CSS and JS Loader
- gitignore - Language support for .gitignore files.
- vscode-cli - Execute vscode command from vscode command prompt.
- Graphviz Preview - Preview Graphviz (DOT) files.
- Twitch Highlighter - Twitch Line Highlighter.
- Quarto - Extension for the Quarto scientific and technical publishing system. (Code)
- Clever VS Code - Add many productivity useful commands to vscode.
- Apollo GraphQL - Rich editor support for GraphQL client and server development that seamlessly integrates with the Apollo platform.
- Smart Clicks - Smart selection with double clicks for VS Code.
- TODO+ - Manage todo lists with ease. Powerful, easy to use and customizable.
- VS Code Neovim Integration (HN)
- Snipsnap - Ultimate snippets collection for VS Code.
- VSpaceCode - Spacemacs' like keybindings. (Code)
- YAML - YAML Language Support, with built-in Kubernetes syntax support. (Code)
- Wardley Maps - Display and edit Wardley Maps. (Code) (Tweet)
- VSCode Icons (Code)
- Stripe (Web) (Tweet) (Code)
- VSCode Spell Checker
- Grammarly - Grammar checking. (Code)
- Footsteps - Keep your place when jumping between a different parts of your code. (Code)
- RayThis - Generate pretty code snippets right out of VSCode. (Code)
- Checkov - Static code analysis tool for infrastrucutre-as-code. (Code)
- Browse Lite - Embedded browser in VS Code. (Code)
- i18n Ally - All in one i18n extension for VSCode. (Code)
- Database Client - Supports databases MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Redis, and ElasticSearch.
- VSCode MLIR - Provides MLIR language IDE features for VS code.
- Edge Developer Tools - VSCode extension that allows you to use browser devtools from within the editor.
- Terrascan Rego Editor - Develop custom policies for Terrascan. (Code)
- dprint - Format code with dprint.
- Dendron - Hierarchal note taking tool that grows as you do.
- CodeStream - Developer collaboration.
- Liquid - Liquid language support for VS Code. (Code)
- Awesome Emacs Keymap - VSCode emacs keybinding with multi cursor support. (Code)
- Home Assistant Config Helper - Completion for entity-id's in Home Assistant Configurations. (Code)
- textlint - Integrates Textlint into VS Code. (Code)
- Playwright Test - Integrates Playwright Test into your VSCode workflow. (Code)
- Tym - Share your code context in one-click. (Web)
- VS Code Pets - Adds playful pets in your VS Code window. (Code)
- Script Kit - Run the currently open file in Script Kit. (Code)
- Height Code to Task - Automatically create tasks right from code comments. (Web)
- Linked Data - Shortcuts for standard Linked Data operations, format conversions, validation, querying and a graph visualization. (Code)
- Toggle VS Code - Toggle any VS Code setting by your favorite keybindings.
- Sequential Input Sequence (Code)
- VS Code Makefile Tools
- Direnv VSCode
- AWK Language Server
- Buildt AI - AI dev at your fingertips. (Tweet)
- ShellCheck - ShellCheck linter for VSCode.
- SVGR - SVG to React - Converting SVG's to an optimized JSX file, works for both ReactJS & React Native.
- GraphQuill - Performs GraphQL API endpoint testing within the VS Code environment.
- Parinfer - Simplify the way you write Lisp.
- Neuron - Interactive Programming Experience for Data Scientists. (Code)
- VSCode Python Docstring Generator - Quickly generate docstrings for python functions.
- Node.js Notebooks (REPL) - Run JavaScript and TypeScript in node.js within VS Code notebooks. (Code) (HN)
- Python Dependencies - Utilities for managing Python dependencies. (Code)
- Pyolite - Run Python code in Jupyter notebooks. (Code) (Tweet)
- pylens - Shows the latest version of a dependency in pyproject.toml or requirements.txt. (Code)
- PyPI Assistant - Enables CodeLens + handy hover tooltips with PyPI package information in pip requirements. (Code)
- Python Web WASM - Run Python code in a Web browser using WebAssembly technology.
