Program synthesis
This is nice reading list, part of course.
- λ² - Tool for synthesizing functional programs from input-output examples.
- Program Synthesis is Possible (2018) (HN)
- Synthesizing Loop-Free Programs with Rust and Z3 (2020)
- Software writes Software — Program Synthesis 101 (2019)
- HN: Demo of an OpenAI language model applied to code generation (2020)
- Introduction to Program Synthesis (2020)
- STOKE - Stochastic optimizer and program synthesizer for the x86-64 instruction set. (Web)
- Suslik - Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs from Separation Logic.
- CSE 291: Program Synthesis course
- Nadia Polikarpova: Liquid resource types for verification and synthesis (2020)
- Implementation of the paper "Automatic Program Synthesis of Long Programs with a Learned Garbage Collector"
- Deepcoder - Deepcoder paper implementation.
- Program Synthesis Papers by Area
- Syntia - Program synthesis based framework for deobfuscation. It uses instruction traces as an blackbox oracle to produce random input and output pairs.
- SpiegeLib - Synthesizer Programming with Intelligent Exploration, Generation, and Evaluation Library.
- Cozy - Tool that synthesizes data structure implementations from simple high-level specifications.
- A Program Synthesis Primer (2017)
- Leveraging Language to Learn Program Abstractions and Search Heuristics (2021)
- Program Synthesis with Large Language Models (2021) (HN)
- NEAR Program Synthesis - Set of models, tools, and datasets for program synthesis tasks.
- Program Synthesis by Type-Guided Abstraction Refinement (2020)
- Program synthesis with Z3 (2019) (Lobsters)
- Learning to Synthesize Programs as Interpretable and Generalizable Policies (2021) (Code)
- A neural network solves and generates mathematics problems by program synthesis (2022) (HN)
- Measuring Coding Challenge Competence With APPS (2021) (Code)
- Neurosymbolic Programming (2021) (HN)
- A Conversational Paradigm for Program Synthesis (2022) (Code)
- Formal_ML - Formalization of Machine Learning Theory with Applications to Program Synthesis.
- VIBES (Verified, Incremental Binary Editing with Synthesis) - Tool that uses program synthesis and constraint programming techniques to compile a source-level patch and insert it into a preexisting binary program.
- RbSyn - Program synthesis for Ruby. (HN)
- CrossBeam: Learning to Search in Bottom-Up Program Synthesis (2021) (Code)
- Minimalist guide to program synthesis - Bare minimum introduction to modern program synthesis. (HN)
- DeepSynth - General-purpose program synthesiser.
- DreamCoder - Wake-sleep algorithm that finds programs to solve a given set of tasks in a particular domain.
- Relational program synthesis with numerical reasoning (2023) (Code)