Interactive computing
Observable Notebooks are amazing for playing with data & visualizing it nicely.
Inventing on Principle & Simply Make Interactive Diagrams are great talks.
- Jupyter Interactive Notebook - Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing.
- Observable - Discover insights faster and communicate more effectively with interactive notebooks for data analysis, visualization, and exploration.
- Interactive Programming for Artificial Intelligence - Dragan Djuric (2019)
- Nextjournal - Notebook for reproducible research.
- Julia Roggatz - Muse Prototype Challenges (2019)
- - Personal programming kit. It emphasizes liveness, directness and interactivity.
- Small-Step Live Programming by Example (2020)
- What's Wrong with Computational Notebooks? (2020) (HN)
- Eve - Programming language based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform. (Code)
- Cables - Tool for creating beautiful interactive content. With an easy to navigate interface and real time visuals.
- CS294: Building User-Centered Programming Tools (2020)
- Learnable Programming (2012)
- How Observable Runs (2018)
- observablehq/runtime - Observable dataflow runtime.
- Programmable space - Bringing computing to the scale of a room makes it a communal and social experience.
- Idyll - Markup language for interactive and data-driven blogging. (Code) (HN)
- CodeDown - Collaborative coding and mathematics notebooks. (GitHub)
- Communicating with Interactive Articles (2020)
- Taxonomies of Visual Programming (1990) (HN)
- SplootCode Editor - Experimental visual coding interface that's tree-based.
- Script of Scripts (SoS) - Computational environment for the development and execution of scripts in multiple languages for daily computational research.
- Myxine - Local web server that enables you to create interactive applications in your web browser from the comfort of your favorite programming language.
- Storyboard - Narrative engine for interactive storytelling.
- curvenote/article - Components for interactive scientific writing, reactive documents and explorable explanations.
- - Interactive Scientific Writing.
- Playbit - Computing environment which encourages playful learning, building & sharing of software.
- Paper Programs - Browser-based system for running programs on pieces of paper.
- Dynamicland - Our mission is to incubate a humane dynamic medium whose full power is accessible to all people. (HN)
- Enso - Hybrid visual and textual functional programming. (Code) (HN)
- In search of a dynamic medium (2021)
- Ossia - Open Software System for Interactive Applications. (Code)
- Fabrik - A Visual Programming Environment (1988) (HN)
- Future of computing explorations
- Interactions Book
- Twine JS - Tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. (Web) (HN)
- Joy.js - Make happy little programs. (Web) (HN)
- Magic Ink: Information Software and the Graphical Interface (2006)
- OpenCodeBlocks - Open-source tool for visual and modular block programing in python.
- unit - Next Generation Visual Programming Platform. (Code)
- 2021 Observable Community Recognition
- Götz Bachmann’s Ethnographic Research on Dynamicland (2022)
- PyFlow - Visual and modular block programming in Python. (HN)
- Schultzschultz - TouchType Tool
- Observable notebook backups
- BlocklyML - Simple visual programming Tool for python and ML. Built on Google Blockly. (Code)
- Crosscut: Drawing Dynamic Models (2022)
- Awesome Flow-Based Programming (FBP) Resources
- Livebook v0.6 - Automate and learn with smart cells by José Valim (2022) (Tweet)
- Observable Examples
- Sequential Workflow Designer - Written in TypeScript with no dependencies.
- Media for Thinking the Unthinkable
- Scratch is a big deal (2022) (HN)
- Collage tool for stable diffusion
- The state of Flow-based Programming (2022)
- Programming Portals (2022) (Tweet)
- Potluck: Dynamic documents as personal software (2022) (HN)
- Works -
- "Diagrammar: Simply Make Interactive Diagrams" by Pontus Granström (2022)
- Prototype implementation of 2022 mnemonic medium design
- Inkbase: Programmable Ink (2022) (HN)
- Desk - Application platform for your cyberpunk desk.
- Nutshell - Make expandable explanations. (Web)
- Weathering Software Winter (2022) (Transcript) (Lobsters)
- A personal history of visual programming environments (2021) (HN)
- Awesome Playgrounds
- Estuary - Platform for collaboration and learning through live coding.
- Ask HN: Has anyone fully attempted Bret Victor's vision? (2023)
- NodeScript - Visual programming language for the modern Web.
- Luna Park - Advanced visual scripting editor for the web.
- Flyde - Visual functional reactive flow-based programming tool that can be used to build anything from CLI tools to bots and web apps built.