- Ruff - Support for the Ruff linter.
- PyScript extension - Beautiful syntax and scoped snippets for PyScript.
- Β΅fmt format - Safe, atomic formatting and import sorting.
- History in Sublime Merge - Open files in Sublime Merge.
- GitHub Pull Requests - Review and manage your GitHub pull requests directly in VS Code.
- GitHub - Integrates GitHub and its workflows into VSCode.
- Git History - Git History, Search and More.
- Open in GitHub - Jump to a source code line in GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab.
- edamagit - Magit for VSCode, inspired by the awesome original Magit. (Code) (Intro Guide)
- Git Graph - View a Git Graph of your repository, and perform Git actions from the graph. (Code)
- Git (Submodule) Assistant - Detects common git (and submodule) issues and helps to solve them. (Code)
- ESLint - Integrates ESLint into VS Code. (Code)
- Total TypeScript - Learn TypeScript in VSCode with a TypeScript error translator and syntax guide.
- React Native - Debugging and integrated commands for React Native. (Code)
- Console Ninja - JavaScript console.log output and runtime errors right next to your code. (Web) (Issues)
- ast-query - Search and highlight JavaScript and TypeScript via Abstract Syntax Tree queries. (Code)
- Deoptigate - Visualize deoptimizations in your JavaScript and TypeScript code running in V8 (i.e. NodeJS, Chrome, etc.).
- Search node_modules - Quickly search the node_modules folder.
- TSLint - Supports TSLint.
- Debugger for Chrome - Debug your JavaScript code running in Google Chrome from VS Code.
- JavaScript Snippet Pack
- Yarn - Manage yarn commands.
- Quokka - Live Scratchpad for JavaScript.
- NPM Intellisense - Autocomplete npm modules in import statements.
- js-debug - Upcoming VS Code JavaScript debugger.
- VS Code Folder Source Actions - Adds a context menu that allows you to apply VS Code's organize imports code action to all files in a folder.
- Flow - Flow support.
- Abracadabra - Automated refactorings for VS Code (JS & TS). (Code)
- Vite - VS Code for Vite. (Code)
- Typehole - Automatically generate TypeScript types and interfaces for all serializable runtime values. (Code)
- Typescript Destructure - Set of source actions which significantly simplify object destructuring. (Code)
- TypeScript Error Translator - TypeScript errors, translated for humans.
- Turbo Console Log - Make debugging much easier by automating the operation of writing meaningful log message.
- JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly - Enables typescript@next to power VS Code's built-in JavaScript and TypeScript support. (Code)
- Twoslash-Queries - VS Code extension which adds support for twoslash queries into typescript projects.
- TS QuickFixes (Code) (Tweet)
- EffectTS LSP
- TS Extract Interface - VSCode extension to extract an interface from a TypeScript class.
- TypeScript Explorer (Code)
- TSConfig Helper (Code)
- VS Code SQL Notebook - Open SQL files in the VS Code Notebook interface. Execute query blocks and view output interactively.
- SQLTools - Database management done right. Connection explorer, query runner, intellisense, bookmarks, query history..
- Wingmate - SQL syntax highlighting and syntax error detection within strings in Go code. (Code)
- SQL tagged template literals (Code)
- mssql - Visual Studio Code SQL Server extension.
- VSCode PRQL - Modern language for transforming data β a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement.
- Glean - Extension provides refactoring tools for your React codebase.
- Sapling - React Component Hierarchy Visualizer. (Web) (Code)
- R - Support for R language(run,snippet, lint,R documentation,R Markdown).
- Stylelint - Lint CSS/SCSS/Less with Stylelint. (Stylelint-Order)
- Color Info - Provides quick information CSS colors.
- Twind Intellisense - VSCode extension for twind.
- CSS Modules - Extension for CSS Modules. (Code)
- PostCSS Intellisense and Highlighting (Code)
- CSS Variable Autocomplete (Code)
- Reason Language Server - IDE & Syntax support for Reason/OCaml.
- OCaml and Reason IDE - OCaml and Reason language support.
