Version control
I use Git for all my version control.
changesets is neat tool. Graphite & Sapling look useful.
I love the idea of big monorepos with great tooling to support making changes and releasing code. TVL is a nice example of such code, made by few ex and current Googlers. Never worked at Google but did hear/read that they famously run all their code in one millions of line of code monorepo where most libraries are nearly always kept at the latest version with tooling to refactor/search code easily.
- Pijul - Version control system based on patches. Its fundamental promise is that two patches producible in parallel always commute. (HN) (Article) (Lobsters) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Pijul: Towards 1.0 (2020) (Lobsters) (HN)
- Commutation and scalability (2020)
- Mercurial's Journey to and Reflections on Python 3 (2020) (Lobsters)
- changesets - Way to manage your versioning and changelogs with a focus on monorepos.
- Ask HN: Do you ever truly use your revision history? (2020)
- Data Version Control - Git for Data & Models.
- EdenSCM - Cross-platform, highly scalable source control management system. (HN)
- Fossil - Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management system. (HN) (HN)
- Darcs, friendly version control (Lobsters)
- Sentimental Versioning (HN)
- Anu - Sound distributed version control system. (HN)
- Project Nessie - Git-Like Experience for your Data Lake. (Code)
- Replicate - Version control for machine learning. (Code) (HN)
- Dunamai - Dynamic versioning library and CLI.
- copernic - Versioned structured data, with change-request mechanic, at scale.
- Mercurial: The Definitive Guide
- Gource - Software version control visualization tool. (Code)
- Let's Build a Version Control System (2021)
- VCS Nirvana (2021) (Lobsters)
- Trunk Based Development (Code)
- Multiverse - Decentralized version control system for peer-to-peer software development. (Web)
- SnowFS - Fast, scalable version control file storage for graphic files. (Code) (HN) (GitHub)
- PubGrub version solving algorithm implemented in Rust
- Jujutsu - Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful. (HN)
- Sturdy - Online-first version control focused on collaboration. (HN) (Code)
- Version Control for Structure Editing (2021)
- BlackBox - Store secrets in a VCS repo.
- Stacked changes: how FB and Google engineers stay unblocked and ship faster (2021) (HN)
- Graphite - Fast, simple code review. (App) (CLI)
- elfshaker - Low-footprint, high-performance version control system fine-tuned for binaries. (HN)
- The Guide to Data Versioning (2021)
- Got - Version control, with a model similar to Git's, extending ideas from WebFS.
- Awesome trunk based development
- Bump - Generic version tracking and update tool.
- Generating A Changelog - Changelog generator focused on ease of use and flexibility.
- Ask HN: Do you pull and run code as part of code review? (2022)
- Contractual SemVer - Uses the idea of Software contracts to let authors rigorously define "backwards compatability" for their libraries. (Lobsters)
- Conventional Commits Parser
- Version Locking for Notebook Imports / Observable
- Setaceous Versioning (SetVer) - Versioning scheme designed to revolutionize the world of software development.
- Stacked PRs: Code changes as narrative (Lobsters)
- Sapling - Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System. (Docs) (Article) (HN) (Lobsters)
- Improving code review time (2022) (HN)
- Codeball - AI Powered Code Review.
- Jamsync - Version control system based on rsync. (HN)
- Arc — система контроля версий для монорепозитория. Доклад Яндекса (2020)
- Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers (2023)