- DVC Extension - Run, compare, visualize, and track machine learning experiments right in VS Code.
- DescribeML - VSCode language plugin to describe machine-learning datasets.
- Markdown Preview GitHub Styling - Changes VS Code's built-in markdown preview to match GitHub's style.
- Markdown - Keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more.
- Markdown Notes (Code)
- Zeta Note - Integrates Zeta Note language server into VSCode for delightful note taking experience.
- Markdown Memo - Markdown knowledge base with bidirectional [[link]]s built on top of VSCode. (Code)
- Auto Rename Tag - Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag.
- Simple Haskell support using only GHCi
- Haskell Language Server Client - Client interface to the Language Server Protocol server for Haskell, as provided by the Haskell IDE Engine.
- Haskell Language - Adds highlighting support for Haskell.
- Calva - Integrated REPL, linting, inline eval and more for VSCode. Powered by Cider & nRepl.
- Joyride - Modify your editor by executing ClojureScript code in your REPL adn/or run scripts via keyboard shortcuts you choose. (Code) (HN)
- Standard Ruby - Official VS Code extension for the Standard Ruby linter and code formatter. (Code) (Article)
- VS Code Shopify Ruby - Opinionated and auto-configured set of extensions for Ruby development.
- Ruby - Provides Ruby language and debugging support.
- Rust - Adds language support for Rust.
- Crates - Helps Rust developers managing dependencies with Cargo.toml. Only works with dependencies from crates.io.
- CodeLLDB - Native debugger based on LLDB.
- Flowistry - VSCode extension that helps you understand Rust programs with program analysis. (Code)
- crates - Extension for crates.io dependencies. Aims helping developers to manage dependencies while using Cargo.toml. (Code)
- RON - RON syntax package for VS Code. (Code)
- Lua - Provides Intellisense and Linting for Lua.
- VSCode Lua Format
- Local Lua Debugger - Simple Lua debugger which requires no additional dependencies.
- Elm - Improving your Elm experience since 2019.
- ElixirLS - Elixir support and debugger.
- Elixir Test Adapter
- Julia - Julia Language Support. (Code) (Web) (Docs) (Docs Code)
- Pluto VSCode - Pluto inside a VS Code Webview.
- Deno - Adds Deno support for VS Code using the TypeScript Deno language service plugin.
- Volar - Language Support plugin built specifically for Vue 3. (Code)
- Vetur - Vue tooling for VS Code. (Code)
- Vue VSCode Snippets (Code)
- Goto Alias - Go to Definition following alias redirections.
- Bash IDE - Language server for Bash.
- Deno - Adds Deno support for VS Code using the TypeScript Deno language service plugin.
- TexLab - Provides rich editing support for the LaTeX typesetting system powered by the TexLab language server. (Code)
- LaTeX Workshop - Provide all-in-one features and utilities for LaTeX typesetting.
- mdmath - LaTeX Math for Markdown inside of Visual Studio Code.
- Lean for VS Code - Adds support for Lean.
- Lean 4 VSCode - Provides VSCode editor support for the Lean 4 programming language.
- SQLite - VSCode extension to explore and query SQLite databases.
- Nix IDE - Nix language support with formatting and error report. (Code)
- Nix language support
- Nix Environment Selector - Allows you switch environment for Visual Studio Code and extensions based on .nix config files.
- Nim - Provides support for the Nim language.
- AppleScript - Language syntax, snippets and build system for AppleScript and JavaScript for Automation.
- Magic Racket - Top notch syntax highlighting for Racket.
- CPP tools - C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing.
- C-mantic - Open-source extension for VS Code that provides code generation and refactorings for C/C++. (Code)
- clangd - C/C++ completion, navigation, and insights. (Code)
- Docker - Easily build and deploy containerized applications from VS Code.
- hadolint - Integrates hadolint, a Dockerfile linter, into VS Code. (Code)
- Kubernetes - Develop, deploy and debug Kubernetes applications.
- mirrord - Mirror live traffic from your Kubernetes cluster to your local debugged process. (Code) (HN)
- Helm Intellisense - Extension to help writing Helm-Templates by providing intellisense. (Code)
Protocol buffersβ
- Idris VSCode - Idris front-end for VS Code.
- gotest-snippets - Snippets to make writing tests for Go a little easier. (Code)
- Go Template Support - Syntax highlight support for Go text/template and html/template. (Code)
- ReScript - Official VSCode plugin for ReScript.
- Cortex Debug - Extension for enhancing debug capabilities for Cortex-M Microcontrollers.
- Vesper - Peppermint and orange flavored dark theme. (Code) (Tweet)
- Moegi Theme
- Vitesse (Code)
- Poimandres - Minimal, frameless dark theme. (Code)
- Night Owl (Code) (Web)
- Horizon - Beautifully warm dual theme. (Code)
- Overnight
- Monochrome - Monochromatic theme collection, for those who seeks. (Code)
- Monokai Night
- Overnight - Soft vibrant VSCode theme.
- Subliminal
- Alabaster
- Monokai Pro
- Dracula Pro (HN)
- Moxer (Code)
- Sema - Theme that focuses on whatβs important. (Web)
- MuPanda
- In Go plugin
snippet will create an error catching block.
- VS Code API
- Extensibility Reference
- Awesome VS Code
- Why I wrote 33 VSCode extensions and how I manage them
- vsce - VS Code Extension Manager.
- Lobsters: What's your VS Code setup like? (2019)
- vscode-private-extension
- Hot Reload for VS Code Extension Development (2029)
- VS Code Extension Samples
- VSCodeVim Tips (2020)
- How to Code a VSCode Extension (2020)
- Open VSX Registry - Open-source registry for VS Code extensions. (Code) (Web Code)
- VS Code Theme Editor - Create VS Code Themes Easily. (HN)
- VSColors
- vscode-chrome-debug-core - Library for building VS Code debug adapters for targets that support the Chrome Debugging Protocol.
- Iridium - Growing collection of VS Code extensions with a fancy name.
- Writing a Visual Studio Code Completion Provider (2021)
- Publish Extensions to Open VSX - CI script for publishing open-source VS Code extensions to open-vsx.org.
- Webview UI Toolkit - Component library for building webview-based extensions in Visual Studio Code. (Web) (Tweet)
- Anycode - Tree-sitter-based language extension that inaccurately implements popular features like "Outline & Breadcrumbs", "Go to Symbol in Workspace", "Document Highlights" and more..
- Ask HN: What extensions/packs of VS Code are must for web/developers to install? (2021)
- Opinionated list of essential VS Code extensions (2021) (Reddit)
- vscode-ext - Create VSCode Extensions with python. (Docs)
- VSCodeThemes - Preview Visual Studio Code Themes. (Code)
- Monkey Patch - Extension allowing execution of arbitrary JavaScript in VSCode browser and main process.
- How we built a VS Code extension with Rust, WebAssembly, and TypeScript (2022) (HN)
- Publish VS Code Extension β GitHub Action - GitHub action to publish your VS Code Extension to the Open VSX Registry or Visual Studio Marketplace.
- VS Code extensions for web development in 2022 (HN)
- Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022
- Anthony's VS Code Settings
- VSCode Webview Elements - Web component library for developing Visual Studio Code extensions.
- Starter template for VS Code Extension
- vscode-test - Testing utility for VS Code extensions.
- VSCode WASI - WASI implementation that uses VS Code's extension host as the implementing API.
- Complete Guide to VS Code Extension Testing (2022)
- Modal Keybindings in VS Code - Extension for defining modal keybindings in VSCode.
- How to add Rust WASM to a VSCode web extension
- Running a private VS Code Extension Marketplace (2022)
- VSCode Textmate grammar test
- VS Code Notebook APIs
- VSCode Extension Tester - Framework for simulating user interactions with VS Code and its extensions via Webdriver.
- Template for VS Code python tools extensions
- Awesome VSCode Extension - Showcase of how to employ best practices to provide a high-fidelity user experience inside of VS Code extensions.
- Escaping misconfigured VSCode extensions (2023)